ELSEVIER SYMPOSIUM Extrapyramidal Symptoms during Long-Term Treatment with Antipsychotics Special Focus on Clozapine and 01 and 02 Dopamine Antagonists Jes Gerlach, M.D., Henrik Lublin, M.D., and Linda Peacock, M.D. In schizophrenic patients in maintenance treatment, The low level of EPS with clozapine may be linked to the clozapine, compared to classic neuroleptics, induces special receptor-binding profile of this drug: during relatively few extrapyramidal syndromes (EPS), especially treatment with therapeutic doses of clozapine, the level of less akathisia and tremor and usually no dystonia or D2 receptor blockade is too low (40% to 50% occupancy by rigidity. In patients with dyskinetic movements (acute or positron emission tomography) to induce EPS, and the D1 tardive) induced by other neuroleptics, clozapine may receptor blockade (also 40% to 50% occupancy) has a lower reduce or even remove dyskinesia or permit it to disappear. EPS potential than D2 blockade. This binding profile may at It cannot, however, be excluded that clozapine can induce the same time contribute to the special antipsychotic properties dyskinesia in extremely rare cases, but it seems more likely of clozapine. Other receptor affinities may contribute to the that this is due to previous treatment with classic beneficial effect of clozapine in EPS and schizophrenia. neuroleptics. The earlier clozapine is started, the less chance [Neuropsychopharmacology 14:35S-39S, 1996] of development of dyskinesia. KEY WORDS: Clozapine; Dopamine receptors; EPS; described in the literature (for reviews, see Casey 1991; Parkinsonism; Tardive dyskinesia Barnes and Edwards 1993), and several rating scales are available for their evaluation (Kane et al. 1992; Gerlach Neuroleptic-induced extrapyramidal syndromes (EPS) et al. 1993). can be divided into four main categories: akathisia, dys­ Extrapyramidal syndromes can be distressing and tonia, dyskinesia, and parkinsonism. These are the clas­ disabling and are a major cause of poor compliance sic EPS, which can be related to neuroleptic treatment with treatment, which in turn has implications for re­ and seen during and/ or following treatment. These lapse, hospitalization, and morbidity. They cause suffer­ syndromes may also occur spontaneously, independent ing for both patients and relatives and limit possibilities of neuroleptic treatment, due to high age and/ or dis­ for development and activities. At times they may ease. The syndromes are all well known and thoroughly counteract the therapeutic effect of neuroleptics and de­ ter social integration. Finally, EPS entail the risk of be­ From the Research Institute of Biological Psychiatry, St. Hans coming irreversible and thereby a concrete expression Hospital, Roskilde, Denmark. of neuroleptics' ability to produce permanent brain Address correspondence to: Jes Gerlach, M.D., St. Hans Hospital, Department P, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. damage. This article was presented at the integrated symposium "A New With this background it is important to try to under­ Understanding: Neurobiological Basis and Long-Term Outcome of stand the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying these Schizophrenia" chaired by Herbert Y. Meltzer and Leif H. Lind­ strom at the CINP Congress, June 28, 1994, in Washington, D. C. EPS and to limit their development as far as possible. 1 Clozapine is available under the trade names Clozaril and Leponex. Clozapine1 causes fewer EPS than traditional neuro- NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1996-VOL. 14, NO. 35 © 1996 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 0893-133X I 96 /$15 .00 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 SSDI 0893-133X(95)00203-0 36S J. Gerlach et al. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1996-VOL. 14, NO. 3S leptics. Whereas EPS may be seen in at least 75% of pa­ do not otherwise show typical parkinsonian features. tients treated with traditional neuroleptics, they have Tremor was seen in 3% of clozapine-treated patients been found to be relatively rare in clozapine-treated pa­ versus 11 % of control patients, and rigidity in 0% ver­ tients (about 5%) (Casey 1989; Fitton and Heel 1990). sus 19%. However, the prevalence is still not clear, and especially No acute dystonia was seen in any of the groups, but the EPS profile during long-term maintenance treat­ 13 of the control patients reported recent dystonic symp­ ment with clozapine has been insufficiently evaluated. toms versus O in the clozapine-treated group. Further­ The purpose of this study is to briefly discuss: (1) more, 10 control patients displayed splaying of one or EPS in chronic schizophrenic patients during long-term more fingers in fixed positions (probably a localized, antipsychotic treatment with clozapine versus tradi­ mild form of dystonia) compared to one in the cloza­ tional neuroleptics, and (2) based on studies in nonhu­ pine group. Only one case of dystonia-dyskinesia has man primates, the possibility of reducing the risk of been reported in the literature (Thomas et al. 1993). EPS by means of D1 antagonists and combined D1 and Fourteen percent of the clozapine treated patients D2 receptor antagonists. and 40% of the controls had subjective akathisia (p < .001), whereas 7% of clozapine treated patients and 29% of the controls were found to have objective akathisia EPS DURING MAINTENANCE TREATMENT (p < .001). WITH CLOZAPINE VERSUS TRADITIONAL As can be seen from Figure 1, 33 patients had dyski­ NEUROLEPTICS nesia before clozapine (evaluated from the charts). This number decreased to 15 patients during the median In a retrospective-prospective study (Peacock et al. 5-year clozapine treatment period (evaluated blind 1996), 100 chronic schizophrenic patients on clozapine from video). The corresponding figures for the control and 100 patients on classic neuroleptics (flupenthixol, group were 19 and 16, an apparently lower reduction perphenazine, and zuclopenthixol, the three most fre­ (p < .07). quently used classic neuroleptics in Denmark) were ex­ Fourteen clozapine-treated patients whose charts did amined for EPS and other side-effects (only the EPS not contain information about previous dyskinesia data are discussed here). The indications for using cloz­ showed dyskinesia at the time of evaluation versus 41 apine were: therapeutic resistance 47 patients; EPS vul­ in the control group (p < .001). In these cases, the nerability 11; both 42. present drug may have induced the syndrome, but the The two groups had received their present neurolep­ syndrome may also have been present in a latent form tic for similar periods of time: clozapine patients for a at the start of the treatment or not mentioned in the median of 5 years (range 0.3 to 19) and control patients charts. Under all circumstances, these observations sug­ for 5 years (0.3 to 24). However, the clozapine patients gest that clozapine permits dyskinesia to disappear to a had previously received traditional neuroleptics for 9 higher degree than classic neuroleptics, and it especially years (0.5 to 31). The total length of neuroleptic treat­ induces fewer new cases. ment was similar for the two groups. In conclusion, this study strongly indicates that cloz­ The median daily dose of clozapine was 400 mg (100 apine has a lower potential to induce both acute and to 1200) versus 9 mg (flupenthixol), 24 mg (perphena­ tardive EPS. zine), and 20 mg (zuclopenthixol) for the control group (corresponding to haloperidol 8 to 10 mg). Concomitant medication included benzodiazepines (clozapine pa­ D1 AND D2 RECEPTOR MECHANISMS IN THE tients 33% versus controls 26%), anticholinergics (6% DEVELOPMENT OF EPS versus 63%) and antidepressants (16% versus 3%). The EPS were evaluated blind (by means of a video) Studies from different nonhuman primate centers indi­ with the St. Hans Rating Scale for extrapyramidal syn­ cate that, although D1 antagonists can produce EPS, dromes (Gerlach et al. 1993). these are more benign than those induced by D2 antago­ Clozapine treated patients showed less parkinsonian nists. The following observations from studies in Cebus signs than control patients. A total of 33 out of 100 cloza­ monkeys must be emphasized: pine-treated patients (33%) showed some signs of par­ kinsonism as compared to 61 % of the control group (in 1. D1 antagonists produce dystonia when given in low spite of anticholinergics in 63% of the control patients). single doses to animals pretreated with D2 antago­ In both cases, bradykinesia was the predominant fea­ nists (Kistrup and Gerlach 1987; Peacock et al. 1990) ture, as is common in neuroleptic-treated patients. In the and when given in high single doses to drug-naive case of clozapine, however, it can be discussed whether animals (Casey 1992). the bradykinesia/ slow movements are due to a true 2. However, tolerance to dystonia is seen during pro­ parkinsonism, as the patients often are hypotonic and longed treatment, implying that no dystonia is seen NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1996-VOL. 14, t\O. 3S EPS during Neuroleptic Treatment 37S so.--------------,,----------------, Dyskinesia Dyskinesia disappearance induction 40 · ..,_ 0 m20 .0 E z:::::l 10 0 Clozapine Control Clozapine Control M Before present drug • During present drug Figure 1. Dyskinesia disappearance and potential induction during long-term treatment (median 5 years) with clozapine (N = 100) versus classic neuroleptics (N = 100). The clozapine patients had previously been treated with classical neurolep­ tics for median 9 years. Difference with respect to disappearance: p < .07; with respect to
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