TREATY OF AMSTERDAM AMENDING THE TREATY ON EUROPEAN UNION, THE TREATIES ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES AND CERTAIN RELATED ACTS INTRODUCTORY NOTE This publication reproduces the text of the Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts, as signed in Amsterdam on 2 October 1997. The text has been produced for documentary purposes and does not involve the responsibility of the institutions A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int) Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997 ISBN 92-828-1652-4 y European Communities, 1997 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged Printed in Germany CONTENTS (not part of the Treaty) Page PART ONE — SUBSTANTIVE AMENDMENTS Articles 1-5 .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 7 PART TWO — SIMPLIFICATION Articles 6-11 .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 58 PART THREE — GENERAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS Articles 12-15 .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 78 ANNEX — Tables of equivalences referred to in Article 12 of the Treaty of Amsterdam .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 85 PROTOCOLS A. Protocol annexed to the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 92 — Protocol on Article J.7 of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 92 B. Protocols annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty establishing the European Community .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 93 —ÙProtocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.93 —ÙProtocol on the application of certain aspects of Article 7a of the Treaty estab- lishing the European Community to the United Kingdom and to Ireland .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 97 —ÙProtocol on the position of the United Kingdom and Ireland .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 99 —ÙProtocol on the position of Denmark .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 101 C. Protocols annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 103 —ÙProtocol on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union .Ø.Ø. 103 —ÙProtocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality 105 —ÙProtocol on external relations of the Member States with regard to the crossing of external borders .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 108 —ÙProtocol on the system of public broadcasting in the Member States .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 109 —ÙProtocol on protection and welfare of animals .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 110 D. Protocols annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaties establishing the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 111 —ÙProtocol on the institutions with the prospect of enlargement of the European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 111 —ÙProtocol on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies and departments of the European Communities and of Europol .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 112 —ÙProtocol on the role of national parliaments in the European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 113 FINAL ACT .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 115 DECLARATIONS ADOPTED BY THE CONFERENCE .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 125 1. Declaration on the abolition of the death penalty .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 125 2.ÙDeclaration on enhanced cooperation between the European Union and the Western European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 125 3.ÙDeclaration relating to Western European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 125 4.ÙDeclaration on Articles J.14 and K.10 of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 131 5.ÙDeclaration on Article J.15 of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 132 6.ÙDeclaration on the establishment of a policy planning and early warning unit .Ø.Ø.Ø. 132 7.ÙDeclaration on Article K.2 of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 132 8.ÙDeclaration on Article K.3(e) of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 133 9.ÙDeclaration on Article K.6(2) of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 133 10.ÙDeclaration on Article K.7 of the Treaty on European Union .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 133 11.ÙDeclaration on the status of churches and non-confessional organisations .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 133 12.ÙDeclaration on environmental impact assessments .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø. 133 13.ÙDeclaration on Article 7d of the Treaty establishing the European Community .Ø.Ø. 133 14.ÙDeclaration on the repeal of Article 44 of the Treaty establishing the European Community .Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.Ø.
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