■ IV y j. ■ ■/ [ t I -4' A v e n g e Daily Net Praea Ran ■W Uto WMk BaM* December M, IM The Weather Clear, quite cold tonight. Loars In teens (5 to 10 In colder val­ leys). Tomorrow cloudineas In­ 15,880 creasing. High in 30s. Wednes­ > \ -4 City of ViOeee Chmrm day's outlook—cloudy. VOL. LXXXEt, NO. 75 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DEIHMBER 29, 1969 AdvertWnc <« Bage >1) PRICE TEN CRNTS ^ 4 ’ Franee Astir Over In Manila Israeli Gunboats W, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Angry Rebels to Israel, the Arabs would not Foreign Minister Maurice make a' fUss. Schumann of France has de­ The French ambassador to manded an explanation from I»- Cairo notified Egyptian officials a, rael of how five gunboats Sunday that France was launch­ „ slipped out of Cherbourg deqplte ing a fuU inquiry into the gun­ Greet Agnew an arms embargo, official boat affair. Thq French Embas­ ' "V. 1 BVench sources said t^ a y . sy and Egyptian sources denied new's party of 40 included Apol­ The gunboaU, buUt for Isiwel MANILA (AP) — Anti- that President Gamal Abdel lo astronaut Eugene A. Cer^ before the French embaigoed American demonstrators 10 Nasser had protested^to France. nan, who will present President all arms to Israel Jan. 1, were threw three firecrackers ’The Israeli charge d’affaires Ferdinand Marcos with pfecee reported moving through the t # at Vice President Spiro T. in Paris, Eltan Ronn, met with of moon rock and picturea of the eastern Mediterranean toward French Fm-elgn Minister Mau­ Agnew’s car here today Philippines taken from space. Israel, almost within range of rice Schumann for 16 minutes and one of them bounced Agnew said that since this Is ®Syptlan phutes. They slipped Sunday afternoon, but there was o ff the top of the limou­ his first trip to Asia, ’ T am not out of Cheihourg in the early no incficatlon what was said. sine. A rock also flew in a position to make pronounce­ morning darkness Christmas Ihe French Defense Ministry ments on this p ^ of Day. through the air as Agnew’s instated over the weekend that car scurried into the U.S. world." But he praised the Phil­ t The sources said Schumann the gunboats hod been sold to a ippines for Its development of 2 Embassy compound, shep­ made his demand Sunday at a Norwegian company as un­ repreoentati-M'government, free 15-minute meeting with Eytan armed transport boats for off- herded by 20 security Honn, the Israeli charge agents. (See Pag* Twenty-! 6) d’affaires. The sources added (See Fags Twraty-Tliise) No one was hurt and Agnew, that Ronn told Schumann he had asked later If he was frlghtesied. no Instructions and would con­ said: "Not a bH.’’ sult his government immediate­ Earlier, the demonstrators at­ ly- tacked a limousine carrying ACLU Says The same goveiTiment sources U.S. Ambassador Henry Byr- reported that an official investi­ HungerMay oade as he rolled up to the em­ bassy. 9 gation, promised Saturday by Police Plague Premier Jacques Chaban-Del- Several hundred riot police mas, on how the gunboats le<t Make Jack r>V - drove the crowd of more than Cherbourg is under way. 100 young leftists across the Panther Unit Arab diplomats were follow­ A Dull Boy road from the embassy com­ ing the affair closely. It U wide­ pound. The demonstrators NEW YORK (AP) — An chanted “Yankee Go Home," ly thought the gunboat incident American Civil Liberties Union BOSTON (AP) — Hunger ear­ and marched up and down as could be disastrous for Prance’s ly in life dulls a child’s potential report says the Black Panthers effort to strengthen ties with the If'-' the Agnews' car drove into the mental development, a new compound with some 30 Secret have been subjected to lUegal Arab world because it is as­ study o f black chUdren finds. police harassment and denied sumed the gunboats, never Service agents running along­ By age three, be may well constitutional rights, but It could have left port without offi­ side. have fallen behind better nour­ Booing and ahouUng, the dem­ found no evidence that any t»A- cial connivance. Iw- n * * ished youngsters even if he had onstrators surrounded Byr- eral conspiracy was Involved. Arab ambassadors in Paris slurtod out better equipped, ’'Across Ihe country law en­ will meet Tuesday morning, code's car and banged on It with aays Dr. H. Jack Geiger of the forcement officials are waging a presumably to discuss the af­ their signs and fists. Several Tufts University School of Medi­ Against the b^kground of a cold, wintry sky, a man trudges alone down a demonstrators Jumped In front drive against the black militant fair, but an Arab League cine. H oliday T ra ffic organisation resulting in aerious ^Mkesman insisted the meeting street in Williamsport, Pa. The central Pennsylvania city is digging out from of the car, bringing It to a halt. ’The remedy for this kind of civil tlbertUee vlolationa,’’ slated was one of a series of regular a record December snow of 17 inches. (AP Photofax) More than 300 helmeted police waste of human talent is not the report released Sunday. bimonthly get-togethers. Just some patchwotk supply of Deaths at 581 forced the demonstrators back Reports from Sicily said a and at least two tear gas gre­ The report, based on an ACLU nuwe food for the poor, Geiger By THE A880UIATED PfUESH flurry of Israeli radio messages told ^ American Association Mayors Ask; nades were thrown. The car survey of nine metropolitan Indicated an Israeli flotilla had for the Advancement of Science Bad weather throughout the drove Into the embassy com ­ areas and reports from IS passed the island. Maritime Sunday. nation may have aided in keep­ pound. ACLU atnilales, ssUd the evi­ sources said the intercepted Rather, he said, the answer ing the C ^ stm a s traffic death The demonstrators handed out dence (toes “ not prove a dtreet- messages gave no positive con­ also involves giving deprived ‘More Snow? ThaVs a Joke toll far below the 800 to 600 a leaflet saying they were mem­ ed national campaign to get the firmation that the Israeli ves­ children more challenging sti­ deaths predicted, the National bers of the Free Philippine Panthers" sels were escorting the gun­ muli, such as toys and books, Safety Council says. Youth Union and the Bertrand The Panthers have charged boats, but they indicated sMne- Russell Pence Foundation, and in trying to overcome root Oouncll President Howard that 38 party members havs thing unusual was going on. Isn*t It?^ which Is one of the more vocal causes cf poverty through social Pyle said the low total of 661 been murdered by police In the chanve. By 'THE ASSOCIATED PRESS deary's srorrles were typical North Adams during the night, opponents of U.S. policy In Viet­ Officials in the French port of deaths for the four-day holiday lost two years as part of wiwt Geiger is professor of commu­ The Northeast struggled Mon­ of almost every mayor in New and in neighboring Adams a nam. Cherbourg, where the gunboats period which ended at midnight the Panthers allege Is a federal nity health and social medicine day to clean up from one of its Bkigland today as the region grader end snowblowM* devel­ Agnew arrived In Manila dur­ were buUt, estimated that with Sunday may have bean due to conspiracy to exterminate the one refueling at sea. the 40-knot at ’Tufts, and project director of worst winter storms on record. continued to struggle from be­ oped trouble. They'd been in al­ ing the afternoon and told wel- parly. the poor traveling conditions boots could reach the Israeli the ’Tufts Delta Health Center at Vermont declared a state of neath one of its worst winter most constant use slnoe niurs- oomera at the airport that the which kept many off the roads.' The ACLU report was pre­ port of Haifa sometime today. Mound Bayou, I t o . ’The center emergency, and aecumulatians storms. day night, srhen the storm be­ united States and the Philip­ of snow and ice brought flooding pines “ stand together on the pared for presentation to an liv The 370-ton gunboats are 147 serves an area of some 16,000 The holiday storm burled gan. Although the number of in some-areas and food aiid'fM threshold of a new decade which 'dependent SS-member Foommls- feet long. persons in northern Bolivar parts of northern New Ekigland “ And what's more, these guys deaths was low, the price paid shortages in others. holds challenge os well os bring slon that la Investigating clashes E British navy sources sold County, 14,000 of whom are beneath as much as four feet of ^^^~!the fellows who drive the in terms of grief and tragedy New York and the six New promise for both of our na- between Panthers and polio*. three iriilps of the Soviet Medi­ black and whose average in­ new snow, and gale-force winds plows and the trucks and the was high. England) states reported a total tlons." 'ilM com mission Is hsadod by terranean fleet were lying off come has been about $000 per quickly whipped up drifts 30 and snow-blcwers — they're tired, A head-on colliatn near White of 17 storm-related deaths. Agnew brought greetings Arthur J. Goldberg, former Bu- Malta, close enough to sea lones family per year. SO feet high. really exhausted,’’ reported an River, 8.
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