![1857-12-02, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ALiroat* Will raw, Light—•l,'.!.Vl,Ot T. mtww.1 Gov. Walki escapfi President to < I Ki ™_-. *ork' -v qasstlsa settled apaa term; kaaerakk aad aa* tful tragedy occurred at Port Jeffer- fairs at lengtk. l to; A lllPy*fobber)rlMMBsmitied on WTOklWi, to«i. •hitih, slur ftuuting alaag the centre ot th«. tbe ConMitu- Ttr- r --.f.i rm occupied ia thees. tUMory to all pardesTand sett!^imrs«ima*sTi£ & Q^y; tii^MaM, ia fetavday vt *«-M«r*< S, mill two wosktto moraing, by which Area pereene loot their Uvea road for some diraoee, was caught by his keep­ Uouil Coaventioi>na ttot reiki *i&t#tite o'clock of tke P. M. of tbe 14th. Sbe haa 71 yiitg ln tfij stresin, while tf^^Spuin'waa ab- 1 ly, aa a varybody sappoaed. How did it tara ers *hi(s ia (he aft of tearing a lad whounforta- 1 gumeiiu ol 'insei. The Pariah Will •itMT. aad a fourth waa seriously, pwkape fatally, in­ Instrument tit tke peoplSt Tka 4lttjtet*bed pksMiigfer* affcd ttfftVQOO in specie and a very {sent on shore. The cabin wa« emen d and two > oatf Tke Democratic pan v, led Lj Doaglas, aad nately creased tke animal's path. Tbe tiger, undoubtedly the most important -t jJV jured. At half-past seven o'clock in the morn* Gents., tkoogk dMiWtag ridlcally, parted frieada krrge aad valuable cargo of French merehaa- casks of doabloOos, valued at fHVXMi were sto­ disregarding ibe public good aad cariag aatkiag wkiek ia aal; 18 months oUt, tint of large else* amoont of property involved, the peculiar .J Itfi *•|« (ral«r«<ikw War* ing Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Sturdevant her daughter, dlae. She brings 4 dsys later news than the len. The Pau tucket was bound tor Trinid*d. fremkrhablsj feature* wfciek *era<*£$^ was the property of Mr. JaWie, aa importer or Vinderbilt. Tbe mate and cook are mitring. ' fk* gtaal lf*ll*a*l DnimMi party, M call Ikf tMl fearaoay af *a aaaatryoe the pom*, aad bee eaa ia law. It. Sbwdevaat, wate at oat. snd lit the eminence ot counsel tuxufd breakfast ia tke house occupied by Mrs. Wal­ wild bents, aad ha said k a day or two after '•"-•^Pbo'Maeapa^am Baataa'asrsse^ aa tha"Mtk* m« appcaochiag i poiat frees «Utk aaaay af tka federal Uaion, repealed tha com- wards to Mr. Bdmonda, the son-in-law and sec- their views, but tke kouM.ls fallacious. Their whtea has ever Keen snfiniilted to the ters and ker haste—d, when the latter suddenly Tke financial advices brought by the Fulton, from A (pintail OR the 21st inah. with Uisi^tli- Probate in New Yosk Clsy. promlses and opeaod ap the slavery queation in oessar of Wombwell in the management of one diierencea are too ra&oel for compromise. although not so exciting as those by tbe Van­ kapsadlag deatrwetioa wiU be both Mmu4 rushed into tbe dining room and commenced a foraia mail* toJfav. StH, nearly oae and a Heary Pariah, for many yean a t— order to tara a sectional agitation to their own of tbe well known travaliag menageries. Mr. Open hostilities are inevitable. Tfee Gover­ derbilt, ate nevertheless af absorbing laterest. quarter i»4)Uao of epecle as fcwigbs, orriwd bora MM Coogreee it MM to uiMblc. Tkty «<Hy asea alt upon tke parties aaeembled there. Edmonds kas been in this district during the merchant ia New York City, as w«E ' m adrataga aad tke aggrand izement of tke put \, M itk aa iron bar he successively attacked each nor's oppoaitioa to tbeCoaatitatjoa U net foun­ Tbe good efleotsof tha suspension of .bs Bank yesterday p. m. Ww» e^fwhy Nik braaskos. The ire- laat eigkt or tea day a. His purchase reached ded o« theslavery oiau*!, wbiah la only par­ Charleston aad New Orkans,m«Je a will ta IMI They aacoeeded ia tkeir object. Upoa tbe of tkem, killing Mr. Sturdevant and Mrs. Waters Charter were atill ahowiag theameivea every-' The news MM California is Interesting. aalsfawfli iatoaa tka adadssiae at KaMsswitk Birviagkam oa Saturday night, aad on Monday tially eabmitted, bat on tbe refusal of tbe Con- where throughout Great Britain. An immeaao meeting of tbe ciiizra* ot Sao In which be bequeathed a large property 10 ktl almost instantly, and leaving Mrs. Sturdevant itjoiaed tbe awnagerie at West Bromwich. It wife, provided t.andaemely for a large circle ar a OoaetHaJsa aavar Hkakad la tha IW|te stona tkay raised tkey did rida into power aad inaenalble and bleeding upon tbe floor. A little veatiaa to pifk the people to vote agamat, as The Money Market was firmer than at last ad­ Francisco waa held on the 1st to giva eapresaien was placed in one of the ordinary carriages— well as far, tbe Oaaaifcutfoa. Ha legarde thia relatives and ftieuds. while tbe reside*, if ia. Baakeaea kaa alrsadyglvea ia kit eaasasrai e, bat at what an expense? Look at tha boy, ten years old, a child of Mrs. Waters by a vices sad the denaad for diseoaats at tbe bank to the sen«e of the public ou tbe loss ol tbe ooe of two eoaapartmente—tbe adjoining den aa a vlolatioa of tka Federal CooetiMUon, of of England were leea pressing. Consols hsd CcnirslAtherica. after satisfying sundry specific bequests. wL amy of aectional animosities—look at Kansas former husband, was in a room up stairs when being oocupied by a very fine Uon. gii or seven given ta bis brothers Daniel and Atmea. k ftey »n tkraataa H asssds i> dssttav tbe he heard the noise of the affray In tbe break­ tbe Nebraska Bdl, of Popalar Sovorrigaty and also advanced, closing quotations of the even­ A pn>jee* was on foot ia California to create Uaiaa tal redeoe tkfag* to ekaea, as asael, —look over tke wkole country—look at Brig- years old, for which Mr. Edmonds gave JE&'O tke rtgkts af aelf government. The Preaident ing of 17'h being 8tt 1-2 89 6-8 for money and a nawjMrritory of tbe Great Baain between the 1949, Mr. Parish was struck with psralysis, fast room. First the shrieks of the victims of three years ago. Tbe attendants had all left the from tbat time to his death, ia 1856, was * ssa tfl jtsM aa4 ka ksaken kam Young planted upon tbe (Use doctrine of the murderer reached him, then the sound of iasiate tkat aa tke Couatitational Convention #0 for accounts. To the I7th of December Gooee Creek l^uptaia oa the Eaat, aad the t menagerie to go to breakfast, when suddesly was autkorized by Congreas, ke is bound to the bank of France, as was snticipated at last prived entirely ol tbe use ot hi* right side aai Tke ImI Tllgi tfAtikw tbe Tinea»-Nebratka bill, and proclaiming war blows struck in quick succession, then a single Sierra Nevada on the West, and between tbe those in tke carriage which the proprietors oc sustain its action, whatever it may be, while advices, had announced its determination to Oregon and Utah line on file North, and Colo­ almost entirely af his power of speech. w>ka wiped frem tka fttaaail af against tha United Stated Congreas is soon to voice crying " Murder! Murder!" a few more copy were alarmed by an unusual outcry among Walker kolds tkat tke application of kia doc After this paralysis, three codicils Wfrt ttudi blowa and after that all was still. immediately extend ita issuee. rado river on the Sonth. •Matfoaal Daaawt; will ba asaawble. Slavery waa promised Kansas by tbe beasts. They soon discovered tke cause. trine to auatain the rafoeal to submit tbe entire The rate of interest st Hamburg hsd receded. A card has been published in tbe 8an Fraacie- to tbe original will. In these be revoked tZ Preeently be heard a footstep on the stairs. The newly bought tiger bad burglariously bro­ constitution to the popular vote, to lie a simple appointment of bis brothers as executor* na the Dealocratio party, aad alie now demands it, He concealed himself under tbe bed and beard The last quotations being 9}, notwithstanding co papers stating that the travel would be re­ ken through the "slide" or partition dividing his assertion of the right of Congress to force an­ the disorder in the English Money Market. sumed on tbe Nicaragua route, and that on the the bequeat to them of his residuary estate aal Om «ka ether kaa A. AnM tka party, far a right or wrong. The South has ao idea of be­ Mr. Waters pass by and enter another room. den from tbat of the lion, and had the latter in other constitution on the territory instead of There has been seversl heavy falores in va­ arrival of the mail of the 20th October the sail­ after various beqoeat* to charitable institut'ieaa ing cheated and deluded by false promises. She Then he crept from hit hiding place, ran out bis terrible graap. The combat which ensued leaving tbe people to decide for tber.iselvea. waves the reeiduum 10 his wife. His estate da arsaAsr, kevbg tka elsstlaaa of tka laat tkree of the room and rushed down stairs headlong. rious branches of business in Great Britain. ing day would be announced. eares not for tbe people in Kansas, She wants waa a terrific ooe. Tbe lion acted chiefly on Governor Walker has never yet seen the Con­ ring hia illacas bad increased very largely a years kafsre tkem aad preferring political niM The murderer pursued him with the bloody iu- the defensive; and having probably been con Several are also reported in France, the most The advices from Central America are impor­ that fair territory whether or no, to preserve stitution, and nobody outside of Kansaa knows prominent of whom are Jelliseo A Wicks, mer tant, under present circumstancea.
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