National Corporation for Housing Partnerships "The place a man lives is more than just another commodity, service or possession; it is a symbol of his status, an extension of his personality, a part of his identity, a determinant of many of the benefits - and disadvantages - of society that will come to him and his family: schooling, police protection, municipal serv­ ices, neighborhood environment, access (or lack of ac­ cess) to a hundred possibilities of life and culture." "Segments of the urban poor today know and feel their relative deprivation, in housing or in other regards, to an unprecedented degree. The overwhelming con­ trast of their own living condition with that of the wealthy majority is brought home everyday by modern means of communication." "There is a complex relation among the quality of housing, the behavior of people, the condition of a neighborhood, and the life of the poor." "These relationships are by no means simple. Better housing, alone, will not overcome all the ills of today's poverty, but better housing is one essential part of the effort to do so.,, From The Report of the President's Committee on Urban Housing, December 11, 1968 1 The President's Committee on Urban Housing believed Goal that American business should have a way to turn con­ cern for the nation's housing problems into commitment to solve them. The Committee recommended the adop­ of the tion of Title IX of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The National Corporation for Housing Part­ Housing nerships and the National Housing Partnership are the first organizations to be established by the President Partnership under the authority of this new law. The Partnership and the Corporation are financed entirely with private capital. Their mission is to use these funds as development seed money and for equity to accelerate investment in housing for low and moderate income families. The capital of the Partnership will be combined with private that of other available investors to furnish the equity used in conjunction with 90% government insured mort­ development gages. The initial Partnership capital of approximately $40 million should produce approximately $1.6 billion of low and in construction - about 100,000 new or rehabilitated homes. The National Housing Partnership offers attractive moderate rent advantages for local partners - individuals, corpora­ tions, institutions - as well as public and community housing organizations: For local families and individuals - it develops de­ cent and attractive housing and offers an opportunity to participate in planning, management, and ultimately ownership. For the local community and non-profit organizations - it provides the know-how and cash to produce needed low and moderate income housing. For the local builder - it offers seed money and pro­ gram assistance which can generate more construction with a chance to earn builder and developer profits and tax savings. For the local architect, engineer and lawyer - it stim­ ulates business and expands the local tax-preferred in­ vestment opportunities. For the local investors - it combines profit potential and attractive social investment with limited risks and offers an expert and financially able partner to produce the housing. As the past decade will be remembered for giant strides in the peaceful uses of the atom, the jet age, and the conquering of space, the National Housing Part­ nership hopes to make the '?O's memorable for housing achievement. Carter L. Burgess Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the National Corporation for Housing Partnerships 2 Organization of the National Corporation for Housing Partnerships and Local NATIONAL Partnerships INVESTORS FEES FOR SERVICES SERVICES LOCAL PARTICIPANTS LOCAL VENTURERS Architect NCHP Lawyer Builders, Builder Contractors, 1,11----.. Mortgagee Non-Profit Corporations, or Consultants Community Development Groups PROJECT LOCAL INVESTORS EQUITY Local Venturers other Local Investors FEES FOR SERVICES 90% FHA Insured Mortgage TAX SAVINGS CASH DISTRIBUTION 4 The Corporation and the Partnership are two linked contribute capital to the project or it might also provide entities jointly referred to as the "Venture." Together assistance in different phases of development such as they provide the money and technical staff to produce obtaining debt or equity financing or securing govern­ housing for low and moderate income families. ment approvals. Benefits for Investors in National Housing Partnership The Corporation - Management The bulk of the funds of the National Housing The National Corporation for Housing Partnerships Partnership will be used to organize and invest in local is the staff arm of the Venture. It has received five per­ limited partnerships formed to build and operate hous­ cent of the total capital invested in the Venture and will ing and related facilities for low and moderate income assist the development of local projects on an invest­ families. Investor return will be similar to that available ment or consulting basis. from normal real estate investment and will produce the The Corporation will serve as the general partner of following benefits: The National Housing Partnership - the investing arm of the Venture - and in this capacity will be the link between the Corporation's development functions and Income Tax Cash Savings. The most substantial re­ the Partnership's investment role. turn of the Venture will be the tax savings generated by The Corporation will provide a wide range of services the several developments owned in part by the Part­ to local housing programs. These services might in­ nership. Expenses during construction and accelerated clude establishing joint ventures with local builders and depreciation produce income tax losses that can be off­ community groups, forming local partnerships, and set against other taxable income. Resulting tax savings assisting in the development of architectural, engineer­ will be passed to investors through the Partnership. ing and construction plans. Aid may be provided in preparing applications for government insurance and subsidy, arranging financing, assuring timely construc­ Cash Distributions. Regulations governing the proj­ tion, and in all other activities needed to achieve the ects in which the Venture will invest permit a local development of the project. partnership to make an annual distribution of cash After completion of the development, the Corporation of up to 6% of the initial stated equity of the project. will assist in management of the housing including the To the extent such cash is returned to the Partnership, introduction and use of modern budgeting, accounting there could be a distribution to its investors. and reporting practices and policies. If the Partnership has invested in a project, the Corporation will manage its interests. Further, it may Cash Proceeds from Sale of Project. The availability assist in the formation of tenant cooperatives and non­ of proceeds for distribution from sale of all or a portion profit organjzatjons that may ultimately purchase the of a local project will depend upon the terms of the local project. Aid could be provided in arranging for sale, the unamortized balance of the mortgage and the financing of such purchases and in counseling as to income taxes payable. The Board of Directors will de­ property acquisition and management. cide whether to distribute or re-invest such funds. The National Partnership - Capital Additional Return. The Venture may also engage in The National Housing Partnership has received other housing and related activities such as development ninety-five percent of the investment in the Venture. It of facilities and enterprises to support the production will act as the principal source of risk capital (seed of low and moderate income housing, research, tech­ money) and equity. nical assistance and construction loan financing. These activities may produce earnings that could be available The Local Partnership for distribution. Housing projects in which the Venture participates may originate in several ways. In most instances the Venture will have an active role in originating projects. For example, it may join with a local developer, builder, Benefits for Investors in Local Projects non-profit housing corporation, community group or The Venture's local partner will receive tax savings others in identifying an appropriate site, obtaining archi­ and cash distributions in proportion to its share of the tectural and engineering plans, processing government local project with fees for any services it performs. applications, securing financing and completing all other The local parties can also obtain cash upon the sale of action necessary to bring a project to construction. any portion of their interest in the project. For these purposes, a joint venture agreement may be entered into between the Venture and the local partici­ Benefits for Local Participants pants and "seed money" advanced. When the project Local builders, construction workers, engineers, archi­ reaches an appropriate point, a limited partnership will tects, lawyers and financial institutions will also benefit be formed and equity capital accepted from other by payment for services. The community will obtain investors. real estate taxes. The best return goes to the tenants The Venture may also invest in projects already being, who will enjoy attractive, safe and sanitary housing at a or about to be, developed. In such cases, it might only price that is reasonably related to their
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