Cambridge University Press 0521661579 - War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius Index More information Index agriculture, 61, 65–71, 72 Banse, Ewald, 253 estates, 66, 69 Barbarossa, Operation, 266 exhibitions, 69, 162 Bartov, Omer, 5, 267 experiments, 96 Basanavicˇius, Jonas, 200 German plans for, 68–69, 199 Baumann, Hans, 263 problems, 68–69 Bavaria, 35 soil reports, 94 Bebel, August, 24 surveys, 94 Belarus and Belarusians, 31, 62, 132, 192 Allies, assistance to Baltic republics, 229, art, 139 231–32, 242 German views of, 120–21 Alsace-Lorraine, 35, 95 language, 118 Alsatian soldiers, 187–89, 213, 218 newspaper for, 123 Angarietis, Zigmas, 228 schools and, 125 anti-Semitism, 58, 61, 120, 132, 163 Soviet Lit-Bel, 229 Nazi, 256, 265, 267, 268, 270 Belgium, 56, 95, 100, 165 archaeology, 37–38 Louvain, 129 Armenians, 259 Below, von, 17 Armistice, 229–30 Bermondt, see Avalov-Bermondt August Wilhelm of Prussia, Prince, 58 Bertkau, Friedrich, 115 Auschwitz, 241 Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, 23, Austria, 16, 204, 257 164, 170, 196–97 autarchy, 64–65 Bialowies forest, 20, 27, 72, 199 Auxiliary Service Law, 55 Bialystok-Grodno, 21 Avalov-Bermondt, Pavel, 232, 242 administration of, 55, 58, 61–62, 198 riots, 69 Baden, Max von, 214 schools, 124 Balodis, Janis, 231 Bingen, 196 Balodis Brigade, 230 BischoV, Josef, 231, 232 Baltic countries, see Estonia; Latvia; Bismarck, Otto von, 23 Lithuania blockade, British naval, 64, 72, 163, 176, Baltic Germans, 24, 33, 165, 208 213, 232 administration includes, 57, 178, 206 Bolsheviks, 177, 182, 195, 203, 210, 216, Barons, 31, 33, 187, 208, 215 218, 241, 249 ethnic conXict and, 33, 178–79 Red Army, 228–29, 231 Freikorps and, 230, 238 borders, 166, 240, 250–51 Landeswehr volunteer force, 230, 232 geopolitics and, 253, 254–55 national identity of, 33, 187 Bredt, Johann Victor, 203 Nazis and, 258–59, 265 Brest-Litovsk Baltikum administrative unit, 209, 215 German capture of, 17, 20 Baltikumer, see Freikorps Treaty of, 95, 204–6, 216, 228, 249 bandits, 33, 74, 78–79, 181 bridges, 97–98 measures against, 78–79, 91 Britain, 229, 231, 242 300 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521661579 - War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius Index More information 301Index Brockhusen-Justin, Hans-Joachim von, 61, Damaschke, Adolf, 95 177 Danzig, 117 Broederich-Kurmahlen, Silvio, 165, 230 Darre´, Richard Walter, 254, 259 Brody, 21 Dehmel, Richard, 115, 119, 190–91 Brusilov OVensive, 21, 176 delousing, 43, 80, 160 Bug river, 98–99 certiWcates of, 92 natives and, 106 Calvinists, 33 rail cars for, 92 Carpathian mountains, 17 deserters, 79 Caucasus, 210 disease, 22, 42, 80–81, 186, 210, 260 census, 94 control at border, 92 Center Party, 164, 201 German fear of, 81, 105 Central Association of German workers and, 74 Industrialists, 165 Dix, Otto, 152, 160 Charkow, 213 Drang nach Osten, ‘‘Drive to the East,’’ 25, Chelm, 205 39, 166, 240, 260, 262–63 Christian German Farmers’ Union, 165 Dwinger, Edwin Erich, 261 Churchill, Winston, 3 Dwinsk, 213 cleanliness, 19, 80–81, 105–6 dogs, 65, 80, 102 cleaning, 154, 160 Do¨blin, Alfred, 41 clash of cultures, 181, 184–86 Dorpat (Tartu), 205, 211, 228 Class, Heinrich, 164 Dresden, 117 Clemen, Paul, 130 Du¨na river (Daugava), 20 Cologne, 117 Du¨naburg (Daugavpils), 208 colonial experience, German, 78, 240–41 Dvinsk (Daugavpils), 19 Colonial Institute, Hamburg, 166 Colonial Society, 168 ‘‘Easterners,’’ 16 colonization, see settlement ‘‘East Research,’’ see Ostforschung Cossacks, 15, 19, 22, 30 Eberhardt, Magnus von, 242 Courland, see Kurland Ebert, Friedrich, 232 Cracow, 16 economic oYcers, 66 Crimea, 210 economy, 61, 64–65 ‘‘cultural gradient,’’ 25 gains in, 73 cultural mission, 140, 165 political importance of, 178–79 cleanliness and, 105 problems with, 75, 207 East and, 70–71, 97 quotas, 66 Freikorps and, 232 statistics, 66–67 German Work and, 45–46, 94, 113 education culture, German views of, 29, 31 failure of policy, 127–28 Herder’s view of, 190 future plans for, 199, 203 juxtaposed with civilization, 29 German language, 125–26, 203, 209 juxtaposed with ‘‘Unkultur,’’ 29, 70, German teachers, 126 140, 155, 278 Germanization, 126, 127 Nazi views of, 267 ideas of Bildung, 114, 122, 135, 167 ‘‘culture landscape,’’ 167, 255, 265 monopoly, 124 cultural program, 89 native schools, 78, 123–24, 206 aims of, 113–14 Nazi views of, 260–61, 268–71 art historical catalogs, 129–32 policy, 123–27, 206 beginnings of, 113 teachers’ courses, 126 German traces and, 130–31 universities, 127, 199, 211, 267 structure of, 115 Eichhorn, Hermann von, 19, 211 Wilna-Minsk exhibition, 132 Eisenhart-Rothe, General von, 60 Eksteins, Modris, 4 Dabartis, see Present Time, The Elias, Norbert, 2, 25, 96 Dago¨(Hiiumaa), 199 Engels, Friedrich, 24 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521661579 - War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius Index More information 302 Index Erzberger, Matthias, 201, 206, 209–10, disease, 22 214 experience compared to Western, 14, war aims of, 164 21, 22, 135, 247–49, 278 Escherich, Georg, 72, 199 fortiWcation and, 21, 134 espionage, 91, 92 losses, 22 Estonia (Estland) and Estonians, 33, 205, numbers of soldiers, 14, 212 208 perceived post-war lessons of, 247–53, army, 229 262 Assembly, 205, 206, 209, 215 revolutionized, 212–14 Freikorps and, 231, 242 ‘‘Stabin the Back’’ Legend of, 249 Nazi occupation of, 266 uniformity of natives, 156 Soviet, 228 front, Western, German Soviet occupation of, 266 experience, 12, 247 Eulenberg, Herbert, 115, 143 strategic importance, 16 exhibits, traveling, 117 frontier thesis, German, 162 Fussell, Paul, 4, 136 Falkenhausen, Freiherr von, 198 Falkenhayn, Erich von, 16, 17, 55 Gaigalat-Gaigalaitis, Wilhelm, 183 ousted, 176 Galicia, 17, 21 rivalry with Hindenburg and Gayl, Wilhelm Freiherr von, 61, 64, 127, LudendorV, 16, 20, 21 180, 192, 202, 210, 216–17, 249 famine, 69, 75, 182 German ‘‘East state’’ and, 238 Fatherland Party, 197 Jews and, 120 Finland, 210, 230 on native literature, 139 Finnish volunteers, 229 settlement activity, 94–95, 202–3 Fischer, Fritz, 3 gendarmes, see police Flex, Walter, 41, 248, 252 geography forestry, 72, 98, 199, 242 borders and, 166, 250–52, 253, 254–55 Frankfurt on the Oder, 95 German culture and, 165–68 Frantz, Constantin, 23 maps and, 92, 93, 95 Freikorps military, 93 Baltic Landeswehr volunteer force, 230, Nazis and, 260 232 schools and, 171 culture and, 232 surveys, 93 Diebitsch, 242 war geography, 169–71, 254 disbanded, 243 Weimar Germany and, 253–56 German ‘‘East state’’ and, 238 geopolitics, 169, 253–55, 264 German Legion, 232, 243 German Academic Exchange Service, 57 historical memory and, 234–37 German Army identity deWned, 237–40 bearing of, 44 Iron Division, 230, 231, 232, 242–43 collapse of, 212, 213–19, 249 Libau Putsch, 231 conXict in ranks, 64, 187–89 Nazis and, 243 Eighth Army, 15, 17 numbers of, 228, 232 fraternization with natives, 43, 44, 133, origins of, 227 135, 138, 186–87, 213 PfeVer, 231 General StaV,95 reported atrocities of, 231, 242–43 ‘‘Great Advance’’ of 1915, 17, 22, Rossbach, 242 151 settlement and, 230 guidebooks to cities, 43–44 songs, 239, 243 High Command, 16, 21, 176, 195 White Russians and, 232, 237 Ninth Army, 16 front, Eastern, German, 12, 152 Njemen Army, 17, 19 area of, 89 Northern Border Defense, 230 boredom, 153 Russian army compared to, 19 cemeteries, 161, 251 Tenth Army, 19, 21, 213 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521661579 - War Land on the Eastern Front: Culture, National Identity, and German Occupation in World War I Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius Index More information 303Index German Farmers’ League, 165 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 24, 189–90, ‘‘German Work,’’ 45–47, 58, 96, 116, 132, 258 133 eVect on Eastern Europe, 36, 190 division of labor in, 114 Hertling, Georg von, 201 movement policy and, 105 Hess, Rudolf, 254, 264 origin of term, 45 Himmler, Heinrich, 259, 264, 265, work rooms and, 129 268–69 Germany and Germans Hindenburg, Paul von, 16, 211, 247 Eastern European studies in, 24 education and, 125, 127 eastern provinces, 23 High Command, 21, 176 Foreign Ministry, 95 Hindenburg Program, 55 German Jews, 41–42, 57, 58, 77 LudendorV and, 16 Interior Ministry, 95 post-war activities of, 248, 251 Jews, attitudes towards, 119–20, 182 statues of, 41 leftist views of Russia, 24 as Supreme Commander in the East, 15, national identity, 35, 39, 46, 59 16, 21 natives and, 42–43, 44, 133 Wallenstein and, 41, 143 Polish minority, 23, 25, 35, 61, 187 Hitler, Adolf, 256–58, 259, 265, 266 present-day, 279–81 Mein Kampf, 256–57, 258 prewar views of Russia, 22–25, 35 on Raum and East, 264, 265, 266, regionalism, 35, 59, 187–88 269–72 seige mentality, 163 HoVmann, Max, 15, 177, 198, 201, 211 ‘‘Stabin the Back’’ legend, 219, 249 at Brest-Litovsk, 204–5 university fraternities, 57 on Lithuanians, 201, 206, 209 war aims, 95, 164–65, 196–97 revolution and, 218–19 Weltpolitik, 23, 168, 254 Holy Alliance, 23 women, 134, 188, 217 Ho¨ss, Rudolf, 241 Goltz, Count Ru¨diger von der, 230–31, Hugenberg, Alfred, 117 232, 259 Hungary, 17 Gorlice, 17 Gossler, Alfred von, 62, 64, 117, 162, 178, industry, 72, 165 199, 211 Isenburg-Birstein, Prince Franz Joseph zu, Gough, Sir Hubert, 232 62, 180, 183, 198, 201 Gumbinnen, Battle of, 15 Grimm, Hans, 253 Jahn,
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