percussion news The newsletter of the PERCUSSIVE ARTS SOCIETY OCTOBER 2011 IN THIS ISSUE: SocIETy UpdaTE 3 PASIC After Dark pEoplE aNd placES 4 EvEnIng ConCErtS wIll kEEP InDy groovIng IN MEMorIaM: davId SEarcy 5 In less than 60 days, the Indiana Convention Center and Westin Ho- tel–Indianapolis will be bustling with the sounds of percussionists and SUMMEr caMpS aNd drummers from around the world—all celebrating the 50th Anniversary FESTIvalS 16 of the Percussive Arts Society and enjoying the special offerings of PA- PASIc poSTErS 22 SIC 2011. As always, this year’s PASIC will present spectacular concerts 2011 drUM corpS every evening that are sure to intrigue the ears of every attendee. INTErNaTIoNal World cHaMpIoNSHIpS 24 wEDnESDAy EvEnIng (nov. 9) IN MEMorIaM: The star-studded concert presented by the New Music/Research Commit- MarTy HUrlEy 27 tee will feature the best performers of a generation of percussionists focused on INdUSTry NEWS 28 the creation and performance of new music. This retrospective of important works of recent years will include compositions by Iannis Xenakis, Brian Ferneyhough, David Lang, claSSIFIEdS 35 Michael Gordon, and Julia Wolfe, and a tribute to Chinese composers Qu Xiao-song, Tan Dun, and Guo Wen-Jing. Performers will include Steven Schick, Percussion Group Cincinnati, Douglas Perkins, So Percussion and Mantra Percussion. tHUrSDAy EvEnIng (nov. 10) PONTIAC IL PASIC 2011 will present the world premiere of “Concerto No. 2 for Percussion Section, Timpani and Orchestra” by Joseph PERMIT NO. 19 th NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE Schwantner, in the making since 2006 and specifically written for the Percussive Arts Society’s 50 Anniversary. Schwantner, considered one of the greatest living American composers, has created a concerto that includes a large, varied collection of percussion instruments including waterphone, stainless steel mixing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, brake drums, rainsticks, and amplified marimba. The Schwantner piece will be premiered in the beautiful Hilbert Circle Theater by the Indianapolis Sym- phony Orchestra, conducted by Hans Graf. General admission tickets are free to PASIC attendees; however, there are limited seats available and only one ticket is allowed per registration. Make sure you have registered for PASIC 2011 and then e-mail [email protected] to reserve your seat for this world-premiere event. Don’t miss Joseph Schwantner’s discussion about the pre- miere at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday. FrIDAy EvEnIng (nov. 11) On Friday night, PASIC 2011 presents a show for the ages as the U.S. Army Blues Band, featuring Steve Fidyk, takes the stage for a night of jazz. Celebrating its 39th year and widely considered the best working big band in the country, the U.S. Army Blues Band will welcome to the stage guest drummers Keith Carlock, Peter Erskine, Simon Phillips, John Riley, Ed Soph, and Emil Richards (vibes) to share the spotlight with Fidyk. Expect a high-energy show with top-rated playing from the finest musicians in the nation. SAtUrDAy EvEnIng (nov. 12) Saturday brings PASIC 2011 to a close with a huge birthday party for PAS. The celebration begins with the incomparable Grammy-award winning Poncho Sanchez and his Latin Jazz Band. Poncho last performed in Indianapolis for the 2009 Indy Jazz Fest and received rave reviews. His show is known to spark an “instant party,” which is exactly what will be happening Saturday night as we celebrate 50 years of the Percussive Arts Society. A cash bar will be available during the concert, and the back room will be opened immediately following Poncho’s performance for an after-concert hang with more live music. Come out for the late-night hang with some of the best percussionists and drummers in the world. OCTOBER 2011 2 pERCussiOn nEws www.pas.org SOCIETY UPDATE SCHOLARSHIP/ BY MICHAEL KENYON assistantship NEwS & SUMMER wORkSHOPS 2012–13 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION a nomination visit the PAS website at www. The Percussive Arts Society will hold its pas.org/experience/halloffame.aspx. election for the 2012–13 Board of Directors The December & February issues RHyTHM! Celebrates PAS 50TH term throughout the month of October. We ANNIvERSARy of Percussion News will include a are honored to present to the membership this outstanding slate of candidates who Be sure to schedule some time to visit listing of Scholarship/ are willing to serve in this vital leadership Rhythm! as you plan your convention sched- Assistantship News. role. Your role as a member is to cast your ule. In celebration of the PAS 50th Anniver- vote for those individuals you feel will best sary, the central plaza will feature an exhibit The February and April issues of provide the vision and leadership to success- on the history of PAS and Gallery I will fully lead our organization into the future. feature a new exhibit, Instrument Origins: Percussion News will include a All current PAS members with active e-mail Wood Skin Metal, that is highly interactive listing of Summer Workshops. accounts will be able to vote through our and displays some beautiful instruments not online election. An e-mail invitation will ar- previously on display. rive soon with all the information needed to For 2011, the PASIC Listening Lab will Deadlines complete your vote online. Information on be held in the Rhythm! Reading Room all December: October 15 all of the candidates and a ballot are avail- day Thursday through Saturday, and the Re- able in the back of this issue for those who search Poster Presentations will also be on February issue: December 15 would like to cast a paper ballot. The election display just outside the Reading Room. April issue: February 15 will conclude on October 31, and any mailed A special display in the Reading Room or faxed ballots must be received in the of- this year will be two Gladstone Snare drums, Send information to PAS fice at that time. serial numbers 0 and 1, as well as other unique pieces you will not want to miss. 110 W. Washington Street, Suite A 2012 PAS HALL OF FAME Nominations Rhythm! Discovery Center hours dur- Indianapolis, IN 46204 Nominations for the PAS Hall of Fame ing PASIC will be 9:00 a.m.. – 7:00 p.m. 2012 Inductees will be accepted through Wednesday–Saturday, and 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 E-mail: [email protected] w September 30. To review the entire list of p.m. on Sunday. Hall of Fame members and how to submit PERCUSSIOn nEwS Staff: Rick Mattingly, Editor • Hillary Henry, Art Director The Percussive Arts Society® (PAS®) is a music service organization promoting percussion education, research, performance and appreciation throughout the world. percussion news is published six times a year: february, April, June, August, October and December by the Percussive Arts Society. Correspondence regarding change of address, membership, other business matters of the Society, and editorial and advertising material should be sent to: Percussive Arts Society, 110 w. washington Street, Suite A, Indianapolis, In 46204; telephone: (317) 974-4488; fax (317) 974-4499; e-mail: [email protected]. • POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: percussion news, 110 w. washington Street, Suite A, Indianapolis, In 46204. • COPYRIGHT © 2011 by the Percussive Arts Society. Reproduction of any part of this publication without permission from PAS is prohibited by law. • Printed in the USA by Johnson Press of America, Pontiac, Illinois. www.pas.org pERCussiOn nEws 3 OCTOBER 2011 mus, the UFPE hand-chime ensemble under the direction of Dr. Flavio Medeiros. Students people and places also had the opportunity to participate in a va- riety of community-based workshops including pandeiro lessons with Claudio Santana, ma- AUSTRALIA April 11–21 in the Academic Hall, which was racatu workshops with Corpos Percussivos di- ptimum Percussion (Carolyn Watson, also the host location of the Universal Marimba rected by Jorge Martin, and samba classes with Eisteddfod Coordinator) presented the Competition in July. This Academy was open Monobloco under the direction of Celso Alvim. 12thO Annual Australian Percussion Eisteddfod for intermediate, advanced, and professional The exchange was the concluding project of on August 27–28 in Sydney. Adjudicators and marimba players and provided a great oppor- the five-year Music Alive! FIPSE-CAPES clinicians included James Campbell (University tunity to take private lessons with marimba grant for student exchanges and collaborative of Kentucky), Gray France (Australian Na- virtuoso Ludwig Albert and assistant Lin Chin projects between West Virginia University, tional University, PAS Australia Chapter Presi- Cheng. The Academy hosted students from East Carolina University, Universidade Federal dent), Sergei Golovko (Melbourne Percussion Poland, Uruguay, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, South do Pernambuco, and Universidade Federal do Ensemble School and Marimba Academy), and Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Japan, Thailand, Spain, Rio de Janeiro. Supplemental funding for this Allan Watson (Australian Opera and Ballet Tenerife, Serbia, and Belgium, who shared the exchange was generously provided by the West Orchestra). Each year, Optimum Percussion closing concerts with the lecturers. Adams, In- Virginia University College of Creative Arts holds the Australian Percussion Eisteddfod in novative Percussion, Concorde, and Pustjens and East Carolina University. Sydney, Brisbane, or Melbourne, where primary Percussion Products co-sponsored this event. CANADA and high school students can compete in solo The next edition will take place in July 2012; for or ensemble events. Schools and percussionists information visit www.ludwigalbert.com. n celebration of the 40th anniversary season of from all over Australia have attended this event Nexus, two back-to-back performances were BRAZIL since its inception. givenI by the Toronto-based quartet on July 31 embers of the West Virginia University as part of the Ottawa International Chamber alactic drummer Stanton Moore recently African Music and Dance Ensemble Music Festival Chamberfest at St.
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