/ " .r " Franklin D. Roosevelt PAPERS AS GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK STATE 1929-1932 Accession Numbers: 41-72, 42-47, 42-~51, 42-195, 43-87, 43-218, 44-85, 47-14, 48-21, 53-4, 53-6, 60-14 The papers were donated to the Library by Franklin D. Roosevelt and several other donors. This material is subject to copyright restrictions under Title 17 of the U.S. Code. Quantity: 50 feet (approximately 100,000 pages) Restrictions: None Related Materials: Records of New York State Governor (Franklin D. Roosevelt), 1929-32 (Microfilm) Papers of the Democratic National Committee, 1928-48 Papers of Louis M. Howe Papers of Herbert H. Lehman Papers of Samuel I. Rosenman Roosevelt Family Papers Donated by the Children of Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt - 2 - Franklin D. Roosevelt Papers as Governor, 1929-32 This collection represents the papers accumulated by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his two terms as Governor, January 1, 1929 to December 31, 1932. These papers are distinct from the official records of the New York State Governor, which are deposited in the New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230. A microfilm copy of the records is available at the Roosevelt Library. The papers reflect FDR's interest in the national and state affairs of the Democratic Party, the social and economic problems of the period, business matters, his hobbies, and his philanthropic work. The cOllection is divided into four series. - 3 - SERIES DESCRIPTION CONTAINER SERIES 1-86 I. Correspondence: Incoming and outgoing letters, telegrams, reports and printed material arranged alphabetically by name of individual, organization and subject. The correspondence, from national and state leaders, and the general public, includes expressions of opinion, applications for positions, requests for endorsements for public office, requests for donations for charitable organiza­ tions, requests for autographs and photographs, requests for advice, offers of honorary membership in organizations, birthday greetings and other congratulatory messages, and replies. Correspon­ dence of a more private nature relates to the Warm Springs Foundation, the law firm of Roosevelt and O'Connor, Harvar'd University, Hyde Park matters, the Cathedral of St. James in New York City, pub­ lication of FDR's writings, and his hobby as a collector of stamps, prints, manuscripts and ship models. 86-114 II. Invitations: Incoming and outgoing letters, telegrams and printed material arranged chrono­ logically by the date of the event. Includes invitations to speak at public gatherings, attend dinners, ceremonial exercises and receptions. There is a short sequence (Containers 112 through 114) arranged alphabetically by name of individual and organization for which a date was never finalized. 114-124 III. Interviews: Arranged alphabetically by name of individual and organization. Requests to see the Governor concerning both official and personal matters. 124-125 IV. Special Files: This series contains diaries of appointments for 1929 and 1930; a diary for 1930; addresses of FDR for October 18-29, 1930; a folder of newspaper clippings; a folder of material relating to FDR's trip to Europe in May 1931; a folder relating to the Seabury Investigation (A31- 32) of New York City Mayor, James J. Walker; two folders relating to the Thomas H. Farley Hearings, February 16 and 17, 1932; and a series of scrapbooks arranged numerically. The scrapbooks are housed with the scrapbook collection, and should be ordered by the "T" number, i.e. T-374. - 4 - SERIES I: CORRESPONDENCE CONTAINER CONTENTS 1 Aa-Ab Ac Adam-Adams Ade-Af Ag-Ak Alb-Ald Ale-Alk All Allen, Frederick H. Ali-Alv 2 Ama-Amen America-American Comm. American Con.-American G. American H.-American P. American R.-Amers. Ames-Ams Anders-Anderson Andr-Ant 3 Ap-Ark Arl-Arm Arn-Art As Ate-Atl Atm-Aur Aus-Ay Ba-Bae 4 Bag-Bai Bak Bal Bam-Ban Bara-Bark Barl-Baro Barr-Bars Bart-Barv 5 Bas-Bat Bau-Bay Bea Bec-Beed Beek-Bek Bel Bem-Benk Benn - 5 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 5 (cont.) Beno-Benz 6 Bere-Berk Berl-Berr Bers-Bey Bertron, S.R. Bia-Big Bil-Bir Bis-Blac Blag-Blau 7 Ble-Bli Bloch-Block Blod-Bloo Blou-Boe Bog-Bond Bone-Boos Boot-Bor Bos-Bou Bov-Bowi Bowers, Claude G. 8 Bowk-Bowy Boy-Boz Boy Scout Foundation of Greater New York Boy Scouts of America Brae-Brad Brady, Peter J. Brae-Bran Branch, Harlee Bras-Braz 9 Brea-Bren Bres-Brey Bria-Bridg Brigg-Brio Brit-Broc Brod-Bron Broo Brop-Brou Browd-Brown, F. Brown, G.-Brown, K. 10 Brown, L.-Brown, W. Brown, Nelson C. Browne-Browns Bru-Bry Buc Bud-Bul Bulkley, Robert J. - 6 - CONTAINER CONTENTS lO(cont.) Bum-Burg 11 Burh-Burn Burlingham, Charles C. Burr-Bus But-Buz By Cab-Cald Cabana, Oliver Jr. Cale-Call Caln-Cam 12 Campaign (1) Campaign (2) Campaign (3) Campaign Bond Issue Campaign Clippings Campaign Contributions Campaign Offer of Services Campaign Speeches Can-Cap Car a-Carl 13 Carm-Carn Carp-Carr Cars-Cary Cas Cat-Caz Cen-Ces Chaa-Cham Chan-Chap Char-Che 14 Chi-Cho Chr-Chu Cia-Civ Claf-Clap Clar Clau-Clea Clem-Cli Clo-Cob 15 Coc-Cog Coh-Cok Colb-Colk Colcord, Samuel Coll Collins, Ross A. Colm-Colw - 7 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 15 (cont. ) Com Comerford, John A. Comerford, Thomas J. 16 Conb-Conl Conn Cono-Conz Coog-Coom Coon-Coot Cop Cor Cornell University Cos-Cot Costigan, Edward P. Cou-Cov 17 Country Gentleman Courtney, A.J. Cow-Coz Cowles, Frederick H. Cox, James M. Cra-Cran Crane, Richard Crangle, Roland Crap-Cri Crawford, Guilford t1. Crawford, ,Hlliam Crippled People Croc-Crop Cros-Cry Cub-Cul Cullman, Howard S. : 1928-29 18 Cullman, Howard S. : 1930 Cullman, Howard S. : 1931 Cullman, Howard S. : 1932 and undated Cum-Cup Cur Curley, James M. Curry, John F. Curtis, Egbert T. Curtis, Emerson Curtis, George M. Cus-Cuz Da-Dak 19 Dal-Dam Dan-Daq Daniel, Raymund Daniels, Josephus: 1929-31 - 8 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 19(cont.) Daniels, Josephus: 1932 Daniels, Josephus: 1933 Dar-Dau Dave-Davl Davies, Joseph E. Davis, J. Lionberger Davis, John W. 20 Davis, Livingston Davis, Norman Daw-Day Day, Joseph P. Dea-Deb Dec-Def Deg-Dek Dela-Dely Delano, Frederic A. Delano, Lyman Delano, William A. Dema-Demp Democratic National Committee-Meeting 3/5/31 Democratic Press Democratic State Committee: 1928-30 21 Democratic State Committee: 1931-32 Democratic State Committee-Women's Activities Democratic Union Den-Dep DePury, Edward Der-Deu Dern, George H. Deutzman, Lawrence H. Dev-Dey Dewson, Mary W. Dia-Dic Dickstein, Samuel Die-Dig Dil-Dj 22 Dimmig, Charles Doa-Doe Doh-Dom Dona Donahue, John V. Donations: 1929-30 (1) Donations: 1929-30 (2) Donations: 1929-30 (3) Donations: 1931 (1) Donations: 1931 (2) Donations: 1931 (3) - 9 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 23 Donations: 1932 (1) Donations: 1932 (2) Donations: 1932 (3) Donations: 1932 (4) Donations: 1932 (5) Done-Dono Doo-Dot 24 Dou-Dov Dougherty, Richard E. Dow-Dox Downing, Arthur Doyle Doyle, George Dra-Dre Dri-Dry Dua-Dum Dun-Dup Dunlop, John Dura-Dury Dus-Duv 25 Dw-Dy Dwyer, W.J. Eag-Ear Early, Joseph J. Early, Stephen T. Eas-Eat Eastman, Edward R. Eb-Edl Edison Scholarships Edm-Eg Edwards, J.R.: 1931 Edwards, J.R.: 1932 26 EI-Ei Eighteenth Amendment Eld-Elk Elkus, Abram I. Ell-Ely Ema-Ems End-Ens Ep-Er Es-Eu Eva Eve-Ez 27 Fab-Fan Falk, Edwin A. Fara-Farw - 10 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 27(cont.) Farley, James A. Farley, William W. Fas-Faz Fea-Fei Fel-Fen Fer-Feu Fia-Fil 28 Fifth Avenue Hospital Filene, Edward A. Fin-Fio Fire-Firt Fisc-Fist Fit-Fiv Fla-Fle Fli-Fly Flynn, Edward J. Fob-Faa 29 Foch National Memorial Committee Foley, James A. Folks, Horner For-Fore Ford Motor Company Fordham University Forg-Fos The Forum Fou-Fow Fox Fox, Austin G. and Austin H. Fram-Frang Frank-Fraz Frankfurter, Felix 30 Fre Freschi, John J. Fri Fro-Fry Frost, Benson R. Fuc-Fut Gab-Gai Gal Gam-Gan Gannett, Frank E. Garc-Garl Gardner, O. Max Garn-Gary Garner, John N. Gas-Gei - 11 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 31 Gel-Gen Geo Ger-Gey Gh-Gib Gie-Gild Gill-Gim Gin-Git Githens, William F. Gla Gle-Gly God-Golde Goldf-Gon 32 Goldsmith, Evelyn M. Goldstein, Gertrude Goo Goodspeed's Book Shop Gorb-Gord Gore-Gors Gos-Goz Grab-Grah Gram-Grau Grav-Graz Graves, Frank P. Graves, Mark Greas-Greel Green Greena-Greene 33 Greene, Nelson Greenf-Greer Greg-Grey Grie-Grif Grig-Gros Grou-Gry Gua-Gun Guffey, Joseph F. Gump, A. Livingston Gundlach, F. Kenneth Gurn-Gw Ha-Hab Hac-Hag Hackett, Henry T. 34 Hackett, John A. and John M. Hah-Hali Hall Halla-Halv Ham-Hamill Hamilton - 12 .:.. CONTAINER CONTENTS 34 (cont.) Haml-Hamp Hanc-Hank Hanl-Hanr Hans-Hanz Hap-Hard Harder, George W. Hardman, Lamartine G. Hare-Hark Harl 35 Harm-Harp Harra-Harrin Harris Harris and Ewing Harris, Frederic R. Harris, Julian Harrison Harrm-Hartl Hart, Merwin K. Hartm-Harw Harvard Reunion (1929) Has 36 Hat-Hav Haw Hawkins, David S. Hay-Haye Hayf-Haz Hea-Heb Heartman, Charles F. Hec-Heg Hei-Hel Hem-Hende Hendi-Henl 37 Henn-Henr Hens-Hero Herr-Herz Herwig, Edward E. Hes-Hie Hig Hild-Hill Hill, John L. Hilo-Hip Hinkley, John L. Hinkley, Rhoda Hir-Hoc 38 Hod-Hoe Hof-Hog - 13 - CONTAINER CONTENTS 38 (cont.) Hoi-Holl Holderness School Holland Society Hollis, Henry F. Holm-Hon Homer, Arthur P. Honorary Memberships: Oct.-Dec. 1928 Honorary Memberships: Jan.-Mar.
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