FAIRFIELD COUNTY DIVING ASSOCIATION February 2016 Volume 23 Issue 2 Inside this Issue The Presidents’ Corner The Presidents’ Corner by Mike Cassetta by Mike Cassetta page 1 Although the winter was late phere against incumbents, our FCDA Donor I page 2 in getting here, the last few existing officers will be returning days of have seen record- for service including Matt & I as Archie: The Art of Diving breaking low temperatures. De- Co-Presidents, Mark Shannon as page 2 spite the nasty weather, spring Vice President & Paul Gacek as his just around the corner and Treasurer. We are still in des- January Meeting DAN it's almost time to get out there perate need of a club secretary Raffle Winners page 3 and start diving. If you haven't to assist in preparing are already done so; get your gear monthly newsletters. FCDA Member Ads page 3 serviced and ready for some As a reminder, if you have good dives in the Northeast with not yet paid your annual dues, Back to Britannic by FCDA this year. please do so, dues are very rea- Michael C. Barnette Our January meeting was sonable and help us provide the pages 4, 5, 6, 7 well attended. Although our newsletter and support club ac- planned speaker had to cancel, tivities. Paul Gacek filled in admirably Look forward to seeing you FCDA Donors II page and showed a well-done video Friday February 26th. 5 on a live aboard trip on the Your humble servant. Carib Dancer in the Bahamas. 2016 Thank You for Our guest speaker for the Feb- Mike becoming a Friend of ruary meeting will be Captain DAN page 8 Bill Palmer speaking on the SS Atlantic. Diving Doctor: Why Did I As a reminder, there is no Get An Unexplained Hit? March Meeting and we encour- by James L. Caruso page 9 age everybody to attend Be- neath the Sea. We are still look- Connecticut Underwater ing to scheduling speakers for Hockey WANTS YOU! the rest of the year. Hopefully page 10 Charlie Blanchette will be able to show his Australia video at 5 Diving Tips For Saving either her April or May meeting. Air page 11 If anybody else has video foot- age or slides of a recent dive Next FCDA Meeting trip, please let Matt or me page 12 know. During January meeting, we held our annual elections. De- spite a toxic political atmos- Page 2 FCDA Donor The business listed on this page has donated dive gear and dive services to help support the Fairfield County Diving Association. UPCOMING TRIPS Curacao Sat, Apr 16, 2016 - Sat, Apr 23, 2016 Sunscape Resort Truk Lagoon 2016 Sun, Nov 27, 2016 - Sun, Dec 04, 2016 Truk Odyssey Red Sea (Egypt) 2017 Sat, Nov 25, 2017 - Sat, Dec 02, 2017 Red Sea Aggressor Archie: The Art of Diving Page 3 January Meeting DAN Raffle Winners After watching a video presentation Thanks to New England Dive Remember, you can't win if you Diving the Bahams by Paul Gacek, Center Orbit Marine Dive Center don't buy tickets and you can't buy the club held its monthly raffle to sup- and Paul Gacek for donating to- tickets if you don't get up and come port our DAN Platinum sponsorship. night’s raffle prizes for our DAN raf- out to FCDA events and meetings! The winners were: Aquaseal Ce- fle. ment donated by Orbit Marine Dive Center — Michelle Lapin, Hose Holder donated by New England Dive Center — Toni Morgan, Belt Buckle donated by New England Dive Center — Toni Morgan, Phone Smart Sleeves donated by New England Dive Center — Jim Purcell, McNett Dive Bag donated by New England Dive Center - Toni Morgan, LED Glowstick donated by New England Dive Center - Toni Morghan, Pink Dive Snorkel donated by New England Dive Center - Mike Cassetta, Wreck Spool do- nated by Orbit Marine Dive Center - Michelle Lapin, Princeton Tec Light donated by New England Dive Center - Doug Reitmeyer, Bahamas Video donated by Paul Gacek - Matt Rownin, $10 Gift Certificate donated by New England Dive Center - Doug Reitmeyer and a $10 Gift Certificate donated by New England Dive Center - Jim Purcell. FCDA Member Ads Hey - have you got a non retail-diving business that you’d like to share with fellow members of FCDA? Get your business card size ad in the FCDA monthly newsletter “Surface Interval” for only $50.00 for one year. Give your business a boost and help support the production of our monthly newsletters. For more information, write to FCDA, P.O. Box 3005, Fairfield, CT 06824 or email to [email protected]. Page 4 Back to Britannic by Michael C. Barnette For experienced technical di- a little taken aback when I re- vers, the Britannic is the quin- ceived an invitation to dive this tessential wreck dive. This epic ocean liner from noted wreck Olympic class ocean liner is the diver Richie Kohler with advance sister ship of perhaps the most notice of only one month. famous vessel in history: RMS Unbeknownst to me, underwa- Titanic. Unlike the Titanic, Bri- ter imaging expert Evan Kovacs tannic never carried passengers had hounded the Malta-based, on the transatlantic route. In- Russian-staffed exploration and P.O. Box 3005, stead, the British government filming company U-Group for employed it as a hospital ship more than a year in hopes of Fairfield, CT 06824 with the outbreak of World War joining them in Greece. Affiliated I. In the course of that service, with the Russian Geographical Internet mail: [email protected] it struck a mine deployed by the Society, U-Group had been ex- http://www.fcda.us German submarine U-73 in the ploring and filming Britannic using Aegean Sea on Nov. 21, 1916. a three-man submersible and re- 2016 Board HMHS Britannic now rests on its motely operated vehicle (ROV) port side in approximately 400 from their research vessel U-Boat Presidents Matt Rownin & feet of water, less than 3 nauti- Navigator for the past two years. Mike Cassetta cal miles off the Greek island of Kovacs hoped to piggyback on Vice-President Mark Shannon Kea. their permit to conduct reconnais- Secretary Vacant Simply put, the Britannic sance in advance of a much lar- wreck is spectacular. Given its (Continued on page 5) Treasurer Paul J. Gacek pedigree and the fact it rests tantalizingly close to shore, one might think technical divers visit the site regularly. But there are even greater hurdles to explor- ing the wreck than its depth. One must first acquire permis- sion from the British owner of the wreck site as well as permits from the Greek government be- fore even considering the sourc- ing of tanks, breathing gas and additional gear needed for div- ing operations. Planning usually takes several months or even a year. And all this is easier said than done. Having participated in a previous expedition to Bri- tannic in 2006, I was well aware of all the bureaucratic and logis- tical issues that generally wreak havoc on planned diving objec- Diver Edoardo Pavia illuminates tives. It is for this reason I was the bridge of Britannic. Page 5 FCDA Donor Back to Britannic The business listed on this page has donated by Michael C. dive gear and dive services to help support the Barnette Fairfield County Diving Association. (continued) (Continued from page 4) ger future expedition to Greece. With the apparent support of U -Group and excitement about again visiting the wreck of Britan- nic, we found ourselves headed back to Kea in late June 2015. Accomplished Italian diver Edo- ardo Pavia — driving a van full of tanks, breathing gas, rebreather consumables and other necessary gear across Greece — rounded out our small team. But because of a general lack of interaction and communication between Western divers and our Russian counterparts, we were not exactly sure what to expect upon our ar- rival. Fortunately, our initial meeting any uncertainty we may have stunned by all the tools on board aboard U-Boat Navigator allayed had about the crew or their ca- the research vessel. Aside from pabilities. We were pleasantly the aforementioned submersible and ROV, they had a large chase boat, a multibeam and side-scan sonar, a massive fill station, an elevated dive platform, an amaz- ing clinic with a multiplace hyper- baric chamber, a fully equipped video production station and a diving bell complete with commu- nications, video, hot water and abundant supplies of emergency breathing gas. The diving bell would allow up to two divers at a time to stand up in an air-filled chamber, remove their gear and have a chat or get a drink of wa- ter, all while being monitored by a hyperbaric physician topside. With planned dive times ap- (Continued on page 6) U-Boat Navigator in Kea, Greece Page 6 Back to Britannic by Michael C. Barnette (continued) (Continued from page 5) proaching six hours, the diving bell radically increased safety compared with conventional open -water decompression while also offering a great diversion from the monotony of decompression stops. The enhanced safety provided by the in-water monitoring and the diving bell had special signifi- cance in light of Carl Spencer's fatal dive on May 24, 2009, while leading a National Geographic expedition to Britannic. Spencer was an extremely competent technical diver and was very fa- miliar with Britannic; the 2009 project was his third expedition to The well-appointed clinic aboard U-Boat Navigator Kea. He had also led or partici- pated in numerous other techni- ing with the tools we now had at an efficient communication proto- cal diving expeditions, including a our disposal, his death perhaps col with the topside crew and 2007 venture to the liner Carpa- could have been prevented.
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