The Prince George Citizen — Saturday, September 13, 1986 — 19 ANDY C A P P BY REGGIE SMYTHE 79 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 38 OFFICE HELP________ 49 SITUATIONS WANTED DOMESTIC Advertisements in this classification must WILL knit Indian sweaters upon request Phone 964- GE DRYER, new motor and element. $190 Phone comply with the British Columbia 0121 562-4718 ____________ Human Rights Act. WOULD like to babysit children under 5, in my COUCH and sola, very good condition After 4 pm, home, Heritage area 564-2124_____________________ 562-4996 BOOKKEEPER required: lor computerized bookkeep­ McCLARY automatic washer, good condition, $150; ing lirm. General ledger and payroll experience re­ MATURE Babysitter required in home. 12 days a month, 4te yr old girl and 6 Vi yr old boy after school Kenmore dryer, natural gas or propane. $100 563- quired. Computer and public practise experience 5822 or 962-6917. _____________ ___________________ preferred Starting salary $1,200. Apply in con­ to 5pm. Relernces required. 563-6457. BUILT-IN dishwasher, Harvest Gold, good working fidence: Manager, PO. Box 1717, Prince George. MOTHER will babysit 1-5 year old, my home, Foo­ condition, $65 Phone 962-7803 alter 6 pm British Columbia V2L 4V6__________________________ thills area Excellent references 562-6832 NANNY Services accepting applications for babysit­ 4- BROWN vinyl bar slools New $90 each. Sell all REQUIRED immediately, experienced credit union or ters and clients. Vacation coverage available, full $200.964-9345 ______ bank teller Applicants should attache a hand written time or casual 563-6243 LEAVING Province, must sell all household furniture letter stating salary expectations, along with a resu­ Phone 563-3917. me to the attention of: Ivy Braun, Prince G eorge & REGISTERED Daycare, my home, South Fori George GE AVOCADO cookstove and fan, $200; 36" bitold District Credit Union, 1532 6 th Ave, Prince George, area, 4 years experience References. 563-5894 closet door, and kitchen cupboards, best offers, 561- BC. V2L-5B5 RELIABLE mother of 3 will babysit in my home, Millar Addition. 563-2644 2601 38 GRANDMOTHER Wishes to babysit, her home, night MOVING, must sell. Harvest Gold self cleaning SKILLED HELP stove, and frost free Iridge, as new, $800 964-3661 or day, full or pari time. 561-0328___________________ 59 CARPENTEHS, CONTRACTORS 68 BUILDING MATERIALS 76 FARM IMPLEMENTS Advertisements in this classification must MOTHER will babysit 2-5 years olds, weekdays, THE Two Handed Furniture Store Good used furni­ ture and appliances Open6 days a week. 9:30am- comply with the British Columbia close to Pineview General Store. 963-7270 TOP NOTCH carpenter available for renovations and PRICES reduced for quick sale All lumber $200 per HOWARD rotovator, HA series, nearly new. $2,500; 5:00pm We buy and sell. 1180 Third Avenue 562- Human Rights Act. MALASPINA Family Daycare has openings I provide what have you. Call Scotty 962-9045_______________ M Bargain prices on certain lilts 564-9903, 562- 86 " single auger snowblower, pull model, extra long 4411 TLC. snacks, lunch, crafts Cindy, 964-3085 3884 40" shute, $1,350 1-9' -2449 WELDER/ Machinist experienced with heavy equip- RENOVATIONS, bathrooms, additions, sundecks, pa­ ment repair Reply to Citizen Box AB 243 nelling, finishing work. Phone 562-3508_____________ 82 • GARAGE SALE 50 DOMESTIC GENERAL contractor available for all kinds of car­ 7Q CAMERAS, PHOTO FINISHING 78 FARM PRODUCE EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC pentry work. Renovations and additions, finishing BASEMENT sale, 1351 Kellogg Street, Spruceland Reply to Citizen Box AB 246 stating experience and Advertisements in this classification must work, cedar work, new house construction, etc. Free OLYMPUS OM25 plus T32 flash and 3 meter cord WANTED- Fresh goat's milk. Phone Vivianne, 562- area Saturday and Sunday, 10am- 5pm. Moving, ev­ starling salary expected comply with the British Columbia estimates, Call Jerry. 562-3000_____________________ Priced to sell, Bromca ETRS 6x45mm, complete out- 1115 erything must go Furniture and lots of good miscel- Human Rights Act. MECHANIC'S HELPER WANTED HEARTHSIDE Homes, complete home construction fit Value $4.000 Offers 564-4772 HONEY, fresh clover honey for sale. Call Mooney laneous items_________________________________ Additions, garages, sundecks, interior renovations of Apiaries. Phone 962-6136._________________________ GARAGE sale, 9435 Neilson Road (Highway North), Welding experience an asset. FOUR fully tramned kittens lo be given away 562- 1102 after 5:30pm _________________________ any kind 564-7198 after 5pm_______________________ 72 COAL, WOOD, FUEL 2- WEANER pigs, 7 weeks old. $35 each Phone Saturday, Sunday, 9 00am- 5 00pm_______________ Reply to Citizen Box AB 245 stating experience and 963-7056 AFTER school babysitter needed for 3 children, with­ RENOVATIONS, basements, sundecks, cedar Free YARD sale, something lor everyone 4301 1st Ave starling salary required. QUALITY birch, split and delivered, $60/ pickup load in walking distance of Spruceland School. 564-9128 estimates. Phone 562-6057. GOOD mixed grass hay Stored in shed. Heavy ba­ Sunday, September 14, 10am- 5pm______________ or $50 round Mixed loads $40 and $50. 964-7241 or DRAFTSPERSON between 4pm- 7pm, ask for Louise or Linda.________ BEAVERLY Woodcrafts, your one stop home builders les Can deliver. $2 50/bale Fraser Bend Ranch. 1242 GARVIN Street, Sunday only. 10 00am- 4 00pm 964-3436 _________________________________________ Stoner, 1-330-4270 The B.C. Buildings Corporation has an immediate WANTED housekeeper for Foothills area Experinced, and renovators, reasonable rates, 964-0579 2845 KILLARNEY Drive, Sept 13 & 14, 10am to 4pm. WANTED- logging truck load of firewood Phone 1- GOOD quality hay, Crar,brook Hill area. $2 00/ bale opening for a Draflsperson in their Prince G eorge mature person only. 3 Hours daily. Write Citizen Box EXPERIENCED carpenter. Renovations or new con- carpets, misc baby items and clothes, cross country 10% Discount on orders over 500 bales. 564-8108 Regional Office. The incumbent is required to pro­ AB242 struction. Hourly or contract. Call Len, 563-0862 971-2211.________________________________________ skis, camperized Ford Van, other misc |unk. 962- BIRCHWOOD. $40 round, $50 split, delivered Phone after C p m ___________________________________ duce technical drawings and sketches and other re­FULL time babysitter to come into my home, Peden RENOVATIONS, basements, fences, decks Free 9793________________________________________ ROUND bales, special price off field, $60 p/ton or lated documents. Hill area Ask lor Vicki. 563-6181 estimates and design help Phone 964-8158_________ 964-4652 ________________________________________ 7710 ST PATRICK Avenue. Saturday 10 00am- SEASONED firewood for sale. $15 pickup load $20 each. 963-9201 The scope ol this position includes preparing m oder­ WANTED- Person to light housekeep and babysit 2 4:00pm, Sunday 10:00am- 2:00pm. Miscellaneous _____________________ ately complicated drawings, maps or plans; making school aged children, 7 and 10 2:30 - 6:30pm 60 DECORATORS * PAINTERS Phone 963-7945. noon lo 9pm. ANIMAL feeds, supplies, supplements, tack, sad­ furniture, electric motors. 16" bike, TV, stereo, stroll­ calculations pertaining to such drawings: construct­ weekdays only Car required. Call morning or eve- HICKORY Wing Alpine Ski Club, seasoned Birch. dles, etc For the best buy around, sample our er, playpen, kids clothes and other miscellaneous prices. No 1 Feed Oats 25kg bag, $4 99; 20kg co­ ing and making final tracings of drawings from field ning, 964-9415____________________________________ Delivered, Round, $50; Split, $60 964-0222 or 562- items____________________^___________________ PENNER'S Painting & Wallcoverings, 25 years expe­ balt, $4 99, Iodine salt blocks. $4 70; 16% Alfalfa notes. Photographs and other sources, preparing BABYSITTER required in home, 3 days per week. 2 rience. Free estimates. Phone Al 562-3631 9465 ________________________________________ MULTI lamily garage sale Motorbike, tires, canoe, mechanical, electrical and architectural drawings; DRY firewood, Spruce and Pine mixed $50 round, pellets, 25kg bag, $6.20 elc. Day and Night General and more Saturday 10am- 4pm, Sunday, 12:30pm- children, (8 months and 24 months). Only mature SIEG'S Pamtmg All work guaranteed For tree esti­ performing more complicated operations using vari­ $60 split. 1 *967-4694 after 4pm_____________________ Store and Gull Gas8 ar, corner Carmel Drive, High-, 4pm. 2633 Hollandia Drive, Peden Hill.____________ experienced persons need apply References re­ mate phone 964-8205 ____________________ way 16 West. 11 miles from downtown PG. 964- ous technical Instruments; and other related work. WANTED- Logging truck load of dry firewood Phone MULTI Family Garage Sale, motorbikes, tires, clare- quired Phylis, 562-5764 or 562-1117 _______________ QUALIFIED painter, specializing in textured ceilings, 2996 1-560-5564________________________________________ net, and misc household items Saturday and Sun- Applicants should have Grade 12 or equiv. and have clean, fast Reasonable rates. Free estimates 562- FARM Iresh peas, beets, cabbage, potatoes U-pick day, 10 lo 4. 2940 Killarney Drive, Hart Highlands. successfully completed a post-secondary school 52 LOGGING CONTRACTORS 4042 13VtHands high Horse will trade lor lire wood Call or picked orders. 963-8694 ___________________ course in drafting Some related experience pre­ 964-7366.__________________ 3 FAMILY yard sale, Jorgenson
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