KAGH ...1300KFAC ...1330 KFSG .1130KGER ...1390KIEV....870KNX ....1070KPPC ....1240KWIK ...1490 KECA ... 790KFI 640KFVD ...1020 KGFJ .1230 KLAC....370 KOWL ..1580KRKD ...1150 KWKW ..1430 YOUR RADIO TODAYKERN ...1410KFOX ...1280KFWB ... 980 KHJ.... 930KMPC.... 710KPMC ...1560KVOE ...1480KXLA 1 110 KHJ-Music. KFWB-News. KFWB.B. Anson. 11:15 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 1 0 P.M. KFAC-Lyrics Chorus. KHJ-Lynn at Hollywd. K101-Sporta KFI-Sam Hayes. KNX-Perry KECA-Be Seated. Mason. KFIOrehestra. KFAC-Echoes, EncoresKNX-News. KECA-V. Lindlahr. SPORTS-- 8:30 KNiThe Goldbergs 1:15 P.M. KNX-News. KH.J.Cisco Kid KECA-Reporter. KFAC-Guy Bates Post 9:00 KNX-My Favorite Husband 3:45 P.M. KRKD.S ports Dial. KFWB-Sports, Dallas. KFAC-Mus. Crossroads. 7:30 KECA-BoxIng RBI-Stella KECA-Sky King KNXJ. Dorsey KLAC570 Club. KHJ-Fulton Lewis. KFI-Love & Learn. KFAC-Whoa Bill. 8:15 KLAC-Baseball Playoffs DRAMA- 11:30 A.M. KECA-Boxing Bout KHJ-Nancy Dixon. KFAC-News. KFWB-Gene Norman KHJ-Tom Mix KMPC-Leahy of N.D. KFAC-Classrm. Radio. KLAC-Legion Fights 0:00 KFI-Screen Director's Play- KFWB-Bill Anson. SPECIAL- Children, KFLTodars KMPC-All Time Hits. house. KNX-Arthur Godfrey, 3:00 KILT-Gov. Warren KFAC-Amer. Music. KLAC-Music. 7:45 P.M. 10:15 P.M. P.M. 7:30 KW-Cisco Kid 1:30 7:00 XVI, KNX, KECA, KMPC, KRKD-News. KPI-Here Comes 8:30 KECA-Your FBI. P.M. KIISports Editor. 4 KECA-Baukhage. Jones. 5:45 P.M. KM-Community chest 9:30 KECA-Mr. President. KFI-Lorenzo Harmon KNX-Bob Elson. KNX-Nora Drake. Aces. 8:30 KHJMeet Press ICECA-Easy IEFI-E. Peterson. KFWB.S. Shoemaker KH.T.Hilites Music. KFWB-News. KNX-Geo. Fisher KMPC-Words & Music COMEDY- MYSTERY- KW-Woman's Secret, KLAGSportabook. KECA-News ICHT-Queen for Day. Young. KHJ-Norma KNX-Curt Massey. 9:00 KECA-Fat Man of West KRICDRace Results. 8:00 KNX-Leave It to Joan KMPC-Songs KFWB-News. KFWB-Dave Ormont. KNX-News. 8 P.M. 10:30 P.M. Cor., KFAC-Composers KMPC-News. KMPC-Top Tunes. KFI-Light Up Time. KMPC-Major League. KHJ-Fulton 11:45 A.M. KEI-Caryeth Wells. Lewis KMPC-Rom. ez Rhythn }(LAC-Haynes. KECA-Ira Cook KFWB-S. Hamblen. KEY-Orchestra KLAC-News, KFAC-Eve. Concert. Sports. 101-Lite of World. 7 A.M. KFWB-Masic 1:45 P.M. KECA-One for Book KECA-Play it Again KHJ-Straight Arrow Day. KHJ-News KNX-Brighter KNX-Symphonette KFAC-Masterpieces. 6 P.M. KECA-Sports, Music 9:45 A.M. Brown. RFI-Widder DeCola. Kin-Nows. KECA-Felix KNX-Lowell Thomas KMPC-All Time Hits. KFWB43. Anson. KLAC-Haynes Reins. Potter. RFLAround Town. KFWB-Peter KFISereen BlrectortelKFWB-Music 8;30 A.M. KECA-Nancy Craig 4:15 P.M. KECA-Bkfat. Hollywd. Q1112 Playhouse. KNX-Gal Sunday. KRICD-Moyieland KLAC-Music, Nem.. 10:45 P.M. ' KNX-Garry Moore. KNX-News, Music. Farmers. KMPC-For KF1-Jack Berch. KFI-liiurray Talks. KLAG ews. KMPC-Western Stars. KECA-Look'g, News. 8:15 P.M. KF/-Meiody Time. KHJ-News. KILT-F. Hemingway. KFAC-Coif ee Cup Cnert. 2 P.M. KMPC-News. KFI-World News. KLAC-Don Otis. News. KMPC-Song For Yot 10 A.M. KLAC-Cal. Melodies KILLNews. 12' Noon KFWB-Newa, KNX-Smith, Whiting KMPC-Leisure Time. KFAC-News. KNX-Stand In. KFWB-Daybeic Seeds. KFI-School Broadcast KFI-Girl Marries. ,KECA-Orch. KNX-Grand Slam. KMPC-Bands, Ballads KFAGTwilite Hour. KLAO-Baseball Playoff: KFI.Farm Report. KLAC-Newa, Sports. KRKDNews. KFAC-Morn. Concert. KECA-Francls Scully, KNX-Leaye It to JoanKFWB-Public Service Pack. KECANews. 7;15 A.M. KHJ-News: KECA-Surprise 1 1 . P.M. KFWB-Music. Heatter KLAC-Ballroom. KNX-131g Sister. KFAC-Matinee, 8:30 P.M. Fair KMPC-County RM. Lawton. 8:45 A.M. KLAC-Al Jarvis. KHJ-AgaInst Storm. KVI-Dragnet KFI-News. 4:30 P.M. Speaks 6:15 P.M. KNX-News. KNX-News. RMPC-News. KMPC-Record Room. KRKD-Govern. KNX-The Goldberg. KFI-Two Boys dc Git KFAC-Lunch. Concert KHJ-Meet Press KFAC-Mus. Crossroads. XIIJ-Bkfst. Gang. IKFlatirr. Wheeler. KLAC-BaUroom. KHJ-News. KLAC-Don Otis. KIM-Music 2:15 P.M. KECA-F111. KNX-Stars Morn'g. 10:15 A.M. KMPC-R, McDowell. KMPC-Sports. KECA-News Tomorrow KFAC-Unity. RFI-Portla. KMPC-Parade of Hit. KW-Behind Story. KECA-Elmer Davis KHJ-Orch. 12:15 P.M. KFWB-Science. KLAC-570 Club. KFWB-News KECA-Galen Drake., KFWB-Dally Light. KFWB-S, Shoemakcr KPWHGene Norman 730 'A.M. Maus. KMPC-Music. KNX-Meet KECA-Double 8:45 P.M. Feature KELT-Newsreel KNX-Rosefnary. KNX-Ma Perkins. KFLRoad of Life. KFWB-Human Touch KWX-Docfor's Office, . 'KHJ-Gospel Singer's. Smith RFLPlatter Party. KECA-Norwood 11:15 P.M. KLAC-Racing News. P.M. 2:30 Show 6:30 P.M. KRXD-News. X113Stu Wilson 9 P.M. KE1-1J.N. is My Beat. RFI.Plain Bill. P.M. KNX-Bob Garred. to You 4:45 KMPC-News KECA-Orchestra. 10:30 A.M. Groom. KFI.Mus. Hollywood. 3CPI-Rie. Diamond & KE:CA-Zeke Manners. 9 AM. KECA-Bride KHJ-News. KECA-Hlts & Encores.KHJ-Glenn Hardy. KNX-Merry Go Round KMPC-Say With Music. KHJ-Concert. KFI.Lora Lawton. KLAC-Racing Rdup. 12:30 P.M. ICFAC-Music Hour. KECA-Fat Man KFI-Lad fest Day. KHJ-Ladies Fair KMPC-Pan-Americans.. 745 A.M. KFWB-S. Hamblen. KFWB-Amer, Dances. KFAC-Concert. 11:30 P.M. CA-My True Story. KFl-Pepper Young. KECA-House Party KECA-Happy Theater, XHJ-Today's Sports. KFWB-Musie- 2:45 P.M. Kin-Forests Adams Carousel. KFWB-Strollin' Tom NX-Dr. Malone. KMPC.Cal. KM= Hayes. KRKD-News. KNX-Abe Burrows. KNX-My Favorite KECA-Stand By . RFI-Front Page Farrell. KFWEI-Bill Leyden. KECA-Notebook. KILLNews. KHJ-K, Smith Speak KNX-E. R. Murrow KMPGRace Results Husband Anson. KILI-Cues to Music. KFWB-13. KMPC-Good Morning.KMPC-Band Box. KLAC.Honest Opinion KB'WB-News. KLAC-Baseball Godfrey. KNX-Sports KNX-Arthur KFAC-Serenade. Haymee KNX-Fred Beck. KILT-Dick 6:45 P.M. KNX-Wendy Warren 3 P.M... 9:15 P.M. XFAC-News. KLAC-News, Music. " 10:45' A.M. KILI-Answer Man. 11:45 P.M. 12:45 P.M. 3 P.M. AFLPeature Wire. KHJ-Kaye's Shownn. KFIX.S. Navy. KFI-Life Beautiful. KMPC-News, Pers. KFWD-United Nations Traveler. 6:55 P.M. Happiness yaiSWelcome 8 A.M. 161-Rite to KH.J.News. 9:15 A.M. KNX-Guiding Lite. KHJ-B-Bar-B Sports. 9:30 P.M. ,KLAC-Newa, KELJ-Methdy Matinee. KFAC-Sun. KNX-You 8c Humor KMPC-Jeanne Gray Serenade, KHJ-Bill Henry. KFLIfoneymoon N.Y. Out Ur Way KFAC-News. KHIQuiz Club KECA-Talk KFI-Frank Race KMPC-News. KLAC-News, Stocks. KLAC-Fred Henry. Potter. RFAC-Favorites. KECA-Mr. President. KFWB-Bargains. KFWB-Peter KLAC-D. Otis, New. 1 KECA.-Yukon Chlige. KIM-Commentary. Babbitt. KHJ-Gov. Warren KLAC-Sing Worries KNX-Harry 7 P.M. KNX-Beulah Manning, RFWB.Clete Roberts. 11 A.M. KNX-ICnox KNX-B. McLaughlin. Away KMPC-Chlffon Serenade KFLCommunity ChestKW-Orchestra 12 Midnight KNX-Aunt Jenny. KFI-Double, Notling. ICFWBChrist. Ch. AF1-111us10 Menu. 5:15.P.M. KRIM-News. KMPC-News. 1 P.M. P.M. KLAC-Al Jarvis. 3:15 Unity KFAC-Serenade. RFAC-Country Church KMPC-TOps in Poi. KLAC-News, Music. KMPC-Parade of Hits Show. KLAC-D. Otis 9:30 A.M. KFI-Neyfs. KH.J-Rhapsody Wax. KECA-Bkfst Club. KHJ-Ladies First. KFI-Baekstage KMPC-Red Feather. KIM-Hoedown KNX-Sports, KFWB-Musle. KLAC-News. Sports. KNX-CommtinIty Chest KNX-Helen Trent. KECA-Mago. of Mr. 9:45 P.M. KLAC-Music Room.. KNX-News, S. Alien, 0:15 A.M. KNX-Call For Help. ICHS.Community Chest KNX-2nd Mrs. BUrton. P.M. KHJ-Women Wdrfl. 3:30 KLAC-Musle, Min-Virgil Pinkley. KNX-Club 15 army KFAC-Salyation KECA-Community KFWB-MaurIce Hart KFWB-Peter Potter. KRKD-Serenede. Mary. KFWB-New. XMPC-Markets, Sports. IFI.Auitt KECA-Pick-A-Date Chest KNX-News. KMPCChef. KFAC-Musio Festival. PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor.
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