Public Document Pack To: Councillor Young, Convener; Councillor Donnelly, Vice Convener; and Councillors Allan, Cameron, Crockett, Dickson, Jackie Dunbar, Flynn, Len Ironside CBE, Laing, Milne, Nicoll, Reynolds, Jennifer Stewart, Taylor, Townson and Yuill Town House, ABERDEEN 1 March 2017 FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE The Members of the FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE are requested to meet in Committee Room 2 - Town House on THURSDAY, 9 MARCH 2017 at 11.00 am. FRASER BELL HEAD OF LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC SERVICES B U S I N E S S DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT BUSINESS 1.1 Determination of Exempt Business REQUESTS FOR DEPUTATION 2.1 Deputations None received at this stage. MINUTES, COMMITTEE BUSINESS STATEMENT AND MOTIONS LIST 3.1 Minute of Previous Meeting of 1 December and Reconvened Meeting of 7 December 2016 (Pages 7 - 40) 3.2 Committee Business Statement (Pages 41 - 58) 3.3 Motions List (Pages 59 - 60) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SERVICE ISSUES 4.1 Corporate Governance Performance Scorecard (Pages 61 - 126) FINANCE 5.1 Common Good Budget 2017/18-2021/22 (Pages 127 - 140) 5.2 2016/17 Financial Monitoring - Corporate Governance (Pages 141 - 148) 5.3 Council General Fund Monitoring 2016/17 (Pages 149 - 160) 5.4 Non Housing Capital Programme 2017/18 (Pages 161 - 162) 5.5 2016/17 Common Good Fund - Monitoring Report Update (Pages 163 - 168) 5.6 Small Financial Assistance Grants and Gala Funding 2016/17 (Pages 169 - 182) 5.7 Treasury Management Policy and Strategy (Pages 183 - 202) HUMAN RESOURCES 6.1 Creation of Head of Strategy and Transformation Post, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (Pages 203 - 206) PROCUREMENT 7.1 Procurement of Fruit and Vegetables (Pages 207 - 210) GENERAL BUSINESS 8.1 Finance, Policy and Resources Committee Legacy Report 2012-2016 (Pages 211 - 228) 8.2 Strategic Infrastructure Plan Progress Update (Pages 229 - 240) 8.3 Digitisation of Historical Electoral Rolls (Pages 241 - 244) 8.4 Union Street Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme - Grant Application (Pages 245 - 258) Please note that confidential appendices A and B are contained within the private section of this agenda. 8.5 Aberdeen 365 Operational Plan (Pages 259 - 290) 8.6 Now 14-18 WW1 Centenary Art Commissions (Pages 291 - 296) 8.7 Fairtrade Update and Resolution 2017 (Pages 297 - 312) 8.8 Towards A Fairer Aberdeen That Prospers For All 2017-20 (Pages 313 - 350) 8.9 Community Asset Transfer Procedure 2017 (Pages 351 - 398) 8.10 Twinning and International Partnerships (Pages 399 - 412) 8.11 Christmas Village Feedback Report 2016 (Pages 413 - 442) 8.12 Tourism Levy (Pages 443 - 474) 8.13 Thomas Glover House (Pages 475 - 482) 8.14 Aberdeen Japan Strategy Update (Pages 483 - 486) 8.15 JIVE Project - Grant Agreement (Pages 487 - 492) 8.16 Review of Access to Leisure Scheme (Pages 493 - 506) 8.17 Sport Aberdeen - Contract Revision and Governance Arrangements (Pages 507 - 512) 8.18 Suspension of the Council's Procurement Regulations for a Contract for the Removal and Storage of Artefacts from Provost Skene's House (Pages 513 - 516) 8.19 ACVO and HMP Grampian Family Centre Grants (Pages 517 - 520) 8.20 Middlefield/Northfield Place-Making and Active Travel Project and Environmental and Flood Prevention Works at Heathryfold Park, Second Report (Pages 521 - 532) ITEMS THE COMMITTEE MAY WISH TO CONSIDER IN PRIVATE PROCUREMENT 9.1 Procurement - Approval to Tender for Accord Card ICT Application (Pages 533 - 538) 9.2 AECC Anaerobic Digestor Plant and Gas Upgrader Procurement Exercise - to follow 9.3 Procurement of Furniture Storage and Removals and Domestic Furniture and Furnishings (Pages 539 - 546) 9.4 Procurement of Interpretation, Translation and Transcription Service (Pages 547 - 556) 9.5 Procurement of Finance Specialist Advice and Suspension of Procurement Regulations 2016 in Relation to the Appointment of an Interim Finance Senior (Pages 557 - 562) FINANCE 10.1 Pension Fund Guarantee Request (Pages 563 - 570) GENERAL BUSINESS 11.1 Union Street Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme - Grant Application (Appendices A & B) (Pages 571 - 618) 11.2 Aberdeen Science Centre - Bank Guarantee 2017-18 (Pages 619 - 636) 11.3 Lease amendments, Bon Accord and St Nicholas Centres (Pages 637 - 644) 11.4 87-93 Union Street and 1-6 Market Street - to follow 11.5 Property Sales (Pages 645 - 656) To access the Information Bulletins for this Committee please use the following link: Finance, Policy & Resources Committee Information Bulletins Should you require any further information about this agenda, please contact Mark Masson, tel. 01224 522989 or email [email protected] This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3.1 FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE ABERDEEN, 01 December 2016. Minute of Meeting of the FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE. Present:- Councillor Young, Convener; and Councillors Allan, Cameron, Carle (as substitute for Councillor Grant for article 26 only), Cooney (as substitute for Councillor Reynolds for articles 8 to 12), Copland (as substitute for Councillor Cameron for article 22 only), Crockett, Dickson, Jackie Dunbar, Lesley Dunbar (as substitute for Councillor Reynolds for articles 1 to 7), Finlayson (as substitute for Councillor Allan for article 27 only), Flynn, Grant (as substitute for Councillor Reynolds from article 12 onwards), Ironside, Laing, Malik (as substitute for Councillor Donnelly, Vice Convener) Milne, Nicoll, Noble (as substitute for Councillor Jennifer Stewart for articles 19 to 21) Jennifer Stewart, Taylor, Townson and Yuill. The agenda and reports associated with this minute can be found at:- http://committees.aberdeencity.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=146&MId=38 91&Ver=4 Please note that if any changes are made to this minute at the point of approval, these will be outlined in the subsequent minute and this document will not be retrospectively altered. AGENDA ISSUES 1. The Convener (a) acknowledged that there were a number of late reports that had been circulated very recently and therefore proposed that the Committee reconvene on 7 December 2016 at 10.00am to consider these reports; (b) that an additional late report, namely ‘Proposed Feasibility Funding – 87-93 Union Street and 1-6 Market Street’ be considered at the reconvened meeting; (c) requested that items 9.7 (FCHJU JIVE Business Case), 9.10 (Visit Aberdeenshire – Six Month Progress Report) and 13.2 (Procurement for the Operation and Management of the Existing and New Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre) be considered earlier on the agenda today; and (d) advised that item 12.5 (Lease Extension, East End Limited, Golf Road) had been withdrawn. The Committee resolved:- to concur with the requests. ANNOUNCEMENT 2. The Committee heard from the Convener who advised that the Economic Development Association Scotland conference was being held in Aberdeen for the first time today and that Councillor Jenny Laing, Council Leader had officially opened the conference. The Committee resolved:- to note the information provided. Page 7 2 FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE 1 December 2016 DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT BUSINESS 3. The Convener proposed that the Committee consider items 11.1 (Current Gas Central Heating Maintenance Framework Contract), 12.1 (Council General Fund Monitoring 2016/17 – Appendix), 12.2 (Property Update Report), 12.3 (Thomas Glover House), 12.4 (Purchase of Ground, Wellington Road), 12.6 ((Proposed Sale – Site 16 Lang Stracht), 12.7 (Lochside Academy – PE Facilities), 12.8 (Proposed Feasibility Funding – 87-93 Union Street and 1-6 Market Street), 13.1 (Human Capital Management), 13.2 (Procurement for the Operation and Management of the Existing and New Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre), 13.3 (Procurement – Appointment of Contractor or Contractors for the Repair and Refurbishment of TRNP Industrial Property at Minto Drive, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen), 13.4 (Legal Case Management System) and 13.5 (Procurement of Workforce Management Software). The Committee resolved:- in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the press and public from the meeting from item 11.1 of the agenda (article 9 of the reconvened minute onwards) so as to avoid disclosure of information of the classes described in the following paragraphs of Schedule 7(A) to the Act:- article 9, 16, 18 and 19 of the reconvened minute (paragraph 8), article 26 of this minute (paragraph 4), articles 10, 12, 13, 15 and 17 of the reconvened minute (paragraphs 6 and 9), article 6 of the reconvened minute (paragraphs 6 and 8), article 14 of the reconvened minute (paragraph 9) and article 27 of this minute (paragraphs 6 and 9). MINUTE OF PREVIOUS MEETING OF 20 SEPTEMBER 2016 4. The Committee had before it the minute of its previous meeting of 20 September 2016. The Committee resolved:- to approve the minute subject to amending article 5(iii) to read ‘that in relation to item 22 (Site at Beach Esplanade/King Street), to instruct officers to take forward the agreed recommendations of the Council on 16 December 2015 with the funding trustees of the Aberdeen Islamic Charitable Trust and to report back to Council on progress at the meeting on 21 June 2017’. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Councillor Allan declared an interest in relation to the following item of business by virtue of her position as Council appointed member of Visit Aberdeenshire. Councillor Allan considered that the nature of her interest required her to leave the meeting and she took no part in the Committee’s deliberations thereon. Page 8 3 FINANCE, POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE 1 December 2016 VISIT ABERDEENSHIRE – SIX MONTH PROGRESS REPORT – CHI/16/199 5. With reference to article 37 of the minute of meeting of the Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Committee of 20 January 2016, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure which provided an update on Visit Aberdeenshire, covering the establishment of the body as the Destination Management Organisation for Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and progress made towards year one objectives as set out in the Council’s Service Level Agreement with Visit Aberdeenshire and the organisation’s associated business plan.
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