CHAPTER 6 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS “The ratification of the 19th amendment here in Missouri was another giant step toward our Founders vision for liberty and equality for all citizens. What a huge honor to celebrate the 100th year anniversary while serving in the General Assembly.” Representative Dottie Bailey (R-110) “I am grateful to many women who came before me that championed women’s suffrage. Thank you Virginia Minor, an early champion, and to Edna Gellhorn for organizing the ‘walkless, talkless parade’ in St. Louis in 1916. I am proud to travel on the road you paved for us.” Representative Deb Lavender (D-90) 340 OFFICIAL MANUAL present state departments is shown on the follow- ing page. The Missouri Constitution provides for 16 specific departments: the Office of Administra- Executive tion and the departments of Agriculture, Conser- vation, Corrections, Economic Development, El- ementary and Secondary Education, Health and Departments Senior Services, Higher Education, Insurance, Fi- nancial Institutions and Professional Registration, Government exists to serve, and a broad net- Labor and Industrial Relations, Mental Health, work of government organizations has been cre- Natural Resources, Public Safety, Revenue, Social ated to accomplish the purpose. The Missouri Services and Transportation. Constitution (Article II, Section 1) states: “The Within each executive department exists a va- powers of government shall be divided into three riety of offices of varying size and scope which distinct departments—the legislative, executive deal with specific services. Traditionally, “divi- and judicial.” This section also prohibits persons sions” are the next-largest organizations within within each branch from exercising powers of the departments and function to bring together small- other branches. From these three branches spring er-sized groups, such as “bureaus,” “sections” or the variety of organizations which deliver servic- “units.” Divisions may be governed by a “board” es of state government. or “commission” composed of members who are either appointed by the governor, made members The many different names used by these by law or appointed by a department official. groups—departments, divisions, agencies, State agencies may administer certain sections boards, commissions, bureaus, units, sections, of state law as defined by the Revised Statutes of programs and others—can make it difficult to Missouri, may develop their own rules and regu- determine which area of government is respon- lations as promulgated in the Missouri Register sible for certain services, and sorting out respon- and Code of State Regulations or may institute sibilities or relationships within the governmental programs and policies which address the needs framework. of their areas of service. Generally speaking, the legislative and judi- It is through the executive branch that the cial branches rely on committees or other small, greatest proportion of state services are delivered. appointed groups to perform research, develop The Constitution (Article IV, Section 12) and the policy, provide advocacy services or handle ad- Reorganization Act of 1974 have established a ministrative duties. In these two branches servic- number of “executive departments” to deal with es are delivered through the offices of the elected specific areas of interest. A chart showing the officials themselves and not by related agencies. The Missouri Constitution Since achieving statehood and joining the union on August 10, 1821, Missouri has oper- ated under four Constitutions. The first was adopted in 1820 and was presented to Congress before Missouri was allowed to enter the union of states. The state’s second Constitution, born in the bitterness and strife of the Civil War, was drafted and adopted in 1865. It was replaced by a third Constitution only ten years later, in 1875. Missourians approved their current Constitu- tion in 1945, and it has been amended a number of times in order to meet the changing needs of our state and its people. The Constitution of the State of Missouri is published by the Office of Secretary of State pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo 2.110). Copies of the Missouri Constitution, which also includes the text of the U.S. Constitution, are available without charge by contact- ing: Secretary of State John R. Ashcroft Division of Publications PO Box 1767 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (573) 751-4218 or (866) 716-0237 www.sos.mo.gov/pubs Email: [email protected] VOTERS Legislative Judicial Executive Branch Branch Branch House of Lieutenant Secretary State State Attorney Public Defender Supreme Senate* Governor* Representatives* Governor* of State* Auditor* Treasurer* General* Commission Court EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Department of Department of Department of Department of Department of Department of Elementary and Higher Education Labor and Department of Department of Court Natural Agriculture Corrections Secondary and Workforce Industrial Revenue Transportation of Appeals Resources Education Development Relations Department of Department of Department of Office of Department of Department of Department of Department of Circuit Economic Health and Commerce and Administration Conservation Mental Health Public Safety Social Services Courts Development Senior Services Insurance * Indicates elected offices Indicates appointed offices subject to public vote for retention Some circuit court judges are elected. Others are appointed under the Missouri Nonpartisan Plan. All are subject to public vote for retention 341 342 OFFICIAL MANUAL Office of Administration State Capitol, Rm. 125 PO Box 809, Jefferson City 65102 Telephone: (573) 751-1851 / FAX: (573) 751-1212 https://oa.mo.gov SARAH STEELMAN JAMES R. McADAMS Commissioner Deputy Commissioner / The Office of Administration is the state’s ser- General Counsel vice and administrative control agency. Created by constitutional amendment in 1972, it com- bines and coordinates the central management functions of state government. The chief administrative officer is the commis- sioner of Administration, who is appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate. The commissioner appoints the deputy com- missioner, chief counsel and the directors of the divisions who report directly to her. The divisions are: Accounting; Budget and Planning; Facilities Management, Design and Construction; General Services; Information Technology Services; Per- NIKKI LOETHEN BRITTANY RUESS Deputy General Counsel Director of Communications sonnel and Purchasing. The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is a program within the Office of Administration. The OEO assists and monitors state agencies in pro- moting and ensuring equal opportunity within state government through employment, provision of services and operation of facilities. The direc- tor of the OEO reports to the commissioner of Administration. Division of Accounting Truman State Office Bldg., Rm. 570 Telephone: (573) 751-2971 / FAX: (573) 526-9810 DUSTY BACKES GREG ROBB Legislative Director Director of Operational https://oa.mo.gov/acct Excellence Email: [email protected] The Division of Accounting provides central Division of Budget and Planning accounting and central payroll system services State Capitol, Rm. 124 for state government, producing checks and elec- Telephone: (573) 751-2345 / FAX: (573) 526-4811 https://oa.mo.gov/bp tronic payments for state vendors and state em- Email: [email protected] ployees. The division publishes annual financial reports, administers bond sales for the Board of The Division of Budget and Planning (B&P) analyzes budget policy issues and provides infor- Fund Commissioners, Board of Public Buildings mation to the Commissioner of Administration, and Board of Unemployment Fund Financing the governor’s office, the General Assembly, Mis- and administers the Social Security coverage for souri’s congressional delegation and state, local all employees of the state and its political subdi- and federal agencies. The division prepares the visions. budget instructions, reviews agency budget re- EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS — ADMINISTRATION 343 quests, prepares the annual executive budget, analyzes economic and demographic conditions, forecasts state revenues and conducts technical policy and program analyses. To assist in state government management, the division controls appropriation allotments, manages the automat- ed state budget system, prepares legislative fiscal notes, reviews legislation, tracks agency perfor- mance measures, analyzes and develops policy options and reviews federal issues and their im- pact on Missouri. The division coordinates prepa- rations for and assistance during, elected-official transitions. The division compiles population estimates and projections, provides technical as- SHERRECE R. SMITH SARA VANDERFELTZ Executive Assistant Administrative Assistant sistance during decennial reapportionment and is Missouri’s liaison to the U.S. Bureau of the Cen- sus. Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction Truman State Office Bldg., Rms. 730, 740, 780 and 840 Telephone: (573) 751-3339 / FAX: (573) 751-7277 https://oa.mo.gov/fmdc Email: [email protected] The Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction (FMDC) provides asset manage- ment services to assist state entities in meeting STACY NEAL DAN HAUG their facility needs for the benefit of the public. Director Director, Division of Budget and The mission is to provide a superior workplace Division of Accounting Planning
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