UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Plant diversity scaled by growth forms along spatial and environmental gradients Duque, A.J. Publication date 2004 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Duque, A. J. (2004). Plant diversity scaled by growth forms along spatial and environmental gradients. Universiteit van Amsterdam-IBED. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:11 Oct 2021 UNAl - MedeUín 11 i~[lm~lmi 1I PLANT DIVERSITY SCALED BY GROWTH 64001000016506 FORMS ALONG SPATIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS A study in the rain forests ofNW Amazonia UNI;VD.!IDAD ~D8 CQlad, • • ,1 • • ~ '............. DEPTO. DE BtBLlOT~ BIBLIOTECA utt.,. ~ Alvaro Javier Duque Montoya ó UNAl • Medellin 11I fflliiimii ifmi 11 PLANT DIVERSITY SCALED BY GROWTH 64001000016506 FORMS ALONG SPATIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS A study in the rain forests ofNW Amazonia . • .t. '·.0 Alvaro Javier Duque Montoya ó UN!Y!UmAD INAClOl'IAL DII CoLOMB~ 1IIlI~ DEPTO. DE BIBLIOTECAS BIBLIOTECA "EFE" GOMEZ .. ' :" . PLANT DIVERSITY SCALED BY GROWTH FORMS ALONG SPATIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENTS A study in the rain forests of NW Amazonia Academisch Proefschrifi ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magni ficus prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op dinsdag 8 juni 2004 , te 12.00 uur door Alvaro Javier Duque Montoya geboren te Medellin (Colombia) ~4 ,.... .-\\ I '1 . :', i " 11:~]B '.H< t... ". '''; ~ . .. ,700 L/ lh!r!Iu!DAD NACIONALI DI Clcx.oMB.. ~ . ,' , "" .. ',' DEPTO. DE BIBLIOTECAS Promotieco'~'nii 'ssu:: . ~ .-.~ ;z . BIBLIOTECA "EFE" GOMEZ Promotor: Prof. Dr. A. M. Cleef Prof. Dr. H. Hooghiemstra Co-promotor: Dr. J. F. Du iven voorden n .. ,' , I ,.-~II lE.' D' ~' 1ROPENBOS INTERNA.TIO~ Overige leden: ',- - ...- ',', ~ Prof. Dr. H. Balslev .--:- ' ., Prof. Dr. J. Cavelier ~ ::.... JiIIt.. ~ '. Dr. R.G. A. Boot Prof. Dr. J.H.D. Wolf Faculteit der NatuUlwetenschappen, Wi skunde en Informatica. Alvaro Javier Duque Montoya (2004) Plant diversity sca led by growth forms along spatial and environmenta l gradients A study in the rain forests of N W Amazon ia PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tropenbos Ph D Series I ISBN: 90-5113-072-4 Publisher: TROPENBOS International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Printed by : Ponsen & Looijen B.V., Wageningen, The Netherlands This study was financially supporled by the Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement ofTropical Research, grant WOTRO (WB 85-335), European Commission (ERB IC 18 CT9600J8), Fundación Tropenbos Colombia and COLCIENCIAS. This study was carried out atthe Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (lBED), research grOllp ' Palaeo-ecology and Landscape-ecology', Universiteit van Amsterdam. Cover and chapter illustrations design: Alvaro Correa M. (Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin). Layout: Blanca Méndez No part of this book may be reproduced in any format by print, pholocopy, microfilm or by any other means wilhout the written permission from Ihe published / author ·t..t+~ . ". -\ .,1 . ,t " :' ::..; ..; , . .... \ . .... ~ NAClOl'iALI DI Clol.oMB.. ,.. IIPI~ DEPTO. DE BIBLIOTECA'S '.,' ' . PromotiecoT."lls1 ~e : C" : .l " 8IBLlOTECA "EFE" GOMEZ " . , Promotor: Prof. Dr. A. M. Cleef Prof. Dr. H. Hooghiemstra Co-promotor: Dr. J.F. Duivenvoorden (t TRO~NBOS INlERtiA.IDNAJ. ,~I J. ~ . " ,1"' , Jj, , I~. Overige leden : \~ . -...- ~.'. "' Prof. Dr. H. Balslev ~ ( , . Prof. Dr. J. Cavelier ~ .. "",. '". Dr. R.G.A. Boot Prof. Dr. J.H.D. Wolf Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen , Wiskunde en Inrormatica. Alvaro Javier Duque Montoya (2004) Plant diversity scaled by growth forms along spalial and environmental gradienls A study in Ihe rain forests orNW Amazonia PhD thesis University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tropenbos PhD Series I ISBN : 90-51 13 -072-4 Publisher: TROPENBOS Intemational, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Prinled by: Pon sen & Looijen B.V., Wageningen, Th e Netherlands This study was finan cially supported by the Netherlands Organisation for the Advancement of Tropical Research, granl WOTRO (WB 85 -335), European Commission (ERB IC 18 CT960038), Fundación Tropenbos Colombia and COLCIENCJAS. This study was ca rried out allhe Inslitute ror Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (lBED), resea rch group 'Palaeo-ecology and Landscape-ecology ', Universileit van Amsterdam. Cover and chapter illuslralions design: Ah-aro Correa M. (Proressor, Universi dad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín). Layout: Blanca Méndez No par! or this book may be reproduced in any format by print, photocopy, microfilm or by any other means withoul lhe wrillen permiss ion from Ihe published / aulhor CONTENTS Chapler 1 Introduction Local Scale Chapler 2 13 Strategies ofTree Occupation at a Local Scale in Tierra Firme Forests in the Colombian Amazon. Alvaro 1. Duque M., Jaime Cavelierand Alberto Posada Biotropica 35( 1): 20-27 (2003) Intermediate scale ~~~3 n Different Floristic Patteros of Woody Understory and Canopy Plants in Colombian Amazonia . Alvaro 1. Duque M., Mauricio Sánchez, Jaime Cavelier and Joost F. Duivenvoorden Journa! o/Tropical Ecology 18: 499-525 (2002) Chap/er 4 39 A First Quantitative Census of Vascular Epiphytes in Rain Forests of Colombian Amazonia Ana María Benavides D. , Alvaro 1. Duque M., Joost F. Duivenvoorden, Alejandra Vasco G., Ricardo Callejas Biodiversily and Conserva/ion (in press) Chapler 5 53 Ferns and Melastomataceae as lndicators ofVascular Plant Composition in Rain Forests ofColombian Amazonia Alvaro 1. Duque M., Joost F. Duivenvoorden,Jaime Cavelier, Mauricio Sánchez, Caro lina Polania and Andrea León Submitted to Plan/ Ecology Regional scale Chap/er 6 69 Diversity and composition ofwoody lianas in NW Amazonia Alvaro 1. Duque M. , Joost F. Duivenvoorden, Mauricio Sánchez, Jaime Cavelier, Hugo Romero-Saltos, Renato Valencia, Manuel Macia, César Grández and Alberto Garcia Submitted to Global Ecology and BiogeugrujJ h.l' Chap/er 7 87 Response Shape ofPlant Genera and Species Along Gradients in NW Amazonia.. 96 Alvaro J. Duque M., Joost F. Duivenvoorden, Jaime Cavelier, Alberto García, César Grández, Manuel Macía, Hugo Romero-Saltos, Mauricio Sánchez and Renato Valencia Submitted to Journal oi Vegelalion Science Chapler 8 103 Synthesis References 113 Appendix 131 Summary 167 Samenvatting 173 Resumen 179 Acknow Jedgements 185 Curriculum Vitae 187 Publications 188 To all/hose planls, animals, and human beings inhabiling Ih ejores/s . And lO all/hose striving /0 preserve /his. Chap/er 7 87 Response Shape of Plant Genera and Species Along Gradients in NW Amazonia .. 96 Alvaro 1. Duque M., Joost F. Duivenvoorden, Jaime Cavelier, Alberto García, César Grández, Manuel Macía, Hugo Romero-Saltos, Mauricio Sánchez and Renato Valencia Submitted to Journa/ o/ Vegeta/ion Science Chap/er 8 103 Synthesis References 113 Appendix 13 1 Summary 167 Samenvatting 173 Resumen 179 Acknowledgements 185 Curriculum Vitae J 87 Publications 188 To all/hose planls, animals, and human beings inhabi/ing Ih e/ores/s. And lo all/hose s/riving lo preserve Ihis. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Alvaro J. Duque M. Chapter 1 lNTRODUCTlON Alvaro J. Duque M. Infrodllclion 1.1 INTRODUCnON Norlhweslern Amazonianjoresl conservalion: a challenge jor ec%gislS The actual deforestation rates in Amazonian rain forests are extremely high. The worst case scenario could lead to an almost total disappearance of the largest tropical forest mass that nowadays exists on the earth, in a relatively short time (Laurance el a/. 2001). Patterns of rain forest plant diversity in northwestern (NW) Amazonia have particular importance as plant diversity in this area reaches exceptional high values per unit area (Gentry 1988a, Valencia el a/. 1994, ter Steege el a/. 2003). To guarantee an effective conservation planning, basic knowledge on the distribution of individual species and species assemblages is necessary. In spite of the fact that information concerning to plant communities has much increased in the last decade, most studies have focused on trees because they are the most conspicuous elements in the forests (Gentry 1988b, Duivenvoorden 1995, 1996, Pitman el a/. 1999, 2001, ter Steege el al. 2000, Condit el a/. 2002). However, it is well known that vascular plant diversity in tropical rain forests is also well represented by other growth forms, such as climbers, shrubs, epiphytes and herbs (Gentry and Dobson 1987, Duivenvoorden 1994, Balslev el a/. 1998, Galeano el a/. 1998). In addition to this lack of knowledge
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