Vol. 11 February 1, 2011 2011: BENCHMARK YEAR! International Center Director: Mike Matsuno very Happy New Year to all of you! 2011 will be a ple outside of Japan. Moreover, we will also focus on help- benchmark year for the International Center. Up ing to complete the experience/individual, of students return- until this last year, we were mainly focusing on ing to Japan after a study abroad experience. We will work A new exchange partner agreements, language re- to create challenging courses and stimulating opportunities quirements, and partner programs; the so-called “pull” fac- for them upon their return to OGU. tors of the outbound study abroad experience. Beginning 2011 will be an exciting, powerful year for the International this year, we will concentrate on the “push” factors for our Center, I-Chat Lounge, Japanese Studies Program, Shoin outbound students. Prior to departure, our students require Teachers, and the ISST members. Please join us as we hands-on, practical instruction and guidance in terms of take the next big step to internationalize our students and social skills, interpersonal communication, and basics of campus-wide environment. how to interact/behave/participate with non-Japanese peo- Yusuke Tsuruoka (Foreign Language, Senior) Lithuania is one of the countries Japanese do not know much about. His- tory notes that the Japanese foreign ambassador, Mr. Chiune Sugihara, saved 6,000 Jewish people during the Second World War in Lithuania. There is a street named “Sugihara Street” in Kaunas City to honor his courage. OGU sent the first OGU student to study abroad in Lithuania last September. Let’s take a look at his life in a European country where it is rare to spot Asian people. have been studying at Vilnius Uni- tional business in one of the newly reno- versity in Lithuania since last Sep- vated buildings. It is a shame I rarely tember. Lithuania is one of the Baltic have a chance to visit the old campus. I States located near Russia. Still a About four months ago, I arrived here developing country, it only has a few in high sprits. Everything seemed to be modern buildings. The old urban area so new and exciting. I was looking so was designated as a World Heritage site, forward to starting my brand new life in where you can find traces of medieval Lithuania. However, soon I found out it times and will rarely see any Asian peo- was only a dream. I was majoring in Eng- ple, much less Japanese citizens. This is lish at OGU yet, the program I participate (Top) Dormitory student residents a great place to enjoy European atmos- in here is the international business pro- (Yusuke third from right) phere and culture. Vilnius University is gram. It was a new field for me. At first, I (Bottom) Vilnius University located in the capital of Lithuania and had to become accustomed to a very was founded in 1579, which makes it one different instructional style. Students the new field in English, and people often of the oldest Eastern European universi- here are the main players in the class- pointed out my low level of English. I ties. One can see remnants of some room. They are often expected to lead didn’t understand what others were say- historical buildings spread out like discussions and give presentations. I ing and I could not explain what I wanted mazes, and a huge cathedral at the rear was continuously lost throughout class. to say, so I had a very difficult time com- of the campus. I really appreciate these Also, I encountered a huge language municating with others. I was the only sites, yet unfortunately, I study interna- barrier. It was extremely difficult to learn Japanese person in the entire dormitory. Page 2 I felt very lonely at times. Everything here My message to those who aim to study here in Lithuania. Fortunately, I am the was challenging for me: cooking, doing abroad in the future: “Take risks your- only Japanese person on campus and laundry that my mother always did for self.” I believe this is the most important although I faced some adversities from me, paper work, unusual weather condi- tip for a successful study abroad experi- time to time, I took risks and tried many tions and much more. Looking back on ence. I have seen many international new things and overcame many obsta- my early experiences here; I can now students who only spent time with stu- cles. As a result, I now really enjoy my see how the challenges naturally forced dents from their same home country and life here. I hope you will also challenge me to improve my English skills rapidly. I spoke in their language all the time. Un- yourself to try different things during your matured a lot. Now, as I reflect back, fortunately, those same students re- four-year university life. Even, if they those experiences have become only turned home without improving their for- seem too difficult in the beginning. good memories. eign language skills at all. It is similar Homare Masuoka (International Studies, Junior) Unique to the University of Gävle in Sweden is a special program in Nordic Ecology. This program is offered at no other known university. After an absence of a few years, OGU sent one female student to par- ticipate in the special program instructed in English, and to learn the parallels of physical fitness and the connection it has to life skills. hy Sweden?” Everyone to learn all the biology terms and under- asked me. Many were curi- stand the lectures in English. I was ous as to the reason I had- often lost throughout class. This course W n’t selected an English- is also quite different from other speaking country if I wanted to master courses at University of Gävle because the English language. Unlike others, I classes were not held regularly. Each wanted to do something non-traditional week, class times fluctuated from twice if I have a chance to study overseas. a week to four times a week. This pre- When I saw the outdoor course in the vented me from registering for other exchange student guidebook, it defi- regular courses such as Swedish lan- nitely peaked my interest! guage. Yes, that was unfortunate, how- Even before leaving for Sweden, I ever my experience overall was very encountered minor challenges. The interesting and would have been im- University of Gävle does not have a possible to get any other way. Class dormitory, so I needed to find an apart- was often held in the outdoors away ment. It took me a long time to locate from campus. The classes included one and I barely secured the place activities such as: camping and hiking, With classmates shortly before my departure. That made canoeing, visiting national parks, mines me a little nervous! Even then, I wasn’t and many other interesting sites in the study English at OGU. I personally able to move in upon my arrival and field. I was very lucky to be given the think that in order to ensure success in had to spend the first several days in opportunity to visit places I would have this program, a student will needs Eng- Sweden at a youth hostel. I later found otherwise never had the chance to see lish skills far above the required level out that other international students ran as a tourist in Sweden. Only a small on the exchange program application. across the same problem. group of students register for this A student in this program really should What did I learn in the Nordic Ecol- course, so we developed strong bonds have the ability to use English effec- ogy course you might ask? I learned all with one another. In fact, they helped tively on a daily basis. This is a very about Biology! Although I was aware I me with my homework everyday. challenging program; so if you want to would be taking biology, I never A word to those interested in partici- do something unique and a little alter- dreamed it was the majority of the pating in this program in the future: you native, try this Nordic Ecology program. course. I had never taken any biology will study all about biology once in Swe- I am confident you have never experi- courses at OGU, so it was challenging den. Beforehand, it is crucial that you enced anything like it! Marta Aðalsteinsdóttir (University of Iceland) We welcomed our first two stu- celand is an island in northern beneath ice caps. Iceland’s largest dents from Iceland this school Europe, between the Greenland glacier is larger than all of Europe's this year. How many of you have Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. glaciers combined. 2 been to Iceland before? In this I It is in total 103.000 km and the I came to Japan on the evening of article, you will learn about the population is about 320.000. The September 2, 2010. I got a major culture in Iceland through the capital and the largest city is Reykjavík. culture shock; everything was very Iceland is volcanically and geologically eyes of one of our international different from what I was used to in active because it is situated on top of a students; Marta. Iceland. I didn’t understand anyone, it hot spot. Hot springs can be found was extremely hot, and the city seemed scattered all over the island because of humongous to me. I was so homesick this hot spot. Despite all the heat in the that I did nothing but cry and wish that I earth a full 11 % of the island is buried could turn around and go go back Page 3 home.
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