T-■■■■■■ r--.L v‘'. ■ -m. m I ........ ; . • ' — ^ c t a l l M c a n i ^ ........ ' ----------------- _____ _ ..... 8 i 1 ^ n n n S:: : I 50 cen ts | T^vj^pSincJdaho/M th^y^ajj^ Friday, August 8, 202003___________ .GOPDMOIORNING jj|~|pspaiinics’' test scones lajgbel]hmd Today: M ostly VkMe QnNTy, centsr, clear to d w S o m ele 'districts, too, would;Id face battles if scoriiring well becomes a imandate IH j •mUMwHaetaklnia- and tonight, qtdzwKhfenow ’ will inevitably high91.1ov;r ByRobeibertM«yer ■■ that the policy w Or*|on1tiU 56. TlnM»fla ___________, Dlstilct-by^lsWct^ becom e part, off ththe Idaho edu- . cation landsoipe. Elwnentary School. P a g « A 2 — . breakdown-B4 sMond«rad« tMclMff TWININ'f A11.S - High sdioor 1 [___ For som e districtricts, th at does- ^ H Q I Dm Dm Clow. laft. j ^ G I C V A L I a d o n m ight t e some- tuhand diplomas to a majorit; of a problem for the tttheir students based on isually t\un in and Rhonda Breske plitted: Idaho Stauate Police say region^A ]Sspuiics, should the . test scorcs - dnlntarudiDgaead- sining 2003 Idaho.Stands Hansen and ^-Mini-Cassia busingintK«iP<5 State airapprove the use of ts ^A chievem ent Test resuSS emyatthaacbool . standardiZed test as a ^whidi were released lburs< Kim berly, forr instance - § ^ d alcohol to mintlinorslast ^ 1 tl» showed d iat at lealeast two-thirds ■ Thursday Teaehm ara giaduatiiation requirement, W hile profidency on g preparintfbrtheatart .Iveekend. that matter, a handful of ISISAT as a graduation requn.i5r«. of th eir lOth-graiTaders demon- jnt profidenQT M of a new tdMjOl yaar. J Z tiIs in the region, too, are mment is stm in the discussS strated suffidcnt •. gfitng to find it difficult to ' ststage, most educators agreeag Please see SC<SCORES. Page A2 ^ ^ 9 eeeiimwnei^w** M o n e y Field trip: Declo maman leads S^igic Valley groupup to — D e a diLYDAYW i n I r a q — -^"?WesjstNile i n^sbraska to see ethethanol 1--------pilMtranditS'effecte^L*. P a f a E l m causelestiipfe i N a t i o n aero•ossU.S. ^ H ~ W e n d eJ e l l l h o r s e c a s e ~ seemss iunrelated so far Tb«Tlme»4fe»4towsand The A—ociat< ____________ TWIN FAIFALLS-The num ber of West Nilee vivirus cases in the U.S. hastripledtoid to at least 164 since last Frontal attack: FbrrbrmerVice week, a topop federal health offidal PiesidentAlGoreL said Thur^rsday, but no cases have sweeping critidsm ( yet been reportedre] in Idaho this Bush administratiore" launches a 1 year. The recent«nt death of a horse near m of the W endell promptedpro veterinarian Monte BasteELSterd^ to send a. blood P a g aA S sample to> th<the Washington Animal _____W e e k E n d •^ing n n tfip T jh f tr n f r tr y fa _________ PuUman,WaaWash. But the latest word Thiusday wawas that the horse.had tested negatiigative for the mosquito* borne diseasiease. H ealth ofiofficials had expected tbe diseasese tto spread this year to . - * ' fftf^iOQtuauJttvading J-. W estern sta te s prsviouafjr........ tmscathed.d. 1But they appeared sommhat[ suisurprised at its speed, Health offidifidafs report seven peo* - ple - all of tthem eldedy - have died fromX ththe virus. Eour of the. deaths werea e Ireiiorted in Colocado, ri<£i' the hardest-hSt-hit state. ^ Nadonwidtwide, the GDC said at least 164 peoplepe( in 16 states are Of ttm and tm rim infected, comcompared with 59 a week !ffl woman It m m throu|h a wlndirlndow a s th e watts In an emer]eriency ward after a bomb attattack Thursday at the ionJanlianian Embassy In Baghdad. Feny renews thelb ago. The latlatest figures do not l l •m in d u d e newlew cases reported by Crossing for the 17t] hrer: Glenns Colorado healthhe: officials, which Three Island r t l l the CPC hadba_d not verified. ____________ last ripsi Jordanl’s Emb^assy ini - B a ^ d i “The numliimibcrs are starting to - ^ . 0 . B i j '' change very,ay, 1veiy quickly,” said Dr. ___ S p o r t s - -X -------1 Julie Gerbeirbeniing, head of the ! IWomore to go: The lb raises spectre o_4"i Centere for'or 1Disease Control and Bobcats advanced tc ' W W ^ . o'o', fim. Prevention.n. "That*' is very concem- eightened level___ .7>^ • _ finals of die Class[he A Burley Bomb JT ;C \- - Last year,!or, 4,156-people caught * Ainerican Le^onIto Be the semi- ^ r u ^ : ij&jK thevirus,andand 2M died.There werc Toiimament in LewisA ______________o f p elolence ij in counliy ^ 112 cases} in four states at this t Baseball o f iv iBWbMW o ___________ »3& ^ point in 200:2002, when the United dsrim States suffcrtffered the biggest report- ewistoa , outbrea)reak of West Nile IHDAD, Iraq > A minibus itis in tlie world, O p i n i o n . chlcgoT1 with explosives detonated B a [ q fJ, DbA p „ encephalitis i Ha'sgotapoliililda e the Jordanian Embassy on TWo easesises were rcportod in BAGHEiiQr, IdlUng at least 11 peo* ; To^ghdAd Idaho in fall 2002, but state dis- B utdi O tter takes u| ectives weren't able to padcedi wwounding scoics in one of I IntomaUonul \ l ' ” mJX2^i 1^ case detectii Idaho Rep. outside ti Airport VgHpaMJ confirm whcwhether the virus \sus oodiest days in the capital I d vridiin Idaho% borders, th e Patriot tod^i up a good 1111115^t fell to U.S. forces in early I I contracted vn r ^ s ^ . SOURCES: Nauonat Imagcfy an<and AP An Ada Counounty man who had tra%'- ngaspectsof icm: . eled to the,e EEast Coast was report- >day's edito- n „ceitf<rs later, a ficrcc gun battle I ■d on a busy downtown I cd to have• the virus and recovcretl. ad street after assailants I = = = * ■ A CanyonJ CoCounty horse that had Paga A6 *^uis i ion? beentnmspoisported outside the state o m i n g »d on American Humvee on j More on Iraq - A3W fW / also was diag C I eruptedseriously ^vounding two diagnosed \vitl» the virus : andwBsrecwecovering. :: One steeple at, ^ i _ B ag d adIdiers. r UP attadeediother U.S. soldiers were The spate of violentc iinddents The samp:imple taken from the patrol,0 S4death late Wednesday ' Wednesday and Thursdiqlay fed sus- Wendell horhorse late last month * ^ e LDS Church iss pidons of U.S. militaryry offidals ' tested negati'gative for the disease, it new look, r t a tim e ' It a Ttn^hrind checkpoint in Iraqi mfldlcal workers andid locals cany an Injured wbmiBman. ick that'shattcrcd what had__ here th at msurgents fronom ouuide was considendered ‘'suspicious," said is sporting a shot tobur - d a ^ of relative calm, 1, when F ri^d cn t Bushsh (Icdaied said the ntwo Am erican deaths Iraq may be partidpadnjng in^er- Jim Evcrmarman. professor of infec-' r i "Saturd^ In ases at WashinRton State :: The Timesed night aclootings a brought to 5S the an end to major combnbat opera* occiirred duduring a firefight in the rilln attacks that had be<iccn attrib- tious diseases _an attackr of U S. soldicre killed in tions. well-to-do> /AI Rashid section of. Please see IRACAQ. Pago A4 Ple;Please sec VIRUS. Page A2 i In been foiula attacks in Iraq since May U.§. Central Commanimd offidals Baghdad,, btbut released no details. ileWS llieAoo: I r jjD E X num ber o gocnillai Firefighteers try to c o n ta i n . Ctasslfied .E&16 Nascs e-commeerce, cusIitomers ooften C ^lcs . .E4 Nation Cci^sword .B6 Obituiscar.........D6 I l J I r o a r i n g L[ d a h o r a n[ge g b l a Z e D^rAbby. ..86 Opiniomer A36,B7« ly differeiint_prices5 for sanule item th e Associated Press ’ • An Type-n>e-n fire m anagem ent Horoscope .B6 Sportitaiies . .B2 . - n o i team arrivc(ived from Nevada on o d ^ P r e t a ___________ * • saysthey*re;rc$10. ‘ 1, LM,Boyd..B6 WeatTUnion ..A&7 p O .J But economistsits s a y That is knknown as price dissimii DUBOIS - Rrefighterers contin- Thursday afternoonaftc to set up base Magic vaUey.Bl ’Weekl»rts . .Dl-6 .. nadon,andiidit^ not necessarily badl ' ' ued to negotiate rugget;ed terrain operations,s. ' 'YORK - Convtmtional wis- i-centiol Idaho; firefight-, Money . .El-3 West8atl»r..J2 5«AS«dys th e Internet gives con- that’s not necesss s a r i l y JEconcJmiststs say* it can make pn>- Thursday to rein in a nrange fire In north-cci duceismorc)rc effident and promote grew to 23,000 ocress the day ers constructtucted a suppression line • MovIm . .C6 WorldsekEnd .Cl-8 NEWY(more power than even. • ' near the bourK)undary of a wilderness : an, tho Web is full of siu» ' a bad thinglg coroperidon. t>eforc. , 3S{ ....B2-5 dom.s^ »"<t price com- But evenn iin an uncertain future The Deep fire causcd thtl e iirracu- area at thele 8,920^!cre8 Slims fire, xM ....D7-8 more information abcbout con- one thing is sure: Consumers will adon of campsites and bujum edonc near th e comiim munity of Elk City. It s that shed l i ^ t on pur- isday, said was 35 percenFcent contained with full After thealJ sumers than ever beforore - how hate it outbuilding on Wednes< withpiodu many products they buy^andwiien, a .
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