PEDIATRICDENTISTRY/Copyright ©1985 by TheAmerican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Volume7 Number2 CLINICAL Solitary maxillary central incisor: clinical report Phillip R. Parker, DDS William F. Vann, Jr., DMD,MS, PhD In 1976 Rappaport et al. introduced the term Mon- nancy which occurred after an unsuccessful bilateral osuperocentroincisivodontic dwarfism to describe pa- tubal ligation. During pregnancy the mother took tients who exhibit a solitary maxillary central incisor conjugated estrogens a to induce menses for approx- in both dentitions in conjunction with growth retar- imately 6 of the first 8 weeks. Conjugated estrogens dation.1 The frequency of congenitally missing max- and their use during early pregnancy are known to illary primary central incisors has not been reported, be associated with congenital abnormalities. Diaze- b but the frequency of congenitally missing maxillary pam was taken early in the pregnancy for back-re- permanent central incisors is rare and is reported to lated muscle spasms. Several studies have suggested be2 less than 1%. an increased risk of congenital malformations asso- Reports describing a solitary maxillary central in- ciated with minor tranquilizers taken during the first cisor have appeared in the literature since 1958.3 In trimester of pregnancy.~ The first trimester was com- some patients this syndrome has been linked to known plicated further by sporadic vaginal bleeding and growth hormone deficiency with concomitant short cramping. stature and in other individuals it has been linked to An extra digit on both the right hand and foot were short stature for which the precise etiology is un- present at birth. Both extra digits were removed by known. 1,4,s There also have been reports of a solitary ligation shortly after birth and there were no com- maxillary central incisor in patients with normal stat- plications related to this procedure. ure6,7 and no growth hormone deficiencies. Infancy and early childhood were complicated by The purpose of this report is to present findings frequent upper respiratory infections, episodes of oti- from a child with a solitary maxillary central incisor tis media, and mononucleosis. in both dentitions. The patient has short stature but Developmental milestones were reached in se- growth hormone levels were normal. quence at appropriate times. However, a review of growth charts from previous hospital records re- Clinical Reportt vealed a progressive descension from the normal curve between ages 3 and 7. This growth descension could. An 8-year, 2-month-old white female was referred not be correlated specifically with events during de- for examination and treatment to the Department of velopment; however, the mother reported that the Pedodontics at the University of North Carolina at child had a poor appetite for the first 7 years of life. Chapel Hill Schoo~of Dentistry. She initially was seen The family history was negative for evidence of for an evaluation of short stature by the Division of endocrine, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular dis- Pediatric Endocrinology at the North Carolina Me- ease and both parents were in good health. Both par- morial Hospital. The chief dental complaint was re- ents were short in stature; the mother was 5’1", and lated to intermittent discomfort associated with the father was 5’6". Two half-sibling males (same exfoliation of a primary maxillary incisor. mother, different father) were of normal stature. Past Medical History The patient was a full-term product of a normal ¯’ Premarin-Ayerst Laboratories; New York, NY. spontaneous vaginal delivery culminating a preg- b Valiurn-Roche Laboratories; Nutley, NJ. 134 Dental Findings Extraoral findings were within normal limits. In- Further Medical Work Up traoral soft tissues were normal except for mild gen- To investigate further the patient's short stature, eralized marginal gingivitis secondary to inadequate additional medical work up was undertaken by the oral hygiene. The mixed dentition demonstrated a Division of Pediatric Endocrinology. The review of Class I molar relationship bilaterally. systems was negative for evidence of cardiorespira- The most notable dental finding was the presence tory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, neuromuscular, of a single primary maxillary central incisor, which or endocrine disease. The neurological examination was placed centrally between the primary lateral in- was within normal limits. cisors. Radiographically, there was a single perma- The physical examination revealed a height, weight, nent successor (Fig 1). and head circumference with measurements in less The treatment plan consisted of oral hygiene in- than the third percentile. No pathology was seen on structions, a prophylaxis and topical fluoride ther- the skull radiograph. Although the chronological age apy, occlusal sealants, and minor restorative predicted by the skull radiograph was 7 years, it did procedures. During the course of this treatment the reveal a significant delay at 3 years, 4 months. single primary central incisor exfoliated and a single Laboratory tests including electrolytes, CBC, uri- maxillary central incisor began to emerge (Figs 2, 3). nalysis, T4, and somatomedin-C revealed normal val- This permanent successor was located centrally, but ues. The T4 test is useful in determining thyroid gland its morphology favored that of a maxillary left central function and the somatomedin-C test identifies some incisor. types of growth disorders as well as low levels of The past dental history of the family was negative growth hormones. The growth hormone response was for congenitally missing teeth or other craniofacial normal as was the karyotype. anomalies. After 6 months, the patient was examined again by the Pediatric Endocrinology Division. Height was still less than the third percentile, but the height velocity since the initial examination was calculated to be in the 90th-97th percentile. The weight at reexamination was still less than the third percentile, but the weight velocity since the initial examination was calculated to be in the 3rd-10th percentile. Based on these find- ings, the Pediatric Endocrinology staff recommended FIG 1. Periapical radiograph de- picting the normally exfoliat- no treatment except for routine monitoring in their ing solitary primary central clinic. incisor and a solitary perma- nent successor. Discussion There are fewer than 25 reports involving a solitary primary or permanent maxillary central incisor in the literature.1-3'7-9'12 Growth hormone deficiencies in conjunction with short stature have been found in 7 individuals.1"5 Short stature with no associated growth hormone abnormalities have been reported for 3 in- dividuals.4-5 There are 3 reports in which a solitary maxillary central incisor was present and normal growth hormone levels and normal stature were re- FIG 2 (left) and FIG 3 (right). Intraoral photographs following exfoliation of the solitary primary central incisor. Note that the permanent successor is beginning >*•> to erupt. PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: June 1985/Vol. 7 No. 2 135 corded. 6’7 In other reports, growth hormone levels because growth hormone problems can be managed were3,9-u not presented. therapeutically if detected at an early age. A positive family history for the presence of a sol- To further understand the etiology of this condi- itary maxillary central incisor was given in 2 reports tion, it is important for clinicians to obtain detailed suggesting a genetic determination, 9’12 however, no prenatal histories from the mothers of affected chil- conclusive genetic studies were reported. dren. Other reports wh!Lch possibly might fit the category of a solitary central incisor have been reported re- Dr. Parker is a second-year resident and Dr. Vannis an associate cently in the context of other clinical anomalies. For professor, pediatric dentistry, Schoolof Dentistry 209H,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC27514. Reprint example, Ellisdon and Marshall reported 6 instances requests should be sent to Dr. Parker. of "connation of maxillary incisors. ’’13 Two of these 6 reports easily could fall into the category of a soli- 1. Rappaport EB, Ulstrom R, Gorlin RJ: Monosuperocentroin- tary maxillary central incisor. A recent report by Ba- cisivodontic dwarfism.Birth Defects 12:243-45, 1976. zan of fusion of maxillary incisors across the midline 2. Sabes WR,Bartholdi WL:Congenital partial anodontia of per- also presents a condition closely resembling a solitary manentdentition: a study of 157 cases. J Dent Child 29:211- maxillary central incisor.14 13, 1962. 3. Scott DC:Absence of upper central incisor. Br Dent J 104:247- It is apparent that the diagnosis of this dental 48, 1958. anomaly may be di.fficult. Because of the wide vari- 4. HaywardJR: Observations on midline deformity and the sol- ation in clinical data in the reported cases, it is clear itary maxillary central incisor syndrome.J Hosp Dent Pract that monosuperocentroincisivodontic dwarfism, as 13:113-14,1979. 5. Rappaport EB, Ulstrom RA, Gorlin RJ, Lucky AW,Colle E, described by Rappaport et al., is not the proper ter- Miser l: Solitary maxillary central incisor and short stature. J minology for all patients with a solitary maxillary cen- Pediatr 91:924-28,1977. tral incisor. Still, all. patients with a solitary maxillary 6. Wesley RK, HoffmanWH, Perrin J, Delaney JR Jr: Solitary cen,tral incisor should have a thorough medical ex- maxillary central indsor and normalstature. Oral Surg 46:837- amination to verify the status of growth hormone lev- 42, 1978. els. 7. Santoro FP, WesleyRK: Clinical evaluation of two patients with a single maxillary central incisor. J Dent Child 50:379- The etiology of this condition, with or without 81, 1983. growth hormone changes, is elusive. The role of ge- 8. Physicians’ Desk Reference, 38th ed. Oradell, NJ; Medical netics is not supported in most of the reports of sol- EconomicsCo, 1984 p 1674. itary teeth. In this report, the mother took drugs 9. KoppWK: A hereditary congenitally missing maxillary cen- known to be associated with teratogenic effects and tral incisor. Oral Surg 24:367, 1967.
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