E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1996 No. 124 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was SCHEDULE Chemical Weapons Convention, because called to order by the President pro Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this morn- it appears that some of the information tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ing, the Senate will resume consider- Senators really need to have will not ation of H.R. 3756, the Treasury-Postal be declassified. If it is not declassified PRAYER appropriations bill. I understand there by noon tomorrow, we will give Mem- are two pending amendments, and I bers, I believe 4 hours notice is re- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John quired under the rules. We will convene Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: hope we may dispose of those amend- ments in short order and continue to in the Old Senate Chamber, and then O God, our Father, this is a new day. make progress on the bill. we will go to votes right after that. Banish all the gloom and darkness of It is my intention to complete action Again, I urge all Senators to come to worry and fear. Set us free to praise on the Treasury-Postal appropriations the floor if they have amendments. The and worship You in joy and gladness. bill this evening. That will certainly smart thing to do would be to not offer May we neither gloat over yesterday's take cooperationÐit always doesÐ a lot more amendments. Let's just go successes nor be grim over yesterday's across the aisles. We need to help the ahead and pass the Treasury-Postal ap- defeats. Help us make a fresh start and managers by coming on over and offer- propriations bill and be done with it. give ourselves fully to the challenges ing amendments. Amendments are, in Would that be all right with the chair- and opportunities of this day. fact, needed so that we can be able to man? Grant us a vibrant enthusiasm so complete action at a reasonable hour Mr. SHELBY. That will be fine. that we can accept each responsibility tonight so we can then go tomorrow to Mr. LOTT. So go to third reading as with delight and care for each person the Chemical Weapons Convention. soon as you can. with affirmation. We know that life is If we do not get the Treasury-Postal Mr. SHELBY. In 5 minutes. an accumulation of days lived fully for Service appropriations bill completed Mr. LOTT. I yield the floor. Your glory or wasted on anxious care. this evening, then I am going to have f Fill our minds with Your spirit so that to weigh exactly what we do with re- TREASURY, POSTAL SERVICE, AND we can think creatively; transform our gard to the Chemical Weapons Conven- GENERAL GOVERNMENT APPRO- attitudes so we can reflect Your pa- tion. We made a commitment to do PRIATIONS ACT, 1997 tience and peace; brighten our coun- that. I intend to do that, but in order The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tenance so that we will radiate Your to do that, we are going to have to get BROWN). Under the previous order, the joy; infuse strengths into our bodies so this bill done. We are going to have to that we will have resiliency for the Senate will resume consideration of have some cooperation with that. H.R. 3756, which the clerk will report. pressures of whatever the day will In accordance with the consent bring. The assistant legislative clerk read agreement reached on June 28, I do an- as follows: We look ahead to the decisions we ticipate beginning the consideration of A bill (H.R. 3756) making appropriations will have to make today, and our deep- Executive Calendar No. 12, which is the for the Treasury Department, the United est longing is that we will not miss Chemical Weapons Convention. We States Postal Service, the Executive Office Your best for us or our Nation. We hope to be able to complete that in 1 of the President, and certain Independent dedicate this day to trust You all the day, instead of going all day tomorrow Agencies for the fiscal year ending Septem- way. Through our Lord and Savior. and going over until Friday. Again, ber 30, 1997, and for other purposes. Amen. with cooperation of the Members, we The Senate resumed consideration of would like to see if we can complete the bill. f that tomorrow, because we do have a Pending: Jewish holiday on Friday. We will not Wyden/Kennedy amendment No. 5206 (to RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY have any votes after 12 o'clock for sure, committee amendment beginning on page 16, line 16, through page 17, line 2) to prohibit LEADER but if we could complete work on the CWC by tomorrow night, then Members the restriction of certain types of medical The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The will have more time to get to their communications between a health care pro- able majority leader, Senator LOTT, is vider and a patient. homes to celebrate this special date for Dorgan amendment No. 5223 (to committee recognized. our Jewish Members. amendment beginning on page 16, line 16, Mr. LOTT. Thank you very much, We will probably have a 1-hour closed through page 17, line 2) to amend the Inter- Mr. President. session at the end of the debate on the nal Revenue Code of 1986 to end deferral for · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10245 S10246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 11, 1996 United States shareholders on income of con- that interesting? They are going to feel bad about not paying any taxes in trolled foreign corporations attributable to charge a fee for those who pay their the United States of America?'' his an- property imported into the United States. credit card bills off in full every swer was, ``That's what multinational Mr. SHELBY addressed the Chair. month. Why? Because if you are paying corporations are for.'' The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- off your credit card bill and settling Is that the sort of thing that the Sen- ator from Alabama is recognized. your balance, they are not making ator believes that the U.S. taxpayers, AMENDMENT NO. 5206 money off you. So the result is they basically the taxpayers of the United Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask for will charge a fee for that. Sound kind States are subsidizing, because they the yeas and nays on the Wyden of like a screwball idea? It does to me. are paying the taxes? If somebody does amendment. Or how about this screwball idea. not pay taxÐif I forgive you all of your The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Have a provision in America's Tax taxes and say, ``Senator DORGAN, you objection to the request? Without ob- Code that says to a corporation, we don't have to pay any taxes at all, jection, it is so ordered. will give you a special little deal. We somebody else is going to pick up the Is there a sufficient second? know that you are here in America. We tax for it, somebody else is going to be There appears to be a sufficient sec- know that you built a plant here. You subsidizing your reduction in tax''Ðin ond. hired a bunch of workers. You have this case, what you are describing is a The yeas and nays were ordered. made a product here for 30 years. You situation where not only am I subsidiz- Mr. SHELBY. I suggest the absence make profits here. But we will give you ing the fact that you are not paying of a quorum. a special little deal. If you will simply any taxes, not only am I paying more The PRESIDING OFFICER. The shut your American plant down, fire and you are paying less, but I am pay- clerk will call the roll. all those workers, get rid of all that in ing more and you are paying less and The assistant legislative clerk pro- America, and move the whole system you are moving operations abroad. ceeded to call the roll. to a foreign tax haven, open a new fac- Mr. DORGAN. What I have not men- Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask tory overseas, hire new foreign work- tioned in discussion, because it is unanimous consent that the order for ers, make exactly the same product slightly different but probably an even the quorum call be rescinded. you were making in America, and then more important discussion, is that 73 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ship the product from that foreign tax percent of foreign corporations doing objection, it is so ordered. haven country into America and make business in America pay zero in Fed- your profit that way, we will give you eral income taxes to this countryÐnot PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR a little, or not much, they pay zero. Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask a deal. We will give you a tax break if you will do that. Close your American Mr. President, 73 percent of foreign unanimous consent that privilege of corporations doing business in Amer- the floor be granted to Paul Irving, plant, produce overseas instead, and we will give you a tax break. Sound like a icaÐand those names everyone would staff of Treasury, Post Office. understand and recognize instantly; The PRESIDING OFFICER.
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