VMS CRA Y Station Now Available It is now possible to submit jobs Functions closely. It is implemented as a to the CRAY-1 from UCC's VAX/VMS The VMS station provides these series of commands entered in system. functions: response to the system's $ A CRAY-1 running the cos oper­ prompt. The commands look like ating system requires another -It submits jobs to the CRAY-1, VMS commands: they have pa­ computer to act as a "front-end" and returns output as a file un­ rameters and /qualifiers; they fol­ system. You prepare jobs and der the user's VMS directory. low much the same syntax and data on the front-end system, us­ -It transfers files between the interpretation rules (for example, ing whatever tools that system machines using the cos AC­ wild cards are handled correctly); provides, then submit the files as QUIRE and DISPOSE commands. and they prompt for required a batch job to the CRAY for proc­ The source of an ACQUIREd file parameters not present on the essing. Output is returned to the can be disk or tape; the desti­ command line. You can always front-end system for viewing. nation of a DISPOSEd file can recognize a station command, The software that runs on the be disk, tape, printer, or the though, because it always begins front-end machine to provide this VMS batch input queue. with the letter C. For example, communication is called a -At your option, it sends bulle­ the station command to submit a "station." tins to the terminal chronicling job to the CRAY is CSUBMIT. The Since ucc first acquired our the job's progress: staged to command to remove a job from CRAY-1 supercomputer in October CRAY, ACQUIRES and DISPOSES in the input queue is CREMOVE. Sta­ 1981 , the CYBER CA system has progress, and job completion tion commands can be used in been the front-end to the CRAY, (CINFORM command). procedure files and batch jobs. running Cray Research Incorpo­ -It lets you see if the CRAY is Station error messages look like rated's (CRI) CYBER NOS station up and what jobs are waiting VMS error messages. software product. In December for transmission to the CRAY, Alternately, the station provides 1982, CRI announced a Digital and allows you to cancel a job something called "CRAY context." Equipment Corporation VAX/VMS before it is sent (CQUEUE and After you enter the command station software product. CREMOVE commands). CRAY, you will be in a facility­ ucc has purchased and in­ -It lets you see a CRA Y status as MAIL or PHONE are facilities stalled this VMS station on its display showing your job run­ -where you can enter station VAX-11/780 system for two reasons: ning on the CRAY, its status, commands without the C preface. quotas, and resources used to -because some users prefer a None of the job status functions date (CSTATUS command). VMS to a NOS environment for works at the present time in CRAY -It lets you query the last CRAY job preparation context, however. log file message the job has -because it provided a way to The station has its own help produced while the job is still connect the machine with the facility. Within CRAY context you running (CJOB command). most graphics processing can ask for general help. Outside -It records VMS messages in the '~horsepower," but bereft of of CRA Y context, type cos job logfile so that you can output devices (the CRAY), to determine why an ACQUIRE or HELP station-command the machine weakest in proc­ DISPOSE failed. essing power, but connected to for command and parameter de­ -It supports file transmission in graphics output devices (the scriptions. At any point, inside or VAX). character blocked, binary out of CRA Y context, you can re­ blocked, and transparent spond to any prompt for informa­ In particular, we wanted to com­ modes. tion by typing HELP, and the bine the possibilities of DISSPLA choices available at that point and MNCORE that run on the CRAY will be explained. User Interface with the new DICOMED D48C high­ The sample job in the box ac­ resolution color film recorder cur­ The CRA Y station follows the id­ companying this article will help rently in preparation on the VAX. iom of the VMS system fairly you get the flavor of using the June 1983 57 CRA Y through the VMS station. Can the two machines commu­ nicate through the CRAY? Yes, in VAX Facility Improvements a limited fashion using the AC­ This example shows a person QUIRE and DISPOSE commands, We plan to have doubled the submitting a CRAY job from a VMS and the MF (mainframe identifier) VAX's disk space capacity at the terminal session. Three input files parameter. The primary restriction beginning of june, both to sup­ are involved: deckl.cos contains is that any job that attempts to port new station users and to re­ the cos control statement deck, pass files between machines I ieve the disk space shortage that program.cft contains a CFT source must have been submitted from has troubled that system in the program, and newdata.dat contains the VMS machine (MF =VA). CYBER­ last few months. the data for the CFT program. origin (MF = CA) jobs cannot We are also working to estab­ 1. The user logs-in to VMS and exchange files with the VMS lish Telenet access to the VAX checks to see the station is machine. if system for remote users. working (CQUEUE). Which Station? 2. She then TYPEs out the cos VMS CYBER and Stations The most significant advantage of JCL in deckl.cos to make sure Differences the VMS station is its job monitor­ it's correct. There is a job­ ing facilities: you can see what is name given explictly on the The VMS and CYBER stations per­ happening to your job. Beyond COS JOB card. 'ACCOUNT takes form much the same functions. that, the CYBER and VMS stations the place of the cos AC­ There are, however, some signifi­ are functionally equivalent. COUNT card allowing interac­ cant differences: Which station you decide to tive CRA Y password entry. -You have to be more security­ use will depend upon three inter­ The next three statements re­ conscious on the VAX than on related issues: your primary appli­ move any permanent dataset the CYBER. You must take a cation, whether you prefer the named DATA on the CRA Y that few extra steps to ensure that VMS or NOS environment, and might have been left over job files containing user num­ cost. from previous runs. The AC­ bers and passwords are secure. If your primary application is QUIRE gets the newdata.dat file -There are detail differences. For graphics with MNCORE or DISSPLA, from the VAX using the VMS example, a jobname is required most of our graphics output de­ station $DISK ~taging com­ on the cos JOB card, not op­ vices are connected to the VAX mand. ASSIGN makes this AC­ tional as on the CYBER. and are most easily accessed QUIREd file the FORTRAN unit -The VMS station uses the pa­ from that machine. 5 input file. CFT and LOR rameters on the ACQUIRE and System preference is a largely compile and execute. DISPOSE statements differently, subjective consideration. The VMS 3. The last preparatory step is most particularly the TEXT field. editor, EDT, does support screen to turn on the station infor­ Whereas on the CYBER the TEXT editing on VT100 or VT52-compati­ mation broadcast messages field contains a NOS job ble terminals; the CYBER has no with CINFORM. stream, on the VAX it holds screen editor. VMS is a virtual 4. She submits the job. Deckl.cos one of four station-defined memory system; the CYBER is not. and program.cft are appended with cos end-of-file marks. "staging commands" that de­ For most other functions, for ex­ /ACCOUNT (a ucc-added fea­ scribe the destination or ample a FORTRAN-77 compiler for 5. origin of the file in question, preliminary debugging, there are ture) asks for her CRAY and particulars about its approximately equivalent facilities password. 6. She the station in­ characteristics. on both systems. examine~ Comparing costs between the put queue with CQUEUE. Documentation described later in Now the broadcast messages CYBER and the VAX is difficult: 7. this article spells out these differ­ enabled with CINFORM send which system is less expensive in ences in detail. bulletins saying that job TRYS the long run depends upon what has been sent to the CRAY; you are trying to do. In general next that newdata.dat has been Communication VAX CPU time is more expensive successfully ACQUIREd. Both the VAX/VMS and CYBER CA than CYBER, connect time and 110 8. She looks at activity on the systems are now front-ends to the roughly equal, and disk space CRAY with CSTATUS. TRYS is CRAY. By and large, they function less expensive on the VAX. The executing. independently. An ACQUIRE in a VAX is better at character process­ 9. She sees what step the job is CYBER origin CRAY job does not ing, but its EDT editor operating likely in with CJOB. in screen mode is expensive to get confused about which ma­ 10. INFORM messages tell her the use. chine it should look for the file job is finished. The output is on; it gets the file from the CY­ One area that CRAY users must in try5.cpr. be concerned with is the cost of BER.
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