E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2003 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by the 20th The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- allowed to record his presence and also amendment to the Constitution of the giance as follows: to vote on the election of the Speaker. United States and Public Law 107–328 I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the There was no objection. for the meeting of the Congress of the United States of America, and to the Repub- The CLERK. Without objection, the United States, the Members-elect of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Representatives-elect will record their the 108th Congress met in their Hall, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. presence by electronic device and their and at noon were called to order by the The CLERK. Representatives-elect, names will be reported in alphabetical Clerk of the House of Representatives, this is the day fixed by the 20th amend- order by States, beginning with the Hon. Jeff Trandahl. ment to the Constitution and Public State of Alabama, to determine wheth- The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Law 107–328 for the meeting of the 108th er a quorum is present. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Congress and, as the law directs, the There was no objection. Lord of history, our eternal God, You Clerk of the House has prepared the of- The call was taken by electronic de- faithfully gather Your people in faith. ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. vice, and the following Representa- Certificates of election covering 434 You are always attentive to our pray- tives-elect responded to their names: ers. The Journal of Congress records seats in the 108th Congress have been [Roll No. 1] the fact that in 1774, the Reverend received by the Clerk of the House, and Duche led the Continental Congress in the names of those persons whose cre- ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—432 a prayer based on Psalm 35. Today, at dentials show that they were regularly ALABAMA the beginning of the 108th Congress, we elected as Representatives in accord- Aderholt Cramer Rogers return to the lines he quoted: ‘‘Fight, O ance with the laws of their respective Bachus Davis Bonner Everett Lord, against those who fight me; war States or of the United States will be against those who make war upon me. called. ALASKA Take up the shield and buckler and rise The Clerk lays before the House a Young (AK) facsimile of a communication from the up in my defense.’’ ARIZONA Lord, the ominous sound of impend- Chief Election Officer of the State of Hawaii. Flake Hayworth Renzi ing violence grips the soul of this Na- Franks (AZ) Kolbe Shadegg JANUARY 5, 2003. tion today as it did at its beginnings. Grijalva Pastor So be with us, Lord, as You have been Hon. JEFF TRANDAHL, Clerk, House of Representatives, ARKANSAS throughout our history, both in times Washington, DC. Berry Ross of war and in times of peace. DEAR MR. TRANDAHL: This is to advise you Boozman Snyder But the martial imagery does not that the unofficial results of the Special narrow our gaze today only on battle- Election held on Saturday, January 4, 2003 CALIFORNIA fields and armaments. For our battle is for Representative in Congress from the Sec- Baca Honda Rohrabacher against all forms of evil and any injus- ond Congressional District of Hawaii show Becerra Hunter Roybal-Allard Berman Issa Royce tice. With the psalmist may the new that Ed Case (D) received 33,002 of votes of the total number cast for that office. Bono Lantos Sanchez, Linda Congress pray that truth will always It would appear from the unofficial results Calvert Lee T. uncover falsehood, and its righteous Capps Lewis (CA) Sanchez, Loretta that Ed Case (D) was elected Representative Cardoza Lofgren deeds will destroy cynicism. Knowing from the Second Congressional District of Schiff Cox Matsui Sherman our enemy is anyone who denies God- Hawaii. We are unaware of any election con- Cunningham McKeon Solis test at this time. Davis (CA) Millender- given human rights, may the Members Stark As soon as the official results are certified, Dooley (CA) McDonald of this government, their families and Tauscher an official Certificate of Election will be Doolittle Miller, Gary staffs be committed to bring peace and Dreier Miller, George Thomas transmitted as required by law. Thompson (CA unity to others as Your servants now Should you have any questions or need ad- Eshoo Napolitano and forever. Amen. Farr Nunes Waters ditional information, please contact Lori Filner Ose Watson f Tomczyk or myself at (808) 453–VOTE (8683). Gallegly Pelosi Waxman Very truly yours, Harman Pombo Woolsey PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DWAYNE D. YOSHINA, Herger Radanovich Chief Election Officer. The CLERK. The Members-elect and COLORADO their guests will please remain stand- The CLERK. Without objection, the Beauprez McInnis Udall (CO) ing and join in the Pledge of Allegiance Representative-elect from the Second DeGette Musgrave to the flag. District of the State of Hawaii will be Hefley Tancredo b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . VerDate Dec 13 2002 06:04 Jan 08, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JA7.000 H07PT1 H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 7, 2003 CONNECTICUT MISSOURI Johnson, Sam Reyes Smith (TX) Lampson Rodriguez Stenholm DeLauro Larson (CT) Simmons Akin Emerson Hulshof Ortiz Sandlin Thornberry Johnson (CT) Shays Blunt Gephardt McCarthy (MO) Paul Sessions Turner (TX) Clay Graves Skelton DELAWARE UTAH MONTANA Castle Bishop (UT) Cannon Matheson Rehberg FLORIDA VERMONT NEBRASKA Bilirakis Diaz-Balart, Miller (FL) Sanders Bereuter Osborne Terry Boyd Mario Putnam VIRGINIA Brown, Corrine Feeney Ros-Lehtinen NEVADA Brown-Waite, Foley Shaw Boucher Forbes Schrock Berkley Gibbons Porter Ginny Goss Stearns Cantor Goode Scott (VA) Davis, Jo Ann Goodlatte Crenshaw Harris Weldon (FL) Wolf NEW HAMPSHIRE Davis, Tom Moran (VA) Davis (FL) Hastings (FL) Wexler Bass Bradley (NH) Deutsch Keller Young (FL) WASHINGTON Diaz-Balart, Meek (FL) Lincoln Mica NEW JERSEY Baird Hastings (WA) McDermott Andrews LoBiondo Rothman Dicks Inslee Nethercutt GEORGIA Ferguson Menendez Saxton Dunn Larsen (WA) Smith (WA) Bishop (GA) Isakson Marshall Frelinghuysen Pallone Smith (NJ) WEST VIRGINIA Garrett (NJ) Burns Kingston Norwood Pascrell Holt Payne Capito Mollohan Rahall Collins Lewis (GA) Scott (GA) Deal (GA) Linder NEW MEXICO WISCONSIN Gingrey Majette Pearce Udall (NM) Wilson (NM) Baldwin Kleczka Ryan (WI) HAWAII Green (WI) Obey Sensenbrenner NEW YORK Kind Petri Abercrombie Case Ackerman King (NY) Reynolds WYOMING IDAHO Bishop (NH) Lowey Serrano Boehlert McCarthy (NH) Slaughter Cubin Otter Simpson Crowley McHugh Sweeney b 1230 Engel McNulty Towns ILLINOIS Fossella Meeks (NY) Velazquez The CLERK. Four hundred thirty- Biggert Hastert Manzullo Hinchey Nadler Walsh two Members have recorded their pres- Costello Hyde Rush Houghton Owens Weiner Israel ence. A quorum is present. Crane Jackson (IL) Schakowsky Quinn Kelly Rangel Davis (IL) Johnson (IL) Shimkus f Emanuel Kirk Weller NORTH CAROLINA Evans LaHood ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Gutierrez Lipinski Ballance Etheridge Miller (NC) Ballenger Hayes Myrick The CLERK. The Clerk will state INDIANA Burr Jones (NC) Price (NC) that credentials, regular in form, have Coble McIntyre Watt Burton Chocola Pence been received showing the election of Buyer Hill Souder NORTH DAKOTA the Honorable ANIBAL ACEVEDO-VILA as Carson (IN) Hostettler Visclosky Resident Commissioner of the Com- Pomeroy monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of IOWA OHIO 4 years beginning January 3, 2001; the Boswell Latham Nussle Boehner Kaptur Pryce (OH) LEANOR King (IA) Leach election of the Honorable E Brown (OH) Kucinich Regula HOLMES NORTON as delegate from the Chabot LaTourette Ryan (OH) KANSAS Gillmor Ney Strickland District of Columbia; the election of Moore Ryun (KS) Hobson Oxley Tiberi the Honorable DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Moran (KS) Tiahrt Jones (OH) Portman Turner (OH) as delegate of the Virgin Islands; the KENTUCKY OKLAHOMA election of the Honorable ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA as delegate from Amer- Fletcher Lucas (KY) Rogers (KY) Carson (OK) Istook Sullivan Lewis (KY) Northup Whitfield Cole Lucas (OK) ican Samoa; and the election of the OREGON Honorable MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO as LOUISIANA delegate from Guam. Blumenauer Walden (OR) Alexander John Vitter DeFazio Wu f Baker McCrery Jefferson Tauzin PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION OF SPEAKER MAINE Brady (PA) Hoeffel Platts The CLERK. Pursuant to law and to Doyle Holden Sherwood precedent, the next order of business is Allen Michaud English Kanjorski Shuster Fattah Murphy Toomey the election of the Speaker of the MARYLAND Gerlach Murtha Weldon (PA) House of Representatives for the 108th Bartlett (MD) Gilchrest Van Hollen Greenwood Peterson (PA) Congress. Cardin Hoyer Wynn Hart Pitts Nominations are now in order. Cummings Ruppersberger RHODE ISLAND The Clerk recognizes the gentle- MASSACHUSETTS Kennedy (RI) Langevin woman from Ohio (Ms. PRYCE). Ms. PRYCE of Ohio. Mr. Clerk, for 4 Capuano Markey Olver SOUTH CAROLINA Delahunt McGovern Tierney years we have been blessed to have an Frank (MA) Meehan Barrett (SC) Clyburn Spratt Brown (SC) DeMint Wilson (SC) individual of fairness, honesty, and Lynch Neal (MA) common sense lead us without regard SOUTH DAKOTA MICHIGAN to rank or party. During even the most Janklow Camp Kildee Miller (MI) difficult of times, this common man Conyers Kilpatrick Rogers (MI) TENNESSEE with an uncommon conviction to do Dingell Knollenberg Smith (MI) what is right has risen to the task and Ehlers Levin Stupak Blackburn Duncan Jenkins Hoekstra McCotter Upton Cooper Ford Tanner served as the Speaker for the whole Davis (TN) Gordon Wamp House of Representatives.
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