~~~·- -;;;.~, ~~·--"lo···~:~.,. .· . ''f'-; .. , . # ': ~ • • • . ' ---- -- ND SMOKING• ,_. ). ' XXVlll 'lleo.er&rut ~ifi ScW 9kit~,Jexas . This is Nederland High School. This is her story told in pictures of working, playing, and learning to­ gether. It is a story of a school dedi­ cated to an intangible ideal that to­ morrow's achievements are built on today's accomplishments. To many of us, the passing of this year simply means that we are one year older. To seniors, it means the year of fulfillment. Plans begun years ago have come to completion. Friendships formed become deeper as the time for separation draws near. This year is filled with cher­ ished memories; the important games we fought to win; the first, and for some of us, the last high school dance; the feeling of accomplishment that comes with the last years of school. School spirit, sentimental mo­ ments of youth, happiness, and sor­ row, with occasional time out for studies all combine to complete a school year. We, the PILOT Staff, have taken these factors and made of them a permanent record, as memories are permanent, in the 1962 PILOT. This is N.H.S. in the 60's and the people who go here. ~ ' ~ Editor There are black and gold colors bright In a banner soaring high above There's a field where the Bulldogs fight To glorify something they love There's a PILOT filled with the faces, Of friends who have come and gone; Here are dear, old hallowed places Never forgotten as time stretches on. R. L. Ropp The person we chose for the dedication of the 1962 PILOT is someone that touches the lives· of every student and teacher in Nederland High School, either directly or indirectly. He has worked, not only for the students, but with them by loyally and sincerely promoting citizenship, good sportsmanship, scholarship, and social ac­ t1v1t1es. His patience and understanding are only two of his outstanding characteristics. The PILOT Staff take this opportunity to express the grati­ tude and affection that the entire student body feels for him by dedicating the 1962 PILOT to Mr. William E. Tannert. Mr. Tanner!, our level-headed sponsor, intermingles nourish­ ment with teaching. Mr. T's pride and joy, Michele, is a sure in­ spiration to him. Mr. and Mrs. Tannert and Michele take time out to pose for a family portrait. Mrs. Tannert and Michele are just as proud of Mr. Tanner! as he is of them. 4 WILLIAM E. T ANNERT 5 The eternal symbol of authority ... the equalization of students and teachers . · . the various duties, besides teaching school . · · 6 • • • ADMfNJQRAnON taking part in )lchool activities all characterize the N.H.S. administration. 7 MR. ORLAND STRICKLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION Phil H. Handler, Pr111Ulni1 Tyler L Kirk l:and, Vic11.p,,,;J,,.t Nederland Independent School District A mid~ Morpn, S11u111n y Clyde W . Brown P. 0 . Box 908 Nederland, Texas M1urice E. Mcinnis FrC'd E. Ewing Jack Fleming Orl1ndS1rickland,S,,,p11rint,,,,/m1 PRINCIPALS Jot Fiedler, High Schoot Rllph H. Ra ines, Bumiru M111ugtr Vernon R. Ramkc, }lmior High School Cl1udc F. Gibon, A smt1tnf Sup11rinlcnde 111 fo r l•Wruction T. E. Smiih, Cmtr.J Efem 11 nltH1 Dalton W. Moo re , H1lh rn 1 Elt m 11 n1 .. r7 James W. Lar rabee, L.snghdm Elemen/"'1 June 4, 1962 TO THE STUDENTS OF NEDERLAND HIGH SCHOOL : The purpose o f a school yearbook is twofold; to provide a living record of the activities of your school days and to p r ~se rve for posterity certain records which are otherwise l eft in obscurity through the yea r s . The Nederland Schools have provided you with a fine program of e ducation; but in the fina l analysis e ach of you must realize that education is an individual r esponsibility . Where you go in life and what you make of yourself will be determined ry the amount of foresight, courage and energy which you put into your daily routine . The good life can b e yours if you remain of good cheer, work diligently, pre­ serve your good character and reput ation . The Annual Staff is t o be congratulated for the preparation of this book. This is an arduous task, and r e q uires the expenditure of much time and effort. Sincer e ly yours, NEDERLAND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 8~~ Orland Strickland, Supe rintendent OS/mp 8 0Wll Gdtoot BOOML f..lo.s A Btg R.MpOMd>~ RwuW1g OU/(; Gdtoot SITTING, left to right: Harry Chester, Tyler Kirkland, Amidee Morgan. STANDING, left to right: Maurice Mcinnis, W. W. Sinclair, Harold Brown, Phil Handley. CLAUDE GILSON, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction 9 JOHNNY BOURQUE Tax Assessor and Collector HAROLD McGILL, B.A. Guidance Director Baylor RALPH RAINES Business Manager BOWDEN COOK, B.S. Athletic Director Texas Tech Edna Brady, Secretary and B.etty Ritchie, Attendance Clerk. 11 Mrs. Mary Perryman, Secretary to the Superintendent Mrs. Gloria Brown, Secretary to the Assistant Super­ and Recording Secretary to the School. intendent for Instruction. Mrs. Annie Marie Stovall and Mrs. Norine Barras, Clerks. Mrs. Anne Spruill, Bookkeeper, Mrs. 'Jean Metreyeon, Mrs. Roxy Thornell, N.H.S. Nurse and Sponsor of the Secretary to the Business Manager. Future Nurses. 12 BERTHA YORK, B.S. ELIZABETH GUARNERE, B.S. DELLA S. POOL, B.S. English N; Sam Houston State English III; Abilene Christian College English II; Lamar Tech GRACE WOLF, B.A. English II; Lamar Tech I I It's very simple. All you do is ... 13 ELEANOR ANDERSON, B.S. English III, Latin I, II, Latin Club Spon· sor; Northern State Teachers College Even teachers use the dictionary once in a while. GEORGE W. MARTIN, B.A. ERNESTINE FLEMING, B.S. Spanish I, II; Stephen F. Austin BETTY TOMLIN, B.A. Business English, Secretarial Training; Library; Texas Woman's University 14 Stephen F. Austin BILLIE McCLURE, B.B.A. MAVIS WILLIAMS, B.S. WILLIA:\1 L. COOK, B.S., M.Ed. Typing I, II, Pep Squad Sponsor, Cheer­ Shorthand I, II, Typing II, Pep Squad Vocational Agriculture, F.F.A. Sponsor, leader Sponsor; Stephen F. Austin Sponsor, Cheerleader Sponsor; Stephen Texas A&M F. Austin NAO:\U GLEASON, A.B., :VI.A. Bookkeeping I, II, Typing, F.T.A. Spon· sor, National Honor Society Sponsor; West Virginia University • This quick drink helps prepare for the next class. 15 WILLIAM E. TANNERT, B.S. Plane and Solid Geometry, Trigonometry, Advanced Math, Physics, Student Council Sponsor; Stephen F. Austin Mr. Rodgers checks the number of students he has failed ... MYRA DUNN, B.S. ELIZABETH CLEVELAND GERALDL YN WATTS, B.S. Algebra I, General Math; East Texas Family Relations, Homemaking III; Sam Homemaking II, F.H.A. Sponsor; Ste· 16 Baptist College Houston phen F. Austin WILLIAM E. VILHA, B.A. L. J. BROUSSARD, B.S. ROBERT L. GOSS, M.A. Chemistry I, II, Science Club Sponsor; Biology, Advanced Biology; University Biology; Stephen F. Austin Daniel Baker, Baylor of Houston JOE L. BORING, B.S. Biology, Health, Physical Education, N.H.S. Coach; Texas A&M Miss Sanderson enjoys decorating the show cases. 17 JAMES C. ROGERS, B.S. Algebra II, Plane Geometry; Lamar Tech Teachers can really make the test hard. GLORIA HAMILTON, B.S. and B.A. MONTE AARON, B.S. CHARLES B. JORDON, JR., B.A. Solid Geometry, Plane Geometry, Ad- Commercial Math, Algebra I ; Lamar Senior Math; Texas A&M vanced Senior Math, Physics; North Tech 18 Texas, Lamar Tech BOBBIE L. BUSHNELL, B.S. MARY T. ARMSTRONG, B.S. BEVERLY MINALDI, B.A. Physical Education, Health, American Physical Education; Baylor Civics, Economics; Lamar Tech History; Texas Woman's University JOE PEACOCK, B.S. American History, Speech, Drama Club Sponsor; Lamar Tech Mr. Kelly tries on the new uniforms for the band students. 19 DOROTHY RYLAND Arts and Crafts, Art I, II, Journalism, Bull­ dog Beat Sponsor, Press Club Sponsor, Art Club Sponsor; East Texas Baptist Senior teachers enjoy a day off along with the happy seniors .. ADEL YN GRANGER, B.S. ORVILLE A. KELLEY, M.Ed. JACK McGAFFEY, B.S., M.Ed. Plane Geometry; Lamar Tech Band; East Texas State Drivers' Education, Health, World His­ 20 tory; Lamar Tech, University of Texas DICK BURNETT, B.S., M.Ed. B. F. CHRISTIAN GEORGE EISENMANN, B.S. Civics, Economics, American History, Health, Physical Education, NHS Coach Study Hall, Drivers' Education ; Stephen Physical Education, NHS Coach; Stephen F. Austin F. Austin JOHN M. ANDERSON, B.S. Physical Education ; Troy State College Relaxing is an easy job. 21 NEAL MORGAN, B.S. American History, Physical Education; Stephen -F. Austin We told them that we would catch them someday . DAVE SMITH, M.S. JOYCE SANDERSON, B.S. JACK C. WEEREN, B.S. Drivers' Education, NHS Coach Family Relations, Homemaking III General Metal Trades I, II, VIC Sponsor; 22 Texas A&M Oh, I think I'll fail him too. LESTER YOUNGBLOOD, B.S.I.E. JOHN MATHESEN Woodworking I, II, Mechanical Drawing Choral I, II; Arkansas A&M Do you really think she was surprised??? These finals can really get you down . Oh, boy! One more failure .. You're not supposed to be in the halls without a "Did you learn to whisper in a sawmill?" corridor pass. 23 MRS. ZILLAH SMITH Dietician MR. A. V. HALL Custodian MR. JULIUS TRAHAN Custodian Mmes. Maryon Miles, Mabel Sterling, Mabel LeBlanc, Ruth Creel, Ruth Beck, Frances Erwin, Ora Harris. Mmes. Myrtle Campbell, Rena McElvain, Irene Lynd, Paula Campbell, Effie Boutin, Florence DeCuir. 24 The final arrival of Graduation Day 1962 ... .. the exquisite show of Senior talent ... and the long-awaited Senior Day Picnic make up a Senior year long to be remembered 25 I .••• ~ \ \ Senior Class Officers: Julie Reed, Secretary; Peggy Jo Doornbos, Social Leader; "Tenom" Price, President; Ginger Provost, Treasurer.
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