BALL FAMILY RECORDS. BALL FAMILY RECORDS GENEALOGICAL MEMOIRS OF SOME BALL FAMILIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, AND AMERICA COMPILED BY THE REV. WILLIAM BALL WRIGHT, M.A. Late Brasinns 8,nilh Exhibitioner, Trin. Coll., Diiblin, l',,f,R.S.A.., Ireland, Author of "The Ussher Me,no-irs," and "Life Sketch of Archbishop Bramhall Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised YORK PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY THE YORKSHIRE PRINTING Co., LTD. 1908 To SIR ROBERT STA WELL BALL, F.R.S., Lowndes Professor o.f Astronomy, Cambridge University, and to the other bearers o.f the name o.f Ball who, in the past and present, have added lustre and distinction to thez·r name and .families by their scientific discoveries and writings, This Book o.f Ball Fam£ly Records at home and abroad is Dedicated by the Author. CONTENTS. PAGES Chapter I.-The origin and early mention the name of Ball 1-7 11.-The Ball Family of St. Audoen's Padsh, Dublin Ba!lygall, Co.Dublin, and Ballsgrove, Drogheda, ·with notices of the Ussher Fami!v. and of Bartholomew, Walter, Nicholas, R'obert and Edward Ball, Mayors of Dublin 8-54 IIJ.-'The Ball Family of Baldrumtnin, Parish of Lusk, Co. Dublin 55-56 lV.-The Balls of Co. Fermanagh, of Cookesto,vn, " Co. Meath, and of Philadelphia, with notices of the Connolly and Carleton Families, and of the Blackall Family - 57-72 V.-The Ball Family of Scottowe, and of the " Counties of Armagh and Kilkenny 73-94 VI.-The Ball Family of Ardee, Co. Louth, with notice of Sergeant John Ball, M.P. for Drogheda, 1860 95-102 VII.-The Descendants of John Ball, of Eccles Str., Dubli11, with memoirs of Judge Nichofas Ball, John Ball, F. R. S., President of the Alpine Club, aud of Mother Frances Ball, of Rathfarnbam 103-114 VIII.-The Balls of Bampton, Co. Devon, afterwards of Youghal, with memoirs of Robei't Ball, LL.D., the Naturalist, and his sous, Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R.S., Dr. Valentine Ball, C.B., and Sir Charles Ball, M.D. 115-132 IX.-The Balls of St. Mary's Parish, Dublin, with memoirs of Rt. Hon. J. T. Ball, late Lord Chancellor of Ireland 133-148 X.-The Balls of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, and " Shannon, Co. Donegal 149-154 XI.-The Balls of Co. Tyrone, with memoirs of " Revd. Thos, Ball, of St. Bride's Pal'ish, Dublin, and notices of other families of the name• 155-162 XII.-The Ball Family for-metly of Maidstone, Kent, " and of Hackney, Middlesex - - - - 163-167 XHI.-The Balls formerly of Richmond Manor, " Philadelphia 168-172 XIV.-The Balls of Virginia, with notice of !Vlary Ball, " mother of General George \Vashington - - 173-199 APPENDICES. PAGES I. Funeral Entries of Ball, &c., in the Ulster Office of Arms, Dublin i-iv 2. Extracts from the Visn of Dublin City v-vi f }Chancery Inquisns p.m., and Exchequer Enfeofments vi-x 5: of Dublin and Drogheda - - - - - - 6. Dublin Dio. Will of Walter Ball, Mayor of Dublin - x-xii 7. Irish Prerog. V.'ill of Nicholas Ball, M~P., Mayor of Dublin - xii-xx 8. Irish Prerog. 'Nill of Robert Ball, Mayor of Dublin - xx-xxiii 9. Irish Prerog. ·wm of Edward Ball, Mayor of Dublin, Pr. 1626 xxiii-xxv 10. Extract from Father Howling's "Irish Marty,·s," concerning Mrs. Margaret Ball als Bermingham xxv-xxvi IL Letter of John Ball from Brussels, 1591 xxvii-xxviii 12. Irish Grants to Llantbony Abbey in Gloucester - xxviii Pedigree of Delahoydes of Moyglare - xxix-xxxi 13. Pedigree of Des Mynieres of Rauen and Dublin xxxii-xxxvi 14. Pedigree of Ball of Chudleigh and Mamhead, Devon - xxxYi-µxix· 15. Pedigree of Ball of Tussingham, Irby and Boughton, Cheshire xxxix-xliii 16. Pedigree of Wright of Co. Kilkenny xliii-1 17. Notes on the Family of Blackall Ii 18. Extracts from Ball \Vills of Bristol and from Parish Registers of Bampton, Devon lii-lv 19. Notes on families of Feltus and Paumier - 1vi 20. Appointment of Wm. Ball as 1st Provincial G.M., of Pennsylvania, and Abstracts of \\'ills lvii-lix 21. Notes on Northamptonshire Balls lix-lx 22. Miscellaneous Notes lx-lxii 23. Addendum - lxiii 24. Index of Proper Names lxiv LIST OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. FACING PAGE The Author's Portrait Frontispiece The Arms of Bartholomew Ball, Mayor of Dublin 9 Portrait of Mrs. James Ussher (Shotover), dr of Rose Challoner nee Ball • 23 Archbishop James Ussher (Bodleian) • 24 " Mr. Robert Ball, of Rathfarnham : } 40 ",, Mr. George Henry Ball, of Albany, U.S.A. ,, Mrs. Wright nee Ball (S. Lover)• : } 43 ,, Capt. Wm. W. Ball, of Capetown A Map of Drogheda (1749), the property of Dr. J. Bradley 46 Portrait of Capt. George Ball, of Ballsgrove 48 ,, Squire Robert Ball, of Ballsgrove . 53 The Arms of Ball, Blackall and Desminieres 65 Portrait of Capt. Blackall Wm. Ball, of Pennsylvania 68 Mr. Thomas Hand Ball, of Philadelphia 71 Sergeant John Ball, M.P. for Drogheda Mother Superior Frances Teresa Ball :} 98 " Mrs. Ball (from an old painting), 1737 103 Mr. John Ball, of Eccles Str., Dublin 107 Rt. Hon. Judge Nicholas Ball, Dublin 110 Mr. John Ball, F.R.S., 1st President of the Alpine Club 112 Mr. Robert Ball, late Curator of Dublin Univ. Museum} 129 " Sir Robert S. Ball, F.R.S., the Astronomer . Dr. Valentine Ball, C.B., late Director Natl. Mus. Ireld.} " Sir Charles Ball, M.D., Dublin . • . l3l The Arms of Benjamin Ball, of Dublin (rubbing from gravestone) 133 Portrait of Mr. Benjamin Ball, Dublin • 136 ,, Penelope Paumier, Wife of Rev. John Ball 138 Rev. John Ball, Rector of Attanagh - •} 140 Major B. Marcus Ball - . Rt. Hon. Dr. J. T. Ball, late Lord Chancr. of Ireland• 146 Mrs. -Elizabeth Boddington (nee Ball, of Hackney) - 167 " Wm. Ball, Esq., 1st Grand Master, Grand Lodge of} " Freemasons in the Province of Pennsylvania, 1761 · 170 ,, Mr. Joseph Ball, of Richmond Manor, Philadelphia• ,, General George Washington 173 ,, Mrs. Mary Ball Washington (by Hudson) 175 The Arms of Colonel William Ball } -_ 183 View of Bewdley, Virginia, the old residence of the Ball Family View of interior and exterior of White Chapel Church, Virginia 187 The Arms of Thomas Ball, of Boughton and Burton, died 1668, from his Ha~chment in Gresford Church • xiii FOREWORD. The study of Family History has become so general during the last quarter of a century that no defence is needed for issuing another work on that subject. It will always, however, seem a matter of folly and a waste of time to any who not only have not the taste for it, but actually dislike and despise it; yet it is only National and County History in miniature. The time is past when a genealogist proper may dread the odium of being thought to indulge in family pride or of being accused of a desire to discover a claim to money. Now, when every facility is given by the Public Record Offices and the Probate Registries and Public Libraries for free literary search, when an International Genealogical Directory has been published, when there are numerous magazines devoted to genealogy, when a famous Historian like the late Bishop Stubbs, of Oxford, could make pedigree-hunting a diversion, and a late eminent judge, Sir Edmund Bewley, could throw him­ self with ardour and success into its pursuit, no one need be ashamed of trying to learn something of the history and characteristics of one's own or other's ancestry. It was my privilege to spend ten years as a Missionary in Japan from 1873 onward, and I was greatly struck with the way in which that interesting people preserved the records of their forefathers. One of my first Christian converts had been a Shinto priest, who could trace his ancestors as hereditary priests for 25 genera­ tions, and others in like manner were able to follow up their line. On my return home, I resided for five years in Dublin, and there for the first time was able to investi­ gate the history of the old Dublin family to which my mother belonged; the research I then entered on led to the necessity of distinguishing the lines of other Balls, and with the kind assistance of some members of those families I published a book which has had a consider­ able circulation, paid its way, been quoted as an authority and is out of print. My second work, "The U ssher Memoirs," undertaken by the advice of the late Bishop Reeves and Sir J. Bernard Burke, was even more successful and is also out of print. Since then I lived for seven years in America, where I found that all literary people took a much greater interest in their family origin than is the case in England; clubs have been formed (such as the Ball Family Club, founded at Ball College, N. Y. State, in 1901), to investigate origins and celebrate reunions. Having frequently received letters asking for copies of the Ball Records and been forced to reply "out of print," I have at last mustered courage to bring out a second and enlarged edition. This I have now accom­ plished, though not with the same ease as _the first edition. I am now living at York, away from the great sources of information, which I had personal access_ to before. I have, however, had kind friends in Dublin, London, America, and South Africa, some of whom have laid themselves out to make researches, and others to finance the cost of printing. Besides the many obscure or unimportant individuals bearing the Ball name who are mentioned in these pages, are some of great distinction in Science and Law, others who were mothers of eminent sons.
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