f rom tl1e l1011oretl past. we bril1S fortl1 l1ew bMtls let MS beSil1 ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS 36TH ANNUAL CONVENTION .:. KONA .:.1995 --.....-------------------,----------------.--------------------------- EXECUTIVE CHAMBERS HONOLULU BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO GOVERNOR MESSAGE FROM GOVERNOR BENJAMIN J. CAYETANO .TO THE ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS November 7 - 12, 1995 On behalf of the people of the State of Hawaii, I am pleased to send my greetings, and warmest aloha, to all who are attending the 36th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at the King Kamehameha Hotel in Kailua­ Kona. For more than seven decades, your association has been a consistent and respected advocate for the concerns of Hawaiian people. You have experienced tremendous growth since the founding of your first club by Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole in 1918. Today your clubs are found on every island, and on the mainland as well. Inspired by your convention's theme, Ho'omaka, which speaks of establishing new goals, you are sure to have a lively and informative gathering on the Big Island during these days. Mayall of you enjoy this time together, as you gather with old friends and renew your commitment to civic duty on behalf of the Hawaiian people. Aloha, DANIEL K. INOUYE HAWAII APPROPRIATIONS PRINCE KUHIO FEDERAL BUILDING Subcommittee on Defense ~tattS ~tnatt ROOM 7325, 300 ALA MOANA BOULEVARD tinittd HONOLULU, HI 96850-4975 COMMERCE, SCIENCE AND TRANSPORTATION SUITE 722. HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING (808) 541-2542 WASHINGTON, DC 20510-1102 ·FAX (808) 541-2549 Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine (202) 224-3934 101 AUPUNI STREET, NO. 205 FAX (202) 224-6747 HILO. HI 96720 COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS (808) 935-0844 DEMOCRATIC STEERING COMMITTEE FAX (808) 961-5163 COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING November 7, 1995 Association ofHawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Convention King Kamehameha Hotel Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Dear Friends: I have most privileged and honored to work with the Association ofHawaiian Civic Clubs over the years on matters ofmutual concern. I am pleased to share with you that the United States Senate concurred with my request to continue the funding for Native Hawaiian programs--$31 million was approved for education, health, vocational training, culture, and drug free education programs for the upcoming fiscal year. Unfortunately, no funds were appropriated by the House. I will do my best to retain as much ofthe funding as possible when the Senate and House meet in conference to reconcile their differences. These projects are critical to not only improving the collective quality oflife ofthe Native Hawaiian people, butalso to continue to underscore the existence ofa trust relationship on the part ofthe federal government. Notwithstanding the budgetary climate and the new reform-minded leadership in the Congress, ours is a fight that must be fought and an obligation that must be satisfied. You have done much to raise the awareness and to provide a forum to discuss issues ofimportance to the Native Hawaiian community. Ours is a mission that is always current and ongoing. Please accept my best wishes for an informative and enjoyable conference. I look forward to continuing our work together. ..---------------------------~~~-~~~~~~~~--~----~.~ ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS P.O. Box 1135 Honolulu, Hawaii 96807 . 1995 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 'Ano'ai me ke aloha pumehana, BO'OMAKA! To begin, start, to put forth buds! Welcome to the 36th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian civic Clubs. Kona Kai 'Opua! The 1994-95 Association year has been eventful as we continue to strive to fulfill the vision set out for us by our founder Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole. Mahalo piha to our officers, directors and committee chairs for their hana nui throughout the year. Again, you have done us proud! Best aloha to all members as we, together, complete the important work that brings us to convention. Our workshops, our resolutions and the debate on them and our committee deliberations and reports all help us to gain the knowledge and insight necessary to preparing us to carry on our pervasive endeavors to improve the lot of our Hawaiian People. Mahalo nui loa to the members of the Hawai'i Council clubs, our hosts at this convention, for your hard work and warm hospitality. KEPPELER WAIMANALO ....................• .. 39 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE " 3 wAIKfKi 39 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................... 4 HAWAI'I COUNCIL .................••. .. 39 HAMAKUA ....................•.... 39 LEITERS OF WELCOME .................• 7 HILO , .......••... 40 Governor of Hawai' i Benjamin Cayetano ..... .. 7 HO'OPULOA ................•..•.. •. 41 U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye 8 KA'U 41 U.S. Senator Daniel Akaka . .. 9 KOHALA .....................•...• 41 State Senator Malama Solomon 10 KONA ...•...................•.... 42 State Senator Andrew Levin .. ........... .. 11 LAUPAHOEHOE ........•........•... 42 State Representative David A. Tamas 12 PRINCE DAVID KAWANANAKOA ....... .. 43 Mayor Stephen K. Yamashiro - County of Hawaii. 13 SOUTH KOHALA ..............•...• .. 44 OHA Chairman - Trustee Clayton Hee . .. 14 WAIMEA 44 OHA Trustee Island of Hawai" i - Moanikeala Akaka 15 MAUl COUNCIL ..................•.•. .. 45 OUTSTANDING AWARDS 1995 . .. 16 CENTRAL MAUl .............••.. .. 45 Kiilia I Ka Nu'u 16 HO'OLEHUA .. :.................... 46 Prince Kiihio 17 LAHAINA 46 Ka Po'okela 0 Kiihio 18 Kalaniana' ole Award 19 KAUA'I COUNCIL 46 Kako'o 0 Kalaniana'ole . ; .............. .. 20 HANALEI 46 Pualeilani 21 KAUMUALI'I '............... 47 KAUA'I 47 O'AHU COUNCIL ..................... .. 22 'AHAHUI SIWILA HAWAI'I 0 KAPOLEI ... .. 23 MAINLAND COUNCIL. ................. .. 47 ALI'I PAUAHI ..................... .. 23 'AHAHUI KiWILA HAWAI'I 0 SAN DIEGO . .. 48 'EWA HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUB 24 'AHAHUI 0 LILI'UOKALANI , 49 HONOLULU ...................... .. 24 'AINAHAU 0 KALEPONI 50 KAILUA 26 HUI 0 HAWAI'I 0 UTAH ...........•... 50 KALIHI-PALAMA 26 KAUWAHI 'ANAINA ....•............. 51 KING KAMEHAMEHA 26 LAS VEGAS 51 KO'OLAULOA .•.................... 27 NA KEIKI 0 HAWAI'I ...•............. 51 KO'OLAUPOKO .................... .. 27 NA PO'E 0 HAWAI'I 52 KUALOA-HE'EIA ................... .. 27 NANAIKAPONO 28 NECROLOGY '.' .' ...•...• 54 PEARL HARBOR •..... .. ........... .. 29 PRINCE KUHIO •...•.......... • .... .. 31 'AHA MELE 1995 . • . .. 55 - AHCC CONVENTION AGENDA. ........... .. 32 CREDENTIALS AN1) REGISTRATION REPORT ... 62 PRINCESS KA'IULANI 35 PU'ULOAi '. .. 35 QUEEN EMMA ...•................ .. 36 QUEEN KAPI'OLANI 36 WAHIAWA .•....................... 37 WAI' ALUA •.•..................... 37 WAI'ANAE ......••.'. ............. .. 38 6 DANIEL K. AKAKA MEMBER: HAWAII COMMITIEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES WASHINGTON OFFICE: COMMITIEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 720 HART SENATE OFFICE COMMITIEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS BUILDING WASHINGTON. DC 20510 ~tattS ~tnatt COMMITIEE ON VETERANS' AFFAIRS TELEPHONE: (202) 224-0361 tlnittd WASHINGTON, DC 20510-1103 HONOLULU OFFICE: 3104 PRINCE JONAt1KUt110 KALANIANAOlE FEDERAL BUILDING P.O. Box 50144 November 7, 1995 HONOLULU. HI 96850 TELEPt10NE: (808) 522-8970 MESSAGE FROM U.S. SENATOR DANIEL K. AKAKA It is with great pleasure that I extend my best wishes on this annual convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. To each of the delegates and their guests, my aloha. You have set aside time to be a part of this annual assembly, and I commend you for your participation. As delegates, you play an important role in representing the interests of the forty-five Hawaiian Civic Clubs in Hawai'i, California, Colorado, Alaska, Nevada and Utah. These next several days of meetings are all the more significant because of the commitment you have all made in time and effort to help set the direction and goals of your federation, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. I wish to also commend the officers of the Association and all who have been involved in arranging this year's convention. I know that they have worked hard to ensure that the sessions ahead will be informative and productive. This is more than a forum for the exchange of information or the voicing of concerns and ideas; this convention should also serve to promote unity. During the course of this six-day gathering, it will be an opportunity to strengthen the bond between members, for I must say that the good fellowship of this gathering is also an important part of this convention. I join your many friends in wishing you my very best for a most successful annual convention. Aloha pumehana, DANIEL K. AKAKA U.S. Senator PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE OF HAWAII STATE CAPITOL HONOLULU, HAWAII 96813 TO THE ASSOCIATION OF HAWAIIAN CIVIC CLUBS FROM STATE REPRESENTATIVE DAVID TARNAS NOVEMBER 7, 1995 Aloha! Welcome to Kona. It is truly an honor for our community to host the State Convention for the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. We appreciate the hard work and diligence of the Civic Clubs in perpetuating Hawaiian cultural values and traditions. In these challenging times, your steadfastness is a source of strength for us all. Please accept my best wishes for a successful convention. Mahalo a nul loa, David A. Tarnas Representative, 6th District North Kona/South Kohala William G. Davis Managing Director Stephen K. Yamashiro Mayor HenryCho DeputyManaging Director ~nunfll nf ~afuaii 25 Aupuni Street, Room 215 • Hilo, Hawaii 96720-4252 • (808) 961-8211 • Fax (808) 961-6553 KaNA: 75-5706 Kuakini Highway,
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