Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73135-5 - Darfur and the Crime of Genocide John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond Index More information Index AAAS. See American Academy for the July 2003 speech, 126, 159 Advancement of Science Al Qaeda, 16 ABA-CEELI. See American Bar Albright, Madeline, 137 Association Central and East Allport, Gordon, 38 European Law Initiative al-Mahadi, Sadiq, 112 Abbala. See Hilal, Musa American Academy for the Advancement Abd-Al-Rahman. Ali Muhammad. See Ali of Science, 74, 76 Kushayb American Bar Association, xxi ADS. See Atrocities Documentation American Bar Association Central and Survey East European Law Initiative, 73–74, ADS analysis, 177 76 bombing, 176 American Civil Liberties Union, 202 collective racial intent, 180–81 Amnesty International, 59, 142 ethnic protection of Arabs, 184–86 Annan, Kofi, 31–32 geo-referencing, 169 arabization, 112–13 racial epithets, 177–79 Arbour, Louise, 28, 31–32, 161 sexual violence, 182–86 Arendt, Hannah, 59 total victimization scale, 180–81 Article II of the Genocide Convention. See ADS sample, 172–73 Geneva Convention on Genocide genocidal victimization, 175–76 Atrocities Documentation Survey, 1–3, 58, limitations, 190 77, 79–80, 140, 220 racial epithets, 174, 177 atrocities documentation team, 81–82 rebel activity, 173 cluster sampling of refugees, 169 reported attacks, 173 counting the dead, 93 settlement density, 174 Darfur death toll, 96 theft and property destruction, measures of violence, 170–72 176 President Bush statement, 80 African Union, xxiii, 220 refugee camps, 169 Akayesu case, 183 settlement clusters, 170 al Bashir, Omar, 89, 112, 140, 187 Al Geneina, 15, 142, 153 Baggara tribe, See Hilal, Musa 263 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73135-5 - Darfur and the Crime of Genocide John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond Index More information 264 INDEX Ball, Patrick collective action framework. See Gamson, refugee flow data, 74–75 William Bandura, Albert collective efficacy. See Sampson, Robert self-efficacy, 117 collective punishment, 210–12 Beida, 19, 142, 144, 210 children, 212 Bendesi, . See Kushayb, Ali 215 destruction of families, 210 destruction of, 153–58, 211 collective racial intent, 159, 166, 192, Harun, Ahmad, 153, 155, 159 221–22 joint criminal enterprise, 156–58 Comaroff, Jean, 110 Kushayb, Ali, 153, 155–56, 158–59 Comaroff, John, 110 sexual assault, 158 complex humanitarian emergencies, 62, UNHCR study, 216 63–68, 70, 86 Wadi Salih, 153 crime victimization approach, 82, 92, 221 Beni Halba tribe, 142, 150 public health perspective, 62–64, 69, 83, Benn, Hilary, 95 93–94, 100, 221 Bettelheim, Bruno, 37 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, 114 Bin Laden, Osama, 16, 88, 144 counter-insurgency policy, 210 Blumstein, Alfred, 196, 203 CPA. See Comprehensive Peace Bolton, John, 32 Agreement Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 191 crimes against humanity, 108 Braithwaite, John, 196 Darfur, 162 Braithwaite, Valerie, 196 First Nations, 36 British Advertising Standards Association, Harun, Ahmed, 12 xxiii Milosevic, Slobodan, 31 Brussels Report, 90, 92, 95 Nuremberg trial, 39, 40, 42, 47 Darfur: Counting the Deaths, 90 crude mortality rate, 65–66 Bush, President George W., xxiii, 105, 220 excess mortality, 69 missing, 68–69 CDC. See Centers for Disease Control Center for Research on the Epidemiology Dallaire, Romeo, 137 of Disasters. See Brussels report Dar Masalit, 15 Centers for Disease Control, 65, 73, 94 Darfur death estimate, 98–100 Chad, 12 direct estimation method, 98 CIJ. See Coalition for International Justice GAO Report, 103 CMR. See crude mortality rate indirect estimation method, 98 Coalition for International Justice, xxii, 59, Darfur Investigation Team, 190 81 Darfur Liberation Front, 114 press release, 85 Dawai, Hamid, 17, 126, 142–43 Coebergh, Jan Guedera camp, 142 Parliamentary Brief estimate, 85 racial epithets, 144–45 Cohen, Albert, 35 Terbeba, 143 Coleman, James, 163–66 de Waal, Alex, 71, 89 theory of social action, 168 rebel activity, 114 transformation problem, 165 tribal entities, 109, 124 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73135-5 - Darfur and the Crime of Genocide John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond Index More information INDEX 265 Dealey, Sam, xxiii militias, Arab Janjaweed, 6, 140 defiance theory, 204 racial epithets, 8–9, 138, 158, 178, 207 Del Ponte, Carla, 31, 162 racial tension, 5–6 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 66 sexual violence, 9–11 desertification, 111, 122, 154, 163 specific racial intent, 158–59, 163 differential association theory. See theft and property destruction, 143, 152 Sutherland, Edwin genocidal priming. See Hinton, Alexander DLF. See Darfur Liberation Front genocidal violence, 108 Documenting Atrocities in Darfur, 79 collective action, 108 collective efficacy, 108, 222 Egeland, Jan, 84 sexual violence, 186 El Fasher, 208 genocide, 13–14, 116, 119, 162, 192, 220 El-Battahani, Atta, 111, 162 Darfur, 187, 191 European Union, 31 Genocide Convention, 175, 183, 220 destroying group life, 27 First Nations, The, 36 genocide definition, 13, 116 Flint, Julie Powell’s statement, xxii rebel activity, 114 President Bush statement, 80 tribal entities, 109, 124 U.S. ratification, 52 forced displacement, 70 Genovese, Kitty, 219 Foro Burunga, 146, 174, 211 Glasgow street youth study, 199 Frease, Stefanie, xxi, 81 global human rights movement, 60–63 ICTY Krstic trial, 81 crimes against humanity, 60 Fur tribe, 108 criminological perspective, 67 ADS sample, 173 Neier, Aryeh, 60–61 government response to SLA presence, non-governmental organizations, 61 216 public health perspective, 68 Harun, Ahmad, 126 United Nations, 60 racial epithets, 178, 189, 229 global north, 73, 194 victimization, 180, 232 homeless youth and street crime, 197–99 Kosovo, 72 Gadal, General, 134 global north-south divide, 72, 217, 222 Gallup, George, 37 global south, 195, 200 Gamson, William Glueck, Sheldon, 36–43 collective action framework, 168 “Control System,” 37 GAO. See U.S. Government Accounting “Nuremberg principle,” 40 Office conspiracy theory, 41–43 Garsila, 211 defining war crimes, 40–41, 49 genocidal pattern, 5 delinquency research, 49 bombing, 6–7, 189 Gestapo, 42–43 confiscation of property, 11 Nuremberg Trial, 37–40 displacement, 11–13 Goffman, Erving, 50 genocidal victimization, 121, 175 Goldberg, Mark, 87 ground attacks, 7–8 GoS. See Government of Sudan © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73135-5 - Darfur and the Crime of Genocide John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond Index More information 266 INDEX Gosh, Major General Salah Abdallah, human rights, 59 88–90, 114 Human Rights Watch, 20, 61–62, 202 C/L International, 89 Darfur, 28, 134–35, 209 National Security and Intelligence Hussein, Abduraheem, 114 Service, 123 Hutu, 110 Washington visit, 88 Government of Sudan, 125 ICC. See International Criminal Court genocidal state, 165, 177 ICTR. See International Criminal Grass, Gunter,¨ 61 Tribunal for Rwanda ground attacks, 132 ICTY. See International Criminal Guedera. See Dawai, Hamid Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia International Criminal Court, 29, 39, 105, Habilah (Habila), 153, 211 135, 190, 203 Halberstam, David, 57 Darfur case, 106 Harun, Ahmad, 11 U.S. resistance, 32 ICC, 105, 107, 114, 135 UN Commission of Inquiry on Darfur Mukjar speech, 147, 159 referral, 87 organization of genocide, 124–27, 159 International Criminal Tribunal for Heinsohn, Gunnar Rwanda (ICTR), 39, 45, 62 population bulge, 213 International Criminal Tribunal for the Helsinki Watch, 61 former Yugoslavia (ICTY), 28, 39, 42, hierarchical linear models, 223–35 45, 62 between-settlement equation, 226 International Crisis Group, 87 Black African victims, 227 Intersos, 216 racial motivation and intent, 227, 230 Ismail, Mustafa Osman, 90 settlement density, 229 within-settlement model, 223 Jackson, Supreme Court Justice Robert, Hilal, Musa, 108, 118, 121, 126 37, 47 Abbala tribe, 122 Janjaweed, 108, 110–11, 159 Baggara tribe, 122 Jebal tribe Janjaweed, 123–24 ADS sample, 173 joint criminal enterprise, 135, 227 racial epithets, 178, 189, 229 Kebkabiya, 181 victimization, 180, 232 Misteriha, 129, 131, 133, 227 JEM. See Justice and Equality Movement racist attacks, 129–32 Jingaweit. See Janjaweed specific racial intent, 132, 134, 137 joint criminal enterprise, 107, 119, 136, 138 training camps, 127–29 al Bashir, 142 Hinton, Alexander collective racial intent, 221–22 genocidal priming, 168 Kebkabiya, 131 HLM. See hierarchical linear models racial epithets, 179, 189, 227 Hoile, David, xxiii–xxiv Shineibat, 151 Holocaust, The, 46–49 state-led bombing, 181, 189, 191 cold war, 48 Justice and Equality Movement, 33, 112, Howard, Jonathan, 81 114, 208 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-73135-5 - Darfur and the Crime of Genocide John Hagan and Wenona Rymond-Richmond Index More information INDEX 267 Kapila, Mukesh, 140, 162 Masalit tribe, 15, 108, 126 testimony on Darfur, 71–72 ADS sample, 173 Karnoi, 131, 134, 138, 173, 210, 227 racial epithets, 178, 189, 229 Katz, Jack victimization, 180, 232 righteous slaughter, 166–67 Masteri, 14–27 Kebkabiya, 127, 138 joint criminal enterprise, 16–20 Khartoum, xxii, 10, 112 looting and livestock, 23–27 al Bashir government, 29 rapes, 20–23 Harun, Ahmad, 146 rebel activity, 16 Hilal, Musa, 123 Masteria, 127 rebel activity, 114 Matsueda, Ross Shineibat, Abdullah Mustafa Abu, collective action theory, 119 152 social efficacy, 118, 120, 136 U.S. State department, 80, 90 militia
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