EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION REPORT ON HIGHER EDUCATION 2014/15 A.D. SYSTEM (2071/72 B.S.) NEPAL Published in 2016 by: UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISION Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Post Box : 10796 Telephone : (977-1) 6638548, 6638549, 6638550 Fax : 977-1-6638552 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.ugcnepal.edu.np Design : Surya Budhathoki (9841190718) [email protected] Print at : Jugal Printers & Traders Anamnagar, Kathmandu Ph. : 01-4246729 Email : [email protected] EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) FOREWORD igher Education Management Information System (H-EMIS) remains an important part for strengthening the capacity of higher education system. University Grants Commission has been pursuing the H-EMIS since 2007. HUGC has prepared and adopted a systematic framework for data collection. Managing data and publishing annual report is a regular activity of UGC. It is the eighth year of publication. Credible system of data/information management is one of the crucial activities for higher education reform and development. Since UGC initiated development and implementation of performance based public funding in higher education, it has become imperative to have the data reliable and verifiable. The government of Nepal has recently endorsed and started to implement the national higher education policy that has emphasized on its need for the development of better higher education management system (HEMIS). In addressing the needs, the Higher Education Reform Project (HERP 2015-2020), a national priority project for supporting implementation of the higher education policy aims to build a comprehensive and coordinated HEMIS extending from UGC to the universities and to their respective campuses that is open and accessible to all stakeholders including educational planers, researchers, critiques, faculties, and students. The approach taken in this line is to develop a comprehensive modular system in coordination of UGC to which the EMIS of all universities and HEIs will be joined together. For this, universities need to follow sets of core national indicators in maintaining student data, teacher data, and information related to academic programs, examination, institutional planning and management etc. In the present context, there are greater challenges for developing such comprehensive EMIS in higher education. The first challenge is to ensure that all universities and their campuses as well as other HEIs develop compatible modules; secondly many of the universities and the campuses still need to ensure retrievable and verifiable information system and regular reporting to UGC. Maintaining, updating the data and making them available to all concerned stakeholders are other challenges. Motivating universities and their respective campuses, and other higher education institutions for setting up and maintaining their respective EMIS and reporting to UGC in order to produce consolidated national higher education information report on time is the main challenge to begin with. UGC along with the other implementing partners and beneficiaries has been implementing Higher Education Reform Project (HERP, 2015-2020) supported by the World Bank with the provision of soft loan and technical support. Under this project UGC has been motivating and supporting universities and their campuses to undertake key reforms envisaged by HE policy including development of their respective EMIS. As usual, this EMIS Report lists the information related to higher education institutions, programs, students, faculty members, and financing. The data are disaggregated by important variables and are analyzed to provide important issues in terms of indicators. Important findings are highlighted and illustrated with tables, charts and graph. The efforts are focused to support the capacity development of higher education system through information based planning, program development, budgeting, decision-making and monitoring. To support the motive of strengthening higher education system as a whole, UGC Nepal has established a mechanism to regularly coordinate with universities and related organizations in collection and analysis of data. Basically it is intended to support effective and efficient use of the collected data for planning and monitoring. UGC welcomes and highly appreciates feedback and suggestions for improvement of the system and the report from the readers. Prof. Parasar Prasad Koirala Chairman, UGC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS his report has been prepared based on the data as well as advices provided by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Central Bureau of Statistics and Universities, their campuses and several other institutions. TUniversity Grants Commission Nepal highly acknowledges their kind cooperation and support. UGC would like to express thankful appreciations to the contribution made by Mr. Mohammad Umar and Mr. Bidur Dhakal from the Office of the Controller of Examination, Tribhuvan University. Similarly, thankful appreciations go to Mr. Dhurba Rimal and Ms. Rupa from the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University; Mr. Shekhar Dhungana from Kathmandu University; Mr. Janak Mani Timsina and Mr. Tekendra Adhikari from Purbanchal University; Ms. Archana Shrestha from Patan Academy of Health Sciences; Mr. Lok Raj Dhakal from Pokhara University; and staffs responsible for data management from Far Western University, Mid-Western University, Agriculture and Forestry University, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Lumbini Bauddha University, Nepal Sanskrit University and BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences. Developing and maintaining H-EMIS is a collaborative work, contribution of the participating organizations and HEIs are crucial for up keeping the data system and publication of this annual report regularly, we remain confident for continued cooperation and support of all stakeholders in future endeavors. Several people are involved in the preparation of this report - Professor Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya, (Technical Advisor, UGC) provided overall professional and technical guidance; Professor Rajendra Dhoj Joshi, Professor Mohan Prasad Aryal and Mr. Uddhav Bhandari from the World Bank provided detailed comments and suggestions and also helped insure internal consistency; and Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya EMIS Specialist meticulously compiled the data and prepared the write-up; Er. Sunil Duwal and Mr. Harendra Subedi from Khwopa Engineering College helped in the preparation of the Maps used in this report. UGC highly appreciates their contributions. UGC also appreciates the special contribution of all the concerned staffs of the commission in the publication of this report. UGC Nepal Sanothimi, Bhaktapur EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAS Agriculture and Animal Sciences NAMS National Academy of Medical Sciences BPKIHS B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences NSU Nepal Sanskrit University CBS Central Bureau of Statistics Office of the controller of OCE examination DOE Department of Education PAHS Patan Academy of Health Sciences EDJ Educationally Disadvantaged Janajati PGD Post-Graduate Diploma EMIS Education Management Information System Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy FWU Far-Western University PokU Pokhara University GDP Gross Domestic Product Pop Population GER Gross Enrollment Ratio PU Purbanchal University HE Higher Education S&T Science and Technology HERP Higher Education Reform Project SHEP Second Higher Education Project HSS Humanities and Social Sciences STR Student Teacher Ratio IDA International Development Association TU Tribhuvan University Intl International UGC University Grants Commission IT Information Technology UIS UNESCO Institute for Statistics KU Kathmandu University KAHS Karnali Academcy of Health Sciences LBU Lumbini Bauddha University M. Phil. Master of Philosophy MOE Ministry of Education MOF Ministry of Finance MOPH Ministry of Population and Health MWU Mid-Western University na Not Available n/a Not Applicable EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section - 1 : Introduction 1 Section - 2 : Universities and Campuses -Introduction 7 Section - 3 : Enrollment in HE 13 Section - 4 : Gender Parity Index 19 Section - 5 : Pass Rate 23 Section - 6 : Graduates 26 Section - 7 : Gross Enrollment Ratio in Higher Education 28 Section - 8 : Public Financing for Higher Education 29 Section - 9 : Teachers in Higher Education 30 Section - 10 : Student – Teacher Ratios 31 Section - 11 : Campus Size in Terms of Student Enrollment 32 Section - 12 : Recent Trends in Higher Education 33 ANNEXES ANNEX 1 : Definition of levels 38 ANNEX 2 : Brief Description of Higher Education System of Nepal 39 ANNEX 3 : A Brief Description of Universities and Academies 41 ANNEX 4 : Report Preparation 47 ANNEX 5 : Campuswise Enrollment 48 ANNEX 6 : The program list of universities/academies 104 ANNEX 7 : EMIS Indicators 116 ANNEX 8 : Introduction of UGC 119 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2014/15 A.D. (2071/72 B.S.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY his is the annual EMIS report of 2014/15, the eighth edition, listing the status of higher education in Nepal in the year 2014/15. This report presents system indicators based information about higher education in Nepal disaggregated Tby regions, types
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