,. THE NEW ___. __ RKET ADVERTISER. VOL. XXXVI . .NO. 4il. NEWMARKET. N. H., , JUNE 1 L 1909. PR.ICE 3 CENTS. ter, otner cmes undersel1lng her in her THE N&Wlt1ARKET ADVERTISER. own immediate territory. ff was thell . that the chamber of commerce took up WINNER Of BUSINf SS the question of water transportation, F. H. PINKHAM, Editor and Pilblisber. and, although one boat was lost by .AT Commercial Club's Value In De· tire, it perslsted 'until today under the ,, Published Every Friday l\llorning stimulus of reduced rates Charleston ·1 Al Creighton Block. Main Slreel. I veloping Home Trade. bas an eiiconraglng wholesale trade. ,, one house selling in. fifteen states. 'l'ERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: PRODUCER OF GOOD RESULTS.' JAMES A. EDGERTON. $1.25 p~r yc:ir, strletly in advance. • AOVERTISINO RATES Will !Je rurnisb.e<l on applicntlon. Found Efficient In c'ivic Improvement, DENVER'S RUBBISH CAN. ·Advertising Towns and Procuring DR. cH:A.s.-H. CHASE, New Manufactories and Business Sanitary and Useful Appliance For Houses-Trade Leagues' Methods • Keeping Refuse Within Bounds. • • DENTIST, - • < To help in keeping n town clean re­ As a means of procuring borne trade ceptacles should be provided for loose ~NEW SPRING~ Masonic Block, Newmark.et, N. H. and civic improvement the·commercial papers and refuse. Denver mies a On'ICE HOU!<S; 9 Lo 12 A. M, '"to 5 P. M. club is meeting with ever increasing rubbisb can. ~he invention of its high­ Other honrs uy appoiutment. favor. It is found efficient in uniting home sentiment, In gaining local ad­ way commissioner. Sam Phillips. 1'he vantages, in advertising the town, in can itself is a very simple affair und ;, C. H. PROVOST, going after new manufactories and 1ta11ds thirty·six inches high. with ••• DEAl;Elt IN ••. business houses and In sending out aides of nineteen .in'Ches each. 'fhe WOOD, COAL AND ICE. scouting parties for trade. Organiza­ height makes it easy for foot passen­ FURNITURE AND CARPETINGS· tion is the key to ci>ic success. The gers to drop in their. waste as they Heavy and Light Teaming, pass. Adjustable feet are under each Piano and Furniture Moving. difference between animate and inani­ . mate matter is that one is organic, the corner. so lhe cnn, which Is designed .. My stock of CHAMBER FURNITURE is larger than I have ever • Nl!;WMARKKl', N. H other inorganic. This is also the dif­ to be attached to a street post, may ference between . cosmos and c!fos. be permitted to adjust itself to the carried. I have an elegant line of Brass and Iron Beds, also Couch J. LANGLEY & 1.'he beginning of better tbings m a pitch of that post or to the .slant of the and Cot Beds. Matt~esses from $2.50 to $15.00. vast number of cities and towns has walk., Tbus it may be kept always in Dealers in Coal, dated from the organization of hus­ a primly upright position. Within the NEWMARKET. N. H. tling commercial clubs. We are in an can is a large sack, fastened to books Olliee in Building Formerly Occupied by the age of co-operation, and the communi­ on the top. bnt swinging cleur of tbe ty that does not make use of this prin­ walk. This sack is hung on hooks di­ Newmarket and Boston Express Co. ciple is handicapped in the race. rectly ·under the removable top. so ar­ Parlor and Dining Room Furniture. Coal dclh·cre<l to any t>nrt ol tile village lJy (), ~ .,;--"'-~ I have before me the reports of ranged that wl'ien the top is down and ./,- . .¥rovosl, who will ahw receive ordcrt:S for same. three commercial clubs in widely sep­ locked tbe sack cannot be 1·emoved. ..,;- arated parts of the country. Tbey The movable top is really a hopper W'- J - :M:ARTIN,. are selected as types for the reason Lhrough which the waste passes to the Rugs of All Descriptions and Sizes, HAili DRE8SE.lt, that they represent different Jines of receptacle sack within. Tbe sack can activity. The three of them together be removed only wben the hopper top Barnard Block, Main St., do not fill all the wide field that an or­ is unlocked and put to one side. This From $5.00 to $50.00, with Fillings to match, in Wool, Fibre and 1..'7E"W':M:.ARKET,. N. Et- ganization of this sort may occupy. Is to prevent any but those authorized cosmeucs, Ualr Oil, Bil)' Rum and Indeed, it is impossible to indicate this from removing the sacks or any con­ Linoleum. l!lh•n•lng Soap fbr saJ.,. entire field in detail or to Jay down siderable part of the contents. Of Bazors bonetl ·antl con.ca ,.ell. any hard and fast limits, as each town !:Ourse as the bopper is kept open to has its own needs and Its own best facilitate the depositing of rubbish it SECOND~HAND CONCORD way of reaching results. But, speak­ Is within the possibilities that tbe cu­ ~ WAGON ing gen{ll.'ally. the experience of one rious may inspect the contents or a A Big Line of Lace and Muslin Curtains. town .. wlll coincide with that of others part of them. 1FoRSALE. of similar size. surroundings and re­ The sanitary idea ls carried out by sources. Organization, bustle. unity having perforations ln the bottom of Window Shades Fitted and Hung. D. J. BRADY, of purpose, intelligent advertising and the sack to permit the escape of mois­ Horseshoeing- and General Jobbing-, keeping eternally at it are necessary ture, and this. together with the ar· ., - - ..::::. =============== Near Kent's Stable. Newmarket, H. B. ln all. Tbese results can best be rangement for the free circulation nf ----·----- ·---- --,. - f achieved tbrou;;h a commercial club. air through the ran. which has an lt need m.t necessarily bear that open bottom. keeps the contents as H'A:RRY I(. TORREY. L . ..t '1\7". '1\7". DTJ~ELL, naw.-. 1.i.~~t :r. e a board of nearly dry as possible. An obJertion trade. merf'ho.nt rged that, the . waste being very in­ COUNSELLOR A'f LAW, lmprovemPnt le able. danger would be Incurred Telephone 107 ''\. Box 777, that app1>als · rowing of dg,t~i;;~ ,, 1\l.l:ai~ S-tr'ee.t'"~ e..J,vm.ark-e"t- hnt n nclPr "'= >1rnon2' ·thP r of course, to flt ~ local conditions. IBut once has this happened in D p O O R ' ?he tl:st of tbe,reports referred to Is and even then the prest'nce of from r... ansas City, Mo., where the was an· added safety. for tt OSCAR c A HIOH·CLASS EXHIBITION. commercial club recently sent out 100 fire within bounds. so that no rying $6,70ti,750 of lllsurance. • \\' holesn :e and Rrt.ail Deli\·erics of members to canvass contiguous terri- resulted to anything but thl' c THE. GR.ANGE Out of the thirty>-three granges in AL F. Wheeler's ~hows, larger and tory for trade. 'l'he band was called of the can and the pouch. Steuben county ten own their own better than ever, with all new acts and trade winners and was on the road a Conducted by !,'range halls. The Patrons' Fire I-:isur­ full week, invading the three states of features, will give two complete per­ All Kin~s of Buit~in~ Material CLEANING UP CAM~!_9N· J. W. DARROW.'Chatham, N. Y., ance company, including also Liv1ng­ formances in Newmarket on Satur­ Kansas. Nebraska and Missouri. PreBll Corre8Pondent New Yark Stare ston, · carries $3,800,000, and the rate AI.SO - day, Jui;e 12. The lengthy pro­ ' Scores of towns were visited, and be­ Why It Pays to Ge.t the Support of the GrM1tJe · last year was $1.81 per thousand. \cause of judicious advance advertls­ School Children. • The Wayne County Fire Relief asso­ gramme 1s presented on an elaborate Lime, Hair, Cement, Doors, Windows 1 Blinds, ng the train bearing the boomers was The summer cleaning season is bring. ciation is a str9ng feature of the Or­ scale this season and includes some Rubberoid Roofing and Colonial Paint, met ·by 1arge crowds at practically log its usual good results on every der in that county. The company now very novel acts ; here one· can see every stop. carries $8,253,437 in insurance in that Wheeler's Famous Dancing Horses EXETER,N_:Ef:_ hand. The various neigbborbootl irn· GRANG[ BUSINtSS. One novel feature of the crusade provement societies are active. Trees county. The Pomona grange of Wayne J:!:ducated Ponies, Dogs and Mules: was the prominence of the social side. has 800 members. Palmyra grange of Our Prices are tho Lowes!. Come and See Us. have been planted. Vacant lots have "Spitfire," the Un tamable Lion; Don The trade winners wen• canny and been cleared of their winter's accumu· Fire Insurance an Important that county has a $16,000 grange build· and Irmo, World's Greatest Bigh knew that If they could enlist the wo­ ing. lations. Individual citizens have beeu ' School Horses ; Duke the Giant Si· men and children their battle was Consideraton. The largest fire insurance association advised and encouraged regarding bet­ b enan• c a me!;' the Children's' Min-I more than half won. So they armed terments about the home. The men In the state is that of Jefferson county, themselves with 10,000 boxes of bon­ iature Menagerie; the Grand His­ of the street cleaning dep!).rtment are Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Farm which also does a business in Lewis YOUR OLD.
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