10, (PHOXE 8800) Wednesday, March 1943 PAGE 22 DETROIT EVENING TIMES CHERRY Sports Dick Wakefield Comes to Terms With Tigers Hami'ton Is One Here's One of Best Appeals for Baseball Dick Wakefield headed for better things in the Cardinal farm system, left Who Puts 'Zing' By ROB CONBIDINE lo pay our room and board and maybe a show once in a six days earlier because he had to ride a but all the way to Agrees Intrrsslionsl >*w* Mrxir* Sport* XX filer while. to Terms* In Navy Cadets his home at Fall River, Maas. “Boh, I’m all well off, nor are the boy* who WASHINGTON, March 10.—Here s the cUrndest base- not at “I was supposed to enter the service a short time ago. By LEO MACDONELL ball appeal of all: played xvith and against me last year. I am sure most of u* But 1 was arrested on a very serious charge, I await trial “Thi* Is my tribute to the greatest of all sports—base- could have earned better salaries in other field*. Day after at the Tombs. I am Innocent, but If convicted baseball Is For 1943 Season A nine-letter man at Annap- proven sure, a day the armed force* depleted our team*. Each of u* knew over for me. olis Toni Hamilton has ball. Vi hat I am about to divulge. I am hurts me 44 right man to head A1l 1 ask of the great man who governs this wonderful By LEO MACDONELL himself the great deal. But 1 hope you will print it In order to bring the sen lee xva* Inevitable. But do you think for a moment * training. "r- of the many boys who the navy prcfligh* any xxmild quit and go home for what might he (for many) country—and I ask it in the name CHICAGO. March 10 —Dick --conding t© Robert ißnb* Hooey, out the moral Issue to the many sports fans of the country. played ball and who now are In uniform and In the name Wakefield, the former University Ohio State a iast few xxceks with their families? Not on your life. sports editor of the season, 2ft years of age, I was playing my first who relentlessly throughout our athlete, Columbus, in a yam “laxst at “During 1942, 79 hoy* were called from our league of vast multitudes labor of Michigan whom the Journal at baseball be continued, for vrit r en for 1 Squire. xe»r of professional baseball. I'm a pitcher—one of many. alone; and it is on record that 78 of them played right up land in defense plants—ls that Tigers paid $50,000 bonus to sign the Very sincerely, 1 looey knows because Ilowexer, 1 won 15 and lost four for Winnipeg in the Class C until three day* or less before induction. The other, Gene we all love It, sir. a contract, was with Steve O’Neill was just two in Tiger baseball party which Hamiltor home Czaplieki, my buddy, who .854 for Duluth and wa* "Freddy Peterson, City Prison, 125 White, N. Y. C.” the blocks from the gateway to Northern league. We didn’t get much money, maybe enough hit passed through here today for the Ohio S’xto University < camp l '. spring training camp at Evans- story, which l« < ailed ville. Ind. In hi* " "A F chtinc American Hooev CATCHING A PASS-BUT NOT FOR A TOUCHDOWN Wakefield, who Is expected to tells the life story of Hamilton Laugh give the Tigers much needed hat- and says he fHamiltont is the Seahawks Take Broda's ting power, who was one of a few guy who puts rintr in navy Detroit players unsigned, agreed cadets. Comdr. Hamilton i*. ac- to terms in Detroit, Tuesday. cording to Hooey the epitome He is the only player in tha of a fighting American, with a In '4l Incentive party. The mysterious where- on .- will, Place temperament in- S. C. Harold to-win , U. .. m \ r v abouts of Paul Trout and ¦ ‘ ¦ grained by competitive athletic*. ** Iff nr 0* jm ||jl Newhouser was cleared up. They Offense-rr.mded and a clear are in Hot Springs. Ark. thinker. Hamilton as a player Besides O'Neill, Detroit’s new nnd a coach, has met and beaten Irish Grid Card For Mowers Now manager, and Wakefield, the party many challenges, the enthusi- includes Wish Egan, Clair Berry Hooey By LEWIS H. WALTER astic relate* SOUTH BEND. Th&. March Ift fV**Vz-&.y?- and newspapermen. “When Pearl Harbor became - lINS)- The lowa Seahawks today For two years Johnny Mowers, Mark Hooey wn*tr. Detroit California on goalie of the title-hound “top ranking navy officialdom replaced Southern Red Wings, has waited for this Bad Boy didn't take any overtime In the the Notre Dame 1943 football moment. Now he can laugh at fat , s huddle. They needed a reservoir schedule. r ¦ f&s? Turk Broda in the Toronto Maple of prospective flier* . each The game will he played in the Leaf nets tomorrow night at with a hardened bodv and ner\e* Noire Dame stadium Nov. 20. the Olympia. Crosetti of steel . men who could take date originally\sot for the Trojan- For the fat Turkey Is trailing . Hamilton wa* It . and Tom Johnny by more than 40 coals in designated as the man to set up Irrsh intersectional battle. Notre Dame requested cancella- the race for the Vezina Jrophy, Must Pay organization. the tion of the Trojan game because which goes each year to she Na- tional Hockey League netminder of wartime transportation diffi- NEW YORK. March 10 (UP) Perfect Qualifications culties. Last Sunday Stanford who allows the least goals. Turkey very poor sec- Five pitchers were added today to “Himllto n's qualification* agreed to call off its game with Fat is a the same ond. His underdog team mates the list of players who have signed exceptional ... a horn Irish Sept. 25 for the were expected to any leader of men. proxed capacity reason. aren't close of 1943 contracts with the New York. that gap him the for organization, outstanding Georgia Tech officials, however, for in three Yankees. fl athletic record announced they expected to bring games they play with Detroit here scholastic and tomorrow, Moundsmen Jim Turner. Hank steady promotion In srrxice their team to South Bend Oct. 2. at Toronto Saturday and at Rorowy, Charles Wensloff, William since going sea In 1927. although cancellation had been re- and Olympia again Sunday. to J If it were any one else, Red Zuher and Tommy Byrne all re- family's Buck- quested as a wartime measure. the 4 “The Hamilton Wings and Mowers in particular turned their contracts. eye saga opened In 1918, when might feel a little sorry for a“ Frankie Crosetti, veteran In- they moved to Columbus. Their Camp Grant ’9' Lists fielder whose father was killed in was just two block* from runner-up who has been so out- home classed. a recent automobile accident, was the gateway to Ohio State I'nl- Game With Tigers given permission to report for verslty's campus. Perhaps it was n n. ¦ n 111., ¦ t n UNFORGETTABLE NIGHT spring conditioning on April 10. this to the fighting CAMP GRANT. March Ift n m M proximity they forget the night He will, however, he ineligible to Buckeyes that resulted In Tom’s (INS)—Camp Grant’s baseball But can’t of March 18, 1941, in the Boston play until May 21. His conduct in being bitten by the football hug team will play approximately 7ft the World Series brought a 30*day early.” Garden. That was the night the games this season, a number of : suspension from Commissioner l .cm JS Red Wings ended their regular (Incidentally, Hooev is a rabid of major leagues, Kenesaw M. Landis. fan, you not them with clubs season against the champion Ohio State if have it today by Bruins, great it.) was announced Lt. and their Sauer- already sensed A. Bush, camp special (UP) “Students rnming from Col. Frank jL kraut Line. PITTSBURGH. March 10 home of —A autumn service officer. It was the last game Mow- pair of rookie moundsmen— late classes those foot- games big league Harry World War I Four with ers' first season in the National Shuman of Philadelphia and ball season* of teams already have youngster see a headed young- hern sched- Hockey League. The Wally Hebert of St. Charles. La would tow uled the Detroit Tigers, irom have signed their contracts, 11 or 1? with a football Boston had come up the Omaha club 1943 ster of Sox and the two Chicago clubs, the Pittsburgh In the vacant lot adjoining the Red to be a sensation. Pirates announced Sox. He been edged unjustly. today. Hamilton place. It was Tom, the Cubs and White had out. The Tigers are to play at Camp Detroit thought, in the balloting The Pirates also announced re- practicing. Grant 14 and the tor the which ceipt signed angle dropklck* for July Red Sox Calder Cup. goes to of a contract from “He would Aug. the Chicago the telephone wires In the alley. 10 Dates for the leading rookie of the year. infielder Pete Coscar art of Escon- clubs have not hern fixed. Ne- Rut he still had a chance to take dido, Cal. enough hoys - * If there were for gotiations progress for the Trophy. Tom automatically would also are in Vezina ‘sides.* games the American to a (UP) one team. In 1928. with clubs of Johnny had hold lead of 98 CLEVELAND.
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