Thorsten Ries

Thorsten Ries

Thorsten Ries Curriculum Vitae Department of Germanic Studies Thorsten.Ries' University of Texas at Austin (hone) +1-512-426-1287 2505 University Avenue, BUR 336 Austin, Texas 78712-1802 Education 12/2003-07/2013 -oint (hD, German .iterature& Universit/t 0amburg, Germany, and Univer$ siteit Gent, Be3gium& (Summa Cum Laude, mit Aus6eichnung) Dissertation: Gottfried Benn: ‘... bis zur Verwandlung des physischen Men- schen’ – in !aboratorium der "odernen !yri# $%&' bis 1956. dition und te)tgenetische Studien. 2 vols, 1024 pp. Supervisors) (rof. Dr. -örg Schönert (Universit/t 0amburg), (rof. Dr. Gun$ ther Martens (Universiteit Gent7& 10/#::+$##,2003 9agister Artium) Universit/t 0amburg. German .anguage and .iterature, (o3itica3 Science, Psychology. Result) very good (1.3, German grading). Employment: Academic Positions 01/2021-(resent Assistant (rofessor, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, USA& 06/2021-08/2024 ;isiting (rofessor (5%), Department of .iterary Studies, Ghent University, Be3gium& 08/2020-01/2021 Independent A>3iate Scholar, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, USA& 04/2020-07/2020 ;isiting (rofessor, .ehrstuhlvertretung (100%), Institut für deutsche (hi3o$ 3ogie, Universit/t Regensburg, Germany. 10/2019–01/2020 Guest (rofessor (15%), Departement .etterkunde, Duits, Universiteit Ant$ Berpen, Be3gium& 04/2014–09/2014 Teaching Assistant (30%), ;akgroep Letterkunde, Afde3ing Duits at Univer$ siteit Gent& Teaching, coordination and deve3opment of the curricular 9oni$ toraat tutoria3 program& 10/2010-03/2014 Teaching Assistant (70%), ;akgroep .etterkunde, Afde3ing Duits, Universi$ teit Gent, Be3gium& Teaching, coordination and deve3opment of the curricu$ 3ar 9onitoraat tutoria3 program& Cnline .earning: Coordination of +!+,* -eaching Innovation project& 04/2006-03/2009 Contract Lecturer (4 courses), Universit/t Hamburg, Germany. 08/#:::$07/2000 Teaching Assistant (2 courses), Department of German, -ohns 0opkins Uni$ versity, Ba3timore, MD& 1 Employment: Research Positions 09/2019-03/2020 Senior (ostdoctora3 Researc% Ee33ow 4EFC, 100 , 85%), ;akgroep .etter$ kunde, Afde3ing Duits, Universiteit Gent, Be3gium& Eonds Fetenschappe3iDA Cnder6oeA 4EFC7& Second project phase) /ard 0ri.e 1hilology 2 Source Code 1hilology: -racing the digital writing and coding process in Ger"an literature 49arces Beyer, 9ichae3GSpeier, Eriedric% Hitt3er, -örgG(iringer, 0annesGBaDohr / GregorGFeic%brodt7& 09/2018-08/2019 9arie SAIodowska-Curie Ee33ow 49S5A$=E, 100%), University of Sussex, UH& Eunding: JU 0ori6on 2020. (roject) 0igital 4orensics in the /istorical /u"anities (DKt007) HanifGHureishi, G3ynG9oody, MC(A& Since 09/2019 S0. Researc% Associate& 10/2017-08/2018 Senior (ostdoctora3 Researc% Ee33ow 4EFC), ;akgroep .etterkunde, Afde$ 3ing Duits, Universiteit Gent, Be3gium& Eirst project phase) /ard 0ri.e 1hi- lology 2 Source Code 1hilology: -racing the digital writing and coding pro- cess in Ger"an literature 49& Beyer, 9& Speier, E& Hitt3er, -&G(iringer, 0&GBaDohr / G. Weichbrodt7& 10/2014-09/2017 (ostdoctora3 Researc% Ee33ow 4EFC), ;akgroep .etterkunde, Afde3ing Duits, Universiteit Gent, Be3gium& Eunding: Eonds Fetenschappe3iDA Cn$ der6oek, EFC& (roject) /ard 0ri.e 1hilology: , Genetic ,nalysis of -ho- "as Kling’s Literary Writing Process as a Case Study for Digital Forensics& 04/2014–09/2014 Digita3 0umanities Researc% Coordinator (70%), at the 0umanities Eaculty, Coordinator of Ghent Center for Digita3 0umanities 4GhentCD07 at Univer$ siteit Gent, Be3gium& ##,2003-03/2008 Researc% Assistant and Doctora3 Student, Institute for 9odern German .ite$ rature, Universit/t Hamburg. 08/2000-02/2001 Researc% Assistant (Graduate Student), Institut für GermanistiA == (Institute for Modern German Literature), Universit/t Hamburg. Related Professional Employment 01/2001-03/2002 (roofreader, Eact Checker, Archiving and Documentation at the BeeA3y neBspaper 0ie Woche& Fellowships and Awards 09/2018-08/2019 9arie SAIodowska-Curie =E Ee33owship, University of Sussex, UH 4JU 0o$ ri6on 2020, EU Commission). 10/2017-08/2018, EFC Senior (ostdoc Researc% Ee33owship, Universiteit Gent, Be3gium, 3 ys 09/2019-07/2020 4Eonds Wetenschappe3iDA Onderzoek, FFC7& 10/2014-09/2017 EFC (ostdoc Researc% Ee33owship at Universiteit Gent, Be3gium, 3 years 4Eonds Wetenschappe3iDA Onderzoek, FFC7& 04/2009-03/2010 Absc%3ussstipendium, Fe33owship, Hamburg University, Germany, 1 year. 03, 04, 08/2007 9arbach-Stipendium 9arbac%$Ee33owship (3 months), Deutsches .iteratur$ archiv Marbach / Neckar, Germany. 08/#:::$07/2000 U00$-0U Jxchange Scholarship, -ohns 0opkins University, Ba3timore, 2 USA (Teaching Assistant and PhD courseBork). Publications Books Thorsten Ries. -e)tgenese und digitale Forensi#: E)e"plarische Studien zu Tho"as Kling und Michael Speier. Beihefte zum uphorion. Heide3berg: Winter, 2019, ca. 250 pagesM print in preparation, expected: Fa33, 2021. Thorsten Ries. Verwandlung als anthropologisches Moti. in der Lyri# Gottfried Benns: -e)tgenetische Edition ausgewählter Gedichte aus den Jahren 1935 bis 1953. 2 vols. Jxempla Critica 4. Berlin et a3&) De Gruyter, 2014, 1039 pages. (RevieBs) M. Anse3 (2017): Benn-Forum 5 (2016/17), 185-194; J&$.& Lebrave (2017): Genesis 44, 219-223; 0. Korte (2015): GermanistiA 56.3-4, 749-750). Edited issues and volumes (peer reviewed = *) Hai Bremer, Thomas Ernst, Andrea Geier, Jan Horstmann, Ariane Larrat, Thorsten Ries, 53audius Sitti2 (Ed.): Konferenz 0igitale Lehre Ger"anisti#. 4achinfor"ationsdienst Ger"anisti#. GermanistiA$im$Let6. University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg. (ublished 02/22/2021, 2021. URN) http:,,,10.21248/gups.59285, ISBN) 978-3- 88131-101-4. * Thorsten Ries and GObor Pa3ko, eds& Born-Digital Specia3 issue of International 8ournal of Digital Hu"anities 1.1 (Mar. 2019). url) https),,,Dourna3,42803. 9ichae3 Sc%3ott, Jörg Schönert, Wi3he3m Schernus, Thorsten Ries, Lut6 Danneberg, and Eriedric% Vol3hardt, eds. Wege der Auf#lärung in Deutschland: Die 4orschungsgeschichte von E"pfindsam#eit und Jakobinis"us zwischen 1965 und 1990 in )perteninter.iews. Abhandlung der S/chsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu .eipzig, Phi3ologisc%$historische K3asse 83. Leipzi2) S/chsische Akademie der Fissenschaften, 2012, 842 pp. Journal articles (peer reviewed = *) * Thorsten Ries. “Digita3e Literatur a3s Gegenstand der Literaturwissenschaft& Ein multimoda3es EorschungsprogrammQ& In: -e)t + Kriti#, Sonderband 0igitale Literatur II, eds. Hannes BaDohr, Annette Gi3bert, 2021, [in printS& * Chr. Annemieke Romein, Julie Birkhol6, Max Kemmann, James Baker, Miche3 De GruiDter, A3fred Mereno Penue3a, Thorsten Ries, and Stefania Sca23iola& “State of the fie3d: Digita3 0istory”& In: /istory: The Journal of the Historical Association 105.365 (Apri3 2020), pp. 291-312, DC=) https),,,#+ "$229X.12969. Thorsten Ries. P‘Die weißen Sege3W) ‘der grosse irdische TraumW) Textgenetische Noti6en zu einem in der Ausgabe des Briefwechse3s Benn-Ce36e veröffent3ic%ten EntBurf.” In: Benn 4orum: Beiträge zur literarischen Moderne, Bd. 6, eds. Holger Hof and Stephan Kraft 3 (2018/2019 [appeared 2020]), pp. 135-146. DC=) https),,,10.1515/9783110638905. * Mike Kestemont, Thorsten Ries, and Gunther Martens. “A computationa3 approac% to authorship veriKcation of Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s contributions to the Frankfurter gelehrte Anzeigen 1772-1773”& In: Journal of European Periodical Studies (-J(S) 4.1 (Summer 2019), pp. 115–143. url) https),,,Deps,issue,vieB,#!!#& * Thorsten Ries and GObor Pa3AY& “Born-Digita3 Archives&Q In: International Journal of Digital /umanities 1.1 (Apri3 2019), pp. 1–11. url) https),,,Dourna3,42803,volumes$and-issues,#$#& * Thorsten Ries. PThe rationa3e of the born-digita3 dossier génétique) Digita3 forensics and the Briting process) Wit% examples from the Thomas K3ing Archive&Q In: 0igital Scholarship in the Humanities (DS0) 33.2 (June 2018), pp. 391–424. url) https),,,10.1093/33c,fqx049. * Mirko Nottscheid and Thorsten Ries. “Jdition des Briefwechse3s zBischen Georg Gottfried Gervinus und Wi3he3m Scherer 1869-7: Ein Beitra2 zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der medi/vistischen Literaturgeschic%tsschreibung.” In: ,"sterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Ger"anisti# 78.1 (February 2018), pp. 102–139. url) https),,,vieB,Dourna3s,aba2,!",#,a1ag.78.issue$1.xm3& * Thorsten Ries. PEi3ologia i proces pisania cyfrowego – metody i wyzBani [Phi3ology and the Digita3 Writing Process) Methods and Cha33engesS&Q In: Wielogłos 31.1 (2017), pp. 103– 127. DCI 10.4467/2084395XFI.17.005.7115. * Thorsten Ries. P(hi3ology and the digita3 writing process&Q In: Cahier voor Literatuurweten- schap 9 (2017), pp. 129–158. Thorsten Ries. P‘die geräte klüger a3s ihre besit6er’: Phi3ologische Durc%13icke hinter die Schreibs6ene des Graphica3 User Interface) Überlegungen zur digita3en Que33enphi3o3o$ gie, mit einer textgenetischen Studie zu Michae3 Speiers ‘ausfahrt st. na6aire&WQ In: ditio: Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft 24.1 (December 2010), pp.G#+:@#::& * O3af Grabienski, Thorsten Ries, and Jörg Schönert& “Internet und Kooperatives Lernen: Jrfahrungen mit Blended Learning im didaktischen Reformprojekt ‘Grundstudium .iteraturwissenschaft&WQ In: 8ahrbuch für Internationale Ger"anisti# 38.1 (2006), pp.G95–107. * Thorsten Ries. P;om Ende des Empedokles&Q In: 0eutsche Viertel?ahrsschrift 75.2 (-une 2001), pp. 251–287. https),,,10.1007/BF03374648. * Thorsten Ries. PFissenschaftsgeschichte

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