285 Kingdoms of Israel and Judah 286 Portrayals of the kingdom of God and God’s prayerful use of “Blessed are You, O Lord, Our God, kingship use a variety of devices to portray and King of the Universe,” introducing the table grace project the kingdom into different contexts. A film in Unstrung Heroes (dir. Diane Keaton, 1995, US) and that blends ancient and contemporary is DeMille’s within the lighting of the Shabbat candles at the silent film, The King of Kings (1927, US). As the title outset of Schindler’s List (dir. Steven Spielberg, 1993, of the film foreshadows, the story, otherwise set in US), to Joyeux Noël (dir. Christian Carion, 2005, FR/ ancient Israel, culminates with the image of gigan- DE/UK/BE/RO/NO) wherein a subversive Christmas tic Jesus, resurrected king, arms outstretched reign- Eve peace on “no man’s land” is initiated with the ing over images of 1927 American agricultural and singing of “Stille Nacht/Silent Night” and crowned industrial capitalist enterprise and the text, “Lo, I with “Adeste Fideles/O Come, All Ye Faithful,” am with you always” (Matt 28 : 20). DeMille’s pro- which hails Jesus’ birth as the birth of a king. jection of Jesus the king and his kingdom is a con- Bibliography: ■ Griere, S., “Mark Dornford May: Transpos- fluence of Jesus’ kingship and the American doc- ing the Classic,” in The Bible in Motion: A Handbook of the Bible trine of Manifest Destiny. As DeMille’s film ends and Its Reception in Film, pt. 2 (ed. R. Burnette-Bletsch; HBR with a vision of Jesus reigning over “today,” recon- 2; Berlin 2016) 721–28. textualization of Jesus’ story in effect projects the Samuel Giere kingdom of God and Jesus’ kingship into new See also /Afterlife; /Heaven; /Heaven, Gates space. In David Greene’s Godspell: A Musical Based on of; /Key, Keys; /Paradise the Gospel according to St. Matthew (1973, US), Jesus’ story is set in New York City. God’s kingship is clear from the beginning of the film, when against Kingdoms of Israel and Judah shots of the city the Divine Narrator says: “My name is known – God and king, the most in maj- I. History and Archaeology esty in whom no beginning can be and no end…” II. Judaism III. Film As the disciples are drawn from their lives by a Pied Piper-like John the Baptist, the life of the city is suspended while Jesus and his disciples enact the I. History and Archaeology kingdom of God as a troupe of clowns throughout 1. The Early Monarchy. There is very little con- the otherwise empty city. The impact of the king- crete archaeological evidence for the early stages of dom of God, however, is unclear as the film ends the Israelite/Judahite monarchy(ies). While it has with the disciples carrying Jesus’ body and melting been suggested to identify the formation of a polity back into the city’s bustling life. In Mark Dornford- in the region north of Jerusalem in the late Iron I/ May’s Son of Man/Jezile (2006, ZA), a recontextualiza- early IIA (ca. 11th/10th cent. BCE), mirroring the tion of the Jesus story in contemporary South Af- biblical tradition of the kingdom of Saul, this is rica, this world is claimed by Jesus in tension with somewhat hard to prove. Even more so, the very of both God and Satan. In the immediate wake of the the existence of archaeological evidence (and evi- slaughter of the innocents, God’s archangel Gabriel dence or lack thereof) of the “United Monarchy” invites the boy Jesus to come with him. The child, has been, extensively discussed. refusing to go, replies, “This is my world!” Like- While most scholarship in the mid-to-late 20th wise, when the adult Jesus is being tempted by Sa- century CE believed that concrete evidence of the tan in the desert, Jesus (Andile Kosi) pushes Satan “United Monarchy” could be identified (such as the down a sand dune as he declares, “This is my so-called “Solomonic gates” at Hazor, Gezer and world!” In this recontextualization, Jesus pushes Megiddo), at present, this is a highly contested against both God and Satan for rule over the topic and many question whether there is any sub- present. Also, in relation to DeMille’s casting of Je- stantial archaeological evidence of the United Mon- sus’ reign over 1927 America, in Son of Man the im- archy. Positions on this differ considerably, from age of Jesus’ reign is a brightly colored mural on those who believe that the United Monarchy was a the side of a building in a contemporary township. large and prosperous kingdom, mirroring to a large In this mural Jesus hangs on the cross, which in Son extent the image portrayed in the biblical text, of Man is an unmasking of the evil powers of the those who suggest that there was a kingdom of Da- present. Other films which recontextualize the vid and Solomon but of a minor scale, and those kingdom of God and God’s kingship in Christ are: who question the very existence of this early king- Jesus Christ Superstar (dir. Norman Jewison, 1973, dom and see it instead as a literary creation of either US), Babette’s Feast (dir. Gabriel Axel, 1987, DK), Jé- the later Judahite kingdom or of post-Iron Age sus de Montréal (dir. Denys Arcand, 1989, CA/FR), times. By and large, these positions are related to and Still Crazy (dir. Brian Gibson, 1998, UK). the various approaches on the understanding of the The image of God’s kingdom/kingship also rise of the early Israelite/Judahite kingdoms, plays a prominent role in both Jewish and Christian whether in fact that of the biblical narrative of an piety, as depicted in a number of films. From the initial “United Monarchy” followed by a northern Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception vol. 15 Authenticated | [email protected] © Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2017 Download Date | 8/16/17 1:28 PM 287 Kingdoms of Israel and Judah 288 and southern kingdom, or whether the Northern the 9th century BCE onwards, which is mirrored as (Israelite) Kingdom was the first substantial polity, well in the regional role of this kingdom in the bib- and only later, with its weakening and destruction, lical text. It is at this time that the Kingdom of Is- did the Southern (Judahite) Kingdom create a narra- rael is embroiled in a geopolitical struggle with the tive – claiming earlier primacy. Aramaeans, in particular under the reign of Hazael In any case, the lack of substantive epigraphic of Damascus. Various destruction layers at sites in materials from the early Iron Age II, along with ad- the north and south of the Levant have been related ditional explicit and extensive archaeological evi- to these events (e.g., Reḥov, Jezreel, Aphek, Gath, dence, indicates that even if an early United Monar- Zayit and others), and events during this period are chy existed, it lacked a high level of political and most likely the background for the so-called “House bureaucratic complexity. The mention of the of David” inscription from Tel Dan. Due to the fact “House of David” in the Tel Dan inscription (and that the material remains of the northern Kingdom possibly in the Mesha inscription as well), dating to during the 9th century are more impressive and ex- the mid 9th century BCE, is seen by many as an tensive than those found at most contemporaneous indication that even if the size of the Judahite mon- southern, Judahite sites, some believe that the Isra- archy during the 10th century was not as large as elite kingdom of the 9th century BCE was the first, depicted in the biblical text, there was some sort of and original, kingdom of the Israelite/Judahite cul- Judahite polity already during the 10th century tures, and the biblical description of the earlier BCE. Some also see the archaeological finds from “United Monarchy” is a later ideologically driven Iron IIA levels in the City of David in Jerusalem, narrative, with little basis. and Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah, as evidence From this it is suggested that during the 9th of this early polity. century BCE, the Judahite monarchy was subservi- The Sheshonq/Shishaq campaign of ca. 925 ent to the Israelite Kingdom, only slowly rising to BCE, in which this Egyptian Pharaoh of the 22nd importance in the 8th century BCE and in particu- Dynasty (Sheshonq I) campaigned to the Levant, is lar, after the fall of the Samaria to the Assyrians in an important interface between the archaeological 722 BCE. Archaeological evidence of a substantial remains, and biblical and non-biblical records. Over southern, Judahite Kingdom, is as stated above, the years, destruction levels at various sites have somewhat minimal during the 9th century BCE. been connected to this campaign, as well as a frag- Nevertheless, at sites such as Jerusalem, Lachish ment of the Sheshonq stela at Megiddo, and most and Beth Shemesh, there appears to be evidence re- recently, a Sheshonq scarab at Faynan. Apparent lating to this period (and without a doubt towards changes in settlement patterns is some areas may the end of the 9th cent.), most probably indicating reflect this event as well. Some scholars believe that the existence of a small kingdom at first, expanding the supposedly clear cut archaeological evidence can during the 9th century BCE, and becoming more only be explained as a) evidence of a clear biblical dominant during the 8th century Both in the memory of this event; b) that this reflects an Egyp- northern and southern kingdoms there is very little tian attempt to curtail the geopolitical status evidence of literacy during the 9th and early 8th “United Monarchy” and its immediate aftermath.
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