Il BINNS ROAD LIVERPOOL, 13 j1935.19a6 i __?vtECiANÒ;D, - ENGINEERNG FOR BOYS 2VLECCANO WORLD FAMOUS•PRODUCTS MECCANO IN 1935—FINER THAN EVER! The Meccano System has now reached a degree of perfection surpassing aJl preious achievements. lt in the ideal toy, combining simpilcity and beauty of colour and finsh f MECCAN The world-tamous Meccano ta Construcoonal tOy increases with everything necessary for reproducing in miniature almost any type of mechanism. fascination for boys evory year. Hundreds of working models, mechanical The new Manuals of lnstructions show a bdy how to obtain the utmost possible (un and from a simple crane to the most advanced engineering movements, can be bujlt with it, interest (ram his Outfit, whatever its size and explain exactly how to build up his and new and delightful additions are regularly being Outfit step step until construct the made. There are aver 300 by he is able to wonder(ui models described in the engineering parts in the system, all accurately range of Meccano Super Model Leaflets. made and standardised, and with the aid of the profusely iliustrated lnstructions, Book 01 a screwdriver and a spanner—ail included in everyOutfìt_boys The Meccano boy’s greatest thrill is experienced when he sets a completed can commence to build and erljoy themselves at once. model to work, by means of a Meccano Motor, in an exactly similar manner to its proto HORNBY TRAINS, This in che dawn of the eiectric toy age and the type. The new Meccano Magic Clockwork Motor is ideal (or this purpose. This new Hornby Electric Trains reach the pinnacle of electrical perfection. The simple, reliabie and powerful Motor in described and illustrated on page 7. Iocomotives are true to scale and beautiful in appearance and finish. ofthem Many Further realism can be produced by illummnating modem by means Meccano are ficced with patented and exclusive devices (or starting, stopping of the Eiectric Lighting Set (see 4). Fascinating effects can be obtained in or reversing at any part o( the track, and regulating their speed— page this manner all with a great variety of modem. from a central control. Tested and danger proo( Meccane Transformers bring your supply of Alternatirig Current Modei-builders already , to the correctj,... dowr who have Meccano Outfits in the Red-Green Series can stili 20-volts or 6-volts. obtain additional parts in these colours. The n there is the fine range of incomparable Hornby - Clockwork Trama, that have stood up to Outfit A every test for years. A speedy and powerful Builds 98 Models mechanism Is fitted in each locomotive and every. excellent thing in guaranteed. This Is un Outfit with whjch Co com MECCANO mence the Meccano habby. A special Manuel of DINKY BUILDER. This Is one of the most Instruccions is ncluded showing how 98 interesc fascinating building systems ever given to young children to ing modem can be constructed. This fine range play with. The beautiful includes Ships, Sceam Erigmne, Crane5, Trolleys, enameied parta enable boys or Horses and Carts. Scales, Swing, etc., each capable girls to build very real-looking Coaches, Garages, Towers, o( providlng hours o! tuo. A special page of working Bridges, Wheel Toys—hundreds of toys, each one a real modem fitced with che Magic Motor (see strong plaything. Boys pago 7)is also included. and girls who collect Meccano Dinky Price 5/- Toys will find hat the Dinky Builder modem add a hundred An 4a Accessory Ouifit, costang 2/6, will convert feld to the pleasure 01 playing with these splendid miniatures. an A into a B Outfil. MECCANO AEROPLANE OUTFITS are the finest con structional Outfits o their kind in existence. Building modek with these Outfits in great (un, and at the same time it teachet boys the main principles of aeroplane constructian Builds 219 Models MOTOR CAR OUTFITS have become establishecj The 8 Outfit tontains a splendid assortment o! favourites on account oi Mettano Stripa, Rods, Wheels, Places, Nuts. the excitemerit o( builcling the Bolts, est., and a special Manual o! lnstruttlons models, and their realIstic appearance when completed. giving examples o! 219 models that tuo be built HORNBY SPEED BOATS AND RACING BOATS are with the Outfit. The modem il!ustrated intiude more popular Motor Cytle and Sidecar, Clotk, Wrestlers, than ever. They win all the races on the local Elyboats, Signals, Furnicure, Art Lamp and a ponds. Finished in a variety of smart colours. variety o! others, amongst which are fourteen o! MECCANO KEMEX AND ELEKTRON OUTFITS special interest showing how the Magic Motor, aro destribed on page 7, tan be fitted to increase the betterthan ever, and are ideal far boys who are keen on cx tuo and realism. Everything necessary br ploring the wonders of science: build bg the models bu bntluded. Prite 7/6 MECCANO DINKY TOYS aro rapidly cakmng a piace in the forefront of Mecca no products. These fine miniatures A Ba Accessory Oubfit, tosi ing ,3/., wifl conveil a B mio a C Outfit. are unique in their reahsm and perfeccion o( fìnish. NOTE :—Meccano _parts can be purchased searateIy. ee Usi on ages i) io 12. The (uil range of Meccano Products la described and illustrated in the following pages. Keep this catalogue (or reference and takc it withyou when you visit your dealer. THE FINEST HOBBY IN THE WORLD Page i ;s cngIuni e. K. EN G IN E E RING ENGINEERING 2S4ECCANO FOR BOYS FOR BOYS ?VIECCANÒ Outfit C Outfit F Builds 435 Models Builds 330 Models This excellent Ootfit cnntuins muny Mettano This popolar Outfit contains a large number and partu of an adnanced engineering type. The un exceilent varinty of Mettano parti with which Craneu, Bridgeu, etc., that in buildu are of a a fine range of modelu can be boiit, intiuding better type, atd in addition uuth excelhent Leveru, PuIIey Biotku, Pnenmatic Hammer, modeis au a Tower Wagon, Vertitai Steam Extuvator, Bulliuta, Drillu, etc. A big, fuilp hai Engine and Raiiwuy Breukdown Crune tan be trated Manual of Inucructionu in inciaded, giving constructed. A Munuai of inutructionu, exampleu of 330 modem, an incereuting neiection showing how to buiid 435 modem, in inciaded. ofwhich are ficted with thnMagrc Motor dnncribed on paga 7. Price 30/. Price 10/- An Fa Accessori, Outfit, costing 26/6, sci/I cannonI un I’ into a G Omrifli. A Ca Accessory Qui/i, cosirrrg 5/6, miii conoert a C mio a D Ouijx-i. \ Outfit O Builds 360 Models The fortunate possessor of an Qutfit O in abie to build modeis of a more tompii- tated and interesting type, intiuding large 5’- Outfit G Pit-head Gear, Motor Wagons, Cranes, , - BuiIcIs 501 Models Roandaboatu, A ero piane, Tarn-tabln, \ An extremeiy ietereuting range of Mechanicai Hammer, etc., ali designed on modeis tan ho huiit wjch isis finn correct engineering principieu. Fuil in Outfit, inciuding Steom Shovei, Sub stractions for building 360 modeis are marine, Teipher Span, Automutic Saw, intiucied mjth the Oatfit. Crannm nf oariouu typen, and many Prire 15/- others. The Manuamu intiuded give A Da Accessori OntJii, costing 5/6, miti eaumpieu nf 501 modelu conseri a D mio aix E Qui/il. Pr/te 55/ A (Sa Accessurj, Ostfzi, eusiing 17/6, ai/i currtert a G mis ari FI Osi/i. Outfit E ‘I Outfit H BuiIds 547 Models Builds 393 Models The H Oatfit is sappi/ed either in autout carcon or in a hnndsome ennmeiied Thiu fine Qutfic contains a good range of parts by tabinet. The numher of Mettano parts meanu of whith a upiendid meiection of reahistit contained in eath typn of Outfit in the snme. Modei-buiiding pouuibiiities are modem tan he buiit, intiuding Roandabout, very greatiy increased with thiu Outfit Emhousing Muthine, Firn Escape, Windmiiii, and 547 fine eaampieu of mal etginenring modem, intinding Veri/cui Murine Engine, Cranen, ecc. FuU instructionm far baiiding 393 Motor Piongh, Travehling Crune, Auto modem ore inciuded with the Outfit. Swing und SteumWugon, are ilhiuutrated the Manuahs. Price 20/. in Prite (patked in utrong carton) ... 72/6 An Ea Accessory Ontfii, costing 11/-, retti conoeri un E in/o un F Oxrtfit, Prite (packed in enameiled cabmnet) 97/6 Fo, /rrices of i/re Ha Accesssry Outfii sec /iage 5. — NOTE :—Meccano parto con be parc/zar ed separaieiy. Sec tisi un pages 9 io 12. NOTE :—Meccano paris cari be pnrchased separaieiv. Sec tisi un pages 9 io 12. MECCANO BOYS BUILDAND INVENT REAL ENGINEERING IN MINIATU RE Page Page 3 t_..’ 3/- 5/6 /fl ENGINEERING EN CI N E E RING 2VLECCANÒ MECCAINO FOR BOYS Outfit K Builda 592 Models ACCESSORY OUTFITS .... — — The K Oacfit in nappiied either in ancoa. Each complete Mettano Oacfit con bc con carton or in a handnome enameiied cabinec. Realincic verted eco the oee next i>igner by meano o! a I working modem o! many of the world’, monc famoan engin Metcaeo Accesnory Oatfit. Than, a boy who eering mancerpieten con he haiic wich . chin Oocfic. The>’ include Aucomacic commencen with one o! the nmali Outfica ma>’ Weighing Machine, Drop Hammer, buiid up bis eqaipment by eaoy scagen unti! he Derricking Crab, Electric Locomotive, the ponsessor o! an L Outfit. ,, Vercical Lifc Bridge, Wacc’s Sceam Engine io .=—--,ia-o-r’; . and many othern. The Manualn of An A Oatfit ma>’ be converced ieco a 8 by lnncructions intluded give examples o! .. .‘ 592 nplendid modem. adding to ic an Aa Accennory Oatfic. A Ba Accen.. .‘. ‘ . Price (patked in stout carcon) ... 132/6 ‘or>’ Oucfic would thee convert the E Oucfic 7- . jj . Price (packed in enamelled cabinet) 157/6 foto a C, and no on.
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