•twmv -V /■ - , ' i v • THE WEATHER NET PRESS BUN Forecast by U. 8 . Weather Bureau. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Hartford. for the Month of December, 1929. Bain late tonight and Thursday; milder temperatures tonl|;ht; cold> 5>516 er llinrsday. much colder Thursday XlenbeTa of the Andit Bureau of ' state Ubrai-y-C<ni>P-. night. • Circulatlona Conn. 9 PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XU V., NO. 84. (Glassifled Advertising on Page 16) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930. EIGHTEEN PAGES MENTIONS HOOVER MAY APPOINT Marie-Jose, Italy’s Next Queen lAFOlLETTE BRILLIANT ASSEMBLY IN SENATE PROBE ONHNANCES AT PRINCE’S WEDDING Letter Says Coca Cola Pub­ BELIEVE CONVICTS -A Party Leaders Try to Smooth licity Man Had Personal PAID O E Y $15 ARE OUTSIDE STATE Out Differences Between CEREMONY PERFORMED Method of Approaching Regulars and Independ' FORMDKDERING IN HlSTOklC CHAPEL the President. Many Rumors Received But A ents— Hoover Keeps Out. DOHINCKZrrO Washington, Jan. 8— (A P )— A Ail Are Unfounded; Think Princess Marie Jose to Be Italy’s Next Queen— Cardi­ letter read today before the Senate Washington, Jan. 8.— (A P.)— lobby committee said W. C. D’Arcy, the Trio Has Separated. Seeking a way out of a threatened Man in Jersey JaO Tells New nal Pronounces Words That Make Couple Man and publicity man of the Coca Cola public airing of differences between Company, “has a personal method Senate Republicans, party leaders Haven Detectives He Kill­ of approach to Hoover and is going Hartford, Jan. 8.— (A P .)—Ed­ today tentatively agreed to the Wife— After the Marriage They Visit Vatican Where to see that Hoover gets full, but ward Geissler, chief clerk, and appointment of Senator La Follette, concise data on the sugar subject. George Bradley, parole officer, who or Wisconsin, a member of the ed Youth Because He Was They Are Blessed by the Pope— Immense Throngs in The reference was contained in a were in Albany, N. Y., last night western Independents, to the pow­ letter written by H. H. Pike, Jr., on the trail of the three convicts erful finance committee. a Squealer. Streets of Rome Acclaim Royal Couple. Wall street sugar broker, to P. A. who escaped from the State Prison Staples, of Cuba, who is connected As the White House was report­ at Wethersfield on Saturday were ing that President Hoover was tak­ with the central Hershey company. New Haven, Jan. 8.— (A P .)—The Rome, Jan. 8. — (A P )— Sweet­ Pike, who was on the witness expected back this afternoon. ing no active part in the last quar­ r spiritual mentor through childhood New Haven Register this after­ hearts since childhood. Crown stand, testified his information was Warden Reed said prison officials rel between the Senate Republican and youth. Regulars and the Independents, the noon, In a special dispatch from Prince Humbert of Italy and Prin­ Brilliant Assemblage. received “from someone’’ but he went to Albany to head off the 1 said he had forgotten who it was. worried Senate leaders seriously Trenton, N, J., said that one Ar­ cess Marie Jose, only daughter of Five kings, five queens, 28 princes fugitives by getting the co-opera­ Senator Robinson of Indiana, the considered Senators La Follette thur Brown, confined in Mercer the King and Queen of the Bel­ and 26 princesses of the blood were only regular Republican on the tion of the Albany police and the and Thomas of Idaho for the all- county workhouse, had made a among the guests, who constituted committee, asserted that the letter important finance committee va­ gians, were married in the historic one of the most brilliant assem­ New York state troopers. Reports statement in which he claimed to indicated D’Arcy has “some back cancy assignments. Pauline chapel of the Qifirinal pal­ blages seen at any European court that the convicts were in PittsfieM have slain Dominick Zito, 19, who stairs way of getting to” the Presi­ Member of “Young Guard” ace today at one of the most pic­ since the war. King Albert and dent. yesterday, led the warden to be­ was killed in Orange recently, for turesque ceremonies in years. Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians, Robinson Shouts Thomas is a member of the and Prince Leopold and Princess lieve they might take the Pittsfield- which he received fifteen dollars. While all Rome thrilled to the When Pike said he did not know “ Young Guard” Regulars and La Astrld, Duke and Duchess of Bra­ Albany road. As a result of the royal romance. Cardinal Maffi, who gave him the information Rob­ Follette is a member of the group The alleged confession is said to bant, and Charles, Count of Flan­ Albany trip the warden explains which has bolted the Hoover farm have been given to two New Ha­ Archbishop of Pisa, performed the ders came from Brussels for the inson shouted: ceremony in the historic chapel “Then you ought to have kept all the highways along the Hudson relief and tariff programs. ven detectives who went to Tren­ wedding. which was thronged by one of the quiet. This is the purest kind of Another meeting of the Republi­ ton Saturday. Brown is said to King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, River are carefully guarded. The most brilliant assemblages seen at can committee on committees, hkve claimed he was ordered to kill Queen Helena and other members lobbying.” warden dismissed a report that any European court since the war. “I can tell everything now that l which is working out the new Re­ Zito by the “head of a white slave of the Italian royal family were knew then,” Pike replied. blood hounds would be put on the publican slate for the Senate, was and bootleg ring.” Zito is said to Within a few hours the prince and present. King Boris of Bulgaria, Robinson asserted that the refer- trail of the fugitives. called for later today after Chair­ have been naixed up with counter­ his bride made a call upon Pope Prince Cyril and Princess Eudoxia ence was unfair to the President man McNary predicted an early feiters in the past. Pius in the Vatican, and received of Bulgaria, Prince Paul and Prin­ from him the apostolic benediction. cess Olga of Jugoslavia were among but Pike said he understood all that Hartford, Jan. 8.— (A P )—Reports solution of the problem. Serving Sentence was meant was that D’Arcy either Brown is serving a year’s sen­ In addition, the Pontiff presented the other royal guests. of three men, seemingly identified The western Independents, who the prince with a beautifiil tapestry knew Mr. Hoover or could reach tence in the workhouse. His home Britain Represented. as the three convicts who escaped are now without representation on and the future queen of Italy with him through a friend. was in Fourth avenue. West Ha­ from State prison at Wethersfie;ci, the finance committee, have de­ a golden rosary. The Duke of York represented- his Pike had previously testified that ven. He was convicted a year ago father. King George of Great Brit­ he was directing a fight against a continue to come here but offer manded the appointment of La in the Federal Court for stealing So great was the crush of happy ain, Marshal Petain, saviour of higher duty on sugar in the tariff little tangible evidence to make Follette and have threatened a a U. S. mail truck and served a spectators in the streets of Rome Verdun and M. Becq De Fourqulres, bill made by the Hershey company them more than surmises. Such a floor fight. that the prince and princess were report current in eastern Connecti­ sentence at the jail. director of the Protocol, were pres­ and the Coca Cola Company. He Senator Smoot, of Utah, chair­ late for their call upon the Pontiff ent for France. Ambassador John said the companies had arranged to cut last night, and which state po­ Brown is alleged to have claimed and the princess apologized to the man of the finance committee, has he and Zito were members of the W. Garrett and Mrs. Garrett rep­ spend as much as $25,000 each in lice at the baracks there quickly strenuously opposea recognition of Pope for coming to see him dressed resented the United States. The their effort to keep a higher duty lice at the barracks there quickly same gang of racketeers and that as she had been for the marriage the Independents on the committee Zito “squealed” and the order was Infante Don Ferdinand was sent by from being placed on sugar. disposed of without ground,_ was which shapes up the revenue and since she had not had time to his cousin. King Alfonso for Spain. Pike said the Hershey Company that Leo Landry had been stopped given to kill him. Brown said he change. tariff legislation. was gdven $15 by the chief and Premier Mussolini, his Cabinet, sec­ and Coca Cola company decided to while in a taxicab which had been The Pontiff reassured her and retaries and their wives were pres­ conduct a campaign against a high stolen from Providence, R. 1. But All Italy has opened its heart to the little Belgian princess who, ordered to get out of town. said he was glad to see her looking ent. ^ sugar duty and he was asked to that city knew of no missing taxi­ through Her marriage today to Crown Prince Humbert, some day wili be so charming in her nuptial attire. The bride, a tall, striking girl, en­ handle the campaign. cab and at Danielson no vehicle had its queen.
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