Minutes for the Mlnlng proposals (Mlnor Mineralst for theSoth Meeting of the SEAC heH on 01.09.2016 Agenda ltem Tha SEAC apprels€d the iollowlng prolect propos.b 6r.nlte 9 .; Nos .lon3 wltfi .perovcd mlnlng pllnr, Prdelslblllty reports.nd other suppordry docnments ln detall. Thesc proposlls rrG for 3cGklnt Envlronment l Clernncc for mlnln3 of mlnor mlnerrls. fhc SEAC whlle .ppralslnS ln detall, the ProJect proposals fumlshed bv thc proponent re@mmended ti! propos.ls sublect to the verlficedon of thc followlnt: 1. fhe dlstancG b€tween the mlnlnt .rea .nd lnterstata border.sdrereye, nacassary. 2. The distance bctween thc mlnlnt .re. .nd the boundery of Wcstern 6haB, Prohlbltad area wherev.r necessery. 3. One montt b.sc llnG drt bc collect d to Gnsure t,rc polluton wllhln t rG llmlts. The followlng should bc lncorparated .s condldons ln EC. l.Free sllica test should bc conductcd .nd rGporied 2, Alr Sampllnt rt int€B.cdon polnt $ould be conductcd and reported 3, Bunds to be provlded !t the bound.ry of thc projlct slte. 4. Ground water quallty monltodnt should bc conductcd onca ln 3 Montfis 5. Transportadon oftha quanlad m.t€d.13 shrll not cause any hlndnnce to t're VllhSc pcopla/&lsdng Vllbge road. 6. R.lnw.ter shlll be pumped out Vl. S€ldlnt T.nk only 7. The prolect propon.nt 3h!ll undGrt ke phntrdonhfbrcn Oon wort by pl.ndnt thG n.Uve specles on .ll slde of the lease area 8, Aderst 10 nGem tre6 should b. plrntcd eround the bound.ry ofthc quarry slta. 9. Floor of ercavated plt to be leyelled and sld6 to br slop€d wltft genda slope ln the mlnc dosure phase. 10. Earthen bunds and barbed whe fenclng .round the plts wltft 8r!en belt .ll alont the boundary shall be developed and malntalned. u. The ProlectProponent shall ensure e mlnlmum of 2.5% ofthe rnnual tr.rm over wlll be utlllzed for the CSR Actlvlty 1:I. The ProJect ProponGnt Crall prorrlde sol.t llShtnt rystem to tie ne.rby yllleSes 1!t. The ProJeGt Proponent Ct.ll comply the mlnlng end other releycnt ru|el .nd tetul.Uons where aner eppllceblc. 14. The mlned out plB $ould b€ b.ddlbd where waranted and .rcr ihould be sultably hndsc.p€d io prcyent anylronm.nt l deg.datlon. The mlne closure plan as furnlshed ln tlre proposrl shell bc strlcdy followed wltlr b.ct frlllnt .nd ttcc pllnt don. 15. Safty dlstance of 50m h.s to be provlded lncesa of nllwey, ,es.rvoler, c.ntyod.l 16. As per MoEF&CC, cot, Offic. Memorendum drtcd 30.G1.20t5, pdor d..r.nce from ForcsW & Wld llfa anglc lndudlnS d.ar.nce from obtelnlng commlttee of the Nauon.l Board tor lMld lila !s .ppllcrblc shell bc obtelncd bcforc nrr0nS tho quenlng opcriuon, lf the prol.ct sltr ls located wl$ln 10XM from N.donal Park.nd s.nctu.rl.s. u. Srfety .qulpments to be proyldrd to .ll th. cmPloyeei 18.The qurrrylnt tcdvlty shall bc stoppcd lf tlrc cntre quentlty lndlcatcd ln thG MlnlnS plan 13 quanhd cyen b€fore tie erplry of the quarry lease perlod and the same shrll bc monltorcd bV thc Dlst lct Authorltcs. 19. Name borrd shall be dlsplrycd ln cesc of crlsdnj qurnlG! wltt det llr of Proponcnt,lets. pcrlod ,extentetc. 2o.Dumplnt slta mun bG wlthln tha laasa or tlrc oono?mcd authodty wlll permlt to dlsposc of drc w.st! .t a parddla, slte. rEnvlronmental Clearance mav be consldered for the followinr orolects sublect to lncomoratlnr the additional conditions in the EC 1. The Asslstant/Ocputy Dlrector, Department of Geotogy & mlnlng shall ensure that the proponent has engaged the blaster with valid Blasting license/certmcate obtalned from the competent authorlty befor€ erccutlon of minlnt lease. 2. The proponent shall fumlsh the Basellne data coverlng the Alr, Water, Nolse and land envlronment quallty for the proposed quarry site before executlon of mlnlnt lease. quarrY 3. The proponent shalt er€ct the plllars ln accordance whh the Rules for deplctlng GPS detalls ln the earmarked boundary of the she to monltor electronlcally before executlon of mlnlnS. 4, The proponent has to carry out th€ Reslstlvlty survey throuSh authorlzed experts/lnstltutes for Ground water table and based on the report, the Assistant/Deputy Dlr€ctor of Department of Geolofy & mlnlnt shall ensur€ that the depth of mlning shall be restrlcted as per the MMCR, 1959 before executlon of the mlnlng lease. 5. The proponent has to prcvlde lnsuranca protectlon to the workeE ln the case of exlsting mlnlnt or provlde the affidavit in case of fresh lease before executlon of mlnlng teas€. 6, Darmt(<t6n mav ha obtalned fmm the comoetent authodtv for uslnr heaw earth machlnerles wherever requlred MTNOR MINERAIS €ranlte ( 9 ) 01.Gr'2016 sl. F.No Name ofthe proponent Extent SF.No District Recommendation of the No. in ha. Committee qbsent I 5125 IWs. Baahula Minerals 4.84.0 28U1,28v3,295 (P) & Tirunelveli No.8-2-684125 &26 29613 Yijayanarayanam RoadNo. 12, Part-II Village Banjara Hills Nanguneri Taluk Hyderabad Hvderabad-S0O 034 2 5326 tWs. K.M.B. Granites 1.75.5 88/l (Part) (Governmenl Salem Absent Private Limited Poramboke Land) No.4/59, Bharathi Street Devannagoundanur Swarnapuri Village Five Roads Sankari Taluk Salem - 636004 J 5328 Thiru. K. YusuffBasha 1.88.0 t64/tA" 164/2A1, Karur Absent No.4i59, Bharathi Street t6412A2,16413, Swamapuri Five Roads t6412A5,44918 & Salem - 636004 279/lA (Patta Lands) Naganur & Thogamalai Village Kulithalai Taluk N , Dr.r,.L. -,-l CHAIRMAN.SEACW MEMBER #*rro*r-rro. 4 5329 Il4/s. K.M.B. Granites 2.10.5 't6t2B &.76t7 Salem Absent P vate Limited (GoYernmcnt No.4/59, Bhararhi Street Porambokc Land) Swamapuri Devannagoundanur Five Roads Village Salem - 636004 Sankari Taluk 5 5330 M/s. Syhims Granites 1.62.0 89/3 (Pan) (Patta Salem Absent No.4/59, Bhamthi Street LaDds) Swamapuri Devannagoundanur Five Roads Village Salem - 636004 Sankari Taluk 6 5331 Thiru. K. YusuffBasha 2.00.0 239 (Pan) (Govemment Karur Absent Managing Partner of Porambokc Land) M/s. Syhims Granites Thogamalai Village No.4/59, Bharathi Street Kulithalai Taluk Swamapuri Five Roads Salem - 636004 7 5398 K.S. Granites 1.14.0 378/5(Patta Land) Krishnagiri Absent No. 4/9, Bha&thi Street Karandapalli Swamapuri Five Roads Denkanikottai Salem - 636 004 8 5405 M/s. K.M.B. Granites 1.62.0 3741s (Per) Krishnagiri Absent No.4/59, Bhararhi Street (Govemmertt Swamapuri Five Roads Porarnboko Land) Salem - 636004 Jakkeri Denkanikottai 9 5409 Thiru. Y. Mohamed 2.3r.0 152ll (Patta Lands) Krishnagiri Absent Yaseen No.4/59, Udayandahal li Bharathi Street Denkanikottai Swamapuri Five Roads Salem - 636004 .Environmentalclearancem.vbeconGlderedforlheab6v.bi.l..r....t.r*tffi ln the ECforthe Erlstln. Lease 1. The Ec is valid only ifthe scheme ofthe mining plan is approved by the commissioner ofGeology & MininS or any omcers nominated on his behalf. 2. lf there is a ny cha nge in the proposa I production of or ha ndlin8 the waste amend ment has to be submitted to SE tAA for funher approval. 3. This Ec is approved as per the G.o.No. 79 & Rule 41 & 42 of Tamil Nadu Minin8 Mineral concession Rule 1959. sl, Nama and poshlon SISnaturE Dr.l(. I Thanasekaaan Memb€r Dr. K. Valivittan wry- 2 Member l- to*E Dr. G. S. Vljayalakhml 3 Dr. M..,ayaprakash 4 Member Shri B, SuShharaj Xollplllai 5 (\l -w Shri. M.S. Jayaram @; 5 Co- opt Member W N' Chalrman, SEAC MEMBER SECRETARY,SEAC CHAIRMAN-SEAC F I Mlnutes for the Minlng proposals (Minor Minerals) for the 8Oth Meeting of the SEAC held on 0f .09.2016 Agenda ltem The SEAC appralsed the followlnt projcct proposab RouSh Stonr 25.; Nos along whh approvcd mlnlng plans, Pre-feaslblllrty reports and other supportlng documents ln detall. Thcs. proposals arc for s€eklnt Enylronmcntat ClGaranc. for mlnlng of mlnor mlncrals. The SEAC whlle appralslnt ln detall, the Proiect nrnnncal< firrnhhed hv the look lnto af th. mliltldn th.t l< m<.lhle ln af arlfuhiac and aftar df ihe detalls fumlshed by the proponent recommended the proposals subiect to the verlflcation of the following: 1. The distance between thc mlning area and lnterstatc border,wherever nec$sary. 2. The dlstance between the mlning area and the boundary of Western Ghats, Prohlbhed area wherever necessary, 3. One month base line data b€ collected to ensure the pollutlon wlthln the llmtts. The followlnS should be lncorparated as condltlons ln EC. 1'Free silica test should be conducted and reported 2. Air Sampllng at lntersectlon polnt should b€ conducted and reported 3. Bunds to b€ provided at the boundary of the project slte. 4. Ground water quality monltoring should b€ conducted once ln 3 Months 5. Transportation of the quarrled materlals shall not causc any hlndrance to the Vlllage people/Exlsting Village road. 5. Rainwater shall be pumped out Ma S€ttllng Tank only 7, The pro,lect proponent shall undertake plantatlon/aftorestatlon work by plantlng the native specles on all slde of the lease area 8. Atleast 10 neem trees should be planted around the boundary of thc quarry slte. 9. Floor of excavated pit to be levelled and sldes to be sloped whh gentle slope ln the mlne closure phase. 10. Earthen bunds and barbed wire fenclng around the plts with green b€]t all along the boundary shall be developed and maintained. u. The Pro,lect Proponent shall ensure a mlnlmum of 2.5% of the annual turn ove, wlll b€ utlllred for the CSR Acttuity t2.
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