1,0 -- I GJC Seeks Priority Ask All Organizations to Clear Calendar lrom Sept. 1 to Nov. 15 Benjamin Brier. general chair- , before," B rier declared. Iman of the 1956 General Jewish The 1956 campaign will for­ Committee campaign and H enry , mall..v get under was with a kick­ J . Hassenfeld. GJC president, I off dinner on S unday. September FRIDAY. J . -E :.9. 1956 PROVIDENCE, R. I. 16 PAGES today called for top prioriiy for I 23rd. However. actJ\·e work has al- the annual drive from September I ready been started and will con- 1st to ovember 15th. tinue during the summer months H assenfeld and Brier urged in order t-0 prepare an all-out. Khrushchev Says Anti-Jewish Terror Military Grab for I that all men's and women' or- campa·gu that will mea:-ure_up to ganizations in the Greater Provi- our communal respons.1bi.lit1es rn S till in Algeria dence area set aside this period this er tical peri9(i. In addition to Jewish Quota OK Arab States Foiled for the vital activities of the GJC those taking place during the P.-\RIS- .-\nti - J ewish terror at- campa·im. summer months. campaign meet- ;EW YORK-N. · i <i K11rush- continued in Algeria this week- W.-\SHlliGTO '-.-\ secret "This does not mean that or- ings w·u be scheduled in rapid chev. head of the \·iet Con n - end. A bomb was thrown into ten Pt ,i· s made to ·nc ude ganization.s should not conduct success.ion starting from Sept-em- • ·st Pany. defended a c r b on the entrance of a syn agogue in ' s75.ooo.ooo worth of mi itary as- their routine board meetings and ber 1st until the completion of the nun1ber o" Jews in the· Sm·iet t.he Algerian c.ity of Bone just si5rni ce for S~Tia and Lebanon any other regular activities. but the dri\·e. orofess.io1 s in a conversawon w·th as the J ews emerged from the in the cw-rent foreign aid bill. all major events and fund raising ;===============::; ~ French soc· is.t delegation in Sabbath morning prayer ses- Re p. \Yayne Haye · Ohio Demo- acti\·ities should be curtailed i\loscow last mon l. the Jewis.h s.ion . crnt. ctisclosed in the House dur- during th. period to free this Daily Ponnud reported he-e. One of the J ews. Edmond ing the debate 0 1 the foreign aid ti.me for the GJC drive," B rier Zionist Region Tl e disparch sa·d that Khru- Levi. wa- killed when the bomb bill. I · d shchev admit ed th the number exploded. There were additional The proYision. which would exp aille · Elects Auerbach Of Je~s 1·n ·,·ne pro ·e00;ons haa· · have gi\·en major military a i t- He a dded that before organ_i2a- " ~ J ewish n ctims. according to a - · h dul t.rng the C f been restricted [O the relati1·e report received here Sunday. ance to the Arab League SU!tes I ~OllS _sc e_ e mee Sor_ O r At on erence t th al on a gran ba is. was knocked Iuncu_ons ~urmg th_aL penoa. they proportion of Je\\·s o e gener , .._::::::::::::::: :::::::_-_- _- _- _- _- _- _~ - Is.h I cl th tl.111 th the pop · ation-between one and one out when he challenged the item ou O ear e e w Herschel Auerbach was elected and a half oer cent. After t e Bo!- N J I before the Hou e Poreign A.fiai.rs IGJC _campaign calendar. president of the Region at tlle she\·· - Re.rnlt t!on. ~us.hchev on- ew to Open Committee. This plan lS S!Il1ilar to one 11th annual conference of the repor edl,· told we Frencn gTo ps. 1 Hayes repor ed that the De- 1 actop;ed 1~_st week by the Com- Rhode Island Zionist R egion at Jews occupied disproportionately fense Deoartmen disavowed re- billea Je\, i.sh Appeal of Grea er the Hotel ·arragansett on Mon- ! ~e 1w11be: of S ch . iUons Kosher Meat Shop sponsib"li.y for the item and Boston. day. Others elected are Arthur beca se rel a ively few tra · 1ed Was.hi. ton officials indicated This is being done. Brier said. I. Darman. chairman of the ex- people were aYai able. Now. he that the S ate Department and to assure the success of the an- ecutive board: Saul Abrams, Stan- comi.nued. the e iu·e n a11y more GL.-\SGOW- A no - Jewis.h \\.hite Ho se bore full respo ..s ·- nual GJC campaign. The GJC Jey Coopersmith. Morris Espo, tr il1ed Rus.s.ians nd u1e high butcher has been gi\·en permis.s.ion bility. It wP.s nade elem· that L'le general chairman pointed out Bernard Kus.int2. nee-presidents: . roportion of Jews · 1 responsib e to ope · a kosher meat -·1op in .-\dn inis ation u·ied to keep the that a tremendous ta · confront :\Iaurice w. Hendel, treastLrer: M . positiOJ,s is no longer 1 eeded. h ·s city by Chief Rabbi Is.me! matter "c.assif"ed'' and asked the 1956 campaign as the Greater L-ouis Abedon. secret.ar,: i\lartin Khr shchev is reported as ha\·- Brodie nd the Beth Din of L-on - co~aress.men not to revea.l it in Providence Je~uy is called on _to Temkin. associate secretary. ·ng sta ed to the F rench de]ec-a - don. ,he nan e of '·national sec ity.'' do Its share .n _ the nation- wide I Judge Frank L:c:-it. was ected tion that the m·iet Gon,r 11 ent Tl e chief rabbi cor finned a The un·ted S tates now grants En ergency Surnval F\1nd to_ res- honorary life president of the had recei\·ed frequent rotests previous decis.ion to gTant a Ii- arms free to Iraq and sells arms ci.:e _ana resettle Jews I_rom N~r~ R egion. In the name of the Re­ irom rnrious \·ie republics tlrnt cense o James Ferguson. a Glas - on a re- imburs.ible bas is to other Ainca ill ls.rael. This is 111 aam- 1 gion Judge Licht ore...-.ented to 00 many Jews held "des.irab!e"' gow b . tcher. t-0 ope a kosher .-\rnb League stat-es. If the Ad~ j tion to_ the reg~a-: funds ~or Is- the · outgoing president. Maurice poss. He pre- ed Lazar :\I. K aga- r 1ea t s.nop o condition that _he n inisu·a ion·s secret n ove haa rael. merseas. n.,t onal ana local I w . H endel. a gift and lauded his .o\·ich. then the only Jew ir the set P a separare shop for :,e ling succeeded. S,Tia a...,d Lebanon agencies. outstanding and devoted services. Cabinet _ K agano\·ich re ·gned . kosh er ~1eat. and that the Glas_~ would ha1·e been included in the At the same time. Brie. ca ed Honorar': president. Dr. Tiie las wee.- _ to confirm 11· tate- gow Betn Dm appoillt a "s.homer nilit,,ry aid category sin ·1ar to upon all Jewish o_rganizations m I Berger. re~eived 8 Scroll of Honor. ments to the French delee:ation. -watchman-to see that Kash- Iraq's stat s . the G reater Prondence a ea to U S Commissioner Abedon was Kagano1·ich said on Y "CO~ rect,'' th rules are adhered to. cooperate ful Y during tn· period in. charge of the ore...<aentat.ion. the French de egation reported. In a letter to the Glasgow so that the GJC campa:.gn can · - · I Board of Schechita. the chief New Records on succ - ul y attain its goal and Hendel. in his president·s re- rabbi noted that it is not a prac- hep save countless lives in ·onh port. discussed the act-ivities o · tice to grnm s ch a licen e to a Jewish Canadiana Africa and other countries. "Be- t.he various Districts, and con - Ban Israelis at non-Jew where a community has cau:,e of he critical ·rnation and mended Rabbi Rosen. president a Jewish b tcher. But. the letter MONTRE.-\1. - The Bronfman the increased needs of age cie in ' of the Providence Di.strict for his 1 cont· ued. he was prepared to c J · 1· J ish C d . t I th f · · · ·· · o ecuon o ew - _ ana 1ana a IIs.rae . Nor .-\ nca. _m a aa t on accomplishments and expressed make an exception ·f his condi- the Jewish Public Library of Mon- to those right here ill our own . t R . Student Conclave I 1 t ions were met. .-\ member oi -the treal has recei1·ed from tl1e Pub- communit,. we in the Greater hlS apprec1at10n o a eg1ona LaOel~O-asX-mAa dsee\·:1". e thaetta_;k_ o n_ ~i:tr~heo~e!~i~~;l~~~lt:~1 lie Archi\·es at Ott-awa photostat·c Providen~ area must be pre- , and Distr·ct leaders for their co- Isr 1 11 :~r~ " c. ,, copies of historic Canadian docu- pared to work harder than ever cperation. .-\f rican St dent Conference held tory in this community. ments in Yiddis.h and in English at Bandung. Indone ia, it was re­ which shed much new light. on ported here. The I ·ael tudent the history of the Jewish commu- Assoc·arion wa not admitted to nity h ere.
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