1 Iml ©to> Smral fertk anb CHolotttat Batlg J ^^ ROYAL GAZETT__. E (Establishe,„.,,., d, 1828„™„x) an„dJ THmmE? BERMUDDiTOiurrTnA COLONISrm.nNTSTT (Establishef Established 18661866)) INCORPORATING THE 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM HAMILTON, BERMUDA, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1940 VOL. 20—NO. 131 m TOUMJFTHS OF B. E. F. SAFELY HOME i i WAR SECRETARY TELLS OF THE CENTRE TAKES OYER WAR AIMS & PROSECUTION 2ND PROGRAMME OF BER B.E.F/S GREAT FIGHT HAMILTON PREMISES OUTLINED AT MEETING ENEMY FLING 200,000 MEN INTO Aj ON AIR TONIGHT Garden Shop on Queen Street Local Men Soon Be Going Trie second programme of More Than Four-fifths Are DESPERATE THRUST AT DUNKERQUE I trie Bermuda Broadcasting Cor­ to Open Daily 10 a.m. to 12 Abroad for Active Service poration over the newly-erect­ Now Back in England ed station BER will take place A crowd which filled the Colonial LONDON, June 2 (Reuters).—In a.! It is now learned that The Centre tonight at 8 o'clock. (the movement for reviving localOper a House to capacity last night The programme follows: broadcast tonight Mr. Anthony Eden, alternately was.held breathless and the War Secietary, gave a narrative industries) has taken over The Gar­ 7.57—"Tuning in record." den Shop on Queen Street and their moved to sustained applause by Major Wave After Wave Of Infantrymen Are Mowed "Give a little whistle." of events in Belgium and northern Cameron and Mr. F. O. Misick, Fiance in the last two weeks, in the efforts to display and encourage 8.00—Opening recording "When local products will now be on a sus­ M.O.P., who addressed them in the you wish upon a star." course of which he said: first of a series of public meetings "Germany has made great strate- tained basis. A few weeks ago this Down By Allied Guns There Yesterday 8X3—An appeal by Lt.-Ool. was foreshadowed by the holding to be held throughout the Islands to T. M. Dill for subscriptions tic gams. The loss to us in equip­ oi a furniture exhibition, when explain the aims Of the Allies in the towards the Bermuda War ment and in material has been heavy, pieces made by Bermudian craftsmen prosecution of the war and to clarify Fund. but there is another •side to this were on display. This exhibition sur­ the events attendant upon the pro­ 8.14—Excerpts from the Gil­ picture. The bulk of the British passed all expectations and Mrs. secution of the war. OVER 170 NAZI PLANES DOWNED BY R.A.F. IN bert and Sullivan operetta Expeditionary Force have been saved, A. B. Smith, along with her com­ Major Cameron's address was given "Trial by Jury," by a chorus and quite apart from that we havt mittee, received praise from all who with the aid of maps thrown upon of 20 singers- and popular been able to bring tens of thousands , attended for the excellent task they the screen, and the audience was 3 DAYS; ENEMY AIMING AT RHONE AREA NOW? soloists, under the direction of our French Allies over with us from did in organising the exhibition. able to follow his talk with faculty. of Mr. W. Norman Parker. Dunkerque. On Saturday, The Royal Gazette Mr. Misick drew applause repeated­ 8.28—News, sports and enter­ "Nor is the effort ended. Four & Colonist referred to the then cur­ ly by his verbal sallies, which ridi­ tainments, etc. days ago, not one of us would have rent rumours that a Bermuda bon­ culed the German swastika, to the PARIS, June 2 (CP).-^ O^^^^S^^X^L God Save- the King. dared to hope that the isolated Allied net made of local palm tree fibres amusement of the audience. Then, today as the last of the Allied forces in ±w*v^~ .. a „ armies could have fought their way would be shown to the public at moved by the occasion, he launched Eden, the British War Secretary, revealed that four-fifths of the British into a comprehensive speech. Out­ Mr. Anthony DUCU, ««. ^~~„~ .._ . The French through the bottle-neck to thebetwee n 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon ' ' ' --*-i~ ^~~A„A in England. The French High Command coast. It is,the spirit of the B.E.F. today at The Garden Shop. This standing perhaps was the encourage­ Expeditionary Force had been safely landed in England. ment he gave to the "timid soute" ^^ceT^ghrtoTS^'AffieT-ar• " e still holdin•> «*—ingg • DunkerquSDunkerqueB i& e , despite the supreme THEY SAY that has won the issue. These men has now been confirmed. The ori­ ginator of the hat is Dolores Nourse who relied too much on what they 3EE-£FS»de today. Wave after wave ofGerman *£*%*£ That in these days of threat to de­ have marched hundreds or miles. Wave after wave of German infantryme n plungemowed dforwar dowdn They have fought countless actions Johnston, who is an American an­ heard over the air from certain radio :iclll enui b xkiaxi^ «wuj . .. — - - - i i . mocracy it was quite refreshing to with the enemy, who pressed upon thropologist residing in Bermuda. commentators. He urged that those intby oAllie the dshallo gunsw. wateEachr Nazalmosi wavt surroundine showedg greathe tembattle gaps as d_ city, have the OouncU insist on pre­ She is a member of the' American who had become addicted to repeat­ J serving one democratic right. them from three sides. The German - * >££& •><* survivors staggered back to the High Command proudly announced Society of Anthropologists. ing much of what they heard should higher ground and the wounded and dead subsided into the two or three feet of water, * * * think twice. .^e,—™ 0 .o±* ui.i-^^_ ^.v*—„„„ th„e twA o +Vior o threhailes feenft shellof waters and, that they were surrounded. They Along with her creation will be nn That the worst feature of conferring have fought their way out. They National independence and na­ churned into a bloody froth by the passage of the troops and the hails of shells and rights on one individual is that he shewn a Bermuda sandal made of bullets from the defenders. have achieved the seemingly im­ cedar which is designed particularly tional liberty were what the Umpire The French High Command declared that instead of an Allied is invariably ruined by his author­ possible. was fighting for, said Mr. .Misick. ity. * * * for use at the beach. surrender of Dunkerque, the Germans had been faced with in- ITALY MUST JOIN IN WAR Other ideas are being considered Intimation that a force frcm Bermu­ I ' cessant fighting under most severe and violent conditions. They That some short time ago our finan­ ENORMOUS ENEMY LOSSES da will soon be leaving for active by The Centre. At the present time pictured the retreat to Dunkerque as a big rearguard action in SAYS NOTED EDITOR ciers hesitated to recommend cer­ service was given by Mr. Misick. tain fiscal policies. "Man for man, the British troops Messrs. Wilfred Onions and Valmer which flie enemy had been brought into continual action. The have proved themselves superior to D. Bouchard are making sketches He said: "The Governor told me on communique issued tonight Said that Germany had paid for her the Germans wherever they have so that several stock designs of Friday that some of our own local M success with an immense toss^hf life and material. Britain Will Xnow How To That they thought there would be forces^ who. have volunteered for Men opposition. met them. All accounts show that garden furniture may be used by While the bitter fightjpg^w&it on around Dunkerque, activity the B.E.F. took a toll of the enemy foreign s^rwice, will shortly be going." Meet Attack If It Comes *» * * local craftsmen. It is also intended lessened along^hg^Somm.e suuktfo e Aisne front and on the eastern greatly in excess of that suffered by to make to older these, and possibly Sfr'iC- '^t. G. Butterfield. Acting iront, said the cWriinunique. That now they find the opposition is themselves. On two occasions .. other, types of furniture. During Mayor of Hamilton, was in the chair ROME, June 2 (Reuters).—Signor to the delay. I and in between the two speeches films German guns Were pouring hundreds of shells into Dunkerque Ansaldo, the editor of Count Oiano's the losses suffered by the German the ensuing weeks and months to cover the unsuccessful attacks of their infantry, the only method * * * army were enormous. So it is now a strenuous effort will be made to were shown depicting the Empire's newspaper II Telegrafo, said today That the cynic says it is a case of of attack left after the opening of dykes had caused the surround­ in a broadcast to the military forces that the German strategy is foiled; introduce a popular style of garden might. fools -rush in where angels fear to furniture. IV ing ' country to become impassable to the tanks and motorised that Italy's military precautions had despite the surrender of the Belgian The text of Major Cameron's ad­ tread. touts which have to date formed the spearhead of all German reached their conclusive stage. To­ aimy our own troops and our French The Centre will operate the Gar­ dress is given below. Mr. Misick's * * * Allies with them have fought their den Shop from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 speech will appear in tomorrow's attacks. It was announced that the Gov­ day and tomorrow they would be It has been suggested that the.
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