- ~~~Established '187,8 VoL LHII No. 3, PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1931 Ten Cents MR.ROTH OF'THE Davis, O'Neil, and Barr are Nightmares Ran Extra Lap Calendar Of Events STRENGTH OF VARSITY HISTORYDEPT. HOME Elected to Class Off ice rships Tonight; Regular Time Back For The Coming Week FOTALSUDI FROM YEAR INEUROPE -At the elections for office'rs of One night last spring the Saturday, September 26 GREATLY AUGMENTED the Senior Class which wvere held P1fI11.iI'IAN office was thrown 7:00 p. m. mil M e e t i n1 g Attended Many Sessions Of (luring thc week, the following into confusion with the arguing Room: Songs andl checers Two Or Three Scrimmages Held League Of Nations men wcre chosen t6 fill the posi- of the ten or so hoard members followed. by "movie-The During Course Of Last At Genevatin:Peint oaeWbr present'as to whether the institu- Front Pa~c with Adolph Few Practices tion: Prsidnt,orae Weber tion of daylight saving time 'Menjou, Pat O'B~rien, and___ VISITS ITALY AND GREECE Dvsrlimatn,.Y.;ic- mcant turning the clocks forward Mary Brian. - SEVERAL NEW- PLAYS DEVISED Travl~ hroghany ounrie In President, George Potter O'Neil, or back. Sunday 'September 27FizBrdGahmAnWited T Bal.thereFordh M eatones I Sewickly. - Penn.; Secretary, This fall we know there is go- 10:30 a. m. Chapel. Dr. Ne- Constitud, Graham, iAe Whirteh Fasond Slay Richard James Barr, Jr. of) ing to he a change, but there is no hemialh Boyntoqn of M~ed-tigBakil PassionPlay ~~Joliet. 111. one to argue in which (lirection ;t ford, Mvass. Srn akil During his leave of-absence last __________________ will he. Nine o'clock risings and __________________ The strength of the Blue football year, Mr. Lawrence V. Roth, in- ten o'clock break fasts throughout Squiad has been greatly increased by Tstructor in history, toured Europe, FMV GAMES MMCI UP the summer spoiled the majority EXETER INAUGURATES the constant practice and drill on {-paying particular attention to places of us enough so that ju';t getting concerndteacing. withLev- is FOTALthe fundamental principles of the FALLSOCCER WWULL ack to the school routine was a IT1AU~II game. All week long, the charging ing America in the early fall, he shock. Any move to get anybody machines, tackling and blocking - proceeded through France to First Contest Of The Season up any earlier now would meet Captain Bliss Is Among Three dummies have been in constant use. Geneva, where he spent several Postponed Because Of with nothing but snores. So sleep Veterans Returning In To vary the program and to prepare months. While there he took courses - Quarantine late. and don't bother to set the .The Line for the first game a week away, the at the Post-Graduate Institutes for TW USHV ENMD clock back: you'llb i n EF aiu el omdtashv International Studies. He also at- WOCT AESE AE plenty of- ti II heoroupr inre hruhl eea e tended many-sessions of the iSSem- Forty-Four Mean Are Now On, Squad ing. Red And Gr~ay Ha. Strong Bak learned tlhortscimmagyes btevealne bly, council, and commissions of the From The Seventy-Five -With Five Last Year's the" evenly matched teams, have reague of Nations. The work of- Who Repiorted Lettermen Back taken place already. Each day the the preliminary disarmament conm- Thew ope~ning 'game of the soccer MR. PARADISE WRITES Phillips Exeter Acdm opndcontact work becomes mission and the council discussion longer. OF \aey pnd O lWednesday an especially long Of the Polish atrocities to Germans seasonl has lbeen postponed until IITD DRTI t otalsao atTusa ,uuISunIOY FPRNI i, footbal seaso la-Tus practice was held, and the bac~kfield II in Upper Silesia -absorbed him pair- Octobe 17hwhsisdethh ___ ~en candidates reported to- Hiea received its first actual contact ticularly. 'I fact hatabor cadeY wit .1 a ao cdn Eliphalet Pearson's Press Coach Souders and his assistants work. The first string ball carriers whom the gm a ceue scie h iet Mr. Roth spent a short time in gam wa shedledisHere Described In for their initial lt r iz raaWie England.-wherehqurantie.sTinpostpoementDetail .practc.Teln odt aeFtGiaWie will have to he rebuilt this year head, and flird. O'Neil Englando whee h esorwst invtedato ofnthsgm an'd D. K. ilgv oc ey as only three letter men of 'last Brown have thus far succeeded in talktohstor te stuent at in-an opportunity to select the strong- ONLY LOCAL PRINTS TREATED year's -forward defense have re- holding down chester College. the oldest prepara- the end positions, esst lpossible team and prepare that __ rtory school in Great Britain, corres- team -for the (lifficult opposition to Book Receives Favorable Comment- (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4') ponding to Andover in the U'nitedbemt From Saturday Review States. There he found their Thle schedule for the comingsa fLtrtr Bob North Plans Trip To Lapland This method of teaching history very sonl is as follows:iio. fPitn nAdvrWntr o bod T uig U ieste similar to his own. At Oxford he Oct.f atoAn P-Tntirgcademy (lined with the faculty. doervb Mlr. Scott Paradise. an instructor 2 (ContinuedonPage 4)Oct. 4-\Vorcester Academv at here, w~a, published a short time ago Worcester. 1wv a local firm. Tlhis small hook 2 BANDBE DiRECTEDTO ~a~)Ct~ 8-llarvard Freshmen at traces A-ndover printing offices from - Cmbridge. their beginning in 1798 down to the THIS. YEAR By MR~. IVES Nov. 7-.kf. 1.'1' Freshmen at . ______ ~~~Andover. lineal successor of the first, the An- Dorr Elected Manager During_ Nov. II-Exeter at Andover. (oe rs.Tefrtpitn f The Absence Of Two cuts hlave already been fices were locatedI on Andover IHill. Klienhans madle. and froni the seventy filve one of them occupying a brick build- - ~~~~~menwho reported. forty- four re- ing across the roadl from Mfr. Saw- On WVednegdar in Graves lHall a main. Another cut which \v'ill' yer's house. Dleuing the middle of meeting of all those who intend the nincteenth century a temlperance to play in the band, was called and 'continued on l'age 4) paper was printed here, andi-nl183 sufficient namnes were procured to tl is noe ekvwsi~tcl assure that the band w\ill lbe well FOREIGN STUDENTS Ini IM87 the printing- office became sulpportedl this fall. PAY SCHOOL A VISIT the Andover Press andl the Towns- All, men w~ho wvere here last vear nwastre..tthpeet andl saw the performance of' thle Received By Society Of Inquiry time the Press; does wvork for manv hand at 'The Exeter football game An netiedA col andi colleges. specializing in' will be interestedto know thatThp Log Cabin - vearbooks anid athletic pulblications. - - spite of Mr. Young's departure Omi the sixteenth of September a In a review of M.Nr. Paradise's from school, the band-will be re- g.roup offrinsWet iterl 1)ookpubllished in theVoiturdal le-- organizedl this fall tinder the direc- Phillips Academy fromi the Inter- 7ic v of LitrratrcCalPrntn-- tion of Mr. Smith and Mr. Ives. national Student Service Conference Rollin,; gives a sketch of its con- A Tn the absence -of the manager,, at Mt. H olyoke. T hese students tents. One of the more important Kleinhans, the band will be directed were entertained] by thle Society of centers of book production in the by R. G. Dorr. last year's assistant Inquiry under the (lirection of '.\r. first half of the nineteenth century Courtesy of the Binghamton (N. Y.) Preux manager. Sufficient appropriations Trowbridge, and were shown about was Andover, whfere a learned press ROBERTr C. NORTH, P. A. '32, As\oi PAVi. REINHARDT, WNO PLAN Taie To LAPI.ANn have been obtained from the ath- the larger buildings and through the had been established through the letir association and other sources bird sanctuary. All of these stu- zeal of E'liphialet Pearson, for twen- lobNrh h wlherem .\tid em rofteatyil tv vears a teacher at Harvard, and bered by his friends- here for his lx. Pauil P~einhardt. a Cornell Uni- (Continued on Page 4) (Continued' on Page 4) first princilpal of Phillips Academy. expllorations in the region north of versitv stu'lent. T he travelling will ReturnsAfter A Year ~~"The Andover Dr.' Ptatteicher printing office I-Iuidsonl Bay. and -also for his Ile(oeanotecuieyb en eun fe er which Mr. Pearson enlarged for the three books oni hlis travels, has again de(oer andmoi. 'thi expliedyitvrion-wl Spent Abroad In Studying And Traveling propagation of Calvinism and the left school for another exploringl intellectual nurture of Congrega- trip. This time the iournev w~ill he he the first which hias ever attempted With the opening of school, Andover wvas glad to %velcome back Dr. tional missionaries in heathendom to I-apllandl. The main inspiration to invadle the reaches of I a~pland in Pfatteicher after his -sabbatical leave of absence abroad. While in Euiropec pxissessedl the first fonts, of Greek for the journey wav the diqcover' thle wvinter. all others, inl hi story have Dr. Pfatteicher first wvent to the British IMuseum in London, where he and T-lebrew type in the United in the attic of his home inl \\altonl, gone in seas;ons; of the year when the spent six weeks in gathering photostats of musical manuscripts. After States: in 1829 it had eleven fonts New York. of somec books about-the wveather is less severe. working at the British Museum, Dr. Pfatteicher went to the University of oriental type, lexcluisive of travels.
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