CV POWER EKROTH Born in Stockholm, 1971 Mobile: +46707398888/+4917684306592 E-mail: mail@#owerekroth%net &ebsite: $$$%#owerekroth%net Education 1998 – 2000 )*+,ERS+./ COLLEGE 14 5-.S, 0-54.S 5*6 6ES+3*, Stockholm 07ratorial #ro8ramme 1993 – 2000 )*+,ERS+./ 14 S.109:OLM St7;<#ro8ramme in the :7manities =ro8ram of 07lt7ral M!n!8ement St7;ie' :istor< !n; .heor< of 5rt, B5 ?!n; an 7n@nishe; M5A =ractical =hiloso#h< ?7n@nishe; B5A .heoretical =hiloso#h< 20 # 5e'thetics 10 # 1998 – 2001 -1/5L )*+,ERS+./ 012LEGE 14 4+*E 5-.S, Stockholm 6e#artment of 5rt an; 5rchitect7re 5rt an; 5rchitect7re, two times 10 #, 20 # 1994 – 1995 )*+,ERS+./ 14 )==S525 :istor< of science !n; ideas ?7n@nishe; 40 # co7rseA Current assignments 5rtistic 6irector, Master of 07lt7re an; 5rts, *1,+5 )niversit< of 5##lie; Science, Cakob't!;, 4inlan;, 2015 – 2016 an; 2019 – 2020% Critical writin8, B5 an; M5 #ro8ram, M5 e''!< con'7ltant,)meD 5c!;em< of 4ine 5rts, 2015 Member of the boar;, -E;a Sten 9onsth!ll/3othenb7r8 +nternational Biennial of Contem#orar< 5rt ?3+B05), 3othenb7r8 2015 – 5rt con'7lt!nt for Stockholm 0o7nt< Co7ncil, Swe;en, 2015 5rt con'7lt!nt for Oslo 0it< Co7ncil, *or$!<, 2016- 07rator >or 91-O, =7blic 5rt *or$!<, ;7rin8 the rehabilitation of the *orwe8ian School of S#ort Sciences, Oslo, 2014 2019 5;Bisor< boar; member, .rom'F 97nst>orenin8, 2014 Exhibitions (selecte;A 144 &+.: .:EI- :EA6S! / GS65EH -+EH. :.+& 44O, a c7rate; #art ?to8ether with co c7rator Sara -osslin8) a #art of the SOMET:+*3 ELSE, Cairo Off Biennial 2018, Cairo Eg<#t (Main c7rator: Simon *Hami) 07rator of the 6th BorD' +nternational Sc7lpt7re Biennial: A Grin Without a Cat, 2018, feat7rin8 artists 0hiara B78atti, *athalie 6H7rber8 & :ans Ber8, Latifa Echakhch, Conah 4reeman & C7stin 2owe, So@a :7ltJn, +man +ssa, Christian Cankowski, :assan 9han an; :assan 9h!n & 5n;eel, 9!tarina 2E>'trEm, Simon M7llan, K7!< Brothers, BFrre SLthre, Can MBankm!Her% 2017 07rator, Oslo Cit< Co7ncil, the b7ildin8 of a new st!;ium an; a new school, ,alle :oBin, 2016 – 2017, #roHect b< Bigert & Ber8strEm 2016 07rator >or the B5 @nal eNam eNhibition, I Hear the Thunder Crashing, the Sky is Dark, ,alan; 5c!;em< of 5rt, 3othenb7r8, 5#ril 2016 at -E;a Sten 9onsthall 2015 Under the Skin, 8ro7# eNhibition #art of the 1>f Bienniale, Cairo, E8<#t, he!; c7rate; b< Simon *Hami, with 9las Erik''on, C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberena, 3oran :assan#o7r, 6!niel :oO7n;, 9!tarina 2EfstrEm, Marco Montiel-Soto, Simon M7llan, 5Nel =eter'Jn, Lin;a .e;';otter !n; Coh!n PetterQ7ist UN-EX-SURROGAT, solo eNhibition $ith Cohn Bock, 97lt7rh7set St!;'teatern, Stockholm, Swe;en, M!< Se#tember I !ust Wanna Get Close To #ou, solo eNhibition with 9las Eriksson, =ro'Hektrom *ormanns, St!B!n8er, *or$!<, 5#ril-M!< 2014 0o c7rator (with Leif-M!8ne .an8en !n; :anne 37;r7n 37lljor;A o> Gim$e Shelter, a bene@ciar< eNhibition in '7##ort of 3!Ra M7nicipalit< 5rtificial Limb Center at .rom'F 97nst>orenin8, .rom'F, *or$!<% (artists: .an<a B7sse, Can Christensen, C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberena, 2oretta 4ahrenholz, 5!8e 3!7#, 9enneth 3oldsmith, Emilija Skarn7lyte, *e;ko SolakoB, 9ristin .årne'Bik, 3abriela ,ainsencherA 07rator o> High on Low Life (artists: 9las Erik''on, Mom & Cerr<, Simon M7llan an; LinnJ! SHEber8) 4ebr7ar< March at .elemark 97nstnersenter, Skien, *or$!< 2013 07rator of Tales of Quest, .elemark 97n'tnersenter, Skien, *or$!<(artists: 5Rar 5lsharif, .ilda 2oBell an; Cohan .h7r>Hell), Se#tember October 2013 07rator of the eNhibition Six I$*ossible Things ,efore ,reakfast, 7th MOMEN.)M Biennial, Mo's, *or$!<, 2013 (artists: Ser8ei B78aeB 5frika, 2o7lo7 0herinet, Can 0hristensen, CeB;et Erek, BHFrn 9owalski :ansen, 3oran :assan#o7r, 2!7ra :orelli, Stine Marie Cacobsen, :assan 9h!n, 3abriel Lester, Lisi -askin, Clemen' Bon &e;eme<er, Cohan PetterQ7ist) 07rator >or the .7rk7 Biennial, Idy"", M!< ( Se#tember 2013 ?to8ether with Ellen 4riis, Ssa Sig7rHTn';Tttir !n; 9arolin .am#ere ( artists: Lisa Ceannin, .ilda LoBell, ,aleria Montti Colq7eA 07rator of S*a-egrids, .elemark 97n'tnersenter, Skien *or$!< (artists: Conas 6ahlber8, 9atarina 2E>'trEm, !n; 9ristin *or;hF<A 2012 07rator o> Into the Ra++it Hole, the o>@cial *or;ic =!Bilion of the 6akU5rt Biennial, 6akar, Sene8al, to8ether with co c7rator Marita M77kkonen (artists: :ans Ber8 & *athalie 6H7rber8, BHFrn 9owalski :ansen, Ce'#er C7st, Matti 9allioinen, Otto 9arBonen, .eem7 Mäki, E8ill SLbHErnssonA ,a-helorette Rose Cere$ony, 3othenb7r8, Swe;en 2011 07rator, Nordic Art Today. Con-e*tual De+ts, ,roken Drea$s and New Horizons, Et!8i, St =etersb7r8 2011 (a collabor!tion between the c7rators 5nna Bitkina, 9ari BranRL8, =ower Ekroth, 57ra Seikk7la an; Simon Sheikh an; 35 artists from Swe;en, *or$!<, 6enmark, +celan;, 4inlan; an; -7ssia) 2010 07rator of residenc< an; eNhibition 0A1ES. 0a$ily 2ade3ille, 6arb 1819, Cairo E8<#t, 6ecember 2010 – Can7ar< 2011, to8ether with co c7rator/artist C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberen! (artists: *ermine 5nsari, Lotta 5ntonsson, .obias Bernstr7#, *abil Bo7tro7s, Lo7lo7 0herinet, C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberena, 9hale; :afeR, BHFrn 9owalski :ansen, 3oran :assan#o7r, Carl-Michael Bon :!7sswolff, Sabah *aim, Mo!t!R *asr, :an< -ache;, :ann7 -äisä an; E8ill SLbHErn''onA =eter 3eschwin;, 6ansens :7s, Stockholm Det 3erkar so$ 3erklighet, M5 eNhibition School of =hoto8r!#h<, )niversit< of 3othenb7r8, 3Etebor8s 9on'thall 2!7nch of *or;ic =!Bilion residenc< an; one ;!< eBent >or 6akU5rt biennial 6akar, Sene8al 2008 Wra* #our Trou+les In a Drea$, 2!7tom Contem#orar<, Oslo, c7rator of eNhibition feat7rin8 9!tarina 2E>'trEm, C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberen!, Cohan .h7r>Hell, .e''! 4armer, Cor;an &olfson, 3abriel Lester, 5n;reas :e7ch, BHFrn 9o$!lski :ansen 4atarina %5fstr5$, )##sala 9onstm7se7m ?#roHect m!n!8erA 2007 Anticipation, eNhibition !t the School of =hoto8r!#h< at 3Etebor8 )niversit< 677 Ideas, 678777 Co$+inations, work'ho#, residenc< an; eNhibition feat7rin8 C!n 0hristensen, Erlen; :ammer, BHFrn 9owalski :ansen, Coo<o7n8 Lee, /o7n8hoo /oo, EuHi 0ho, C7n8 lim :an, 9<7n8a :am, CaeH7n Lee an; others, 195 /eonhee ;on8, Seo7l When Eu-lid Walked, Seo7l 0it< 5rt M7se7m, Seo7l 2006 In 1o$ent, Skellefteå 9on'thall, Skellefteå Swe;en, artists: =ierre Bism7th, 3abriel Lester, Coh!n .h7r>Hell, Clemens Bon &e;eme<er 9 :lay, st7;ents eNhibition -o<al 5rt 5c!;em<, Stockholm ?to8ether with Marianne :7ltmanA Great Ex*e-tations, can;idate eNhibition, ,!lan; 5rt 5c!;em<, 3othenb7r8 2005 Ex*anded :ainting, (c7ratorial collaborator to the lar8e section) =r!87e Biennale 2, 2005 M!< – Se#tember, (he!; c7rators: :elena 9ontoB! & 3iancarlo =oliti) artists selecte; for m< section: Can 0hristensen, C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberen! an; 9atarina 2EfstrEm Dispat-hed, 3r!;7ation eNhibition, M5 st7;ents )meå 5rt 5c!;em< of 4ine 5rts, 5#ril – M!<, BildM7seet, )meå, Swe;en 2004 2ertigo, ,illa San Michele, 0!#ri, +t!ly C7ly 5787st 2004, an; in *!#les, +taly *oBember 2004 (assistant c7rator/e''!<ist/e;itorA E-;u) 2ideo Renta", *ew /ork, )S5, one of 46 c7rators inBite;, $$$%e O7N%com, artists inBite; (abo7t 300 in total): 2o7lo7 0herinet, :eman Chon8, LoBe *or;ber8, &ael Sh!wk< an; Cor;an &olfson% ?.o7rin8 eNhibition 'how with sto#s in Lon;on, Berlin, 5mster;am, Miami, 4rank>7rt, 27n;, B7charest, Seo7l etcA 07rator >or Scan;in!Bian #!Bilion of the @rst International ,iennale 'or Artists ,ooks, Bibliotheca 5leNan;rina, 5leNan;ria 5#ril 2004, ?he!; c7rator 9hale; :afeRA artists inBite;: C7an =e;ro 4abra 37emberena, 5llen 3r7besic, Carl Michael Bon :!7sswolff, Ce##e :ein, Can :ietala, 9atarina 2E>'trEm, *ikolaj -ecke, Cohan .h7r>Hell !n; 3abriel &entR 2003 BFrre SLthre, wall #!intin8 :otel 2<;mar Stockholm, 578 – Oct :assan 9h!n, ta+la du++, !7;io Bisual #erformance, Mo;erna M7seet c/o, Stockholm March Exchan8e eNhibitions between 3aller< .ownho7se, Cairo, an; 3alleri Enkeh7set, Stockholm (co or;in!tor of the initial #art !n; e;itor of Cairo e;ition of SITE), #articipatin8 artists: 5m!l & 5b; El 3h!n< 9an!wi, :ans +sak''on, -o;rigo Mallea 2ira, Moat!R *asr, /lva 18lan;, &ael Shawk< 2002 – 2003 2002 5nna 9leber8, In-or*orated, :otel 2<;mar, Stockholm, M!< – C7ne 1>@cial eNhibition at Stockholm 5rt 4air, Sliding Down the Surfa-e of Things II (c7rator), on assi8nment from Stockholm 5rt 4air, Stockholm, March, #articipatin8 artists: Can Christensen, 9!tarina 2EfstrEm !n; Cimi .enor 2ideoscreening, :otel 2<;mar, Stockholm, 9atarina 2E>'trEm 2001 Sliding Down the Surfa-e of Things, Life 3aller<, Stockholm, Se#tember – October, #articipatin8 artists: Can Christensen, Cacob 6ahlgren, 5nna 9leber8, 9atarina 2E>'trEm, Ce'#er *or;ahl, M!ttias *or'trEm I -ould +e so lu-ky, lu-ky, lu-ky (c7rator), #articipatin8 artists: Lena Malm & *ikolaj -ecke, 5787't – Se#tember Michel M!Her7s, wall #aintin8 :otel 2<;mar, Stockholm, M!< – Se#tember SeBeral art eBents in collabor!tion with Mo;erna M7seet, Stockholm, !n; with 5rt *o;e, Stockholm ;7rin8 '#rin8 2001 2000 S#ecial eNhibition for the art m!8!Rine 1ateria", W1aterial 67 years”, 8ro7# show, 40 artists, 5rt *o;e, Stockholm October – *oBember Series of eNhibitions Syndro$e (assistant c7rator), +5S=+S, Stockholm 2000, with/for Mats StHern'te;t, 9aren 6iamon; !n; 6aniel Birnb!7m% 5rtists: :enrik :åkasson, =ascale Marthine .!<o7, -ivane *e7enschwan;er, Olafur Eliasson Grou* show, 1ichael Elmgreen=Ingar Dragset, 4oo !eong-a, 4irsten :ieroth and Sean Snyder (co or;inator), +5S=+S Stockholm Time,eing, 8ro7# 'how, *am *am Be!7t<, 0o#enh!8en, 6enmark, 4ebr7ar< – March, ten artists Magazine collaborations (selected 0ontrib7tin8 E;itor >or SITE, Stockholm, since the start 2001, $$$%sitem!8!Rine%net% Editor
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