381 AUTHOR INDEX This index covers only contributors to this volume. Authors cited are not indexed AISA, E. 189 JACKSON, J.K. 161 ANDER SON, N.H. 243, 367 ARMITAGE, B.J. XIII KUMANSKI, K. XV BADCOCK, R.M. 175, 179 BAGGE, P. 337 LEUVEN, R.S.E.W. 359 BALES, M.T. 175, 179 LEVANIDOVA, I.M. 43 BERGERS, P.J.M. 319 L1, Y.W. 125 BICCHIERAI, M.C. 3 BONGARD, T. 223 MAJECKI, J. 97, 253 BOTOSANEANU, L. 43 MALICKY, H. 149 BOURNAUD, M. 281 MOHAMMAD, B. 97 BUENO SORIA, J. 29 MOLLES, M.C., Jr 91, 313 MORETTI, G.P. 3,11,185,343 CASTELLA, E. 305 MORSE, J.C. 139 CHANTARAMONGKOL, P. 109 CIANFICONNI, F. 343 NEBOISS, A. 103 CORALLINI SORCETTI, C. 185, 189 NELSON, V.A. 203 CRICHTON, M.I. 165 NIMMO, A.P. 53 DAKKI, M. 25 O'CONNOR, J.P. 73 DARLINGTON, S.T. 353 OEMKE, M.P. 257 DENIS, C. 153 ORSINI, A. 325 DOWNS, W. 207 OTTO, C. 171 DUDGEON, D. 111 PETERSEN, L.B.M. 293 EBDON, L. 353 PETERSEN, R.C., Jr 287 ERMAN, N.A. 275 PETERSSON, E. 157 PIERROT, J.P. 281 FLINT, 0.5., Jr 29 PITSCH, T. 331 FULLER, H. 19 PUIG, M.A. 247 GARCIA DE JALON, D. 85 RECASENS I ALBALADEJO, L. 247 GATTAPONI, P. 189 RESH, V.H. XIV, 161 GISLASON, G.M. 237 RICHARDSON, J.S. XVI, 211 GIUDICELLI, J. 325 ROUX, C. 305 GLAPSKA, G. 19 GODWIN, P.A. 207 SCHEFTER, P.W. 39 GONZALEZ, M.A. 85 SCHMID, F. XVI GORE, J.A. XIV SIEGENTHALER, C. 197 GOWER, A.M. 353 SIGFUSSON, Th. 237 GREEN, P. XIV SOLEM, J.O. 157, 223 GULLEFORS, B. 229 SPINELLI BATT A, G. 11 STATZNER, B. XIV, XVI HAMIL TON, S.W. 145 STROOT, P. 79 HARRISON, J.D. 175 SVENSSON, B.S. XVI HIGLER, L.W.G 299 HOLZENTHAL, R.W. 139 TACHET, H. 25, 281 TANIDA, K. 119 ITO, T. 269 TAVARES, A.F. XVII TERRA, L.W.S. 85,91,313 382 TIAN, L.X. 125 WAGNER, R.H. 349 TOMASZEWSKI, C. 19, 97 WEAVER, l.S. iii XVii TORENBEEK, R. 299 WELLS, A. 133 WEVERS, M.l. 263 USSEGLIO-POLA TERA, P. 217 WICHARD, W. 67 WIGGINS, G.B. XVII, 39, 47 VAN DER VELDE, G. 319, 359 WILKINSON, B.l. 61 VANHEMELRIJK, l.A.M. 359 WILLIAMS, D.D. XVII VERDONSCHOT, P.F.M. 299 WILLIAMS, N.E. 57 VINEYARD, R.N. XVII WISSEMAN, R.W. 243, 263, 367 WOOD, l.R. 161 WARD, l.V. 375 383 GEOORAPHICAL INDEX The names of lotic or lentic waters are in italic. Abbreviations: L.: lake; Mt.: mountain; P.: pond; R.:river ; S.: stream. Bold numbers indicate a contribution especially devoted to a given region or to a given habitat. Ain R., France 305 Fujian 125 Anhui 125 Gavalivatn L., Norway 223 Antilles 29-32 Great Britain 57 Antilles (Greater) 67-69 Grenada 147 Antilles (Lesser) 145 Guangdong 125 Appalachian Mt. 43 Guangxi 125 Ardiere S., France 281 Guizhou 125 Asian Palaeartic Region 122 Hafnarfjardarlaekur S., Iceland 237 Augusta Creek S., Mi, USA 257 Hainan Island 125 Australasia 133 Haiti 33 Australia (N .E.) 103 Hebei 125 Australian Region 133-139 Heilongjiang 125 Avon R., England 61 Hojean S., Sweden 288 Belgium 79 Hokkaido 43-270 Bialowieza (forest) 97 Holartic Region 122 Big Thompson R., Co, USA 375 Hong Kong 111 Blue River R., Co, USA 375 Honshu 270 Bournville 61-62-64 Hoorsan S., Sweden 288 Breitenbach S., F.R.Germany 349 Hopp Brook S., Ct, USA 203 Bretagne 153 Hunan 125 Bug R., Poland 97 Iberian Peninsula 85 California 43-53-162 Iceland (SW) 237 Cape York Peninsula 103 Illinois 59 Central America 33- 69 -145 Ireland 73 Central Europe 331 Italy (Central) 343 ChekhovMt. 43 Jamaica 67 China 125 Japan 43-119-269 Clearwater Creek S., Or,USA 367 Jiangsu 125 Cob Lane 61 Joe Wright Creek S., Co, USA 375 Colorado River R.,Co, USA 375 Kankakee R., 11, USA 59 Connecticut 203 Kedrovaya R., USSR 43 Coombes Brook S., England 175 Kentucky 59 Corsica 325 Konnevesi L., Finland 337 Costa Rica 29-33-34-35-36-37-145 Kyushu 270 Cotey S., France 281 Lam Tsuen R., Hong Kong 115 Cuba 33 Las Trampas Creek S., Ca, USA 162 Darley Brook S., England 353 Laurentians 43 Dell S., England 176 Lerbiicken S., Sweden 288 Dominica 147 Lesser Antilles 145 Dominican Republic 33-34 Lunz am See (Austria) 153 Dovrefjell Mt., Norway 223 Lynher R., England 353 Ecuador 145-146 Marcite di Norcia, Italy 343 England (SW) 353 Matarrafia R., Spain 247 Erken L., Sweden 157 Mediterranean Region 149 Ethiopian Region 67-123 Michigan (southern) 257 Flynn Creek S., Or, USA 243 Michigan R., USA 59 Forsan S., Sweden 229 MillbarnPondP., England 165 Fryingpan River R., Co, USA 375 Morocco 25 384 Narewka R., Poland 97 Shikoku 270 Narwia R., Poland 97 Sichuan 125 Nearctic Region 39-43-67-69-122-211 Sierra Nevada, USA 275 Neotropical Region 29-67-69-139 South America 68-69 Neotropis 69 South Platte River R., Co, USA 375 Nera R., Italy 185 S .StVrain Creek S., Co, USA 375 Netherlands (SE) 359 Spain 85 New Guinea 103 Spring Brook S., Mi, USA 257 Nicaragua 145 Springpool S., England 176 Niemen R., Poland 97 Sri Lanka 109 North America (E) 43 Staffordshire 175 North America (W) 243 Stensan S., Sweden 287 North Carolina 43 StHelens Mt. 367 N .st Vrain Creek S., Co, USA 375 Stourport Marina 61-62-64 Norway (Central) 223 Sulawesi 103 Oak Creek S., Or, USA 263 Suriname 146 OhioR., USA 59 Sweden (North) 229 Ontario R., USA 59 Sweden (South) 157-287-293 Oregon 263-367 Switzerland (W) 197 Oriental Region 67-111-112-122 Tenessee 43 Ovedsan S., Sweden 288 Thames R., England 59 Pacific (SW) 103 Trout Creek S., Co, USA 375 Palaearctic (northern) 43 Tsugaru Straits 270 Panama 29-33-34-37-145 Tumbling Brook S., England 175 Panama (northern) 33 Ulas R.,USSR, Far East 50 PO R., Italy 189 USSR (Far East) 47 Portugal 85 Vancouver Island 43 Portugal (northern) 91-313 Verkean S., Sweden 288 Quebec 43 Vladyvostok 43 Rennes (France) 154 Vodopadny S., USSR, Far East 43 RhOne R., France 217-281-305 Wye R., England 62 Rio Ave R., Portugal 313 Xizang 125 Rio Bec;a S., Portugal 313 Yunnan 125 RockyMt. 243-375 Zhejiang 125 Sagehen Creek S., Ca, USA 275 Sakhalin Island 43 Shanxi 125 385 SUBJECT INDEX Numbers correspond to the first page of each contribution Acidity 359 Larval growth 237,247,257,263,269 Altitude 197,325 Latitude 211 Anatomy -larvae 3,19 Life cycle 211,237,243,247,253, Anatomy - pupae 11 263,269,319,337,353 Biogeography 29,43,4 7 ,57 ,67 ,85,91, Light traps 91,165,197,203,207, 103,109,111,119,125, 211,217,275,313,367 133,149,197,211,269 Longitudinal distribution 109,111,281,325,331 Canopy 207 Malaise traps 223 Case building behaviour 19,243,269,275 Male mate recognition 157 Case structure 243,269 Metabolism 175 Copper contamination 353 Microdistribution 263,287,299,305 Current velocity 349,375 Morphology - larvae 3,19,175,331 Description - pupae 29 Morphology - pupae 11 Description - adults 29,43,47,139,145 Ordination methods 91,299,305,313,359 Description -larvae 25,29,39,331,343 Parasitism 185 Diapause 253 Photoperiod 153 Diet 257,263,293 Phylogeny 43,47,103,125,133, Drift 349 139,145,149 Egg laying behaviour 165,171,229,253,253,275 Physiology 153,161,175,179 Egg masses 165,171 Predators 189,253,263,275 Emergence pattern 253,263 Prey selection 293 Emergence traps 275,337,349 Prosternal hom 3 Environmental modifications 79,111,353,359,367,375 . Pupation 263,275 Epibionts 185 Recolonization 367 Fauna 73,79,85,97,103, Reproductive behaviour 157,161 119,125,203,207 Respiration 175,179 Feeding behaviour 237,243 Scanning electron microscope 11 Filter feeding Trichoptera 281,287,293 Seston 287,293 Filtering net 281 Sex pheromones 157,161 Firstabdorninalsegment 19 Siltation 349 Flight behaviour 157,161 Slit traps 337 Flight direction 217,223,229 Spatial distribution patterns 91,313,319,343,359,367 Fligh t patterns 211,217,223,229,367 Sticky traps 217,319 Fos sils - Amber 67 Stream regulation 375 Fossils - Miocene 67 Subfossils 61 Fossils - Quaternary Period 57 Substrate 299,349,367,375 Functional trophic groups 375 Summer dormancy 149 Genital maturation 153 Temperature 179,247,257,337,375 Gislson's gland 3 Temporal distribution 313,319 Habitat - ditches 299,305,343,359 Temporary brook 81,275 Habitat - lakes 337 Temporary pool 171 Habitat - ponds 319 Ultrastructures 3 Habitat - running waters 61,111,189,217,223, Urotergal plates 11 229,237,247,257,263, 269,281,287,293,305, 325,331,349,353,367,375 Histology 3,11,19 Historical survey 85 Land - water in terface 275 Larval development 165 387 TAXONOMIC INDEX Bold numbers indicate a contribution especially devoted to a given species or to a given taxa. Abacaria 105- 125 jit.rcata 19- 20- 21- 253- 254- Acanthotrichia 134-135 255 Acritoptila 134- 135 laevis 100 Acrophylax 51 nervosa 62- 63- 75- 81- 82- 165- Adicella 106-310 166-300- 302- 308- 309- cremisa 343- 345-346- 347 310- 361- 362 josephinae 86- 88 Anagapetus bernea 369-372 reducta 76- 309 Anisocentropus 106-122-123 Aeteapsyche 125 Anomalopteryx alacerrima 85 Aethaloptera 105 Antillopsyche 67- 68 Agapetus 62- 105- 107-120- 123 Antillopsyche oliveri 67 berbericus 247 Apatania 80- 121- 122- 241- 369 cyrnensis 325- 326- 327- 328- 329 auricula 75-76 delicatulus 73-76 cimbrica 75 juscipes 73- 249- 250- 349- 350- eatoniana 86 351-352 fimbriata 349- 350- 351- 352 laniger 11- 16 muliebris 75- 80- 227- 241 mario 161 nielseni 75 nimbulus 345-346 theischingerorum 86 ochripes 73- 86 wallengreni 75 quadratus 326- 328- 329 zonella 237- 238- 239- 240- 241 segovicus 326 Apsilochorema 105- 107- 120- 122 theischingeri 86 Arctoecia consocia 208 Agarodes grisea 205 Arctopsyche 120-122-376 Agraylea 133- 135- 136- 248- 340 Arctopsyche grandis 369-379 cognatella 339- 340- 341 Arctopsychidae 87- 113 multipunctata 73- 300- 302- 320- 322- Arctopsychinae 33 323- 361- 362 Ascalaphomerus 116 saltesea 369 humeralis 111 sexmaculata 93- 190- 300- 309- 320- Asmicridea 105-125 322- 323- 339- 340- 341 Asotocerus 122 Agrypnia obsoleta 75- 99 Asynarchus 51- 121- 122 pagetana 75- 99- 300- 309- 361- Atanatolica 139- 140-
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