Review: conditions causing weak expression of Kell system antigens R. ØYEN, G.R. HALVERSON, AND M.E. REID Key Words: Kell system, KEL gene, weakened Kell Kpa Cis-Modifying Phenotype antigens Kell system antigens (other than Kpa) on Kp(a+b–) RBCs may be weaker than on RBCs of common Kell type Background a 1 due to the cis-modifying effect of the Kp allele. This phe- Since the discovery of anti-K in 1946, the Kell blood 9 2 nomenon was first noted decades ago by Allen et al., group system has grown to include 22 antigens. The sys- who found that K+k+Kp(a+b+) RBCs were weakly reac- tem has five sets of alleles that produce antithetical anti- tive with some examples of anti-k. We have seen numer- gens, one or two of low-incidence and the others of ous examples of anti-k that react 2+ with RBCs of high-incidence. In addition, eight antigens of high-inci- common Kell phenotype but are nonreactive (by direct dence and three of low-incidence have been recognized testing) with a K+k+Kp(a+b+) RBC sample that is rou- (Table 1). The system also includes a null phenotype, Ko, tinely included on our in-house panel. Kell system anti- in which the red blood cells (RBCs) are devoid of all Kell gens, including the Kpa antigen, are expressed weakly on system antigens, and a Kellmod phenotype, in which all RBCs from Kpa/Ko individuals.9–11 In fact, the cis-modi- Kell antigens are expressed weakly. fying effect of Kpa is most evident in Kpa/Ko individu- The occurrence of low-incidence Kell system antigens 10 a als but is also evident for the k antigen if the partner differs considerably in different ethnic groups: K, Kp , and chromosome carries K. Since the RBCs of most Kp(a+) K17 are found mainly in Caucasians; Jsa in blacks; and Ula 3 people also type as Kp(b+), the antigens produced by the in Finns and Japanese. K23, K24, and K25 have been iden- Kpb allele mask the cis-modifying effect of the Kpa allele. tified in one family each, all Caucasian. A single Kell gene The cis-modifying effect of Kpa varies from one individu- (KEL) has not encoded more than one low-incidence anti- al to another and it is difficult to demonstrate on RBCs gen. For example, a gene that produces K has never pro- a a a a a 3 from Kp /Kp people. None of the genes encoding other duced Kp , Js , Ul , K17, K23, K24, or K25. Since now it Kell system antigens has shown a similar cis-modifying is known that polymorphism in the Kell blood group sys- 4–6 effect. Unlike other RBCs that have a weak expression of tem is the result of point mutations, the presence of Kell blood group system antigens, the Kx antigen is not more than one low-incidence Kell system antigen on a sin- enhanced on Kp(a+b–) RBCs. gle chromosome is statistically an unlikely event. In fact, The cis-modifying effect has not been described with this status is similar to the situation with low-incidence anti- Kpc, the other low-incidence antithetical antigen to Kpb. gens in Lutheran and Cromer blood group systems. c c This may be because Kp is rare and K+Kp(c+) or Kp /Ko Kell blood group antigens are inactivated by treatment RBCs have not been found. of RBCs with disulfide reagents such as dithiothreitol (DTT) and aminoethylisothiouronium bromide (AET), due to disruption of the multiple disulfide bonds.7 The Table 1. Antigens in the Kell blood group system remarkable susceptibility of Jsa and Jsb antigens to such Allelic High-incidence Low-incidence Obsolete treatment, as compared to other Kell antigens,8 is proba- K(K1)/k(K2) Ku(K5) Ula(K10) Kw(K8) Kpa(K3)/Kpb(K4)/Kpc(K21) K12 K23 K9* bly due to the location of the amino acid substitution asso- Jsa(K6)/Jsb(K7) K13 K25(VLAN) K15* ciated with this polymorphism, which is within a cluster K11/K17 K16 5 K14/K24 K18 of cysteine residues. K19 This paper will review causes of weak expression of K20 antigens in the Kell blood group system, compare their K22 *K9(KL) has been replaced by K15(Kx) and K20(Km). Since K15 is not part relative strengths, and discuss how this information can of the Kell blood group system, it has been given system status by the ISBT be used in antibody identification studies. working party: 019(XK). IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY, VOLUME 13, NUMBER 3, 1997 75 R. ØYENETAL. K:–13 Phenotype linked XK gene was responsible for the observed weak- The original propositus and his sister are the only indi- ening of the Kell system antigens.3 There is no known viduals identified with RBCs of the K:–13 phenotype. family in which the McLeod phenotype has been passed Their RBCs have a decreased expression of common anti- from father to son. In one family, a normal K+k+ man and gens in the Kell system. It is not known if this decrease is a K–k+ McLeod carrier female have two McLeod pheno- due to a cis-modifying effect as is seen with the Kp(a+b–) type sons, one K+wk+w and the other K–k+w.19 These phenotype, since the low-incidence allele to K13 has not data indicate that the Kell genes are normal in the McLeod been discovered. It became apparent during family stud- phenotype but expression of the antigens is modified. ies that the two K:–13 individuals may have inherited the If immunized to allogenic RBCs, non-CGD McLeod indi- Ko gene as judged by tests with anti-Kx. Titration studies viduals produce anti-Km and CGD McLeod individuals pro- using RBCs from presumed K:13/Ko family members did duce anti-Kx+Km. Anti-Km reacts with all RBCs of common 12 not exhibit weakening of Kell system antigens. Kell type but not with those of either McLeod or Ko phe- Individuals with RBCs of common Kell/Ko type cannot be notype. Anti-Kx+Km reacts with all RBCs except those with identified by quantitative studies if the Kpb gene is pres- McLeod phenotype (of CGD and non-CGD types).15,20 13–15 ent. Therefore, it is unlikely that the weak expression Thus, crossmatch-compatible McLeod or Ko RBCs may be of Kell antigens observed in the K:–13 phenotype is a con- used to transfuse immunized non-CGD McLeod individuals, sequence of the Ko allele. while only McLeod RBCs will be compatible with serum from immunized CGD McLeod individuals. Kmod Phenotypes Anti-Kx+Km is required to identify conclusively Kmod is an umbrella term used to describe RBCs that McLeod phenotype RBCs. This antibody, which is only have a permanent decreased expression of Kell system made by individuals with the CGD-type of McLeod, is in antigens.16 The degree of Kell system antigen depression short supply and thus detection of McLeod phenotype of Kmod RBCs varies from individual to individual (rang- RBCs mainly relies on observed weakening of Kell anti- ing from nonreactive to 1+ on direct testing) but appears gens on the individual’s RBCs by hemagglutination. Since to be a permanent feature of an individual’s own RBCs. different Kell system antibodies vary in their ability to RBCs from Kmod individuals from the same family show a detect weakened expression of the corresponding anti- similar degree of depression.17 The antigen depression gen of RBCs with the McLeod phenotype, we recom- may be so severe that adsorption and elution using potent mend that suitable sera be preselected for this purpose. Kell system antibodies may be needed to differentiate In our experience, anti-K14 (polyclonal and monoclonal) Kmod RBCs from Ko phenotype RBCs. Indeed, some is the most effective specificity. Flow cytometry using examples originally thought to be of the Ko phenotype anti-K14 demonstrates the weakening of this antigen on have been reclassified as Kmod. The Kx antigen is RBCs from McLeod phenotype males and clearly shows 21,22 enhanced on Kmod phenotype RBCs, a feature that dis- the two RBC populations in McLeod carrier females. tinguishes the phenotype from the McLeod phenotype. McLeod carrier females have two populations of RBCs: Individuals with the Kmod phenotype, if immunized, one is of the McLeod type and the other is of common Kell produce an antibody similar to anti-Ku (called anti- type. The proportion of McLeod RBCs to common Kell RBCs Ku–like), an antibody that is nonreactive against Ko RBCs varies in different females but is consistent within a female 21 and autologous RBCs (Table 2). The antibodies from Kmod over time and in different females in the same family. individuals are not mutually compatible when crosstest- 18 a ed against other Kmod RBCs. Kp cis-modifying in conjunction with McLeod Severe depression of Kell antigens has been reported McLeod Phenotype in one family in which the propositus appeared to have 23 RBCs of the McLeod phenotype (both chronic granu- RBCs of the Ko phenotype. However, his RBCs had a lomatous disease [CGD] and non-CGD types) show very weak expression of the Kx antigen. His son’s RBCs marked weakening of all Kell system antigens and lack the typed Kp(a+b+)Kx+ and his two daughters’ RBCs typed Kx antigen (Table 2). The phenotype was initially con- Kp(a+wb+w)Kxw. Molecular studies showed he had the sidered to belong to the Kell blood group system; how- Kpa/Kpa genotype and that his XK gene had a single base ever, the inheritance of the McLeod phenotype is change within the donor splice consensus sequence of X-linked.
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