•. •. .. -. ~. ' 1889. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 79 CODE OF JOINT RULES. IOWA. John H. Gear. E. H. Conger. Mr. ALDRICH. I am directed by the Committee on Rules to offer W.I.Hayes. James P. Flick. a resolution, and to ask for its present consideration. D. B. Henderson. Joseph R. Reed. Joseph H. Sweney, J.P. Dolliver. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. Daniel Kerr. Isaac S. Struble. The Chief Clerk read as follows: John F. Lacey. Resolved by the Senate ofCM United states (the House of Representatives concurring), KANSAS. That the Committee on Rules of the Senate and the Committee on Rules of the Edmund N. MonilL John A. Anderson. House of Representatives are hereby constituted a joint select committee to E. H. Funston. Erastus J. Turner. prepare and report a code of joint rules for conducting the business between Bishop W. Perkins. Samuel Ritter Peters, the two Houses. Harrison Kelley._ Mr. EDMUNDS. That had better go over and be printed, Mr. KENTUCKY. William J. Stone. William C. P. Breckinridge,. President. William T. Ellis. J.B. :McCreiny. TheVICE-PRESIDENT. Theresolutionwilllieoverandbeprinted. I. H. Goodnight. Thomas H. Paynter. FOUR HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. A. B. Montgomery. John H. Wilson. .Asher Graham Caruth. H.F. Finley. Mr. ALDRICH. I am also directed by the Committee on Rules to John Griffin Carlisle. offer the resolution which I send to the desk. LOUISIANA. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The resolution will be read. Theodore S. Wilkinson. Newton 0. Blanchard. The Chief Clerk read as follows: H. Dudley Coleman. Charles J. Boatner. Andrew Price. S. M. Robertson. Resolved, That a select committee of nine Senators be appointed, to be called the Quadro-Centennial Committee, to whom shall be referred all matters MAINE. eonnected with the proposed celebration of the four hundredth anniversary Thomas B. R~ed. Seth L. Milliken. of the discovery of America. Nelson Dingley, jr. Charles A. Boutelle. Mr. ALDRICH. I ask that the resolution may be printed and lie MARYLAND. Charles H. Gibson. Henry Stockbrldge,jr, on the table. Herman Stump. Barnes Compt-0n. The VICE-PRESIDENT. It will lie over and be print~d, if there Han-y Welles Rusk. Louis E. McComas. be no objection. The Chair hears no objection, and it is so ordered. MASSACHUSETTS. Mr. CULLOM. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. Charies S. Randall. William Cogswell. The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 32 minntesp. m.) Elijah A. Morse. the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 3, 1889, at John F. Andrew. J~?~ '?v~cli1:fli~"r. ' .. .Joseph H. O'Neil. Joseph H. Walker• 12 o'clock m. N. P.Banks. Rodney Wallace. Henry Cabot Lodge, F. W. RockwelL MICillGAN. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. J. Logan Chipman. Justin R. Whiting. Edward P. Allen. Aaron T. Bliss. MONDAY, December 2, 1889. James O'Donnell. Byron M. Cutcb.aon, .Julius 0. Burrows. F. W. Wheeler. In accordance with constitutional provision, the members-elect of Charles E. Belknap. Samuel l'tf. Stephenson. the Honse of Representatives of the Fifty-first Congress met in their Mark S. Brewer. l\IINNESOTA. Hall at the Capitol, and were called to order at12 o'clock m. by Hon. Mark H. Dunnell. S. P.Snider. J, B. CLARK, Clerk of the last House. John Lind. Sol. G. Comstock. The CLERK. The House will come to order. The hour having Darwin S. Hall. arrived fixed by law for the meeting of the Fifty-first Congress, the MISSISSIPPI. Clerk will now proceed to call the roll, and members will please respond John M. Allen. C. L. Anderson. when their names are called. James Bright Morgan. T. R. Stockdale. Thomas C. Catchings. C. E. Hooker. The roll was then called, showing the pre.sence of the following Clarke Lewis. Members and Delegates: MISSOURI. ALABAMA. W. H.Hatch. F. G. Niedringhaus. Richard H. 'Clarke. James E. Cobb. C. H. Mansur. Nathan Frank. Hilary A. Herbert. .John H. Bankhead. Alexander M.. Dockery, William l\LKinsey. William C. Oates. William H. Forney. Robert P. C. Wilson. R. P. Bland. Louis W. Turpin. Joseph Wheeler. John C. Tarsney. W. J. Stone. ARKANSAS. John T. Heard. W.H. Wade. Richard H. Norton. J.P. Walker. W. II.Cate. John H. Rogers. Clifton R. Breckinridge. Samuel ,V, Peel, :MONTANA. -- Thomas C. McRae. Thomas H. Ca-rter. CALIFORNIA. John J. De Haven. W.W. Morrow. NEBRASKA. Marion Biggs. Thomas J. Clunie. William J. Connell, George w. E. Dorsey. Joseph McKenna, William Vandever. Gilbert L. Laws. COLORADO. NEVADA. Hosea. Towruiend. Horace F. Dartine. CONNECTICUT. NEW HAMPSffiRE. William Edgar Simonds. Charles A. Russell, Alonzo Nute. Orren C. Moo.re. W. F. Willcox. Frederick Miles. DELAWARE. NEW JERSEY. Chris. A. Bergen. C. D. Beckwith. John B. Penington. James Buchanan. Herman Lehlbach. FLOBID A. J. A. Geissenhainer. William McAdoo. R.H. M. Davidson. Robert Bullock. Samuel Fowler. GEORGIA. NEW YORK. :· James W. Covert. J. A. Quackenbush. Rufus E. Lester. James H. Blount. Felix Campbell. Charles Tracey. Henry G. Turner. J. C. Clements. William C. W allace. John Sanford. ·', Charles F. Crisp. H. H. Carlton. John M. Clancy. John H.:Moffitt. Thomas W. Grimes. A. D. Candler. T. F. Magner. Fred. Lansing. John D. Stewart. George T. Barnes. E. J. Dunphy. .James S.Sherman. ILLINOIS. J. H. McCarth y. James J. Belden. Abner Taylor. W.H. Gest. Amos J. Cummings. Milton De Lano. Frank Lawler. Scott Wike. Francis B. Spinola.. T.S.Flood. W.E.Mason. William M. Springer. John Quinn. John Raines. George E. Adams. Jonathan H. Rowell. Roswell P. Flower. Charles S. Baker. A. J. Hopkins. Joseph G. Cannon. A. P. Fitch. John G. Sawyer. Robert R. Hitt. George W. Fithian. W. G. Stahlnecker. ·J.M. Farquhar. T. J. Henderson. Edw&rd Lane. Moses D. St.ivers. J.1\I. Wiley. · Charles Augustus Hill. W. S. Forman. J. H. Ketcliam. W. G. Laidlaw. .· Lewis E. Payson. James R. 'Villiams, Char!es J. Knapp. Philip Sidney Post. George W. Smith. NORTH CAROLINA. Thomas G. Skinner. A. Rowland. Th'"DIANA. H.P. Cheatham. John S. Henderson. 'Villiam. F. Parrett. Elijah V. Brookshire. C. W. McClammy. W. H. H . Cowles. .Jason B. Brown. Joseph B. Cheadle. B.H.Bunn. Hamilton G. Ewa.no William S. Ilolman. William D. Owen. Johnll\L Brower. ), George ,V, Cooper. Augustus N. Martin. NORTH DAKOTA. Thomas M.. Browne. C. A. 0. :McClellan. William D. Bynum. Benjamin F. S'b.ively. H. 0. Hansbrough, ·. -. , ... -· ' .• ....· \. 80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 2,. omo. It is as follows: Benjamin Butterworth. Jacob J. Pugsley. John .A. Caldwell. JosephH. Outhwaite. List of changes since the election of the Fi,fty-flrst House of Represent• Elihu S. Williams. Cha.rles P. Wickham. atives. Samuel S. Yoder. Charles H. Grosvenor, George E. Seney, James W. Owens. M . .l\I. Boothman. Joseph D. Ta.ylor. District. Name. Date Successor. Henry L. Morey. William McKinley, jr. of vacancy. Robert P. Kennedy. Ezra B. Taylor. William C. Cooper. Martin L. Smyser. 10th Missouri.... James N. Burnes* ............ Jan. 24, 1889 Robert P.O.Wilson. William E. Haynes. Theodore E. Burton. 19th Jllinois...... Richard W. Townshend•.. Mar. 9, 1889 James R. Williams, A. C. Thompson. 4th Kansas ......... Thomas Ryant................. Apr. 3, 1889 Harrison Kelley. OREGON. 2d Louisiana .. ; .. Edward Gay*................... .l\Iay 30, 1889 .Andrew Price. Bin"er Hermann. 2d Nebraska ..... James Laird* .................... .Aug.17, 1889 Gilbert L. Laws. 9th New York ... Samuel S. Cox• ............... Sept.10,1889 .AmosJ.Cummings. PENNSYLVANIA. 27th New York .. Newton ,V. Nutting t ........ Oct. 12, 1889 Sereno E. Payne. Henry H. Bingham. H. C. McCormick. 6th New York ... Frank T. Fitzgerald t ........ Nov. 4, 1889 Charles H. Turner, Charles O' Neill. Charles R. Buckalew. William D. Kelley. Lewis E . .Atkinson. *Died. tResigned, Alfred C. Harmer. Levi Maish. Smedley Darlington. Edward Scull. The CLERK. Three hundred and twenty-seven members having an­ Robert A. Yardley. Samuel A. Craig. William Mutchler. John Dalzell. swered to their names, a quorum of the House is now present. The David B. Brunner. Thomas 1\1. Bayne. fust thing in order is a motion looking to the organization of the House Marriott Brosius. Joseph Warren Ray. by the election of its officers. Joseph A. Scranton, Charles C. Townsend. Edward S. Osborne. W. C. Culbertson. Mr. HENDERSON, of Illinois. l\fr. Clerk, I move that the House James B. Reilly. Lewis F. Watson. now proceed to the election of a Speaker to preside over its delibera­ John W. Rife. James Kerr. tions during the Fifty-first Congress. Myron B. Wright.. Mr. OATES. That is the first thing in order. RHODE ISLAND. The CLERK. Yes ; that is the first thing in order, that the House shall H.J. Spooner. W. O. Arnold. proceed to elect a Speaker to preside over ita deliberations. Nomina­ SOUTH CAROLIN.A. tions are now in order. Samnel Dibble. John J. Hemphill. Mr. HENDERSON, of Illinois. Mr. Clerk, I have the honor to George D. Tillman, George W. Dargan. place ,in nomination for Speaker of the Honse during the Fifty-first James S. Cothran. William Elliott. Con~ress the Hon. THOMAS B. REED, a Representative-elect from the William H. Perry. State of Main,e. [Applause.] SOUTH DAKOTA. I John A. Pickler. Mr. McCREARY. Mr. Clerk, nominate for Speaker of the House Oscars. Gifford. of Representatives the Hon. JOHN G. CARLISLE, of Kentucky. (Ap- TENNESSEE. plause.] ~ Alfred .A. Taylor. Joseph E. Washington. The CLERK. Are there any other nominations? If not, the Clerk J,. 0. Houk. Benjamin A. Enloe. j H. Clay Evans. Rice A. Pierce, will request Hon. JOSEPH G. CANNON, of Illinois Hon. R. Q. MILLS, Benton Mcl\iillin. James Phelan. of Texas; Hon. DAVID B. HENDEESON, of Iowa, and Hon.
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