NEW ADDITION TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English 000 GENERALITIES 1 Patel, Aakar, ed. and tr. Why I write : essays by Saadat Hasan Manto / edited and translated by Aakar Patel.-- Chennai: Tranquebar Press, 2014. x, 184p.; 20cm. ISBN : 978-93-84030-18-6. 080 MAN-p B207702 Price : RS.***350.00 2 Saroja, B. Selected speeches of Jawaharlal Nehru / B. Saroja.-- New Delhi: Axis Books, 2014. 213p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 210-211. ISBN : 978-93-82835-68-4. 080 NEH-b B207721 Price : RS.***895.00 3 Veeramani, K., comp. Thoughts of Periyar / compiled by K. Veeramani.--2nd ed.- Chennai: Dravidar Kazhagam Publications, 2012. 308p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-80972-24-4. 080 PER-v C72147 Price : Rs. 200.00 4 Misra, Anil Dutta Mahatma Gandhi speaks: selected speeches and writings / Anil Dutta Mishra and P.V. Sarma.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2014. xiv, 423p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 416-417. ISBN : 978-93-5125-046-3. 080G GAN-m B207878 Price : RS.***2505.00 100 PHILOSOPHY 5 Bryant, Andrew Self-leadership: how to become a more successful, efficient, and effective leader from the inside out / Andrew Bryant and Ana Lucia Kazan.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2013. xiii, 222p.: tables: figs.; 21cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 1-25-906466-2. 158.4 Q3 C72116 200 Religion 6 Karmapa: 900 years.--2nd rev. and exp. ed.-- Kangra: Karmapa 900 Organizing Committee, 2011. 123p.: plates;30cm. ISBN : 978-1-934608-28-9. 294.3923 Q1 C72172 7 Rao, K.L. Seshagiri, ed. Encyclopedia of Hinduism / edited by K.L. Seshagiri Rao...[et al].-- New Delhi: Rupa, 2010. 11v.: plates: tables; 29cm. Contents: V.1 A; V.2 A-B; V.3 C-D; V.4 E-H; V.5 H-K; V.6 K M; V.7 M-P; V.8 P-R; V.9 S; V.10 S-T ; V.11 U-Z; Includes bibliographical references. B208003-B208011,v.1-11 ISBN : 978-81-291-1588-1. R 294.503 Q0 B208003; B208011, (v.1-v.11) Price : RS.*21000.00 8 Aravind S. Gayatri to eternity / Aravind S.-- Bangalore: Centre for Amala Consciousness, 2010.xiii,115p.:tables:illus.;22cm. 294.537 Q0 C72199 Price : RS.***150.00 9 Swami, M. Sivakumara Vedic language and literature / M. Sivakumara Swamy.-- Bangalore: Akshara Mantapa, 2010. xii, 332p.; 23cm. 294.5921 Q0 C72197 Price : RS.***500.00 10 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar The arctic home in the Vedas / Bal Gangadhar Tilak.-- Delhi: Shivalik Prakashan, 2010. xiii, 397p.: tables: illus.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-88808-56-3. 294.5921 Q0 C72201 Price : RS.***995.00 11 Khan, Abdul Majeed Muhammed: peace be upon him: a biography in verse / Abdul Majeed Khan.--2nd ed.-- Bangalore: Medianads, 2011. xvii, 184p.; 22cm. 297.63 N1;Q1 C72203 Price : RS.***225.00 12 Engineer, Asghar Ali Jihad and other essays / Asghar Ali Engineer.-- Kozhikode : The Book People, 2013. x, 298p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-93-82934-318. 297.72 Q3 B207726 Price : RS.***595.00 300 Social Science 13 Desai, Nishtha Liberation vs armed aggression: the media response to Goa's liberation / Nishtha Desai; with a foreword by Peter Ronald deSouza.-- Panaji: Directorate of Art and Culture, 2011. 136p.: plates; 24cm. ISBN : 978-81-920271-1-1. 302.23095458 Q1 C72230 Price : RS.***395.00 14 Moe, Wendy W. Social media intelligence / Wendy W. Moe and David A. Schweidel.-- Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2014. x, 194p.: figs.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-1-107-45153-7. 302.231 Q4 B208058 Price : RS.***695.00 15 D'Arcy, Stephen Languages of the unheard: why militant protest is good for democracy / Stephen D'Arcy.-- London: Zed Books, 2014 223p.; 22cm. First published in Canada in 2013. ISBN : 978-1-78360-162-2. 303.6 Q4 B207905 Price : (PD ****14.99) 16 Arvinder Singh Religious terrorism: an offshoot of religious fundamentalism / Arvinder Singh.-- Chandigarh: Unistar Books, 2014. 183p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-5113-364-3. 303.625 Q4 B207673 Price : RS.***850.00 17 Pandya, Rameshwari Women police: issues and challenges / Rameshwari Pandya and Aarti Upasani.-- New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2014. vii, 133p.: tables: plates; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 117-118. ISBN : 978-81-8387-618-6. 305.433632 Q4 B207854 Price : RS.***495.00 18 Krishna, S.G. Backward classes of citizens [OBCs]: what the statutes say / S.G. Krishna; foreword by Shankara Khanderi.-- Bangalore:Chaithanya Abhivyakthi Vedike,2010.xi,61p.; 22cm. 305.5680954 Q0 C72206 Price : RS.***50.00 19 Biradar, G.A. Mahatma Gandhi's campaign against untouchability in Karnataka / G.A. Biradar.-- Bhramaramba Kalamantapa: Chaitrapallavi Prakashana, 2010. xii, 116p.; 21cm. Includes bibliographical references. 305.5688095434G Q0 C72195 Price : RS.***100.00 20 Abbasi, Samiulla Muslims of Goa: past and present / Samiulla Abbasi.-- Bangalore: Samiulla Abbasi, 2011. iv, 142p.: plates: maps 21cm. Bibliography: p. 140-141. 305.697095458 Q1 C72200 Price : RS.***135.00 21 Jain, Rajendra K., ed. Multiculturalism in India and Europe / edited by Rajendra K. Jain.-- Delhi: Aakar Books, 2014. xvii, 214p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-5002-279-5. 305.800954 Q4 B207710 Price : RS.****595.00 22 Northey, W. Brook The Gurkhas: their manners, customs and country / W. Brook Northey and C.J. Morris.-- New Delhi: Life Span Publishers, 2014. vii, 250p.; 23cm. (Rs. 700/-). Bibliography: p. 243-244. ISBN : 978-93-81709-23-8. 306.095496 Q4 B207657 Price: Rs. 700.00 23 Chattopadhyay, Pranab Kumar Growth and diversification: aspects of rural development / Pranab Kumar Chattopadhyay.-- New Delhi: New Delhi Publishers, 2014. xxvi, 456p.: figs.: tables: plates; 23cm. A.K. Dasgupta Center for Planning and Development.( A Center sponsored by the Planning Commission, GOI, Visva Bharti, W.B.) ISBN : 978-93-81274-78-1. 307.14120954 Q4 B207852 Price : RS.**1300.00 24 Irpate, Vinayak S. Sociology of tribal society / Vinayak S. Irpate; foreword by Robin D. Tribhuvan.-- New Delhi: Agri-Bio Vet Press, 2014. x, 158p.: tables; 24cm. ISBN : 978-81-922290-9-6. 307.772095452 Q4 B207899 Price : RS.**1495.00 320 Political Science 25 Zimmerman, William Ruling Russia: authoritarianism from the revolution to Putin / William Zimmerman.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. viii, 329p.: figs.: tables; 24cm.Bibliography: p. 311-321. ISBN : 978-0-691-16148-8. 320.947 Q4 B207684 Price : ($ ****29.95) 26 Gudavarthy, Ajay Maoism, democracy and globalisation: cross-currents in Indian politics / Ajay Gudavarthy.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014. xii, 243p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-321-1847-3. 320.954 Q4 B208069 Price : RS.***895.00 27 Jalan, Bimal, ed. Politics trumps economics: the interface of economics and politics in contemporary India / edited by Bimal Jalan and Pulapre Balakrishnan.--New Delhi: Rainlight,2014. Ix, 211p.:figs.:tables;23cm.Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-291-3273-4. 320.954 Q4 B207906 Price : RS.***500.00 28 Shah, S.K. India: shining and sinking / S.K. Shah.-- New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2014. 159p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-291-3144-7. 320.954 Q4 B207689 ` Price : RS.***295.00.00 29 De Souza, Juino The Goan voice of reason: a critique of the relations between the principles that matter most and the world of a man's ideas all out of love for Goa / Juino De Souza.-- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2011. 267p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-80837-11-6. 320.95458 Q1 C72219 Price : RS.***350.00 30 Gandhi, M.K. Hind swaraj and other writings / M.K. Gandhi; edited by Anthony J. Parel.--centenary ed.-- New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2011. xcii, 201p.; 23cm. (Cambridge texts in modern politics). Bibliography: p. 187-192. Reprint of 2009 ed. ISBN : 978-0-521-14914-3. 321.86G P9 C72060 Price : RS.***395.00 31 Meena, Alok Kumar Human rights: evolution, implementation and evaluation / Alok Kumar Meena.-- New Delhi: Palm Leaf Publications, 2013. 2v.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-81-909539-3-1. 323 Q3 B207857,V.1; B207858,V.2 Price : RS.***995.00 32 Bhabha, Jacqueline Child migration and human rights in a global age / Jacqueline Bhabha.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. xi, 374p.: plates; 24cm. (Human rights and crimes against humanity). ISBN : 978-0-691-14360-6. 323.352 Q4 B207714 Price : ($ ****35.00) 33 Markandey, Kalpana Election atlas of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana / Kalpana Markandey and Simhadri and Somanaboina.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2014. xvi, 180p.: maps: figs.: tables 25cm. ISBN : 9789351250562. 324.6095431 Q4 B207879 Price : RS.**750.00 34 Mascarenhas-Keyes, Stella Colonialism, migration and the International Catholic Goan Community / Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes.-- Saligao: Goa 1556, 2011. xxiv, 430p.: plates: tables: illus.: maps;22cm. Bibliography: p. 393-423. ISBN : 978-93-80739-31-1. 325.5458 Q1 C72227 Price : RS.***450.00 35 Mearsheimer, John J. The tragedy of great power politics / John J. Mearsheimer --updated ed.-- New York: W.W. Norton, 2014. xxi, 561p.: maps: tables; 24cm. (The Norton series in world politics). ISBN : 978-0-393-34927-6. 327.101 Q4 B208057 Price : ($ ****19.95) 36 Mistry, Dinshaw The US-India nuclear agreement: diplomacy and domestic politics / Dinshaw Mistry.-- Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2014. xii, 280p.: tables; 24cm. ISBN : 978-1-107-07341-8. 327.17470954 Q4 B208101 Price : RS.**695.00 37 Maass, Matthias, ed. Foreign policies and diplomacies in Asia: changes in practice, concepts, and thinking in a rising region / edited by Matthias Maass.-- Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. 207p.; 24cm.(Global Asia). Bibliography: p. 185-207. ISBN : 978-90-8964-540-1. 327.5 Q4 B208100 Price : (PD ****64.00) 38 Saikal, Amin Zone of crisis: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq / Amin Saikal.-- London: I.B.Tauris, 2014.xiii,225p.;24cm. Bibliography: p. 207-216. ISBN : 978-1-78076-319-4. 327.5 Q4 B208094 Price : RS.**1495.00 39 Harris, Stuart China's foreign policy / Stuart Harris.-- Cambridge: Polity Press, 2014.
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