Star Trek ❑ Phased Cloaking Device R RoA ❑ Crisis S Voy ❑ Male’s Love Interest C Prem ❑ Receptacle Stones R AU ❑ Crystalline Entity R Prem ❑ Male’s Love Interest S Voy Customizable Card Game ❑ Ressikan Flute R AU ❑ Cytherians R Prem ❑ Male’s Love Interest & Plague Ship P EP COMPLETE CARD LIST ❑ Saltah’na Clock R DS9 ❑ Cytoplasmic Life-form U HA ❑ Malfunctioning Door C AU ❑ Samuel Clemens’ Pocketwatch R AU ❑ Dal’Rok U DS9 ❑ Maman Picard U AU July 2002 ❑ Starry Night R RoA ❑ Dangerous Liaisons C RoA ❑ Matriarchal Society U Prem ❑ Sword of Kahless R BoG ❑ Dead End U FC ❑ Matriarchal Society S Voy The following list contains every non-foil card produced ❑ Tantalus Field R MM ❑ Dejaren C HA ❑ Menthar Booby Trap C Prem for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game from the ❑ The City of B’hala R HA ❑ Denevan Neural Parasites R MM ❑ Microbiotic Colony C Prem Premiere Set (November 1994) through The Motion ❑ The Earring of Li Nalas R Dom ❑ Distraction U MM ❑ Microvirus C Prem Pictures expansion (April 2002). The list is organized by ❑ The Genesis Device R TMP ❑ DNA Clues R DS9 ❑ Misguided Activist C DS9 card type and includes the rarity and set for each card. ❑ Thought Maker R Prem ❑ DNA Metamorphosis SR Fajo ❑ Mission Fatigue U Dom Dual-affliation cards are listed under the affiliation ❑ Time Travel Pod R Prem ❑ Don’t Call Me Ahab U FC ❑ My First Raygun R FC corresponding to the card’s border color (alternate-color ❑ Tox Uthat R Prem ❑ Drumhead U BoG ❑ Nagilum R Prem border cards are marked with * next to the expansion ❑ Varon-T Disruptor R Prem ❑ Duonetic Field Generator U DS9 ❑ Nanites U Prem abbreviation, e.g., *Voy). ❑ Vulcan Stone of Gol R Prem ❑ Edo Probe U AU ❑ Nausicaans U Prem ❑ Zefram Cochrane’s Telescope R FC ❑ El-Adrel Creature U Prem ❑ Navigational Hazards C Dom Key to Rarity ❑ Emergency Conversion C MM ❑ Navigational Hazards S Voy C Common DILEMMAS ❑ Emergent Life-form U HA ❑ New Essentialists U BoG C* Common, Starter Deck only (DS9) ❑ Empathic Echo C AU ❑ Nitrium Metal Parasites U Prem ❑ ❑ U Uncommon ❑ A Fast Ship Would Be Nice R MM Engine Imbalance U TMP No Loose Ends R DS9 ❑ ❑ R Rare ❑ Abandon Ship! P OTSD Executive Authorization R TWT None Shall Pass C DS9 ❑ ❑ R* Bonus Rare (occurs in a two-rare pack) ❑ Aggressive Behavior R Voy Extradition U DS9 Now Would Be A Good Time U TMP ❑ ❑ R+ Rare Plus (33% more rare than R) ❑ Alice C HA Female’s Love Interest C Prem Null Space U Prem ❑ ❑ UR Ultra-Rare ❑ Alien Abduction U Prem Female’s Love Interest S Voy Odo’s “Cousin” U DS9 ❑ ❑ SR Super Rare (The Fajo Collection) ❑ Alien Labyrinth C AU Female’s Love Interest & Garbage Scow P EP Ooby Dooby R FC ❑ ❑ S Starter Deck only (Voyager) ❑ Alien Parasites U Prem Ferengi Attack C AU Oops! C TWT ❑ ❑ P Premium ❑ Alien Parasites & REM Fatigue P EP Ferengi Bug U RoA Orion Syndicate Bomb R RoA ❑ ❑ Pv Preview ❑ Altonian Brain Teaser U DS9 Ferengi Infestation R TWT Outpost Raid C AU ❑ ❑ ❑ Anaphasic Organism C Prem Ferengi Ingenuity U BoG Palukoo U TWT ❑ ❑ Key to Expansions ❑ Anaphasic Organism & Nagilum P EP Firestorm U Prem Parallel Romance U AU ❑ ❑ Prem Premiere ❑ Ancient Computer R Prem Flash Plasma Storm U Voy Phased Matter C Prem ❑ ❑ AU Alternate Universe ❑ Ancient Computer & Microvirus P EP Flaxian Assassin U DS9 Photonic Energy Being U Borg ❑ ❑ QC Q-Continuum ❑ Android Nightmares U QC Founder Secret R Dom Portal Guard U Prem ❑ ❑ 2PG Introductory Two-Player Game ❑ Angry Mob C DS9 Frame of Mind U AU Primitive Culture R FC ❑ ❑ 1A First Anthology ❑ Ankari “Spirits” R Borg Framed for Murder U DS9 Primitive Humanoids C HA ❑ ❑ Fajo The Fajo Collection ❑ Aphasia Device C DS9 Friendly Fire C Dom Punishment Box U DS9 ❑ ❑ FC First Contact ❑ Archer C Prem Garak Has Some Issues R DS9 Punishment Zone C AU ❑ ❑ AT Away Team Pack ❑ Arms Deal U DS9 Garanian Bolites C DS9 “Pup” R DS9 ❑ ❑ OTSD Official Tournament Sealed Deck ❑ Armus – Skin of Evil R Prem “God” R TMP QRPrem ❑ ❑ DS9 Deep Space Nine ❑ Armus – Sticky Situation P OTSD Gorn Encounter U MM Q Gets The Point C TWT ❑ ❑ SD2 Starter Deck II ❑ Artillery Attack R MM Gravimetric Distortion C BoG Q’s Vicious Animal Things U QC ❑ ❑ EFC Enhanced First Contact ❑ Assassin’s Blade C DS9 Gravimetric Distortion S Voy Quantum Fissure U MM ❑ ❑ Dom The Dominion ❑ Assassin’s Blade S Voy Gravitic Mine U Prem Quantum Singularity Lifeforms U AU ❑ ❑ BoG Blaze of Glory ❑ Astral Eddy R Voy Hanonian Land Eel R Voy Radioactive Garbage Scow U Prem ❑ ❑ RoA Rules of Acquisition ❑ Balancing Act U FC Harvester Virus R DS9 Radioactive Garbage Scow S Voy ❑ ❑ 2A Second Anthology ❑ Balancing Act U Voy Hate Crime U DS9 Rascals U AU ❑ ❑ TWT The Trouble With Tribbles ❑ Barclay’s Protomorphosis Disease R Prem Hazardous Duty C BoG Rebel Encounter U Prem ❑ ❑ EP Enhanced Premiere ❑ Bendii Syndrome R QC Hazardous Duty S Voy REM Fatigue Hallucinations U Prem ❑ ❑ MM Mirror, Mirror ❑ Berserk Changeling U Dom Hero Worship R TMP Replicator Accident R Borg ❑ ❑ Voy Voyager ❑ Birth of “Junior” U Prem Hidden Entrance C AU Royale Casino: Blackjack U AU ❑ ❑ Borg The Borg ❑ Blended U FC Hippocratic Oath P OTSD Royale Casino: Craps U QC ❑ ❑ HA Holodeck Adventures ❑ Borg Servo U FC Hologram Ruse U Prem Royale Casino: Slots C MM ❑ ❑ TMP The Motion Pictures ❑ Borg Ship R Prem Horta R MM Sabotaged Negotiations U Borg ❑ ❑ ❑ Brief Romance C DS9 Hull Breach R Voy Sarjenka R Prem ❑ ❑ ❑ Cardassian Trap U AU Hunter Gangs C AU Scientific Method C RoA ARTIFACTS ❑ ❑ ❑ Center of Attention U RoA Hyper-Aging U Prem Scout Encounter R FC ❑ I Hate You C TMP ❑ Security Precautions C QC ❑ 1962 Roger Maris Baseball Card SR Fajo ❑ Chalnoth U Prem ❑ Iconian Computer Weapon C Prem ❑ Seismic Quake R DS9 ❑ Alien Gambling Device R DS9 ❑ Chinese Finger Puzzle C QC ❑ Impassable Door C Prem ❑ Shaka, When The Walls Fell U Prem ❑ Antique Machine Gun R FC ❑ Chula: Crossroads C RoA ❑ Implication C Voy ❑ Shot in the Back C FC ❑ Betazoid Gift Box R Prem ❑ Chula: Echoes C HA ❑ Impressive Trophies U Borg ❑ Skullduggery C DS9 ❑ Blade of Tkon R QC ❑ Chula: Pick One to Save Two U Dom ❑ In the Pale Moonlight U RoA ❑ Sleeper Trap R Dom ❑ Canar R QC ❑ Chula: The Abyss R BoG ❑ Interphasic Plasma Creatures C AU ❑ Spatial Rift C Voy ❑ Croden’s Key R Dom ❑ Chula: The Chandra R Dom ❑ Invasive Procedures U Borg ❑ Stellar Flare U BoG ❑ Cryosatellite R AU ❑ Chula: The Dice C Dom ❑ Isolinear Puzzle C DS9 ❑ Strange Bedfellows U RoA ❑ Data’s Head R AU ❑ Chula: The Door R RoA ❑ Kazon Bomb C Voy ❑ Strict Dress Code R FC ❑ Horga’hn R Prem ❑ Chula: The Drink R TWT ❑ Kelvan Show of Force R MM ❑ Subspace Fracture R Voy ❑ Iconian Gateway R AU ❑ Chula: The Game U MM ❑ Kidnappers C DS9 ❑ “Subspace Seaweed” U DS9 ❑ Interphase Generator R Prem ❑ Chula: The Lights C BoG ❑ Komar Possession U Voy ❑ Subspace Shock Wave C TMP ❑ Kurlan Naiskos R Prem ❑ Chula: The Way Home C TWT ❑ Ktarian Game R Prem ❑ Surprise Assault C Dom ❑ Magic Carpet Ride OCD R FC ❑ Chula: Trickery U HA ❑ Lack of Preparation C FC ❑ System-Wide Cascade Failure R QC ❑ Mona Lisa R QC ❑ Civil Unrest C Voy ❑ Lack Of Preparation S Voy ❑ Talosian Cage U HA ❑ Mysterious Orb R DS9 ❑ Clan People C DS9 ❑ Lethean Telepathic Attack U DS9 ❑ Tarellian Plague Ship U Prem ❑ Ophidian Cane R AU ❑ Coalescent Organism R AU ❑ Lineup C TWT ❑ Temporal Causality Loop R Prem ❑ Orb Fragment R DS9 ❑ Common Thief C DS9 ❑ Linguistic Legerdemain C TMP ❑ The Cloud R Voy ❑ Orb of Prophecy and Change Pv 1A ❑ Common Thief S Voy ❑ Lockbox C DS9 ❑ The Clown: Beneath the Mask U Borg ❑ Orb of Prophecy and Change R Dom ❑ Computer Weapon & Hyper-Aging P EP ❑ Macrovirus R Voy ❑ The Clown: Guillotine U HA ❑ Orb of Time R TWT ❑ Conundrum C AU ❑ Maglock C FC ❑ The Clown: My Festival R Borg ❑ Orb of Wisdom R RoA ❑ Cosmic String Fragment U Prem ❑ Make Us Go P OTSD ❑ The Clown: Playing Doctor R HA ❑ Persistence of Memory SR Fajo ❑ Crisis C Dom ❑ The Gatherers C AU ❑ Classic Tricorder U TWT ❑ Abandon Mission R FC ❑ Meditation U Borg ❑ The Higher… The Fewer U AU ❑ Classic Type II Phaser C TWT ❑ Activate Subcommands C FC ❑ Memory Wipe P SD2 ❑ The Sheliak R QC ❑ D’k Tahg C BoG ❑ Activate Subcommands C Borg ❑ Metaphasic Shields U Prem ❑ The Swarm R Voy ❑ Dominion PADD C Dom ❑ Alas, Poor Drone U Borg ❑ Mirror Image U FC ❑ The Three Vipers R DS9 ❑ Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone R AU ❑ Alien Probe U Prem ❑ Mission Debriefing U FC ❑ The Weak Will Perish R Borg ❑ Engineering Kit C Prem ❑ Ancestral Vision R Voy ❑ Mission Debriefing U Voy ❑ The Whale Probe R TMP ❑ Engineering Kit S Voy ❑ Anti-Time Anomaly R Prem ❑ Mot’s Advice U AU ❑ Theta-Radiation Poisoning R FC ❑ Engineering PADD C Prem ❑ Atmospheric Ionization C Prem ❑ Neural Servo Device U Prem ❑ Thought Fire C AU ❑ Engineering Tricorder C DS9 ❑ Automated Security System R DS9 ❑ Nutational Shields U Prem ❑ Trabe Grenade C Voy ❑ Engineering Tricorder S Voy ❑ Bajoran Civil War R DS9 ❑ Ocular Implants R FC ❑ Trauma R DS9 ❑ Federation PADD C Prem ❑ Barber Pole U QC ❑ Omega Particle U Borg ❑ Tsiolkovsky Infection R Prem ❑ Ferengi Disruptor C RoA ❑ Baryon Buildup C AU ❑ Oo-mox C HA ❑ Twisted U Voy ❑ Ferengi Disruptor Rifle U RoA ❑ Blood Screening U MM ❑ Organian Peace Treaty C TWT ❑ Two-Dimensional Creatures U Prem ❑ Ferengi PADD C RoA ❑ Brainwash R QC ❑ Particle Scattering Field C AU ❑ Under Fire U BoG ❑ Ferengi Whip U MM ❑ Bynars Data Transfer U HA ❑ Pattern Enhancers C Prem ❑ Undetected Beam-In R FC ❑ Gold-Pressed Latinum C RoA ❑ Bynars Weapon Enhancement R Prem ❑ Plasma Fire C Prem ❑ Unscientific Method P OTSD ❑ Hirogen Disruptor Rifle U Borg ❑ Calamarain R QC ❑ Q-Net C Prem ❑ Untrustworthy Associate U DS9 ❑ Hirogen Talon C Borg ❑ Captain’s Log U AU ❑ Quantum Slipstream Drive C Borg ❑ Vantika’s Neural Pathways C DS9 ❑ Hypospray U DS9 ❑ Captain’s Log U Voy ❑ Raise The Stakes U Prem ❑ Vendetta C DS9 ❑ I.P.
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