January/ February 1979 Vol. 11 No. 1 $1 .25 FOR THE From Vietnam to DNA: SftP 1969-197'9 Book Review: For Her- Own Good Advent: A Community Struggle AAAS and Argentina Regional Conferences CHAPTERS AND CClNTACTS Science for the People is an organization of people involved or interested in science and technology-related issues, whose activities are directed at: 1) exposing the class control of science and technology, 2) organizing campaigns which criticize, challenge and proP,ose alternatives to the present uses of science and technology, and 3) developing a political strategy by which people in the technical strata can ally with other progressive f-orces in society. SftP opposes the ideologies of sexism, racism,·elitism and their practice, and holds an anti­ imperialist world-view. Membership in SftP is defined as subscribing to the magazine and/or actively participating in local SftP activities. ARIZONA: Sedley Aileen Josserand. IOWA: Henry Howe. Dept of Zoology, Phil Bereano. 316 Guggenheim. FS-15. 3730 East Bellevue No. 9. Tucson. AZ University of Iowa. Iowa City. Iowa 52242. Univ. of Washington. Seattle WA 98195. 85716. (206) 543-9037. MARYLAND: Baltimore Chapter: c/o ARKANSAS: Joe Neal. P 0 Box 1772, Alternative Press Center 2958 Green mount WISCONSIN: Cal Pierce. 525 W. Dayton Fayetteville. AR 72701 Dotty Oliver. P 0 Ave , Baltimore. MD 21218. No. 2. Madison. WI 53703. (608) 255- Box 2641. Little Rock. AR 72201. 7019. CALIFORNIA: Berkeley Chapter: MASSACHUSETTS: Amherst Science for the People. P 0 Box 4.161, Chapter: P.O. Box 599, N. Amherst. MA Berkeley, CA 94 7 04. Kevin Cadogan. 1033 01059. Marvin Kalkstein, University Chapters and Contacts Rose Ave, Oakland. CA 94611 (415) 658- Without Walls, Wysocki House, University 7263. San Francisco Chapter: Lou Gold. of Massachusetts. Amherst. MA 01002. Outside U.S. P 0 Box 34-161, San Francisco, CA Boston Chapter: Science for the People. I I 94134. (415) 584-0992. Palo Alto 897 Main St. Cambridge, MA 02139. AUSTRALIA: Tony Dolk, 17 Trade St .. ..J Chapter: c/o Palo Alto Tenants Union. (617) 547-0370 424 Lytton Ave .. Palo Alto. CA 94306. Newtown. New South Wales. 2042. Australia. L.A. Chapter: c/o AI Heubner. P 0 Box MICHIGAN: Ann Arbor Chapter: 4104 368. Canoga Park. CA 91306. (213) 347- Michigan Union. Ann Arbor, Ml 48109. BELGIUM: Gerard Valenduc. Centre 9992. Shel Plotkin. 3318 Colbert Ave, Los (313) 971-1165. Lansing Chapter: Galilee. B.P. Galilee 047. B-1348. Louvain­ Angeles. CA 90066. (213) 391-4223 Eileen Van Tassell. 2901 Lovejoy Rd, La Neuve. Belgium. Santa Cruz Chapter: P.O. Box 854. Santa Perry, Ml48872. (517) 625-7656. Cruz. CA 95060. Suzanne Serat. 2-3905 E. DENMARK: Susse Georg. NOR Fasanvej Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz. CA 95062. (408) 475- MINNESOTA: Micky Lauria. 1418 E. 378. 2 t.v .. 200 Copenhagen F, Denmark. 3471. Michael J Williams. 328 51st St. 22nd St. Minneapolis. MN 55404. (612) Jorgen Bansler, Gl. Kalkbraenderivej 17 A. No.2. Sacramento, CA 95819. (916) 456- 871-8874, (612) 323-4581. 2100 Copenhagen 0, Denmark. 3647. David Schnitzer. 808 Roberto Ave .. MISSOURI: St. Louis Ch..,ter: Science Santa Barbara. CA 93109. (805) 966- for the People. Contract Sta. 24. Box 90. ENGLAND: Dave Hayes. 14 Goodwin 2057. AI Weinrub, 104 So. 16th St, San St. Louis. MO. 63130. (314) 533-1936. Rd .. Sheffield B. Yorkshire. England. British Jose. CA 95112 (408) 292-2317. Dave Joe Eker. Rm. W-137. Box 29. Univ. of Society for Social Responsibility in Science. Offen. 2044 Oakley Ave , Menlo Park. CA Missouri Medical Center. Columbia. MO 9 Poland St.. London. W1V3DG. England. 94025. (415) 8 54-2422. Helen Nunberg. 65201. 01-437-2728. 802 E. 16th St. San Bernadino. CA 92404. Irvine Chapter: SftP. PO Box 4792. Irvine. NEW HAMPSHIRE: Steve Cavrak. The IRELAND: Hugh Dobbs. 28 Viewmount CA 92716. Davis Chapter: c/o P Hardt. Oaks. Henniker. NH 03242. Park. Waterford. Eire. Phone 051-75757. 318 J St. No. 40. Davis. CA 95616 NEW YORK: Marvin Resnikoff. 84 DeWitt INDIA: D.L. Surendra. 3B. Thandava Raya CONNECTICUT: N. Sadanand, Dept of St. Buffalo, NY 14213. (716) 884-0497. St .. San Thome. Madras-4. India. Physics. University of Connecticut, Storrs. Tedd Judd. Dept. of Psychology, Cornell QUEBEC: Bob Cedergren. Dept. of CT 06268. Neal and Margie Rosen. 71 Univ. Ithaca. NY 14853. New York City Biochemistry, Univ. of Montreal, Montreal Stanley St. New Haven, CT 06511 Chapter: c/o Red Schiller 233 E. 21st St. Apt 18. New York. NY 10010. (212) 254- 101. Quebec. Canda. 1365. D.S.C. Rm 208, CUNY Graduate DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Walda Katz School, 33 W. 42nd St. New York. NY MANITOBA: Roy Johnstone. c/o Argyle Fishman. 6617 Millwood Rd , Bethesda, 10036. Stony Brook Chapter: c/o Ted High. 30 Argyle St. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Md. 22034. (301) 320-4034. Goldfarb, Chemistry Dept. SUNY. Stony Canada. Brook. NY 11794. (516) 246-5053. ONTARIO: Toronto Chapter; Science FLORIDA: Gainesville Research NORTH CAROLINA: Marc Miller. 51 for the People. P.O. Box 25. Station "A". Collective. 630 NW 34th Place. Gainesville, Scarborough. Ontario. Canada M 1 K 5B9. FL 32601 Tallahassee Chapter: c/o Davie Circle. Chapel Hill. NC 27514. (9'19) 929-9332. 929-2141. Allan C. Vaisius. 2555 Bloor St. West, Progressive Technology, P.O. Box 20049. Toronto. Ontario. Canada M65 151. 828- Tallahassee. FL 32304. Science for the OHIO: Jenny Thie. 2147 Fulton Ave .. 5271. People Communications Committee. Box Cincinatti. OH 45206 (513) 281-6149. U-6912. Tallahassee. FL 32313. Dinesh C OREGON: Portland Chapter: Craig WEST I NOlES:, C. Raymond Mahadeo. Sharma. 270 Delmar. Ft. Myers. FL 33931 Newby, 920 SE 31st Ave. Portland. OR Caroni Research Station, Carapichaima, (813) 463-0395 97214. (503) 235-1277. Trinidad. West Indies. HAWAII: Allan Oaten. Dept of Zoology, PENNSYLVANIA: Ruth Weinstein. 2116 Edmonson Hall. U of Hawaii, Honolulu Walnut St.. Apt. 2R. Philadelphia. PA 96822. 948-8678. 395-3125. 19103. (215) 561-4323. ILLINOIS: Chicago Chapter: c/o Ivan VIRGINIA: Kenneth Solomon, MD .. Dept. Handler. 2531 N. Washtenaw. Chicago. IL of Psychiatry, Medical College of Virginia. 60647. (312) 342-6975 Urbana­ Richmond, VA 23298. Jean Loria, Route A. A chapter consists of three or more people Champaign Chapter: 284 lllini Union. Box 496. Apt 7 A. Charlottesville. VA meeting regularly. If you want to help start Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 333-7076. 22903. (804) 973-1206 a chapter or be a contact person for your area. please contact Science for the People. IOWA: Paul C. Nelson. 604 Hodge. Ames. WASHINGTON: David Westman. 919 897 Ma1n St.. Cambridge. MA 02139. Tel: lA 50010. (515) 232-2527. 2nd Ave .. W. No. 604. Seattle. WA 98119. (617)547 0370 2 Science for the People Science for the People inside JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1979 VOL. 11 No.1 MAGAZINE COMMITTEES ·Production Barbara Beckwith 2 Chapters and Contacts Dennis Del Donno Eric Entemann 4 About This Issue Ross Feldberg Jim Flowers 5 Letters Alan Frolich Kathy Greeley 6 Common Air, Common Ground Mimi Halpern ' ! Diane Lande by Linda McPhee 14 Peggy Lester Claire Lepkowski 10 Resources Ronnie Lipshutz Carol McShettfrey Mary Nelson 11 Book Review: For Her Own Good Bob Park by Nora Mitchell Connie Phillips Martha Robb 15 AAAS Deceived by Argentine Junta Lorraine Roth George Salzman by Carlos Pereyra Scott Schneider Elaine Soteropoulos 18 Science for the People -A Ten Year Ray Valdes Peter Ward Retrospective Diane Wilson by Kathy Greeley and Sue Tafler Editorial Doug Boucher Alan Frolich 26 Newsnotes Dick Leigh Jim Lester 27 Redirecting Contraceptive Research Steve Nadel by Judy Norsigian Connie Phillips Rich Rosen 31 Reports from the SftP Midwest Miriam Struck Tallahassee Chapter and Eastern Regional Jim Tobias Mark Wilson Conferences Distribution Jon Beckwith Eric Entemann Peggy Lester Bob Park Science tor the People magazine is published bimonthly by the national organization Lorraine Roth Science for the People (see facing page for chapters and contacts). Our address is 897 Ray Valdes Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Tel: (617) 547-0370. We welcome contributions of all Peter Ward kinds: articles, book r(lviews, artwork, cartoons, etc. Please see our editorial guidelines on the inside back cover. SftP is intended for all people interested in a progressive and Glenn Wargo radical view of science and technology. Our subscription rates are $7 per year (regular subscribers), $10 per year (foreign subscribers) and $16 a year or whatever you can Office Coordinator afford (member subscribers). Member subscribers receive the magazine plus our Scott Schneider internal newsletter and other internal communication. For legal purposes, Science for the People is incorporated. SftP is available in microfilm from Xerox University Magazine Coordinator Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor Ml48106. Peggy Lester Unless otherwise stated. all material in this magazine is copyright 1979 by Science for the People. 3 January/ February 1979 about this issue In this issue we present two firsthand accounts of change. This latter strategy has been a major concern of the struggle of a group of residents in a working-class the women's health movement, which has been an area of Cambridge to halt the pollution oftheir air with important force in organizing women to bring about styrene, an unpleasantly pungent and hazardous chemi­ change. cal emitted by a nearby factory. Several members of Boston SftP have been directly involved and were able ***** to provide scientific support. We feel that this involve­ The article, "Science for the People: A Ten Year ment has been important for SftP because it gave us a Retrospective," marks the lOth anniversary of SftP. chance to learn a lot about community concerns, Given the rapidly changing political climate in the US organizing, and making and changing strategies.
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