.VOBTHVTTT.E MEfiCHAXTS COXGE-iTCUfiOXS: Invite You To Call And To North ville . Presbyt«rians\ "See" Their Christmas Stocks On Their lOjth^Birthday L ~i—-• ;E'E - .,--v E> - .<• Vofc«^r^,.•-»«ijax;:l..-J;iJ:- . EXorthville, Michigan, PriSay, November-^ 0, 1934 --,51.50, PER YEAR M~AJD"VANCE: 2^=¾¾ ] UPHTEP" STATES-HAS: -• T NORTH VlLLE* TO Alp -. - THREE NORTHVILtES jE , '-'.•• E FTGHT! AGAINiSlm^ •Word eoaies trtia -the-'gjeoen- ;. Aiain at the approiieS oi the E gRif. department of. the.;.]Oiiver= •r season of '-Goed' will 'toward CHURCH WILL CEtEBRAtE :j LE^ty "iiyiii^a^iaJi^C'.i'isiia ;-.-ansif.'pablic t-pirii is„.reachins -I ibis village, UiereEafe onfc- two t oot-to those irbo sij --ioakinff other KortliTiries in.'the-United < - i»]J>MTe. fish't.-agaiak' 'tabenru-- ITS IOSTHMNMKSARY mm Sfartes^i^iQ^'ew^. JTirk and 1 Io5S.'":. - "; -••;-' E c - tb£ otiier Sn .Xorih Dakota? 1 • 'Christmas seals wia be on sale : . The.other tiro' Xorihiiiilis are }Dr...S3f. :C. P^6fi ^Of Detrbit WilI Be" The rby tbi chifdrehElefitbe^pabHc both smaller'thai their Michi­ • icfiools, citlj-. tiro"a3vs bein^ al- |E ; Leading- Speaker-At Services" \ -• 3501 gan" iaster,';. averasinjrx" stfshUj- luwed for-their eahrdss, beceni-.- aSove 1,000 popoiitiofc-The isSO rSerjfax^L .:- ~:-\': ? .'1 •-- ....' Sunday. Dec- 2 .. -"• : Every JndicatidnuPoihts census jire XoftHHIIe a-jiopoia- -. ;CMear -sponiSOTaup - "of . t fa i.- . Aii Ijjcrease In tion of 35£S. It was incorporated Xefthvaie Woiiaii-s^clQb, ilrsi" •i- .. Standing in the h'eart:o£ theLv-illage, the P^s^erfariE , -.Business in 1867. E . •'E..- E "- if-'BLBiirkarf has'the cfeirHian- -•:-cburch,-th,e^oide*t-churea" in NorthYille;" is to celebrate its ! The -rillaee in Michigan which ifi7p'oi"-!lJfe'-eit^rfee;aha- has 'onehundredanfj fi£ih ^niyer^ao-,'Suiidaj-, I>dc.-2. • . E .- "Northville is looking forward. - i soonds most like XortSviHe is .rounded. upYoxir ont-iyinj touri- ; '-;. it*7 year 1935 loots very proaiis-j . , . On.this same site:stood the first modest frame haiid- jjortb'port, near Traverse" City. try schools, the ^Kay? Thayei^ irig where :wbrship.ped ^rh'e earlv"founders or the" 'etwrcii '^E _E' "E-EE'- '". *E E "'.'E cBase; Iiie' ind ifinmaasas'well y : Having successfully survived... the • as the' Vati-re; schools ia a con- with staunch'faiths ^ : -;. E =' : .' '. f- ... worst busiisess <Jeps«^sib3i:m. History.: COMMUNlliY, UNITES; test Tor sales of Epenny: s*-dls. Aisenes of changes in the^truct-ire of the old -build- ' ,.13c!xoit*s most-picturesque saburb"'^,. _ IN. GIVIN_ G THANKSf The •nTnnerof the latest .will ^.rihg-.resulfed in ihe erection of the prej-ent'attractive :«tui-dy is set to ta&e "Part, in tW& ""booai**-i'. ^^^E-i1 - -,"- ;.:-•*-E:. -': -> „1 re^ire^^eantjfai sta'Uje of building- of brick-- in the^year: 1846.- E :.-••. .= .p : I thaVa;ppeS W throughout ^1^1^-«??.?» J^??»0?r?»f 1 '^r ," -.-jj/Ei •"'- '^- E"'.!;E-".w." 5"jt^;f&tliers"Ea cbiriranhJtyE sendee" ^^^1¾ ^¾^ \-'^Mwy^p^^^^^^m:^^^^^ ; .;;i DetroiVs K^. iNctionaLBaiik" is 1-^311¾¾¾at JHerBaptist chnrcbJ ~ IBY iv "-. -.accomnammprif nf-an .-nMLfsak^Vicri A'w;iii <>-iVi;« +ii^« :- about to'pay^'and^ pat n^njoisj^.-wed&^yjeven5^~-at7 o'clock, j : schiM fof; doOars lit circtsMife.- TBat. will j .¾¾¾¾¾ is the program: ' : ! tJexSv : ; ' ,3^P-^o^.fP^'' .".:'-' •- E-E • ^ud^Harry. White. ' "'- ' ^ E In > The Ford jJisais vill soon begin? /c^gregatlo^hmn. *"' ' .-.," -'-j ion. the. first 'six'..jrades Eaiio ? ,rXwenfyrorie • years ago ^he .buiJdfng- underwent \'ex- .1; >ite prodixtioh of a cdlltoi n-^au- .'ini&at'idb^Rer.k H. MsilinsoaE • : ^kindergarten will coiapeteEwitb Etensive remodelliBg.' The walls tfcre-.-Wdened to' acebm- -/etorhob-iles arid give;TOrK: to. {boa-r spsicta.' -Musi-; — Presbrteraan : the"seiehtH- AD^'.etshtit • giades. • •<• - - ' -^-^~. _' . .::^:: -:. "•' ^ ' -•' tiittate • tha groxfiig iitiaiber' of 'at- 'Kinds of mcD-Ttiat -sill fcelp Xorth-.diifi^i .¾ -V? - ..-^ " i t : A,few'-pennies invested by tt'C; tan ^>ire iiixit haii ; - i#E •""";: E ' .' -- • •'.'.-. "E. ..'. .I ScrfpEu: reading—R«v. H. G. inacy' wiU aaoiiijt "to a ^rsdt ; "SUN-UK'ESGORESt - : Se^an ib' Incline with, the years; iras _ w.That basic indnslr^tie fcuilfegjwillfieid. deal in the:;.'. agjEfsate?. _Y6nr . .ANOTHER TRIUMPH irepiacet? xiih.tbe subs&oiiai' to-wer '• fefecess.- is showing, aa.upttmi the; Muic^aie' pprrciateiL and the izll >'cfessie ' p3!ars TJrere ' - like of which Jias COS been seen since. "i>e%r.ns!ve reading. -'Those ~ho .aiw -^:^ fecsc^F.t t:x! ;e'ntrar.c*. „.." ; -1929. People are beginning to bay: J,PE£C. —Baptist :tiio. perforaai-ie i'- - Lscr-n? £d«;i;a:e'roora facilities lumber aad hire ca';peritfrs andj Address-;-Kev. K. S: Korth.. Lsfaoc: Friday evc-nirtg rel: weU re- for c-:ur<-r h and Mixol aniT-'-ciinitih jJaiaters. Yocal solo^Mts.'K. S. Xortii.' : .1..4 HAS VITAL ME5SAGErP^«- As realk-i:c . as the srreii of soi-.ia:'aifeirs. the neV charcb ho-_se .' Tie.-rtfciSs of recovery.are being • • Bcnedic't-ei^-RcT. W.'Koscce Btr-: ,"' , . -••. .—rr- ••• :-.'- _ -bacK: s!zzHr:| c-n she he.'Ei, «>f the -« vaiocEd iad brcught 16 com'- set in motion and. Jfortnville is ~iC=»T;oour 'bour . *'*-. ^£rs. Phiip V.-. presijjer.f oi cab'-i,--^-- ihe-aciicj- ^..ts't-cp...^lOl^c&dtion January 25, ready beginning to reflect jt- [ : ihe P?.rent-Trachci^ a'ssocii-.ion.cor.- the cast ;-tv>K> .<. n;t-rt<J .0 '.>: plo:'';^!- this clifi-cb TKe Depositors S^ate Banfc'here '.co'Jhe fcr&xing •Taiakspii-ir.s -Hh rJca tjjiurainfess • lhc:rEh^:« hs^ prr.7:ded quanersn avajl- : concurs in the gEn^ral feeling tbat MEMORIES OF WO­ hrjgftt.^S^^^EE<; <fr . -'-. -"" -_'-?y ..ustcwrE^w-e^ wsr*«re readilreadilyy takertaker.. ir.:ir.:o sSe.atfsSe'.aWcr ic.ic- coy^-jr.iK-coy^-jr.iS}-'" ^th'rinwth; 5=r aad a pici-'up is comic?, -its 'savingJs J' Bv oflicfal proe!?aat:r,r. t>f ti!C-.spJrk cf tho swiy. , .'- ^^^'cc'-aii--/---- w;ii-}.v E*a°iiEelf i> accounts' iiavin? iocresicd fro:>m i MEN WKaWALKED Pre.-idtr.tjof t!i^. Vi;;totir;:a-.^. tb«; --Ir-:v tha?.x>nt lurioMrth:-;! 1.'.= TJ-can c-jct. ~ ": E" ' $75,000 to $380,¾¾. and there is del- • : 3 - =r-|L . VILLAGE STREETS ia-'l • T^uJKiay of :>V.t:rfe, of --v-.•^'•'i 10 ' fy t'-'ar; of r.jnnpjthy r-'-c.-: J f-jfl ccr.:u.-y cf hij-xrv of th-2 Inite indication that officinJs arsree; { try year, is 5^. asirif for a U?v o*.t.^o nu-Je yt-'j::^: n-.r.'m:air.--;-r ^«r.< PJT-I J'.-i;Djte.-iin 'churc?.."^" 4¾¾ able to become more lenient in th.hei-re - TltaniJinvin;; Jor t:\erv.-man. -*e>-Ef tt-.war bicdLiK. iar'.ac:] •-> hi:- PS-:P. or<:a/;;zc-ti .\'OV. JStn' ts^i had : : s loaning policT-^rtie bsnk has money j -- "!~EE rnan ar.d c!iiM in-tftk awarwy. : :oid ifiotb.:r a^d fc.-;<!<» anti l«-/t '.;n.-n;j*--.i!. Sucrtav.' iXc' 1st A£ARV F in the Detioit First NaUoml/andl - AXTEli. richder, :.wir}-. dsy of Thaiil^jvihs. bi-ip- by tl-ca- ]vK<: firtVi'J ,-. ;5?.r>.. ;):<. <-.()•<'' a.'.i m:uic the oixas'- will prolit'irom iU ixlKLse.'- They!>hort- dark-*?"!, rivacioav. a.'en ; iar off. ;n:ixls rr.i- in indulge .'n Tb': jila;. cf..IU5ii •:aliy : >i!:h forc^^s 'ji. ;: f«l! civ.- of cerebration. A hare, for Eoiae Ume. been io-ining1;<<•«<*"• =1^ heJpfiil icsfrmtor. •- »- obSj-.-Btloas f-itng-^-t t):c.u,;h'cf. .'iiinir>.-f.-.£r«.'«t--"' ' fT/f/? of-ciRtioi. TOC•-• - ralvr - t money through ihc Federal Ho-j5in^l FKANKIB- BrSWART IIOUP- fiiini'?.- PKrtT :y: Is ^1 r.-r. *!:<• ti.-r.o .'".- ;-.:! .g.-OQ "1 to rcJifvi.. the .vr'srr.tvry 'n;c ;iiJ.-ECf:ri.?tu,r ur.i-, h;:tt f hrougli OcrporMtion. and find that persons' - P "P tigair.•inuzl-Ans eyes, Ar;?iic;iii.'> ;o'pjLu;t ;n:d eke :-'.i*k l^ciero'j;:/! rtpr<-;-cntr»j.- *-,-,j (hrt.'. x r-;c<-«VM'vt- y«r.-.-car:ii<i oh ir. Hte mcctUig l'.:elr t*lig»tions V.Ucr^P''•*'>' mauncr. allractfvc pei-.vm- : ; 01 c :t /0.1; :ij./^s t""--•f.i: u'lT C. - jn- iMtri'jr r.-r the rude rrfoiri ^fid ^.'- th»u n year0-:0. "^ "Rlity. fun lovint; aart genial, : .irri h, fa;;h. f<j? lht-upJ>aild-- 1 tfcv .:jr.--.'r:.- of Kr.s. CiJ.-.j-rf-.r;, ii- f; ..-:•'.' .MiMiuniiiV <,i u-,i Kiii:RdoT>."' Ir. Northvilte'a timber bu.«-jyw.! M!lS. BESSiS DJ-XANKY, fJ!f>rt. H'f'j S.-.-IJID;. ;>r,.. Jf.l.ji.j,.;. • •' r -Ei .-. Jti! S ••» :-,r.;; av; f.'Wi 1 I::r - ^j: '-yj.i-.r r;:J .:. rt.-. ' local dtfers report "a definiie up-,amply pro;xirflor.«l, bi»r.u«As-!lte. : ¾ irrL.* •* /..7:,: . r; lrr,|>[ .'.'.is ;-r..-: ilc- -••'"- '--••* >7,-.l -:1.5 day &nC' ward in-nd." and that "business is!motherly, )."nbl:c j-piritcd. a ch'irch \>. I *r«.--1•;<. - .J iv :.t hi-; ftj. :o!/cJ u.- •1 .... MRS. J. R. CR ANSON, = .-•...-.I i-:i -It ... livinsr huiLii;<; hCldlriErjip better than w? aniicl-twoman, coivitir.t and faithful. .-.1.-.1¾. 1J.'j! la-it •'"' .-•'.-.11«. Uut :ii (.1..,:-.- 1 ,'.; WELL-KNOWN HERE, I'•.- Wl'.^Mi^iflrr. ' 31-.-51. iSUlitig burinrfcs. while SIOT:,' JKNNJ'-S. WESJTtVM. WilEKIXR, :/>.T:I.' ' miv -ir.- to Lis: ii^. .;f f«.v- tii .sit I-:i;;;i.J (irI;,.

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