THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO, DEC. 8, 1960—15 CLASSIFIED ADS Dynamic 88 fe .» • fa I CABS NOTICE to CONTRACTORS Dynamic Performer Scaled proposals will be re­ K Dollar Saver ceived by the Board of Trus­ IN MEMOR1AM tees of Burton Township, Ge­ r. auga County, Ohio, at the IN loving memory of my Burton Fire House until 9:00 dear Son L. T. Covell who A.M. (Eastern Standard passed away on Dec. 4, 1959. Time), December 17, 1960. for One year has gone by but, the improvement of Burton memories stay Lake Subdivision roads. Said As near and dear as yester­ improvement to consist prin­ day cipally of draining, grading Deep in our hearts you are placing new base material with us yet and paving with T - 35 asph­ We loved you too dearly to altic concrete leveling and ever forget, surface courses. Approxim­ Mother, Sister & Brother Visit Our New Used Car Location ate length of improvement is lp49. Style . spaciousness . stretch­ drive, and quieter than ever . the 5906 lin. feet. out comfort . that’s what 1961 most exciting value in the medium Each bidder shall submit CARD of THANKS For Your Oldsmobile is all about. No small price field See this fashion-line to­ with his bid a certified check See These Reconditioned Beauties or proposal bond in an a- CARD OF THANKS car, these sparkling new beauties are day . ask for Mike, Tony, Joe or mount equal to five (5) per We wish to express our Convenience easier to enter ... a delight to Cecil . you’ll be glad you did! cent of his total bid. payable heartfelt thanks and appreci­ 1959 FORD to the Clerk of Burton Town­ ation to friends and neigh­ 2-dr. 500, overdrive, sharp *1695 ship, as surety that if the bors, for their kindness and Use This 1960 FALCON proposal or bid accepted, sympathy extended to us dur­ 2-dr, heater *1895 a contract will tered in­ ing our recent bereavement to and satisfy secured at the loss of our wife and 1959 MERCURY with the sai/ r Trus­ mother. Especially - >ld Lona*”"* 4-dr. hardtop *1995 tees. line to thank Rev. Kirby, ur. W*------- Copies of plans, specifica­ Behm, Burr Funeral Home, 1956 CHEVROLET tions, estimates, proposals Mrs. David Tincher, Mrs. I N0 D0WN Station wagon, 4-dr. and bid forms are on file with David Halloran and the W. S. PLAN the County Engineer and the C. S. of the Methodist Township Clerk at a cost of church. No Cash Needed 1957 FORD $5.00. L. H. Burgess and Family Fairlane 500, 4-dr, radio, heater, *1195 Low Monthly Payments Automatic transmission. Proposals shall be submit­ lp49. see your friendly ted ONLY on blank forms FORD DEALER provided for that purpose. We wish to thank everyone 1959 ANGLIA Address proposals to Linda who tnoughtfully sent flowers Low Mileage *895 Hess; R. D. No. 2, Route 87; and cards for the illness and death of Ernest Kick, hus­ Salesman Always Burton, Ohio; endorsing the­ 1955 FORD reon “Proposal for Improve­ band and father. David P. Kick 2-door Customline, radio, heater *595 A LARGE SELECTION OF ment of Burton Lake Subdi­ on Duty! automatic transmission vision Roads.’’ Mrs. Ernest Kick lp49. The Board of Trustees res The family of Harry John­ CLEAN USED CARS crves the right to reject any son Sr., Chardon, wish to or all bids, or any part there­ thank friends and neighbors, on display at our lot of. and also Dr. Pease for their By order of the Board of McBride Bros., Inc. kindness during our bereave­ Trustees of Burton Township. ment. New Cars Used Cars Geauga County, Ohio. Mrs. Harry Johnson Linda Hess, Clerk 2c49. Harry Johnson, Jr., and E. Park St., 515 Water St., See Oldsmobile plus Oldsmobile’s New F-85at . SHERIFF S SALE OF Ronald Johnson lp49. AVenue 5-9621 AVeue 6-3623 REAL ESTATE General Code, Sec. 11681 LOST and FOUND The State of Ohio. HELP WANTED FARINACCI BUICK-OLDS Geauga County, Ohio IN FRONT OF Chardon Sav­ NOTICE First Federal Savings & Loan ings Bank Company - key FEMALE APARTMENTS “The Home of Beautiful Cars and Beautiful Buys” Plaintiff with paper clip attached “Co­ JOB SECURITY can be Rt. 6 Just East of Chardon AVenue 5-2137 VS. rbin” 6A 754031. Owner may IRONING to do in my home, yours by preparing now for APARTMENT for “Snow Bi­ Rolling Dell Acres, Inc. pick it up at Allcraft Hall, baby sitting or house work coming Civil Service Exams. rds” in Hollywood, Fla. Defendant 227 Main st., Chardon. 1x48. from 8 a.m. to 3 o’clock in For information write: Na­ Weekly $80.00. Monthly $300 CASE NO. 14304 the afternoon. 109 North Hft- tional Training Servce, Box 00. 2 mos. $550.00 Season, 700. LOST — MALE GERMAN A. Y. Geauga Publshers, 00. and up. Everything fur­ In pursuance of an Order of Sheppard, answers to the Chardon, O. 7b3. Sale in the above entitled ac­ F O R SALE nished for relaxation, no chil­ tion, I will offer for sale at name of (Bullet). Call Janet dren allow’ed. Carpeting wall Card. YOrktown 8-3353. 2x50. HAVE ROOM for 4 passeng­ public auction, at the door of MISCELLANEOUS ers tc Florida, leaving ap­ to wall, twin beds, free trans­ Motor Sales the Court House in Chardon, A YOUNG mixed breed dog. proximately Dec. 19th or 20th portation from and to airport Geauga Countv’s only in the above named County, bus and trains. Near shopping UNCTION Call for further information (part police) with chain on CHRISTMAS trees, grown in center, dog and Gulf Strean PLYMOUTH on Thursday, the 5th day of his neck, and a quite short Geauga county at Old Or­ after 5 p.m. AV 6-9155. 2x50. VALIANT DEALER January 1961, at 10:00 o’clock race track. Busses to beach tail. The dog is lonesome, so chard Farm. Beautiful pines, COLLIE STUD A. K. C. Reg. and churches. For further in­ A. M., the following describ­ please come to Chad Thrash­ spruces and firs. All freshly Open Mon., Wed., Fri. til 9 Auto Sales ed real estate, fcitiiatd’ in the Mahogany and white, long formation phone AV. 6-9155, Tues., Thurs., Sat. til 6 er’s home on Randles Court, cut, green and fragrant. No lean head, beautiful ears Re­ or PArk 9-7269. 2x50. County of Geauga and State or phone AV 5-2108. 2x49. needles sheding ,with these of Ohio, and in the Township asonable, fee call YO 8-3277. AVenue 6-4170 + DODGE DART trees. We also have balled 2x50. FIVE ROOM apartment-ru- Rt. 6, mile East of Chardon of Russell to - wit: SITUATION WANTED and burlap trees, ready for rai. AVenue 5-9213. 2x49. + CHRYSLER And known as being part of planting. As always, free SUSANNA Weslyan circle is Original Russell Township FEMALE greens and cones for decorat­ sponsoring bazaar, Friday, KITCHENETTE, dinette, liv­ 1959 PLYMOUTH + IMPERIAL Lot No. 1 Tract No. 1, Sec­ ing Catherine and Douglas Dec. 9, from 1-9 p.m. Old ing room, 12’xl5’, bedroom 4-dr. sedan, 6 cylinder, tion No.12 WANTED Ironings to do in 12’xl8’, heat furnished. Also standard transmission. my home. PArk 9-7755. 2x49 Marshall, Old Orcard Farm, Methodist church, Main st., Commencing at a point in Taylor - Wells Rd., Chardon serving coffee, refreshments, hot soft w’ater, references re­ Sales and Service the interesection of the cent­ quired. AV. 6-9163. 2x50. $1295 SITUATION WANTED R. D. 1, Phone AV 5-7171. everyone welcome. 1x48. er line of Chester - Caves 3c49. 1960 PLYMOUTH Rt. 322 and 44 AV 5-5671 Road (County Road 157) and RUMMAGE SALE. Every ­ 5 ROOM APARTMENT, 125 9 passenger custom, V-8 Dines - Corners Road (Coun­ MALE HOT AIR OIL furnace. Very thing must go this week. North St., near schools and station wagon, power steer­ ty Road 150); thence S. 4 de­ good condition. PArk 9-4154. Call for details on sizes of stores. Heat included. Call ing, power brakes, radio, WANTED INTERIOR paint­ AV 6-4188, between 9 a.m. and grees 42’ 00” W a distance of ing and decorating experi­ 3x51. clothes. Record player, blon­ heater, powerflite trans., 436.90 feet to a point; thence de wod. Toastmaster, Rea­ 4 p.m. 2x49 this car was sold new and enced. PArk 9-7889. 2x49. CHILDS RECORD player in S. 5 degrees 00’ 00” W. a dis­ sonable. AVenue 6-5423 . 2x49 TWO BEDROOM apartment, serviced by us. Owner’s We Service all Makes of tance of 2012.41 feet to the good condition, $4.00. AVe­ name on request. Court Room in said County nue 6-9385. 2x49. bath, oil heat at 202 South point of beginning; thence S. St., Chardon. EVergreen 1- 86 degrees 18’ 00” E. a dis­ on the 27th day of December, $AVE 1960, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., “FIVE Minneapolis Honey­ WE NEED 2730. 3b50. FOREIGN CARS tance of 450 feet to a point; well Oil Burner Protectore- Listings for Farms large 1959 DESOTO thence N. 5 degrees 00’ 00” or as soon thereafter as suits FURNISHED APARTMENT 6 passenger station wagon, his convenience. Any person lays new, $15.00. Each. Call or small. E. a distance of 150 feet to a after 6 p.m. PA 9-4742. 3x50. Have Buyers. in Chardon village. Call power steering, power bra­ point; thence No. 86 degrees or persons objecting to the BLackburn 5-2495 for appoint­ kes, power flite transmiss- RAMBLER and SAAB Sales and Service 18’ oO” W.
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