Index Symbols Adams, Douglas 37, 336, 375, 510, 679, 711, 759, 19th Century Naval Song 1457 1007, 1025, 1076, 1108, 1174, 1215, 1244, 1430, 6th Baron Byron 762 1477, 1551, 1595, 1673, 1696 Adams, Franklin Pierce 437 A Adams, George 12, 281, 437, 515, 516, 547, 609, 664, Abbe, Cleveland 1246 711, 889, 892, 920, 963, 970, 1046, 1244, 1246, Abbey, Edward 26, 67, 156, 172, 256, 334, 337, 432, 1382, 1502, 1624, 1649 451, 653, 710, 740, 759, 928, 942, 959, 968, Adams, Henry Brooks 80, 224, 486, 517, 581, 606, 970, 1064, 1143, 1161, 1197, 1208, 1230, 1260, 803, 869, 1109, 1269, 1382, 1526 1262, 1269, 1417, 1579, 1640, 1649, 1715, Adams, John 1174 1720 Adams, Robert 1091 Abbey, Henry 1056 Adams, Roger 74 Abbot, Charles 186 Adams, Samuel Hopkins 894, 1072 Abbot, Charles Greeley 116, 509, 774 Addis, Thomas 261, 1704 Abbott, Donald Putnam 696, 1025, 1091, 1574 Addison, Joseph 377, 633, 712, 942, 971 Abbott, Edwin A. 345, 517 Addison, Thomas 8 Abbott, Roy L. 41 Adelman, Leonard 1164 Abel, Niels Henrik 803, 1459 Adler, Alfred 305, 804, 870, 1579 Abel, Reuben 436 Advertisement 310, 620, 1526 Abelard, Peter 1722 Aeschylus 284, 1013, 1040, 1167 Abelson, Philip H. 509 Aesop 230, 1206 Abernethy, John 1073, 1365 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe 26, 48, 213, 257, 278, Accreditation Board for Engineering and 292, 301, 451, 517, 591, 959, 962, 968, 971, 1039, Technology 447 1081, 1143, 1409, 1426, 1494, 1549, 1727, 1737 Ace, Goodman 641, 894 Ager, Derek 378 Achard, Franz Karl 1117 Agnew, Neil McK. 1246, 1421 Ackerman, Diane 26, 54, 59, 66, 75, 79, 144, 188, 322, Agnew, Ralph Palmer 559, 567, 653, 1188, 1430 759, 970, 1010, 1143, 1153, 1155, 1188, 1374, Agre, Peter 1411 1696 Agricola, Georgius 929 Ackerman, Edward A. 1417 Aiken, Conrad 1502 Ackoff, Russell Lincoln 270, 970 Airy, George Biddell 116, 1144 Acton, F. S. 1575 Ajello, Libero 568 Acton, John Emerich 653 Akenside, Mark 201, 670, 1270 Acton, Loren 1502 Albright, Fuller 894 Adam, John A. 1624 Albright, William Foxwell 91 Adams, Abby 970 Albritton, Jr., Claude 304 Adams, Charles C. 383 Albutt, Thomas Clifford 11 I-1 I-2 Index Alcott, Louisa May 517 Anderson, Poul 209, 1188 Aldersey-Williams, Hugh 236, 937 Anderson, Tempest 1710 Alderson, M. H. 147 Andreas, Brian 1502 Aldrich Thomas Bailey 971 Andreski, Stanislav 145 Aleksandrov, Aleksandre Danilovic 804 Andric, Ivo 191 Alexander, Burton F. 1575 Angell, Roger 1526 Alexander, Christoper 222 Angelou, Maya 347 Alexander, Franz 310 Anglin, William S. 804 Alexander, R. McNeill 347 Anscombe, Francis John 328, 437, 1025, 1521 Alexander, William 911 Anyidoho, Kofi 1711 Alexander the Great 1093 Apfel, Necia H. 1673 Alfven, Hannes 299, 1477, 1673 Apollo 11 107 Alger, John R. M. 408, 1188, 1498 Apostle, Hippocrates George 804 Alger, William R. 942 Appleton, Sir Edward 1354, 1430 Alighieri, Dante 633, 712, 774, 918, 1270, 1502 Appleyard, Bryan 1270, 1382, 1430 Alison, Richard 1585 Aquinas, St. Thomas 201, 213, 452, 1722 Allaby, (John) Michael 383 Arabic Proverb 1270 Allee, Warder C. 26, 54, 169 Arago, Francois 116, 387, 804 Allen, Charles M. 1579 Aratus 284, 289, 1502 Allen, Dave 609 Arber, Agnes Robertson 167, 1421 Allen, Durward L. 169, 322 Arbuthnot, John 14, 712, 804, 1175 Allen, Elizabeth Akers 1636 Archilochus 381 Allen, Ethan 609 Archimedes of Syracuse 450, 759, 1013, 1265 Allen, Grant 49, 452, 968 Archytas of Tarentum 689 Allen, Robert Porter 46, 222 Ardrey, Robert 82, 694, 760, 792, 1365 Allen, Roy George Douglas 21, 1526 Arendt, Hannah 1144 Allen, Woody 294, 804, 1063, 1551, 1617 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August 1025 Allison, G. Burgess 389 Arieti, Silvano 305 Allman, David 322, 1093 Aristo, Chian 805 Allport, Gordon 1382 Aristophanes 548 Allport, Susan 188, 1270 Aristotle 105, 156, 188, 202, 209, 222, 257, 517, 547, Alon, Noga 505 609, 640, 654, 679, 712, 782, 805, 971, 1013, Alpher, Ralph Asher 1382 1144, 1472, 1567, 1625, 1649, 1723 Alphonsus X 162 Armitage, Simon 737 Altmann, Jeanne 1025 Armour, Richard 8, 25, 1073 Alvarez, Luis Walter 183, 1117, 1215, 1262, 1501 Armstrong, David Malet 1163, 1459 Alves, Reuben 1270 Armstrong, Henry Edward 231, 236 Amaldi, Ginestra Giovene 312, 1010, 1673 Armstrong, John 181, 188, 894 Amati, Danielle 1549 Armstrong, Martin D. 573 Ambler, Eric 213 Armstrong, Neil A. 946, 1165, 1482 Amend, Bill 510 Arnaldus de Villa Nova 1093 American Geophysical Union 259 Arnauld, Antoine 270, 1230 American Institute of Biological Science 1963 1084 Arnheim, Rudolf 231, 1266 American Museum of Natural History 517 Arnold, James R. 1482 American Society for Engineering Education 422 Arnold, John E. 80 Ames, Bruce 1161 Arnold, Matthew 517, 972 Ames, Nathaniel 1206 Arnold, Sir Edwin 1564, 1640 Amiel, Henri-Frédéric 11, 310, 437, 578, 628, 1270 Arnold, Thurman 328 Amis, Martin 1718 Arnoldus 341 Ammons, Archie Randolph 64 Arnott, Neil 621, 1665 Ampere, Andre-Marie 517 Aron, Raymond 213, 295, 557 Amundson, Ronald 642 Aronin, Ben 408 Anaxagoras 446, 684, 1048 Aronowitz, Stanley 1649 Anderson, Peggy 1022 Arp, Halton Christian 1025 Index I-3 Arthur, Timothy Shay 202 Ayer, Alfred Jules 1070, 1596 Artstein, Zvi 805 Aylett, Robert 1557 Artuad, Antonin 1430 Ayres, Clarence Edwin 1025, 1164 Arwaker, Edmund 408 Aytoun, William Edmondstoune 144 Ascham, Roger 870 Ashby, Sir Eric 1579 B Ashlock, P. D. 737 Babbage, Charles 744 Asimov, Isaac 86, 179, 236, 323, 422, 490, 609, 712, Babylonian Inscription 264 788, 792, 805, 889, 954, 1013, 1084, 1165, 1240, Babylonian Sun-God Marduk 285 1246, 1270, 1354, 1369, 1396, 1406, 1482, 1495, Bach, Richard 712 1595, 1620, 1702 Bachelard, Gaston 402 Askey, Vincent 641 Bachrach, Arthur J. 1246 Asphaug, Erik 106 Bacon, Leonard 1673 Asquith, Herbert 642 Bacon, Roger 805, 1705, 1732 Association of American Colleges 1580 Bacon, Sir Francis 2, 23, 85, 97, 152, 156, 202, 211, Astaire, Fred 213, 1081 213, 341, 344, 353, 367, 452, 491, 517, 574, 670, Astbury, William Thomas 1270 681, 696, 704, 712, 805, 894, 972, 1013, 1048, Aston, Francis W. 402 1094, 1117, 1225, 1265, 1271, 1350, 1377, 1431, Astronomy Survey Committee 1470 1549, 1625, 1649, 1665, 1674 Atchity, Kenneth 670 Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth 128 Aterman, Kurt 781 Baeyer, Adolf von 275 Athenaeus 1547 Baez, Joan 642 Atherton, Gertrude 147, 202, 972 Bagehot, Walter 2, 654, 1175, 1674 Atiyah, Sir Michael 1665 Baggott, Jim 211 Atkins, Peter William 81, 128, 231, 236, 270, 276, 504, Bagnold, Enid 545 805, 1077, 1617, 1673 Bagnold, Ralph A. 1469 Atkins, Russell 1175 Bahn, Paul 88, 91, 1188 Atkinson, Brooks 32 Bailar, Jr., John C. 236 Atkinson, Richard John Copeland 91 Bailey, Edward Battersby 1160 A Traveler 517 Bailey, Geoff 91 Atwood, Margaret 1010 Bailey, Janet 1464 Auden, W. H. 870, 1430 Bailey, Liberty Hyde 1640 Audubon, John James 35, 39, 40, 45, 46, 378, 712, 972, Bailey, Percival 1094 1056 Bailey, Philip James 408, 684, 972, 1477, 1503, 1551 Auenbrugger, Leopold 1077 Bailey, Thomas D. 147 Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus 202, 445, 452, 689, 1025, Bailey, W. B. 1522, 1527 1093, 1502, 1625, 1673 Bailey, William Whitman 1157, 1640, 1719 Austen, Jane 195, 950, 1175 Baillie, Joanna 408 Auster, Paul 1013, 1169, 1200 Baily, Francis 381 Austin, Alfred 236 Bain, Alexander 257, 806 Austin, Mary Hunter 68, 74, 335, 792, 950, 1269 Baines, J. A. 1527 Author undetermined 14, 30, 46, 51, 58, 64, 66, 68, 72, Bajer, Francis J. 916 78, 83, 101, 144, 184, 231, 264, 331, 352, 374, Bak, Per 452 376, 378, 389, 400, 401, 408, 436, 517, 561, 574, Baker, Adolph 1109 593, 743, 805, 927, 928, 929, 936, 954, 1008, Baker, Henry 437, 916, 972, 1026, 1457 1056, 1070, 1090, 1093, 1109, 1117, 1139, 1214, Baker, Russell 905, 1431 1246, 1262, 1270, 1369, 1421, 1557, 1576, 1640, Baker, W. R. 345 1665, 1711, 1719, 1732 Bakker, Robert T. 347, 1061 Auvaiyaar 1702 Balard, Antoine-Jérôme 1271 Avedon, Richard 1649 Balchin, Nigel 295, 518, 1523, 1527 Avicenna 950 Baldwin, J. Mark 1621 Avogadro, Amedeo 1714 Baldwin, Joseph G. 1094 Awiakta, Marilou 156 Balfour, Arthur James 87, 486, 889, 1649, 1699 Ayala, Francisco J. 642, 1084, 1586 Balifour, Arthur J. 793 I-4 Index Ball, John 931 Barwise, Jon 1460 Ball, Philip 162, 231, 389, 760, 937, 1144, 1204 Barzun, Jacques 756, 1271, 1576, 1580 Ball, Sir Robert S. 1156, 1246 Bashford, Sir Henry Howarth 576 Ball, Walter William Rouse 1117 Baskerville, Charles 1271 Ballard, Chris 91 Bass, Murray H. 1094 Ballard, James Graham 1406, 1580 Bass, William M. 1272 Ballard, Robert 760 Bassler, Thomas J. 323 Banach, Stefan 19 Bastin, Ted 209 Bangs, Richard 1715 Batchelor, G. K. 1421 Banks, Iain M. 17 Bates, Henry Walter 59, 452 Banks, Sir Joseph 1139 Bates, Marston 282, 323, 518, 760, 793, 1246, 1272 Banting, Frederick G. 698 Bates, R. L. 593 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia 61 Bates, Rhonda 1161 Barbellion, Wilhelm Nero Pilate 372, 452, 1674 Bateson, William 209, 452, 485, 635, 963, 1245 Barbour, Julian 1665 Batten, Henry L. 1288 Barcroft, Joseph 344 Battles, William Snowden 642 Barfi eld, Owen 270, 642, 670, 713, 1649 Baudelaire, Charles 1503 Baring, Maurice 367 Baudrillard, Jean 697, 1272, 1527 Barley, Nigel 83 Baudrimont, A. E. 1225 Barnard, Christiaan N. 630 Bauer, Georg (Agricola or Georgius Agricola) 1026 Barnard, Edward Emerson 1153 Bauer, Henry H. 81, 312, 1084, 1272, 1396, 1411, 1417 Barnes, Barry 1064 Baum, Harold 375, 1091 Barnes, Bishop 1477 Baum, L. Frank 1247 Barnes, Djuna 104, 630, 1022, 1462 Baumel, Judith 631, 1021 Barnes, Michael R. 1076 Baxter, Richard 1637 Barnett, I. A. 1021 Bayliss, William Maddock 1409 Barnett, Lincoln 1109, 1271, 1491, 1617, 1625 Baynes, Ernest Harold 36 Barnett, P. A. 806, 1230 Beacock, Cal 553 Baron Munchausen 702 Beadle, George Wells 575 Baron von Frankenstein 972 Beale, Thomas 75 Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston 1431 Beam, Alex 263 Barr, H.
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