Filibuster 2008 Writing a book is an adventure. To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement. Then it becomes a mistress, then it becomes a master, then it becomes a tyrant. The last phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, you kill the monster, and fling him to the public. Sir Winston Churchill Directly From the Editor!! Friends, full fraught with war-sweat glaring, kismet-dashed with derring-do, doth here present case: Alas the day when all voices cease and the final hours of coiling conundrum crash all together like minute pawns against the wagerly knights and evening kings and kingly queens in furious disparagement dispatch- ing the last breaths of mighty air! Not really. So, as both an editor and a writer, my chiefest frustration is also the greatest gift: I’m not included in this issue! “Humbug!” says Scrooge; “Hilarious!” says I! Aye. The focus changes when a feverish brain must reach for words other than its own, and here presented is the fruit of my labor(ers). No, I didn’t hire a score of goblins to sit in a dungeon and swim through page after page of unfaltering text. No. I swam through page after page, and one of the hardest things an editor must, MUST, do is say “No” to someone. I had to turn down some submissions. Sounding the trumpet from the blistering recesses of the computer lab to the towering heights of the Library’s tenth floor yielded a great wealth of submissions, for which I among others am thoroughly grateful. Thinkers, writers and artists, heeded the call. Editor War-sweat might not be so far off, then, with the blood that makes many of Kevin Garner the writings you here see. Now, now, before you go and think that scrawled on my rough drafts is the name “Faustus” in blood, consider this: if a person really cares about a particular thing, how does it reflect on his or her work? Therefore, Layout Editor erythrocytes abound here in Filibuster 2008, and don’t you forget it! I praise the surprising achievements I found among the mighty whirlpool of words, and I Naomi Stauffer would like to mention at least one: Kati Chapman’s epic poem “First Lust” has my most favorite quote of all time, but you’ll have to guess what it is. With that said, you’ll notice that this issue is subdivided into four sections: Totally Awesome Advisor Humorous, Serious, Reflective, and Weird. Dr. Jeff Melton Assortment is almost entirely subjective. If you as a reader think that something marked Humorous wasn’t so funny, I demand you cut out the page and paste it elsewhere! I don’t know about you, but I have papers to write, books to read, and black housecats to pick on. I just don’t know how much more up with which I can put, as Churchill might agree. At any time in this note, you might posit that said writing is too informal and that one should administer more masterly wherewithal to delineate glossy discourses, but I think the Thesaurus can tie the tongue as well as loosen it, and likewise, a professional Editor’s note may have its perks but not here. As a result, here is our miserably abused period. On a serious note, I would like to thank all the contributors to this year’s Filibuster, and furthermore, I hope that you as a reader will enjoy the sampling of the diverse minds here at Auburn University at Montgomery. There are so many different voices here, and the goal of this magazine is for them to be heard! And with that said, I think there’s little else for me to do here but— 3 Table of Contents for Writings All photography, artwork, and literature contained herein is copyrighted by the individual artists and authors. Humor Section Serious Section Kyle Kohler Le Mort Beaucoup Méritée De Jacobi Frost .... 9 Effie Moore The Greatest Work of All Time ...................... 31 Wade Watson The Blockade ............................................... 9 Jessica Scarda Breathe Life................................................. 31 Richard W Gardner Life and Death: A Serious Essay .................. 10 Kyle Kohler Bog’s Son ..................................................... 31 Rachael Hancock “Surrounded by Love of the Furry Kind” ...... 11 Jennifer Jacobs Unnamed .................................................... 32 Audra Hagel Mud Puddles .............................................. 11 Amy Childress Soul Harvester ............................................. 32 Sarah Fredericks Writer’s Block .............................................. 12 Antonio A. Byrd Red Lunar ................................................... 33 Jessica Scarda Yuppie ........................................................ 12 Benjamin Bethel The Redemption Story .................................. 36 Jennifer Jacobs Letter to my Brother or Elaina Hagel “F” ............................................................. 36 Once upon a Gift of Money .......................... 12 Richard W Gardner What Lies Beyond ........................................ 36 Kati Chapman On the Use of Short Black Boots ................... 13 Wade Watson The Gift ...................................................... 37 Elaina Hagel Crabby ........................................................ 14 Stephen Pamplin Videl........................................................... 37 Audra Hagel Disposable Nature ....................................... 14 Jaimie Spencer Masquerade................................................. 38 C.J. Hincy Sunday Evening ........................................... 15 Amy Childress My Coastal Empire ...................................... 38 Jessica Scarda It’s Alright ................................................... 38 Jacob Phillips The Blade .................................................... 39 Jonathan Henson VII. ........................................................... 40 Naomi Stauffer Eyes of Blue ................................................. 40 Audra Hagel What Kind of Love is This? (1 Jn 3) .............. 40 Nicole Garrett Brown Bottles ............................................. 41 Sarah Fredericks The Flow of Whitman’s Song ......................... 43 Phou Souriya Confused ..................................................... 43 Jessica Scarda That Which Remains in Me.......................... 43 Robert Patterson My First Game ........................................... 44 Nicole Garrett Swirls of Light Beneath My Feet ................... 44 Lakeshia Acoff My Cosmetic Bag ........................................ 44 Kati Chapman First Lust .................................................... 45 Will Byrne Mistress, at a Mirror Repose ......................... 46 Reflective Section Weird Section Jessica Scarda Sit Here With Me ........................................ 21 Alicia Cranford Exestentialism Meets Boredom ...................... 48 Banjoure Sacks Whispers to the Wind (pt.1) ......................... 21 Alicia Fry Preserve ....................................................... 49 Quoc Ngo A Perfect Memory ........................................ 21 Will Byrne An Ode to Chocolate .................................... 49 Anonymous Bereavement: From Theory To Reality ........... 22 Adam Schultz Doom Town ................................................ 50 Jessica Scarda Can I feel the scar I left You? ........................ 24 Alicia Cranford “...” .......................................................... 52 Kyle Kohler If Only I Had Known .................................. 24 jonathan “Poetry” Rachael Hancock Coming home down this dusty road .............. 24 Cunningham ...................................................... 52 VI. Carmen Blair Miley An Imprint ................................................. 24 Jonathan Henson ............................................................. 52 jonathan April E. Walker Young Love ................................................. 25 Cunningham The Christmas Present ................................. 53 Carmen Blair Miley Thoughts of the Dying One ........................... 28 Brandon Watson Lost in Transit ............................................. 56 Jennifer Jacobs Once ........................................................... 28 Adam Schultz Mega Mug .................................................. 59 Hunter Jackson Escape ......................................................... 28 Editor’s note: Any divergent spellings or capilatizations of names are Wade Watson “Peak of Life” .............................................. 29 intentional herein. Beware. Shane Gillis Old Medicine Bottle .................................... 29 Lyndsey Fifield My Little Princess ........................................ 29 Phou Souriya “He” ........................................................... 29 4 Table of Contents for Visual Art Jaimie Spencer Two Faced ................................................... 5 Alicia Cranford The Sight of Sound Pt. 1 ............................... 5 Alicia Cranford The Sight of Sound Pt. 2 ............................... 5 Ryan Sellers Dogwood in Blue .......................................... 6 Audra Hagel A Rose .......................................................... 6 Naomi Stauffer Peacocks aren’t the only Peacocks .................... 6 Beth Parrish Jasmine Hills ................................................ 7 Alicia Fry Stay by Plzitkphishphood .............................. 7 Jaimie Spencer Memory II ................................................... 7 Beth Parrish Weasel, Weasel, Weasel .................................. 11 Ryan Sellers Bricks ........................................................
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