Leicestershire 822

Leicestershire 822

LEICESTERSHIRE 822 FA-RIIERs-continued. Hesilrige Thom~Greville. Three Gates, Hoste Arthur, Bushby,. Leicestep Harper Thomas, Poultney, Lutterworth Ilston-on-the-HiII. LeiC'..eRt.er I t HougbChs.Heath-elld,Ashby..d&-la-Zelti Harratt John, Swini'ord, Rugby Hp.therley Mrs. Ann, Waltou-on-the.- Houghneol Moira, Ashb.,.-de.,la-Zouclt Harrit! -, J.oddington, Leicester Wolds, Lou~hborouglt Hou~hton HYIAsfurdby~MeItJl. Mowbry Harris Alfred,Stretton Magna, Leicester Hewitt Chas. Stoney $tanton, Hinckley HoughtonJaspeJ",Asfordby,l\Iltn.M,,,bJ'lY Harris Artbur, -Copt Oak"Leicester Hextal Thomas, Knaptoft, Ungby Houghton John,At4fordhy,Meitn.Mwbry Harri" Charles,LiddiDgton~ Uppingham Hibbitt Frederick,. Exton, Oakham HougbtonW.EIusbalJds B08wrth.Rugby Harris Esao, TtlOrnton, ,Mark field Hibbitt Josiah. EmpinlXhalO, Stamford Houghtoll Wm. Welby,Melton l\Iowbry H arris George, Disewortb, Derby HicksonT.Old Guadalou pe, Mlto.Mwbry Hoult Wm.-Osgatbor~ Longllborou~h Hams .John, loglethorpe farm, Great Hickson WilIiam, Manor bouse, Eas- Hourd Jo~ph, Hos~ Melton Mowbray-i Casterton, Stamford tborpe, Notlingbam HoweU George, Burrow, MeltJt.Mwbry HarrisJ ohn, I n:;rthor"e, Tin well,Stamford Higl{inso~ Mrs. N. Leire, Lutterworth Howkinll Ch3.5.l<'rowlellworth,Luttrwrta Harris Joseph H. Sewstern, Grantlialll Higginson Nicholtu~ James, Charley, Hubbard Edward. Langham, Ollkbam Harriot N oah, Grange, H ugglescote, Loughborough H ubbard Geo. Parks, Evington, Leicester Ash by.de-la-Zouch Hig~inson Thoma~~ Leire, Lutterworth Hllbbard James,. Lang;ham Oakham Harris Richard, Barwell, I1inckley Higgineon Williaw SeoU, Lit.tle Ashby, Hubbal'd JQhJl. Gt. Ashhv;Lutterworth Harris Robert, Barrow, Oakham Llltterwortb Huhbard Thoma~, Shar:nfDrd. Hiookley Harris S. Belgrave Idg. Belgrave,Leice~tr Higgs Joseph, Mow~ley, Rugby Hubbard Wm. Wymeswold,Loughboro' Harris WiIliam, Cottesmore, Oak ham Hill John & E. South Kilworth, Rughy Huhbard Wm. C. Poultney,Lutterwrth HarMs WilIiam, Heath end, Staunton Hill Mrs_ Ann, Stanton-under-Bardon Huckerb\'Tho.~.H.Hose,Meltn Mowbry Harold, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch Leicester ' Hucknall C. WOt')dh().Eaves,Loughboro~ Harrison Mrs. A.coventry rd. Lutterwrth Hill Mrs. Ann, Wymondham, Oakham Hucknall Henry, Cosby. Leicestel' HarJ'hon Edward, Shawell, Rugby Hill Benjamin, Knossillgton, Oakham Hudson George, Bondgate,o (:astle Harrisan Mrs. .I<;. Bitteswell, Lutterworth Hill Charles, Braunston, Oakham Donington,IJerhy Harl ison James, Ketton, Stamford Hill Mrs. H. P. Wllitwick, Leicester Hudson George, Diseworth, Derby Harrison Thomas, 1 Crescent, King Hill Herhert, Cropstone, Loughborough Hull G. L.Barrow~on-S06l!,Loug·hboro' street, Leices~er Hill John, Newhold·de-Verdun,Leicestr Hull Henry, Oak farm, Leicester furest Harrison WilIiam, Muston gorse, Mus- Hill John, Rellmile, Nottingham west, Leicester ton, N ottin.:-ham Hill Mrs. ~hanktoll, Leice-ter HumphreyRichd.Counteosthorpe,Rugby Halrison WilIiam, Sileby, Loughboro' HiIlSamuel,Husbands Bosworth,Rughy Humphrt'y WIII.T.Empingha8l,Stamfrd Harrold Samuel, Barwell, Hinckley Hill Thllmas, North Kifwortb, Rughy HuntW.&'Son,TheLodge, Blaby,Leicestn Hart ehas. Great Castertcm. Stamford Hill W .Frisby-on-the-Wreak,Leicester HW\tH_WiIloughbyWaterless,Lttrwrtlb. Hart Hy. North Luffenham, Stamford Hill William, Ratby, Leicester Hunt Jspb, Forest la.HuBCDte,Hinckley Hart J" Honghton, Halstearl, Leicester Hill WilIiam, Sapcote, Hinckley Huot Mrs. Maria, Sapcote, Hinckley Hart John, RoIleston, Leicester Flill William, South KilwortbJ Rugby Hunt 8hadrach, Shparshy, Rugby Hart; l\:1~. Mary, Long Clawson, l\Iel- Hiocks Richard Robinson,Stack House Hunt WiIliam, Croft, Leicester ton Mowbray farm, HUlOberstone, Lei.cester HUIltWm.The Lodl!e,Huncote, LeicestClI! Hart WiIliam, Laughton, Rugby Hind Joseph, Ryhall, Sramford Hurst Anrlrew, Hungerton~ Leicestsl! Hart William, Rolleston, Leicester Hind Wi\liam~CroxtonKerrial,Granthm Burst Henry. Hungerton., Leicester Hart William, Stretton, Oakham Hind WiIliam Robert, Wbet~tone pas- HusbaJlds John, Shelbrook farm,Asbby Hai08all Jsph. Wigston Magna,Leicester tures, Whetstone, Leicester de.Ja~Zouch . Hatchett James Thomas" DaIII Ilcre, Hinds George, Diseworth, Derby Husbands WiI1iam~ Merrill gTange,l Lockington, Derby Hinks Oeo. Newton Unthank, Leicester Grace Dieu, Loughboraugh I Hatton Franci"J, Lodtlington, Leicester Hink~ Joseph, Chittenham,I,Jlverscroft, HutchinsoIJ WilIiam, Diseworth, Derby Hatton George~ N orthgate st. Oakharn Copt Oak, L .. icester IlIs1e, Benjamin, Blackfordby, HurWD~ Hatton Henry George, Hathern, Lough- HintHan Alfred, Teigh, Oakham on-TreTlt r borough H inman John, Market Overton. Oakhm IlIsley Mrs. Kate, Moim I'd. Blackfrdb)l. Hatton, WiJliam~ Nether Broughton, Hinman WiIliam, Markfield, Leicester Burton~on-Trent 1 Melton Mowbray Hipwell Alfred RIi"Arnesby, Rughy Ingle RobertHill,TheHall,Potter Ma,1I't ll,atton William, Sta,ntoD fIaroId, Hitchcock Isaac~ FI~sh farlll., Nar- tOll,l Hinckley ) Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch borough. Leicestt-;r I Ingram WilIiam, Queen st. Uppingbam Hawes 'J'hos. We!ham, Market Harboro' Hodgett John, Alderman Haw, Wpod- InnocentA.Kibwrtb.BeauchatnpjLeicstr Hawthorn J. Frowlesworth, Lutterworth house Eaves, Loughborough ,lsoo. Oeorge,l Newton Nethercotel Hay Henry, Ashwell. Oakham Hodgkills Frank,SQutbKllworth.Rugby ARhbv-de.. la.. Zouch ~ Haydock I?J •.(..ongWhatton,Longhhoro' Hodgkinson H..Breedn.Aihhv·de.Ja-Zch Iveus WilIiam, Ridlington park, Rid .. Bayes Mrs. HarrietJ Roeott lodge, Hodson John, Normanton, Nottingham liflgton, Uppingham I Langham, Oakham Hodson Joseph, Ston~ hquse,Blackforu- J.ackscn G.Hugglescote,Ashhy-cie-lanZch Hayes W m.Smith, Whissendine,Oakham llY. Burton-on-Trent Jackson J_ Stathem, MeltoR l\Iowbray HaH Mrs. R. East LangtoD"f' Market EloUbridge Mrs.Marilia,LeicesterForest Jacksoo Jolm, Edith Weston"Stamford Harborough . westl Leicester Jackion .Joh~ Glebe farm:> Hugglesoote. HayrRcbd.Selbv,Barleythorpe,Oakbam Hollier Amos, Lindley. Hinckley Ashhy-de·la-Zouch Hay r W.1' ~j un.Horrlinghold, U ppiogham Hollier Elliott, Upton, Nbneaton JacksoDJn. Markt. Bosworth, Hinckle, HayrWIO.ThsrHorninghold, U ppingham Hollier Wm. Little Peatling, Luttrwrth Jackson John, Harbyp MeltGn Mow-ora, Haywood Mrs. Charlotte, Walthalll-on- HoIlier WiIliam; Lowesby, Leicester J acksonJohn.,Sllroxtun,MeltonMowbra1 the· WoIds", Melton Mowbray Hollingshead H.Holwell,IUeltn.Mowbry Jacktmn S.Hotoo..Prt'Stwold,Louglrboroi Haywood In.jun. Harb11~eltonMowbr~' lIolliJlIXs,head Reuben, Newbold Saucer, JacksonT.Coton,MaJ'kt.Boswrth.Huckly Haywood J.8eU. Harby, MeltonMowbray Owston,Oakham Jackson T .. Fiehl hg. Ashwell. Oakbam Haywood Mr>!. Jane,Nail>!tone,Hiockley Hollis John, Shearsby, Rughy' Jackson Wm. Ea.atwe11~Melton ,Hdwbra1 Haywood WIO.Ibstock,AShb}.de-la-Zeh Hollis Samutl. Cottesmore, Oakham Jackson Wm.Marke.tBos-worth,Hhlckle)l Headl.ey John, Cosby,. Leicester Holmes Edw. Eastwell.MeltonMowbray JacquesAlfd.HoujlbtonoQn-t..be.. HiIl,L'str Healer Robt. L. Hambleton. Oakham Rolmes lohn, Knipton, Granthflm Jacques Andrew, Hou.ghtoo..on-tbetHillj Healy Riclld. TbePriory, Brooke,Oakhm Holmes John,Scaltord,Melton Mowbray Leice~ter Heggs Danid, Spring grange, Beeb~', H ollnes William, Em ping ham, 8.ta mforJ J acqueilJ. Higham--on-the-lIiIl, Hin.ckley Leicester Holmes Wm. Hy. Knipton, Gl'antham Jawe$ Edwd., & Hy. Bllttesford,Nttnghm Heggs Henry, Heat~ Newhold-dc-Ver- Holt John, WoodhouSB ./ames Edwd.jun~ Bottesiord, NtnglllD dun, Leicebtel" Holwell WaIter, Wymeswold,Loughboro' JaUle8 Elisba, High st. CasUe Doning~ Helmesley Benj. Swithland, Loughboro' HolyOll.k John, Wigston Magna,Leicestr ton, Derby Hemsley H)1. Quer,iborough, Leicester Holyoak Steplien, Sapeote, Hinckley JamesHenry,Hamilton grounds,-Barkby, Hernsley a. Bre&doo,Ashby.de-la-Zouch Holyoak WiIliam. Cosby. Leicester Leicester HendersoIl John. Whitwick, Leicester HookWilIiam,MarketBosworth,Hockly Jarrom ~rs.. Emma, S,yston, Leicester HensonD. tong W hattoJl,Loughborough Hope Robt.O verSeal. Ashby.de-la-Zoucb IJ arrom John, Barkby, Leicester Henson George, Boton hills, Hoton, HopkinsThomas,Sheepshed,Loughboro' Jarrom Jobn, Beeby, LeiCt!Ster ) Loughborough -Iopkins Wm.Du(ltonBassett,Luttrwrth JarrolO WilIiam, Diseworth_ ~rby Hen$o~ Geo. Pre.;twQld, Loughborough Hopkinson Lnrd. TbUl;castn. Loughboro' J arvis H. Willollghby)Vllterl~UtJ:wl"th Heosoll Joseph Hasard, Lodge, BUI,ton Hopwell In. Husbands Boswrth. Uugby Jetf('oatW.f.ligham-on~t1le .. Hill,HDCkI1 Overy, Leicester HorDbuckleThos. Barkestolle,N ottngbm J effery Ben. J. S.-Ixelby, Mel008 Mowbry Herbert Thomas, Whetstone, Leicestsr Horspool Alfred, Goadby, Leiceeter Jelle~ T~ & Co..Tinwe\l~ Stamford Herbt>rt William, Whetstont', Lt!icester i-:lort!pooIJ. Houghtn.-on-the-HI.Leicstr J eokins Joshua, Barwell, Hin<:"kley HerrickWm.&John, Whetstone, Leicestr Horspool Robert, Loddingtony LeicesterlJennings Palmer~ Walton.in.~'laptoft, Herri.ck .lobn, Whetstone, Leicester Horton Mrs. Samuel, Arnt'Sby, Rugby Lutterwortb .

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