Vladimir Georgievich Kashkovskii et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(12), 2017, 2533-2538 A Biological Method of Ecological Assessment of Large Areas Vladimir Georgievich Kashkovskii Alevtina Alekseevna Plakhova Irina Vladimirovna Moruzi Pavel Nikolaevich Smirnov Alexey Nikolaevich Kuznetsov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, 630039, Novosibirsk, Dobrolyubova St., 160 Abstract: Currently in Siberia, the beekeeping industry is mainly based southward of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In these areas, the main part of agricultural production is concentrated; vegetables and fruit accumulate harmful substances from fertilizers, automobile exhaust gases and emissions of industrial enterprises. Northward of the Trans-Siberian Railway, there is a huge area of 50° up to 60° northern latitude of terrain. This territory is called the Vasyugan Swamp. There are no industrial enterprises, railways, highways in this vast territory, and there are almost no settlements at all. The purpose of our research is to identify the territory that is ecologically safe for food production. To determine the environmental friendliness of the area, two indicators were taken, which are easily quantifiable in the terrain. Such indicators are bumblebees and honey bees. These two groups of insects are sensitive to environmental safety; therefore, their numbers are always monitored. A large amount of insects is a reliable indicator of the environmental friendliness of the terrain. Additional data were obtained for the observation of other insect species. The number of natural plant communities of the nectar- polliniferous orientation was determined by expeditionary inspection. Applying the developed methodology for assessing the environmental friendliness of the terrain for habitation of bumblebees, the ecological safety of the Vasyuganye territory for habitation of bumblebees was determined from 25 ± 0,61 to 40 ± 0,45 pcs. per 100 m2. At the same time, 100 km southward, bumblebees were not met or met in an amount not exceeding 10 ± 0,21 pcs. per 100 m2. The ecological safety of Vasyuganye promotes mass reproduction of insect competitors of honey bees, found gathering nectar from all flowering plants. The representatives of the following orders were met in large numbers: Hymenoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera. In the north of Western Siberia, during expedition routes and terrain valuation around the apiary, more than 100 species of nectar-secreting plants were found, which could produce commercial honey and create industrial stationary apiaries. Keywords: latitude and longitude of terrain, record of insects, pollutants of terrain, nectariferous plants, polliniferous plants. INTRODUCTION production of environmentally friendly goods, such as One of the main problems of the 21st century is the vegetables, fruit, berries, meat, honey, and others, is creation of a safe ecological environment for the production therefore at the forefront of food production [1; 2]. of vegetable and animal foods. In Western Siberia, the zone When assessing the ecological safety of a specific of active farming and farm animals breeding is territory, the air pollution by gases and contamination of concentrated to the south of the fiftieth degree of northern food products are usually defined. These jobs require latitude. In this area, for the production of vegetable foods, highly skilled professionals: chemists, doctors, and in addition to the constant active processing of land for veterinarians. The laboratories with very expensive plant care, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides are equipment and reagents are required. Note that all the tests used and agricultural burnings are annually carried out. are expensive. And also with such approach it is impossible Meadows are mowed to feed animals, pastures are trampled to give an environmental assessment of a large territory. by cattle. In addition to this, the atmosphere is filled with Such details are usually of local importance. exhaust gases from numerous automobile transport and In view of this, it is necessary to develop a rapid motor vehicles working in fields and hayfields. Large cities assessment methodology for large areas when assessing the have an enormous influence on atmosphere pollution and ecological condition of the terrain. In this article, we soil contamination: Omsk, Novokuznetsk, Barnaul, represent a solution to this problem. Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Barabinsk, and others. Industrial The second issue of concern to the people of all enterprises pollute the environment with hazardous wastes countries is the desire to identify territories with a pristine – lead, arsenic, sulfur, phosphorus, cadmium, asbestos. environment, with a view of producing environmentally These harmful substances are assimilated by vegetables, friendly foods on this land. Foodstuffs produced in an fruit, berries, mushrooms, grain; they accumulate in meat ecologically safe area are classified as organic products, not and other livestock products. Such a dangerous ecological to mention their value. Expensive eco-friendly products do situation, not only in the south of Western Siberia, but also not frighten off consumers with their high price, but, on the worldwide, is of concern for humanity in all countries. The contrary, attract them by cleanliness and safety. 2533 Vladimir Georgievich Kashkovskii et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(12), 2017, 2533-2538 It should be noted that in Western Siberia there is shrubs, perennial herbaceous plants, biennial and annual the most extensive environmentally safe area in the world. ones; whether they secreted nectar and provided insects It is located in the north above the fiftieth degree of with pollen or not. We estimated, which species of honey northern latitude and from west to east from 73° up to 86° plants did not grow northward of 50° northern latitudes, eastern longitude. This region is located from the right bank and which species grew well, but did not secrete nectar, and of the Irtysh River to the left bank of the Ob River; its which species in this area produced nectar and pollen, i.e. length is 573 km long and 320 km to the north. This studied the biological features of flowering plants. The ecologically clean area is not only the treasure of a number secretion of nectar was determined primarily visually [4-6]. of constituent entities of the Russian Federation – the But the most important assessment of the suitability of Omsk, Novosibirsk, and Tomsk Regions, but also of the plants was determined by visiting the flowers with insects, entire country [3]. In this area, it is possible to create taking into account the number of their families and species ecologically safe beekeeping. In this case, the population of that attract insects. We defined the speed of the insect to the Russian Federation will be fully provided with food, collect nectar and pollen [4]. and the drug industry – with precious crude drugs. In Usually, veterinary and other laboratories, where addition to meeting the needs of its own population, this they analyze food for the presence of harmful substances, territory will export ecologically safe bee products. are involved in assessing the terrain for environmental This area must be preserved and used wisely. safety. We have used this technique and we have seen that The territory of Western Siberia, located to the it is impossible to give an objective assessment quickly and north of 50° northern latitude and 73-86° eastern longitude, in a large territory, since it is highly labor-intensive and too attracts by the fact that in this region, covered with swamps expansive. and land occupied by vegetation, there are no cities, It should be noted that such expensive evaluation settlements and villages; only small settlements are of products does not provide a comprehensive overview of occasionally found. All human settlements are connected how this affects the fauna of the given terrain. with the district centers only by country roads used only by We assumed that if the terrain is environmentally animal-drawn vehicles, and for most of the year, these safe, therefore, this should affect the increase in the number roads are impassable even for animal-drawn transport of species of the animal world, in particular, insects. (periods of spring and autumn muddy seasons). Thus, the Therefore, this method of determining the environmental negative human impact on the environment is completely friendliness of the area for ordinary beekeepers and excluded. specialists of other industries for which it is necessary to Wind pattern acts only in one direction; winds assess environmental safety before embarking on the clean the atmosphere of cities from smog. In the opposite creation of an agricultural food production sector, seems to direction, the movement of air masses from the polluted be the most objective and acceptable. atmosphere of cities is not observed. Given all of the above The class of "insects" in the number of species factors, it can be argued that the northern territory of exceeds all other classes of the animal world. In general, all Western Siberia is environmentally friendly. To draw a species of this class are associated with plants and cannot final conclusion, it was necessary to study in detail the flora exist without them. But most species only parasitize on and fauna, their mutual relations. After receiving the results plants, for example, the order Lepidoptera. Currently, only
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