NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING NIH...TURNING DISCOVERY INTO HEALTH Can We Prevent Aging? Tips from the National Institute on Aging People are living longer. In 1970, the average life Antioxidants expectancy at birth in the United States was Antioxidants protect the body from the harmful 70.8 years; in 2008, it was 78.0 years; and by 2020, effects of by-products known as free radicals, the U.S. Census Bureau projects life expectancy made normally when the body changes oxygen will reach 79.5 years. and food into energy. The discovery of antioxi- Views on aging are also changing. Disease and dants raised hopes that people could slow aging disability were once considered an inevitable part simply by adding them to the diet. So far, studies of growing older, but that is no longer true. While of antioxidant-laden foods and supplements in aging does put us at greater risk for health issues, humans have yielded little support for this many older adults can be healthy and active well conclusion. Further research, including large-scale into their advancing years. epidemiological studies, might clarify whether The National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of dietary antioxidants can help people live longer, the Federal Government’s National Institutes of healthier lives. For now, although the effectiveness Health (NIH), investigates ways to support healthy of dietary antioxidant supplementation remains aging and prevent or delay the onset of age-related controversial, there is positive evidence for the disease and decline. We have already gained health benefits of fruits and vegetables. important insights, and what we learn from ongoing Calorie Restriction, Intermittent and future studies may not only help to increase Fasting, Resveratrol, and Rapamycin longevity, but may also promote what is known as “active life expectancy”—the time in late life free Scientists are discovering that what you eat, how of disability. We already know, for example, that frequently, and how much may have an effect on healthy eating and exercise and physical activity quality and years of life. Of particular interest has help promote healthy aging. Are there other inter- been calorie restriction, a diet that is lower by a ventions that can help? NIA-supported and other specific percent of calories than the normal diet studies are taking a look at the possible benefits but includes all needed nutrients. Research in and risks of a number of approaches, including some animals has shown calorie restriction of up antioxidants, calorie restriction, and hormone to 40 percent fewer calories than normal to have supplements. This tip sheet provides an overview an impressive positive effect on disease, markers of what we know about these interventions and of aging, and, perhaps, life span. the research needed to learn more. Until we have Even though calorie restriction appears to work in a better understanding, it is a good idea to be a variety of species, its effects on longevity are far skeptical of claims that any supplements can solve from universal. It has been found to extend the life your age-related problems. of protozoa (very small, one-celled organisms), #532 www.odmhsas.org 405-522-3810 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CAN WE PREVENT AGING? yeast, fruit flies, some strains of mice, and rats, as were healthier and lived longer than the overweight well as other species. However, several animal mice that did not get resveratrol. In a follow-up models, including wild mice, show no lifespan study, researchers found that, when started at extension by calorie restriction. In some strains middle age, resveratrol slowed age-related deterio- of mice, calorie restriction even appears to shorten ration and functional decline of mice on a standard lifespan. Studies in nonhuman primates have also diet, but did not increase longevity. A recent study had conflicting results. in humans reported that resveratrol may have some similar health benefits to those in animals; however, Calorie restriction studies with humans and other it is still too early to make any definitive conclusions primates, such as monkeys, are ongoing. Some about how resveratrol affects human health and studies in nonhuman primates have shown that aging. More research is needed before scientists calorie restriction reduces the incidence of certain know if there is a proper and safe dose of resveratrol diseases such as cancer. Other studies in primates or if it has any clinical applicability in people. have not yet reached final conclusions. Rapamycin is also being investigated. This Findings of the Comprehensive Assessment compound is used to help suppress the immune of Long-term Effects of Reducing Intake of system in transplant patients so that the body does Energy (CALERIE) pilot study in humans showed not reject the new organ. Rapamycin has been that overweight adults who cut their calorie found to extend median and maximum lifespan consumption by 20 to 30 percent lowered their of mice, even when fed to the animals beginning fasting insulin levels and core body temperature. at early-old age. This finding suggests that an Both of these changes correlate with increased intervention started later in life may still increase longevity in animal models. The lower calorie longevity. Researchers are now looking for rapa- intake also reduced their risk for major causes mycin’s effects on health span of animal models. of mortality such as heart disease and diabetes. Since rapamycin treatment in people is associated CALERIE is currently evaluating a 2-year, 25 percent with serious toxicities, its potential for human reduction in caloric intake for feasibility, safety, long-term use is uncertain. Researchers do not and effects on factors influencing longevity know if rapamycin has any effect on human aging and health. or if any potential benefit would outweigh risks. Scientists do not yet know if long-term calorie But, this discovery in mice has led to an exciting restriction is safe, beneficial, or practical for new research direction. humans. However, the study of calorie restriction Scientists are also looking at the effect of inter- offers new insights into the aging process and mittent fasting or reduced meal frequency. In biological mechanisms that could influence animals, like mice, reduced meal frequency healthy aging. This research may also provide appears to have a protective effect on the brain clues about how to prevent or delay diseases that and may also help with heart function and become more prevalent with age and inform the regulation of sugar content in the blood. However, development of treatments for such diseases. here, too, the influence of intermittent fasting on Some studies focus on identifying chemicals that human health and longevity is currently unclear. somehow mimic calorie restriction’s benefits. While research into these types of approaches Resveratrol, a compound found naturally in foods continues, it is important to remember there like grapes and nuts, is of interest. In one study, is already plenty of research supporting the scientists compared two groups of overweight value of a healthy, balanced diet and physical mice on a high-fat diet. One group was given a activity to help delay or prevent age-related high dose of resveratrol together with the high-fat health problems. diet. The overweight mice receiving resveratrol 2 TIPS FROM THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING Hormones A hormone may fit with many types of cells but may not affect all cells in the same way. For example, Hormones are chemical messengers that set in one hormone may stimulate one cell to perform motion different processes to keep our bodies a task, but it might also turn off a different cell. working properly. For example, they are involved Additionally, how a cell responds to a hormone in regulating our metabolism, immune function, may change throughout life. sexual reproduction, and growth. Hormones are made by specialized groups of cells within the Hormone Therapy body’s glands. The glands—such as the pituitary, Levels of some hormones change naturally over the thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, and testes—release lifespan. Some hormones increase with age, like hormones into the body as needed to stimulate, parathyroid hormone that helps regulate the amount regulate, and control the function of other tissues of calcium in the blood and bone. Some tend to and organs involved in biological processes. Most decrease over time, such as testosterone in men hormones are typically found in very low concen- and estrogen in women. When the body fails to trations in the bloodstream. But a hormone’s make enough of a hormone because of a disease concentration will fluctuate depending on the or disorder, a doctor may prescribe hormone body’s activity or time of day. supplements. These come in many forms such as We cannot survive without hormones. As children, pills, shots, topicals (gels, creams, and sprays hormones help us grow up. In our teenage years, applied to the skin), and medicated skin patches. they drive puberty. As we get older, some hormone You may have read magazine articles or seen levels naturally decline. But what does that mean? television programs suggesting that treatment Scientists do not know exactly. with hormones can make people feel young again In order to learn more, NIA is investigating how or can slow or prevent aging. That’s because the administration of hormones to older people finding a “fountain of youth” is a captivating story. affects frailty and function. Many of these studies The truth is that, to date, no research has shown focus on hormones that naturally decline with that hormone therapies add years to life or prevent age, including: age-related frailty. And, while some drugs have real health benefits for people with clinical hormone z Human growth hormone deficiencies due to a disease or disorder, they also z Testosterone can cause harmful side effects.
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