(ttnnnrrttntt flatly Campus "Serving Storn Since 1696" VOL. XLII Storrs, Connecticut, Friday, May 11, 1956 No. 128 NCACElM'8 Kappa, TKE Top Greeks Phelan Prexy, Lutsky Veep As 500 View Annual Sing Richard Phelan, New Haven Competing Mother Nature's wind, cold weather and rain threat, Hall, has succeeded Aaron Ment as president of the North Campus Kappa Kappa Gamma and Tau Kappa Epsilon won first place honors Area Council as a result of NCAC in the annual Greek Sing Wednesday evening at Swan lake. ' elections held last Tuesday night. Approximately 500 persons watched the contest, in which Delta Phenlan, a fourth semester stu- Zeta and Chi Phi earned second place awards, with Kappa Alpha dent majoring in business man- Theta and Phi Sigma Kappa taking third honors. agement, has served on a number of committees during his two se- Judges for the contest were Har- mesters on the council. Last s<-- old Kidder, instructor of music; mester, he was committee chair- Miss Verna Moulton, assistant pro- Flahive Calls man of tm Cinderella Ball. At fessor of home economics, and present he is also president of the Sylvester Schmidt, instructor of New Haven Pall dormitory coun- music. ('araims Photo—Whitman Unity Meeting cil, of which he was vice president "Kappa Sweetheart," under the ONE LONG LAST LOOK: Retiring members of the Mortar Boards, last semester. direction of Maryann Banthin, was Senate president John Flahive his called a special meeting of all honorary women's society, pose for their last group shot. They are, In accepting D.is office as NCAC the entry which was awarded first student leaders to be held May 15 left to right, Fenna Lee Fisher, Sprague; Janet Hartinger, Unit 3-B; president, he laid, "I appreciate place in the women's division, while as a result of a letter received by the vote of confidence given to DM TKE presented "Iota Sweetheart of Leatrice Frank land, Delta Zeta; Mary Lou White, Holoomb; Jeanne him from Elmer S. Watson, chair- by NCAC. I b'.pe to be able ;■> TKE," under the direction of Ike Nettleton, Pi Beta Phi; Karen Bradshaw, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and man of the Board of Trustees. follow in the footsteps of past Sardo. Janet Thompson, French House. The retiring members will introduce "One of our biggest troubles is a presidents, esp'dally in the very "Go Tell It On The Mountain," lack of unity among student organ- the new Mortar Boards at the Junior Prom tonight. capable shoes of Mr. Ment I be- a spiritual, and "Red Ball Express" izations," claimed Flahive at Wed- lieve this forthcoming year wi'.l were Delta Zeta's and Chi Phi's nesday's Senate meeting. This prove to be a success for NCAC, choices, respectively, while "The- tas Everywhere" and "Evening meeting will be an attempt to co- judging by the fine group of of- ordinate them. Miller. Brown Will Head ficers I have/' Song" by Phi Sigma Kappa were judged third place winners. Mr. Watson expressed concern over the attitude of some of the Lutsky Gets Veep Raymond Farrar, Interfraternity students toward the Board of Trus- Union's Governing Board Council chairman for the event, tees. His comment was the result In addition to the re-election of presented trophies to the two top Alexander Lutsly. Windham Hall, of a letter sent to him by James William Miller, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, is the newly elected Presi- winners following the judges' dec- Keane, assistant executive editor to the vice pesidency, other of- ision. dent of the Student Union Board of Governors for the coming year. ficers now are: Lrcretary, Sheldon of the Connecticut Daily Campus, Cold weather prevented the usual White, Hartford Hall; and treas- which contained all clippings from Replacing the retiring president, Homer Brammell, Miller and other tradition of the winning house urer and parliamentarian, Lee the paper mentioning the Trustees. new officers of the board will be installed in a special ceremony May 22. treating its conductor to a splash Wallis, New London Hall. Lack Among Students University President Albert N. Jorgensen will present the installation in the lake, but the judges, in a "It seems to me that the lack address and administer the oath of office. In commenting on the elections rowboat, still cruised the lake to of communications referred to is hear the entries, the order of which ■ Other officers to be installed are outgoing president Aaron Ment in the student body and the stu- was determined by a drawing of Margaret Brown, Kappa Kappa said, "I am very happy that Mr. dent leaders rather than between lots by IFC President Philip Gamma, vice-president of program; Phelan has been elected as my the Board of Trustees and the O'Lear, Theta Chi. Miss Mary Moore Frank Brinckerhoff, Quad 2, vice- successor, and I know that he will students," he continued. As an ex- president of operations, and Mar- continue in the outstanding tra- ample he cited the meetings which tha Peninger, Delta Zeta, execu- dition of past NCAC presidents Saturday Is Derby Day have taken place between a special To Talk At Affair tive secretary. like Ted Barraclough and Jim committee of the Board and stu- McGuire." A parade at 10:30 will kick off dent leaders. The meetings have Chairmen Appointed Sigma Alpha Chi Derby Day to- been long ones and their agendas Appointed committee chairmen At its meeting the council al- For Student Union morrow. The half-hour procession were selected by the students them- of program were Ronald Loomis, so set Oct. 19 as the date for the A banquet to honor members of will be followed by a ten-event selves. recreation; Ronald Beaudoin, cul- Cinderella, Ball, again coinciding the various HUB committees will day of contests on Gardner Dow- According to Mr. Watson, all tural; Phyllis Brock, social, and with the Homecoming Weekend be held Sunday night in the Main Field. Included in the contests will matters discussed have been re- Paul Perregaux, special events. celebrations. Serving as co-chair- Dining Hall at 6. be relays and a mystery event. See SENATE page 6 Also appointed as operations com- men of this dance will be Lutsky Guest Miss Mary Moore, assis- mittee chairmen were Roberta and Norman Yakerson. tant director of the Student Union George, public relations; Maureen at Cornell, will talk on, "A Staff Massa, publicity; Courtland Tra- Member Looks At Committee Mem- ver, personnel, and Robert Bowen, I F C Judiciary Proposal Butterfield To Play bers." Following Miss Moore's research and evaluation. speech, awards to the committee Outgoing President Brammell members will be made. stated in an interview with the Goes To Senate Unit Tonight For Prom Awards Scheduled Campus: "I do feel that through Each of the Student Union com- the co-operative efforts of all mem- The constitutional draft for the Tonight at 9 in the HUB Ballroom Billy Butterfield will be making bers of the Board, the past year mittee members of the month who proposed Fraternity Violations his second Uconn appearance when he provides the music for this have been honored throughout the has seen growth and expansion Board will have to fall under the year's Junior Prom. The Prom will start off the Junior Weekend, which year for service to the HUB will in the program. In the past year will continue through Sunday afternoon. the Student Union has expanded a scrutiny of the Student Senate be presented with certificates of This year's Prom, a semi-formal, will include a varied intermission great deal in the cultural aspects merit. A plaque will be presented subcommittee which has been re- entertainment consisting of a half-time show put on by Butterfield and and many new activities have been to the outstanding Union commit- viewing the fraternity judiciary solos by different members of his orchestra as well as the introduction accomplished successfully." tee. This will be judged by the problems. of next year's Archons and Mortar Boards. This year's Junior Prom Board of Governors and will be Confidence Expressed Queen will also be introduced. awarded to the chairman of the Commenting upon the recent This was the ruling made at the Saturday morning will continue in the theme of Junior Weekend committee which has done the most elections, Brammel stated: "I Senate meeting Wednesday night. when the brothers of Sigma Chi Alpha will sponsor their sixth annual for the Union this year. would like to express confidence in Philip OLear, IFC president, ap- Sigma Chi Alpha Derby. The Derby, held traditionally in conjunction Two special awards will also be the new board and look to it for peared before the Senate and be- with Junior Weekend will include various women's athletic and field given out at this time. The final further expansion and solidification gan to read the proposed document. events in which all women's houses are to place their representatives. award of the evening will be pre- of the Student Union's program." The Derby will begin at 10 a.m. at Gardner Dow Field in back of Discusing the plans for the next He was ruled out of order and the Hawley Armory and will continue until approximately 1:80. sented to the member of the Board matter was referred to committee. of Governors who has done the most year, the newly elected president Following the Derby, a Junior Class Picnic will be held at Sweet- for that organization. expressed the hope that the Union It is expected that the document heart Lake with Lenny Shankman and his combo providing the music will expand and concentrate more will be reported out at next week's for the affair.
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